Today is his first official court meeting since he ascended the throne.

  The ministers were trembling, bowing their heads and not daring to speak.

  Everyone knows that so many things happened the day before yesterday, and today's court meeting will not be like the custom of the new emperor's ascension to the throne.

  Then the officials shouted long live His Majesty, and then they retreated and dispersed.

  Something big is going to happen today!

  Everyone thought so, with anticipation in their hearts.

  Sure enough, Zhu Hao's first sentence was astonishing.

  "This is the last pilgrimage!"

  The civil and military people of the whole dynasty widened their eyes, thinking that His Majesty is worthy of the throne, and the days to come are still long, why do you say it is the last court meeting?

  Zhu Hao added: "It will be like this for at least three years!"

  There was a gust of wind blowing in the hall.

  A soft object fell from the sky and hovered in front of every official.

  It was a piece of paper with densely packed words written on it.

  The words are not obscure, and even a child who has just learned to read can easily understand the meaning of the content.

  The approximate meaning is: the other world will invade within three years, there are many strong people there, and the land gods of the Xianwu Continent may be everywhere there!

  The hall was dead silent.

  "how can that be?"

  An uncontrollable exclamation sounded, and then, as if realizing where he was, he quickly retracted.

  The officials raised their heads with disbelief and doubt in their eyes.

  Countless eyes fell on Zhu Hao's indifferent face, and he turned back coldly, and the chill in the hall suddenly rose.

  Jun Wu joking, how could His Majesty play such a joke with civil and military officials at such a court meeting?

  But as the official who blurted out just now said, how is this possible?

  The existence of the land god fairyland is no different from the gods in the eyes of most people in the Xianwu continent.

  Flying to the ground, immortal, landslides and earth cracks when you raise your hands.

  I don't know how many people dream of being that kind of person.

  But through the ages, how many have been able to go that far?

  But now Zhu Hao told them that there is such a world, and characters of the level of land gods can be seen everywhere!

  And they are about to invade the Xianwu Continent and invade the world they live in?

  How appalling is this?

  What are they holding back?

  There was no sound in the hall, but the intense restlessness and unease filled the air.

  Even some people's eyes began to flicker, not knowing what they were thinking.

  Zhu Hao sees this in his eyes.

  After learning the news, there are very few people who can still raise their fighting spirit in this Manchu dynasty.

  This is also a very common thing.

  Anyone who knows that there is a group of powerful beings that they can only look up to prepare to invade, all thinks like this.

  Zhu Hao said again: "What I can tell you is that if we choose to surrender without a fight, then the final result will be [-] times more tragic than death!"

  "So Daming won't admit defeat! I won't admit defeat either!"

  Those anxiousness were a little stagnant because of the fall of these words, but there was no sign of abatement.

  Instead, it was much more intense.

  The pressure on their hearts caused by the words "land gods" is by no means just a few simple words of inspiration to dispel the pressure.

  That's not an existence they can contend with at all!

  "The land gods... are they strong?"

  Zhu Hao said suddenly, Manchao Wenwu raised his head again.

  The meaning in the eyes is very clear, the land gods are of course very strong!

  Zhu Hao shook his head, with undisguised indifference and disdain on his face.

  "It's a long road, the so-called land gods are just starting. You are all my ministers of the Ming Dynasty. How can you be so scared by these four words?"

  The ministers were silent, and if there was only one terrestrial immortal, there was no need to be afraid, but if the other terrestrial immortal could be seen everywhere, who could not be afraid in this world?

  Daming always has a million iron cavalry, so what?

  Zhu Hao stood up, looked around the crowd, and said seriously: "The Land God Wonderland, it's really not difficult!"

  When the words fell, he got off the dragon chair and walked down the steps.

  After crossing the group of ministers, he came to the front of Fengtian Temple.

  In the sky, white clouds are long, and the sky is clear.

  The ministers were startled, wondering what Zhu Hao wanted to do.

  But he saw him raise his head, put his hands on his back, look at the sky, and said lightly, "I want to enter the land fairy, do you have any opinion?"

  The hall was dead silent.

  A blank expression appeared on almost every minister's face.

  "Your Majesty... who is this talking to?"

  "I don't know!"

  "Besides, didn't His Majesty enter the land of the gods long ago? How can you still say such a thing?"

  "Hi... Could it be that your Majesty is not a land god?"

  Around the Fengtian Temple, the powerhouses who were responsible for guarding in the dark were even more horrified.

  They also thought of that possibility, and gasped uncontrollably.


  Absolutely impossible!

  How is this possible?

  In the eyes of the entire Daming people, Zhu Hao has long been synonymous with invincibility.

  No matter how powerful the existence is, you have to tremble in front of it!

  And in the group of six-door elders who had been following Zhu Hao, this image became clearer.

  Those terrestrial gods who are all over the world, it is difficult to even hold a sword in Zhu Hao's hands!

  Even if Zhu Hao said that he was already an immortal man who surpassed the gods of the land, no one would doubt it.

  But now, Zhu Hao actually said that he wanted to enter the land fairy?

  Could it be that... Your Majesty has always been in the Taoist realm?


  Shocking emotions emerged in everyone's heart.

  People were so nervous that they couldn't even breathe.

  Really, this thought and thought is too amazing, even more unacceptable than when Zhu Hao was identified as the youngest terrestrial immortal in the world.

  Just in the Taoist realm, you can slay the gods on the land, and you can return a sword, so easy?

  Zhang Sanfeng stood at a high place, and the hand that had been caressing his beard suddenly trembled.

  But he didn't seem to feel any pain.

  For him, this fact is even more difficult to accept.

  Because he once thought that he was the only person in this world who knew about His Majesty's terrifying power.

  However, the reality is so unbelievable!


  There is no thundercloud above the sky, and there is no thunderstorm.

  A sea of ​​clouds floated from the sky, and it was suddenly plated with gold.

  A tidal stream of golden light poured down and enveloped Zhu Hao's body.

  The next moment, the boundless breath swept the entire Ming Dynasty! .

Chapter 218

  Zhu Hao stood in front of the hall.

  Endless golden light poured into his body.

  The coercion of the giant swept the audience with his eyes.

  Immediately, the ministers knelt down: "Your Majesty is mighty, long live, long live, long live!"

  Zhu Hao turned around, looked at them, and said plainly: "The great road has no end, and the strength and weakness of the moment can't decide anything!"

  "It's a long road, who will have the last laugh and who knows?"

  "But if I lose the courage to fight, what will I use to stand in this world?"

  The ministers bowed down and said with shame: "Your Majesty Shengming, the ministers are ashamed!"

  The sky that was stained with golden light became more and more beautiful and moving.

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