A few wisps of breeze falling from the clouds drifted across the hall, blowing away everyone's original tension and fear.

  They were full of anticipation and looked at Emperor Tianwu who was standing on the main hall again.

  The fighting spirit gradually rose in the heart.

  "Three years, if it's not long, it's fleeting!"

  "It's not too short to say it's short, it's enough to change this world into a new world!"

  "There are still a lot of things to do with Zhongqing, don't waste time on those boring emotions!" Zhu Hao said.

  "I am willing to do my best for Daming and die!"

  The ministers said in unison.

  Zhu Hao nodded and said lightly, "Where is the Minister of Industry?"

  "Chen is here!"

  An official heard the sound and walked out.

  "I need you to make a batch!"

  "Your Majesty... But you want to build siege equipment?" The Minister of Industry guessed.

  "No!" Zhu Hao shook his head, then raised his hand and pointed, a stream of light created ripples, pouring into the eyebrows of the Minister of Industry.

  He was stunned for a moment, stood there, closed his eyes, and remained motionless for a long time.

  After a few breaths, he suddenly opened his eyes.

  Full of surprise, he exclaimed: "In the world... there is such a magical work, it's incredible, it's amazing!"

  He looked excited and flushed, as if he was about to pass out.

  He didn't calm down until the officials next to him reminded him.

  Looking at Zhu Hao, I respectfully bowed down, and then said with a look of embarrassment: "Your Majesty, although these divine objects are extremely powerful, the craftsmanship is too obscure and complicated. I'm afraid I can't do anything!"

  Zhu Hao looked at him and said, "I didn't want you to do it alone!"

  The Minister of Industry was stunned for a moment, then thought of something and said, "Your Majesty, do you mean that you want the minister to pass on this?"

  Zhu Hao nodded and said, "Of course!"

  The Minister of Engineering was stunned, his mind seemed to be struck by lightning, and he was dizzy.

  After a long time, he suddenly knelt down and said: "Your Majesty is unparalleled in kindness and virtue, and the supreme sage is truly an unparalleled emperor throughout the ages!"

  Enthusiastic voices echoed in the hall, and the surrounding officials all had strange expressions on their faces.

  Although as a minister, there are some things that have to be said.

  But is this kind of flattery counterproductive, not afraid of making His Majesty unhappy?

  The Minister of Industry raised his head, his face full of seriousness.

  He completely ignored the gazes around him.

  Zhu Hao nodded and ordered him to get up and return to his place.

  The officials on the side saw that his face was still flushed, and his breathing had not calmed down for a long time, so he could not help asking in a low voice, "What did His Majesty give you just now?"

  The Ministry of Industry Minister raised the corner of his mouth, his smile became more and more brilliant, and he said yearningly: "Miracle!"


  Zhu Hao looked at the military officers again.

  "The Duke of Wei!"

  Hearing Zhu Hao's words, a tall and tall middle-aged man stepped out from the front of the crowd.

  This person is Xu Da.

  He once made immortal meritorious deeds in pacifying the civil strife that year, and was named Duke of Wei by the previous emperor of Ming Dynasty. He was the first general of the Ming Dynasty.

  Whether it is dispatching troops, arranging troops, or fighting, they are all top-notch figures.

  He himself is also a powerhouse at the peak of the Dao Profound Realm.

  In the secular world, it is hard to find an enemy!

  Xu Da clasped his fists and replied in a deep voice, "This minister is here!"

  Zhu Hao raised his hand, and suddenly two ancient books flew out and landed in front of Xu Da.

  "Spread these exercises throughout the three armies, and make sure that every soldier can practice it!"


  Xu Da was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hands tremblingly to catch it.

  He opened it and glanced at it, and immediately froze in place.

  Cangshan Art: Body quenching exercises.Spiritual energy enters the body and penetrates the meridians, which can greatly enhance the physical strength. At the peak of cultivation, a punch can have the might of Cangshan!

  Bajibeng: Known for its strong attack, melee attack is a unique skill.When practicing to the ultimate level, it contains eight layers of internal energy, and the eight layers are superimposed, and its power is unpredictable.


  Xu Da stared at the ancient book in front of him.

  Then he seemed to forget where he was, and looked around frantically in front of everyone.

  Even with one hand hanging down, he started to practice on the spot.

  Feeling the incomparably clear power surging in the body, the smile on Xu Da's face became more and more prosperous.


  No wonder he was so excited, it was the two unique books in front of him that really surprised him.

  With his strength and status, most of the martial arts exercises in the world are difficult to get into his eyes, and although many martial arts are powerful, they are not very useful to the soldiers in the army.

  It takes ten or twenty years to realize every turn, and it also needs the support of an incomparably huge internal strength cultivation base.

  Even pay special attention to their own personal understanding and opportunities.

  Therefore, although there are many high-level martial arts in the treasury of the Ming Dynasty, what the army cultivates is still only a very ordinary basic body training technique.

  Not only Daming, but also the armies of all empires in the entire Xianwu Continent.

  But the two exercises given by Zhu Hao are completely different.

  Xu Da can clearly judge that it is indeed very difficult to cultivate these unique skills to the peak.

  But if you just seek entry, most soldiers can do it.

  Whether it is a body quenching technique or a melee skill, it requires considerable perseverance to practice.

  No one can endure hardship more than the sons in the military.

  The most important thing is that even if it's just getting started, (good) these exercises are especially terrifying for soldiers to improve their strength.

  You know, even a master at his level can clearly feel the increase in strength after trying it out.

  If it really spreads to the army, Xu Da is sure that Daming's army will inevitably become a nightmare for the whole world!

  He raised his head suddenly, fell to his knees with a bang, and kowtowed heavily.

  "¨ˇI, on behalf of Daming's millions of soldiers and soldiers, thank His Majesty for the grace! I am willing to go through fire and water for Daming, and I will do whatever it takes!"


  There was an uproar in the hall.

  Xu Da's position in Daming was especially different.

  The former Emperor Ming's trust in him was unprecedented, and he would even call him a brother in private.

  His loyalty to Daming is unquestionable, but is it really just because of loyalty skin that he can kowtow like this crazily?

  Everyone looked at the two ancient books in front of Xu Da, and began to breathe quickly. .

Chapter 219

  As Zhu Hao said, this will be the last court meeting of the Ming Dynasty in three years.

  There are many things he needs to arrange and arrange.

  So it is inevitable that the delay is a bit long.

  By the time the ministers dispersed, it was already past noon.


  The scenery in the Royal Garden is still pleasant.

  Next to the lake full of spring water, there was a bamboo chair quietly placed.

  The young emperor closed his eyes and rested, while a beautiful woman beside him lightly rubbed the corners of his eyes.

  Everything seemed very peaceful.

  But that's not the case in Zhu Hao's mind!

  Countless dense texts have already filled the system interface.

  Almost all achievement points get reminders.

  Zhu Hao didn't look at those, and directly focused his attention on the system backpack.

  Total number of achievement points: ninety-nine...

  There are so many digits behind, too lazy to count!

  On the other side, several groups of constantly flickering treasure lights were quietly suspended.

  Among them, there are exercises, martial arts, inheritance empowerment, magic weapons... and so on.

  Something less than in previous days.

  Many gifts were given at the court meeting today, such as the Heavenly Works Strategy, which was given to the Minister of Industry, which recorded a large number of forging craftsmanship and utensil drawings unique to the fantasy world.

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