"East Region, isn't it my Daming's territory?"

  A strange look appeared on Zhang Sanfeng's face, and he said, "I have never heard of any mobilization of the army. Has Your Majesty not yet ordered it?"

  Zhu Hao patted his head: "I've been busy recently, I forgot about it!"

  Then he turned his head and said to the air: "Order Wei Guogong to send troops to the Eastern Regions! Within half a month, I will see the land of the Eastern Regions filled with my Daming Dragon Banner!"

  There was a sudden ripple in the air.

  "Yes, Your Majesty!"


  With Zhu Hao's words falling, the millions of heroes on the Daming frontier swept away towards the Eastern Region. .

Chapter 225

  The space is quiet.

  The chilling wind slapped the trees overhead rapidly, and a few leaves crashed down and fell to the ground, making a soft sound.

  Clear and audible.

  Sun Baifa had already finished what he had to say.

  The shock and surprise on the faces of the elders of the Taoist realm in front of them never subsided.

  After a long time, he exclaimed: "Your Majesty's handwriting is too big!"

  Everyone immediately nodded in agreement.

  It's really too big!

  No matter which Tibetan-Heaven Pagoda that appeared out of thin air in Taiwu Academy.

  Or the countless rare books, treasures, and medicinal pills contained in the Tibetan Heaven Pagoda!

  Even the words engraved on the stone tablet standing in front of the Tibetan Heaven Pagoda are so domineering and look down on the world!

  The sky above his head is still the same as before.

  But everyone sighed from the bottom of their hearts: "It's going to change!"

  Yes, it's going to change!

  Xianwu Continent will usher in a historic day!

  They can even predict that in the near future, what kind of magnificent scene of a hundred flowers will appear in Daming!

  Suddenly, a voice sounded.

  "I can only make contributions by studying new martial arts. Should I go to the Tibetan Sky Pagoda to practice?"

  The person who speaks is Feng Qingyang.

  The question he asked was the voice of the vast majority of people.

  All eyes converged on Sun Baifa again!

  In the words that Sun Baifa brought them back before, it was mentioned that His Majesty requested that many elders in the six gates need to absorb the strengths of hundreds of families, and constantly study new martial arts profound meanings, so as to contribute to the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty.

  With this, you can exchange for the corresponding contribution, so as to get the opportunity to go to the Tibetan Sky Pagoda to practice!

  The elders in these six gates, in the past when the martial arts of all corners of the world were still in existence, were regarded as great masters by people who practiced martial arts all over the world!

  It means that they have enough background to establish a school, establish their own Taoism, and pass on their own school.

  It stands to reason that it should not be difficult for them to create a few martial arts by themselves.

  But the question is, does His Majesty want that kind of martial arts?

  The answer couldn't be more obvious!

  That's why they are so entangled and doubtful, even a little troubled!

  How could there be such a good study in the martial arts that can enter the eyes of His Majesty?

  Sun Baifa glanced at them, not knowing what they were thinking, the corners of his mouth could not help raising.

  Originally, when he first heard Zhu Hao's words, he was also very depressed.

  But now, he doesn't think so.

  The wind in the center of the courtyard suddenly dissipated.

  The fallen leaves fell on the ground like pebbles.

  Everything seemed oppressive and heavy.

  There was a vast and solemn breath in the air, and everyone's faces changed.

  On Sun Baifa's palm, a palm-sized gray ancient temple appeared.


  This small courtyard has ushered in too much sudden silence today.

  Especially at this moment, even the sound of breathing is no longer audible.

  Everyone stared blankly at the ancient temple suspended in the air and swallowed saliva subconsciously.

  No introduction needed.

  With just one glance, everyone knew what it was.

  The Temple of War!

  Sun Baifa looked at everyone's expressions with satisfaction.

  Just like when he first heard the news, until he appeared here with the Temple of War, he still couldn't believe it.

  This is the Temple of War!

  The origin of the inheritance of martial arts on the mainland of Xianwu!

  A supreme artifact containing the ultimate secret of martial arts!

  According to legend, anyone who has the chance to enter it will grow into a super strong standing on the top of the world.

  There are even more rumors that the reason why some of the great powers in the elder pavilion broke through the land god fairyland so quickly is because your majesty gave them the qualification to enter the temple of war.

  And now, the Temple of War appeared in front of them.

  Feng Qingyang lowered his hand that caressed his beard, clenched his fists, and hurriedly asked, "Pavilion Master Sun, what does your majesty mean by asking you to bring this Temple of War God?"

  Sun Baifa took a deep breath and said seriously: "Your Majesty said, this Temple of War will be handed over to my Six Gates in the future!"


  As soon as these words came out, the voices of sucking cold air came one after another.

  "Is this true?"

  "Is it true? Pavilion Master Sun, this joke is not funny!"

  "I must be dreaming, come... slap me!"


  "Wow—it hurts, it's great!"

  If there are outsiders here and see this group of people who are excited like crazy, crying and laughing, and even almost jumping up, I am afraid that it will not correspond to the title of Six Gate Elder.

  Without standing at a certain height, it is impossible to understand how attractive the Temple of War is to martial arts powerhouses.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Sun Baifa watched their cheers quietly without interrupting.

  For a long time, it gradually subsided.

  Sun Baifa said: "Don't be too happy, everyone! The grace of the emperor is mighty, although not very honored, but it is also more important than Mount Tai!"

  Hearing this, everyone said earnestly with their faces full of faces: "We must do our best and die, and live up to His Majesty's entrustment!"

  The Temple of War contains the wisdom of martial arts.

  Even if you comprehend a little from it, it is better than working behind closed doors for hundreds of years.

  In the past, the Temple of War came out every two thousand years, and each time it was born, it only stayed in the world for half a month, and it was able to create so many legendary characters.

  Now the Temple of War is placed in front of them, allowing them to use it.

... 0 0

  If you can't fulfill His Majesty's entrustment, how can you live in this world?

  Hit it to death!


  Rich joy permeates every corner of Yanjing City.

  Although everyone's happy things are different.

  But the root is still the same.

  That is Emperor Tianwu!

  Looking at the ancient and modern emperors, in such a short period of time when they ascended the throne, the entire empire burned with such a fierce flame of hope, I am afraid that this is the only one!

  An ancient emperor?

  The unparalleled peerless who is not worthy of Emperor Tianwu!

  Xu is infected by these emotions, the weather is beautiful, and the climate is extremely pleasant.

  It also made the fragrance of the full garden in the imperial garden bloom much earlier than before.

  Zhu Hao did not lean in the bamboo chair.

  He found a lawn by the lake and sat there.

  Huang Xuemei snuggled into his arms.

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