All around are full of blooming flower bones, although not very delicate, but also extremely beautiful.

  The two just sat there.

  One sitting is one day.

  The reflection of the sun in the lake changed from pale golden to fiery red.

  Looking at it diagonally, the whole lake is like a red ribbon, shaking with the wind, like it is real.

  None of them spoke.

  Quietly feeling each other's temperature and heartbeat, like two statues.

  Until the sky gets dark, the starry sky replaces the sun.

  There were no lights around, it was extremely dark and quiet.

  "I want to have a baby!" she said suddenly.

  Zhu Hao smiled.Ten thousand.

Chapter 226

  time flies.

  In the blink of an eye, it's January.

  Daming's peerless iron cavalry swept across the eastern region like a torrent.

  All obstacles collapsed under the iron hoofs and swords of the Ming soldiers.

  In the sky above the Eastern Region, the Great Ming Dragon Flags squeaked in the wind.

  The tyranny of Daming and the prestige of Emperor Tianwu made Xianwu Continent tremble!

  And this moment.

  There is a hall in the Daming Palace.

  Six Doors and a group of elders gathered together.

  There are only ten people.

  But it is all the power of the realm of land gods!

  The tyranny of Daming today is evident!

  The crowd gathered.

  Just because Zhu Hao, the Great Emperor of Tianwu, was going to leave for another world today.

  In order to avoid unnecessary disturbances, only the elders of the Six Doors knew about it.

  The highest point of the palace.

  A figure stood behind his back.

  He was slender, tall and straight like a spear pointed at the sky.

  The strong imperial majesty pervades, more mighty than Tianwei, shaking people's hearts!

  "Your Majesty, your subordinates are also willing to follow Your Majesty and go to another world together!"

  Shi Zhixuan knelt down on one knee, his face full of reluctance.

  As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately agreed.

  It should be noted that now Zhu Hao is the only religious and spiritual center of the entire Ming Dynasty.

  Under his control, Daming is invincible to the Xianwu Continent!

  One emperor through the ages, one emperor in all ages?

  Enough to describe its brilliance!

  However, their majesty is about to go to a dangerous and inexplicable world.

  They are naturally reluctant!

  Zhu Hao just raised his hand and pressed down.

  "Everyone, there is no need to say more, I have made up my mind, you should improve my national strength."

  Accompanied by the sonorous voice of the words, there is a domineering overbearing and arrogant world that pervades me!

  The group of six-door elders suddenly fell silent.

  They all heard the meaning of the young emperor's words.

  The rumored world of gods and gods is just Zhu Hao's target, or prey!

  Xianwu Continent is not small.


  The young emperor in front of him has already come to the top of the mountains, overlooking the widowhood!

  The other world, which is even more vast and powerful, is like a forest, waiting for Zhu Hao to conquer!

  And what they should do is to improve the combat power of Daming, and train a strong soldier for the Emperor Tianwu that can be conquered across borders!

  The Daming Iron Cavalry, one day will follow behind Zhu Hao and sweep the world!

  "Yes, the ministers will surely fulfill their duties and live up to His Majesty's entrustment, in order to join His Majesty in the same world!"

  The crowd reconciled.

  Zhu Hao nodded slightly and looked at the two behind him.

  Zhang Sanfeng with big sleeves and white beard, immortal style, and arrogant Ximen Chuixue took a step together.

  The two of them will go with Zhu Hao to that mysterious and vast other world.

  next moment.

  I saw Emperor Zhu Hao waved his sleeves, and an invisible ripple and a trembling aura spread out!

  A deep and mysterious black crack was revealed.

  Inside is a misty mist, and countless chaotic streamers flicker.

  Only a spot of light levitated in the distance.

  It is the plane where Xuan Bingzong is located.

  Zhu Hao stepped into the void.

  Zhang Sanfeng and Ximen Chuixue followed closely behind.

  The members of the Six Gates Elder Pavilion were once again shocked by the unfathomable cultivation and methods of their own emperor!

  Many people are trembling!

  The void is torn apart when the hand is raised, and a void passage is even constructed.

  This kind of cultivation and means, I am afraid that in the Xianwu Continent, except for the Tianwu Emperor in front of him, no one can do it!

  "Congratulations to the emperor!"

  A sound rang out.

  Someone said: "The Great Emperor is here..."

  Zhu Hao, who was about to step into the void, looked back with a smile, "Go here and smash Lingxiao."


  towards heaven.

  The bitter cold of the extreme north.

  Originally, the sky was clear for thousands of miles, but the sky with white clouds suddenly changed color!

  The wind and clouds are turbulent, the clouds are surging, and the world is dark in an instant!

  One after another chaotic brilliance seeped out from the dark sky!

  The vast sky is like a broken mirror, and the cracked gap casts mottled brilliance and terrifying aura!

  next moment.

  The mirror-like sky was completely shattered as if it was finally overwhelmed!

  After that, there was only a void as deep as ink, and the terrifying Dao rhyme permeated, causing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth to be turbulent!

  The powerhouses in the north of the heavenly realm are like clouds.

  The sects, empires, and forests all burst out with majestic and vast breaths!

  Even a strong man who has been out of the world for a long time and disappeared, also cast his prying eyes on that vision!

  "A natural phenomenon, there must be cause and effect!"

  "Such a vision caused the void to collapse and the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth turbulent. Is it caused by the cultivation method of the strong man, or is there... a treasure in the world?"

  "Quickly rush to that area, don't let anyone get there first!"

  One after another silhouette turned into a streamer, and swept towards the place where the vision was revealed.


  At this time, in the mountains of the Northland.

  Three figures stepped out from the crack in the void.

  It was Zhu Hao and his accompanying Zhang Sanfeng and Ximen Chuixue.

  Several people also saw the vision that filled the sky.

  This is because Zhu Hao used the ancient scriptures of the void to cross the border.

  "Such a vision may attract the attention of many people." Ximen Chuixue raised his head to look at the sky and said solemnly.

  Zhu Hao just raised his eyebrows slightly.

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