Nangong Qiuming and Zhu Hao's eyes shrank at the same time, and then Zhu Hao rushed out first and stabbed the wolf king with a sword.

  As Zhu Hao rushed out first, the others who had fought the battle of life and death also gritted their teeth and followed Zhu Hao to kill the wolves.

  But I saw that those few people wanted to join forces with Zhu Hao to open an exit, but they were stopped by the other wolves, and they all fell into a hard fight.

  Zhu Hao and the wolf king fought together. .

Chapter 255

  The wolf king's attack method is very monotonous. If it weren't for the fact that his fur was still hard, he would have been beaten to death by Zhu Hao at this time.

  "Just a beast."

  Zhu Hao seized the opportunity, cut off the wolf king's head with a sword, and then turned slightly to avoid the attack of another wolf.

  As soon as the wolf king died, the morale of the wolf pack was low, and more and more people joined the battlefield!

  After they discovered that the wolves were just ugly, they killed more and more, and soon a gap was opened.

  After opening a gap, Zhu Hao and the others killed another carbine!

  Cooperating with those who had not yet dashed out of the encirclement, they knocked down the mighty wolf pack.

  Soon, the wolves began to retreat gradually, but at this time everyone was already red-eyed!

  The retreat formation of the wolves was also beaten to the bottom.

  So the wolves that were not led by the wolf king scattered and fled in all directions.

  Seeing this, Zhu Hao smiled with satisfaction and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

  After a lot of thought, the wild wolf was finally killed.

  After all, the pack of wolves has no leader, and if they continue to fight, it will only be a dead end.

  But creatures like wolves remember their kindness and revenge, and they will bring a large army with them if they are not in good order!

  So Zhu Hao immediately explained to everyone that he must rush to a foothold now, after all, he didn't want to sleep in this place tonight.

  When the sky was dark, Zhu Hao and his party finally arrived at an unknown small town in Jiemen.

  He was exposed to the keen perception of cultivators since he was a child, and let him know that there are not many cultivators here, but he just doesn't know what other people think.

  Dawn Yueyue and Zhu Hao's soul perception since entering the town!

  He noticed that he had been silent all the time as if he had something on his mind.

  "Afeng, is there something wrong with this place?"

  "Well, I'm still watching."

  Seeing that Limingyue warmed up to Zhu Hao, some disciples of aristocratic families couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

  "As far as I'm concerned, we've been in this place for a while, and we haven't even seen a bird. Eighty percent of the time it's already an abandoned city. You must be a coward!"

  The man who spoke was a big man in the Nangong family who looked about thirty years old.

  The Nangong family was upset at seeing him early on, but now that he has come to this gate, he will naturally look for it.

  "It's a loss for your Nangong family, which is also an aristocratic family. Since everyone said that they haven't seen a bird since they came in, I think this place will be simple."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Zhu Hao stood up while speaking, and gradually walked to a pillar that was about ten feet away from the crowd, and was beginning to decay.

  Before everyone could react, Zhu Hao had already picked up a branch and crowned the pearl with aura to make tea wood and Zhu.

  I saw that the branch actually sank straight into the wooden bead, and the pillar actually bleeds like life.


  Many aristocratic children who had never left the family for training could not help but gasped.

... .. 0

  "Everyone has seen that there are monsters hidden in this city. If we stay here, we will inevitably attract monsters to attack."

  "What do we do now?"

  "Could it be that we are going to rest in the woods outside the city tonight?"

  "It's not necessary."

  "I said Zhu Hao, if you have any solution, just say it, we can solve it together, and don't play tricks there."

  Nangong Qiuming didn't like Zhu Hao at first, and now he doesn't want to listen to his mother-in-law.

  "That's good, but whether you can sleep here tonight depends on whether you, Nangong Qiuming, are willing to cooperate?"

  At this moment, Zhu Hao looked at Nangong Qiu Ming with his arms in his arms.

  Nangong Qiu Ming expected that this guy must be deliberately embarrassing himself.Ten thousand.

Chapter 256

  But now is the time to show his ability, he has just used his spiritual energy to grope!

  It was found that there are indeed cultivators in this city, but there are not many.

  If they join forces to kill those warriors, it should not be a problem.

  But now the key is, do not know the realm of the other side.

  If you start rashly, you may lose something.

  Nangong Qiu thought for a while.

  "Just say it, I, Nangong Qiu Ming, will definitely not disappoint you!"

  "Haha! Needless to say, it's not a big deal. It's not a big deal. It just needs you to show the night skills of the Nangong family to attract all the warriors in this city to the city gate. When that time comes, we'll be waiting outside to catch them all."

  "Huh? It's easy to say, it's okay to attract people, but Wan-those guys don't want to chase it out."

  "I'm ready."

  Saying that, Zhu Hao walked towards the dawn of the moon.

  Limingyue watched Zhu Hao keep staring at her and walked over, and couldn't help but shyly lowered her head.

  "Offended, Mingyue."

  After she finished speaking, she ripped off a palm-sized piece of fabric from Dawn Moon's skirt.


  Limingyue has a special physique, presumably these practitioners in the city have never been exposed to such a strange taste!

  It is more suitable to lead them out by the anger of Soul Eater.

  "Take this, I guarantee that the practitioners here will follow you out of the city."

  When Zhu Hao said this, everyone couldn't help laughing.On the other hand, Nangong Qiu Ming's face darkened a bit.

  "Zhu Hao, what do you mean?"

  "Hey, didn't Brother Nangong just say that he will live up to his trust? Does this mean he has to go back on his words?"

  "Why don't you try to attract them with something else?"

  "I wanted to get the limelight when I got down, but I don't have the night-walking skills of the Nangong family. I'm afraid these practitioners in the city are not inferior to me!"

  Zhu Hao can feel that there are more than ten warriors below the Wonderful Realm in this town!

  The highest is the Wonderful Realm, but it is hard to say exactly how many stages of the Wonderful Realm.

  "Okay, I'll go."

  After saying that, he took the cloth from Zhu Hao's hand.

  Since Miss Li doesn't seem to mind, and this matter is the most important thing, why not let him go for a while!

  Besides, as far as Nangong's night-walking technique is concerned, the practitioners in the wonderful realm would definitely not be able to catch him.

  It was getting dark, and Zhu Hao and others had already set up an ambush outside the city.

  Suddenly everyone saw a white light flashing across the city wall.

  "Come on, everyone is ready to kill the first wave."

  Zhu Hao whispered...  

  Everyone nodded in understanding.


  The first cultivator to be led out was actually an old man who was already withered, and was easily killed by everyone moving their spiritual energy together.

  The next thing is like harvesting wheat, it is very easy, but what they harvest is the life of the cultivated monster.

  After the monsters were killed, everyone found that these seemed to be bloodthirsty people who were about to be infected!

  And they are all withered, and it is estimated that they have stayed in the city for many years.

  By the middle of the moon, all the monsters in the city were finally cut off!

  On the first night, everyone ignited a fire in the main city of the city, surrounded them and rested for the night. After all, it was a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

  This is an abandoned town, and the monsters in it have been killed by Zhu Hao and his party!

  Naturally, many people want to hunt for treasures here.

   Zhu Hao didn't stop him either. Compared with the treasures in this small town, he had been on the road for several days, so he should rest and adjust.

  However, he felt that the most important thing was to cultivate quickly, so he took Limingyue to practice together for a few days.

  It's just that this place has been abandoned for a long time, and the spiritual energy is very thin. Every few days, Zhu Hao feels that the progress is slow, and the few treasure hunters have not found any treasures in this place. .

Chapter 257

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