So everyone decided to keep going.

  Although the people searching for the treasure didn't find any, they dug up a small map in the city!

  There are actually some roads that are right on the road when they came, presumably this map.

  Being able to guide them to the next place, after everyone studied it, they finally aligned it with the direction of the town.

  There is a swamp to the north, that kind of place is dangerous, and no one wants to lose their life in this gate!

  So they avoided the direction of the north, and after studying for a long time, everyone agreed to walk to the southeast and west!

  And the southeast direction is also convenient for everyone to find the direction.

  So the people who made some adjustments were ready to leave the town on the second 26th day.

  After leaving the town, everyone was walking on a path in the forest. Although the environment was not good, there was no danger.

  On the way, I also encountered some monsters, but they were all low-level gopher monsters.

  Most of them still act alone, and they didn't bother everyone.

  Zhu Hao took everyone to the southeast of the map and walked around a few times!

  It has conquered many areas, although there are no high-level treasures, but there is no shortage of low-level Warcraft resources and food.

  On this day, everyone finally walked to a lake before dark.

  After Zhu Hao released his spiritual energy and found that there were no monsters nearby, he decided to camp here tonight.

  "I'm going to make a fire here tonight. I have just used my spiritual power to check that there are no monsters around here. Everyone can have a good rest tonight, but there are still shifts."

  So Zhu Hao divided the crowd into three groups, and they were to guard the first and second half of the night and the part about dawn!

  To know that the dawn is coming, time is the time when people's vigilance is the weakest, and they cannot be relaxed.

  And some people headed by Nangong Qiu Ming started to rob the midnight shift.

  "This Zhu Hao really takes himself seriously. When he leaves the gate, who else recognizes him?"

  A person who was close to Nangong Qiu Ming complained when he accompanied Nangong Qiu Ming on a night patrol.

  "Hmph, I don't think his kid knows how high the sky is. Did he think that if he is favored by a girl, everyone will obey him?"

  Hearing Nangong Qiu Ming's response, the man couldn't help but feel a little happy.

  It seems that this flattery is still right, so it is even more vigorous.

  "Brother Nangong, you see that Zhu Hao has done nothing but arranged for everyone to do this and that along the way. Why do these people listen to him like this?"

  "What do you seem to mean by that?"

  Nangong Qiu Ming stopped and looked at the man.

  "Brother Nangong, do you still remember how we captured that town?"

  "It's not thanks to Brother Nangong. No matter how powerful he is, Zhu Hao still has to ask the Nangong family for help, right?"

  "You said that if he lost your help, how many people in this group would listen to him?

  Nangong Qiu Ming thought about it, yes, he has been exhausted and worked hard all the way, and he has made a great contribution!

  As a result, Zhu Hao said it verbally, and he perfunctory passed?

  This also seems to be too good to pass up!

  When the man saw Nangong Qiu Ming, he began to think that he should be thinking about it, so he might as well add another fire.

  "According to me, then Zhu Hao is not very capable. We haven't seen much benefit in the past few days!"

  I think he is also cowardly, it is better to let you lead the team by Nangong brother!

  I believe that with your ability, Brother Nangong, it is not difficult for us to write high-level treasures.

  "Well said, I saw that Zhu Hao was unhappy with us these days. When I leave tomorrow, I will ask him, Zhu Hao, to obediently carry my shoes for me."

  Nangong Qiuming and the man became more and more energetic, and soon the middle of the night passed!

  Some people brought by Zhu Hao were replaced to guard the middle of the night. .

Chapter 258

  "I just saw that guy from Nangong's family keep looking at you and laughing with bad intentions, is there something else going on?"

  Limingyue said to Zhu Hao unabashedly.

  "Hmph, to be honest for so many days, if he doesn't take care of himself, I should doubt whether he is Nangong Qiuming!"

  "It doesn't matter, I want to see what he can do."

  "Well, no matter what happens, I will definitely be on your side, Ah Feng."

  After saying that, Dawn Moon showed a sweet smile.

  Finally, the night passed, and the people who guarded the last shift came back to rest, and everyone packed up and prepared to go.

  However, they saw that some people headed by Nangong Qiuming had no intention of leaving at all.

  "Time to hit the road, we need to find a suitable place to camp before dark."

  Zhu Hao reminded.Nangong Qiuming looked at Zhu Hao and said disdainfully: "I said Zhu Hao, are you going to take us with a large group of people to travel with you in the mountains and waters?"

  "We came to Jiemen to experience and find treasures, not to be your bodyguards to play with you!"

  "Look at us, there are only some low-level wandering monsters in the sky, but we didn't catch anything."

  Zhu Hao narrowed his eyes slightly.

  "What do you mean by that?"

  "What do I mean? What I mean is that you, Zhu Hao, are incompetent captains. According to me, you are not suitable to lead a team as big as us."

  "Oh? Who do you think will lead the team better?"

  "Of course it's me. A few days ago, when we killed the monsters, if I didn't have Nangong Qiu Ming, could you, Zhu Hao, solve those monsters so easily?"

  "Isn't it all thanks to me? And you, Zhu Hao, do nothing every day, you know how to coax the little girl."

  Nangong Qiuming stood up and pointed at the spearhead, and half of the people in this group originally had their hearts on him!

  The group of people bowed their heads and whispered in the back.

  "I said, he Zhu Hao didn't know where he came from, and he actually commanded us for so many days."

  "Did he make himself the king and father?"

  "Oh, I don't have the skills. I thought I was the boss when I brought a girl. I don't know if the girl is blind."

  "That's right, I think Nangong Qiuming is much stronger than him."

  "Anyway, the Nangong family is also an aristocratic family, and the people who have been trained are naturally not bad."

  "I think we might as well follow Nangong Qiuming first. Even if we can't get anything good at the gate, the Nangong family will not treat us badly in the future."

  "Okay, that's a good idea."

  "Listening to everyone's words, Nangong Qiu Ming's smile became more obvious, and he couldn't help but look up at Zhu Hao proudly."

  "Bah, what are you talking about? If it wasn't for Zhu Hao that day, I'm afraid you wouldn't have discovered that there were monsters in that place!"

  "¨ˇ I'm afraid this is food for monsters, and it was made into jerky in the city."

  Li Mingyue really couldn't stand it anymore, and directly stood up to accuse this group of people of being selfish.

  Li Mingyue saw that some people began to look embarrassed. She wanted to continue, but she didn't want to be stopped by Zhu Hao.

  "Nangong Qiuming, you said you want to lead the team, I have no opinion, but I want to see how many people in this team want to follow you, stand up and let me see you."

  After Zhu Hao said this, a group of people stood up immediately behind Nangong Qiuming, half of the positive (good) team.

  "Okay, if you are willing to let Nangong Qiuming lead the team, I have no opinion, but according to your opinion, you think that my route these days has made you too comfortable? Is it uncomfortable?"

  "Then you can follow Nangong Qiuming to give it a try."

  Seeing that no one spoke, Zhu Hao continued: "The remaining part of the people who want to fight steadily, if they want, they can continue to follow me, and I will be responsible for everyone's safety."

  After Zhu Hao said this, the crowd who had been noisy suddenly fell silent. .

Chapter 259

  If the life is gone, what is the use of glory and wealth, there are many dangers in the gate.

  Zhu Hao was able to take them with them, and he didn't encounter a major incident even after walking for a few days!

  It seems to be a bit of a skill, so most of them began to waver.

  Seeing that the people behind him were beginning to waver, Nangong Qiu Ming also felt that if he still insisted on being the captain.

  There may be very few people who really go with you, if you encounter any danger-danger.

  Forget it, why don't you just follow him Zhu Hao temporarily, if you encounter any danger, you can just push him out to block the knife.

  Thinking like this, Nangong Qiuming settled down again, and the group started to hit the road again.

  After a few days, most of the ancient capital had been occupied by Zhu Hao and the others.

  It is precisely because of the occupation that they naturally discovered some spiritual mines.

  Seeing these things, Nangong Qiu Ming's eyes suddenly lit up, and he walked directly towards those things!

  Zhu Hao didn't take them seriously at all, so he didn't pay attention when he saw his action.

  Just took people and walked in the other direction.

  At the same time, Nangong Qiu Ming said to Zhu Hao who was not far away.

  "I think there are so many good things in this place, so let's continue to practice in this place."

  It is indeed not appropriate to continue to occupy it now, this is for them!

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