It is true that more resources can be obtained, but the physical strength cannot keep up.

  In the recent period of time, the war between the South and the North is basically very tired now.

  Therefore, Zhu Hao thought for a moment when he got this sentence, and finally nodded to the person not far away.

  "If that's the case, then take a break and practice here by the way!"

  "After all, these things in this place are very sufficient, and they should allow you to cultivate to the demigod realm."

  Nangong Qiuming next to him got this sentence and pouted without hesitation.

  Then he started to practice frantically, and he naturally understood one thing in his heart.

  That is to be stronger than Zhu Hao!

  Otherwise, it would be impossible to escape Zhu Hao's control now, let alone kill people.

  Just when Nangong Qiu Ming over there was thinking so.

  Zhu Hao also started to cultivate with people, and he has been practicing until half a month later!

  Nangong Qiu Ming finally couldn't help it, and he had already reached the demigod realm.

  He immediately stood up and opened his mouth to Zhu Hao who was not far away.

  "It has now reached the demigod realm."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Zhu Hao, who got this sentence, fiddled with it, and immediately nodded his congratulations to the person over there.

  "I didn't come here to tell you this to get this so-called!"

  "Congratulations for coming here, the main reason for telling you this is to get leadership from you!"

  "After all, you should also know very well that I am the first person to reach the demigod realm."

... ...

  Speaking of this, Nangong Qiu Ming suddenly became elated!

  After all, getting this realm proves that he is already stronger than Zhu Hao.

  "Are you thinking too much? Who said you were the first to reach the demigod realm!"

  "It's just that you were the first to come here and tell me. There are many more powerful people than you. Who do you think you are?"

  When Zhu Hao saw this, he said without hesitation that he got this sentence!

  Nangong Qiuming over there was not very happy, and at the same time a group of people gathered around!

  After listening to what Zhu Hao said about the watch, there are only some oddities!

  Some people are naturally directed at Nangong Qiu Ming, and also want to follow Nangong Qiu Ming.

  Therefore, without hesitation, he said to Zhu Hao over there.Ten thousand.

Chapter 260

  "Then you will find us another person in the demigod realm, if there is one!"

  "Then the people on our side are naturally not qualified to continue to say more, and can only continue to cultivate honestly..."

  "But if you can't find people out, then the people on our side won't be convinced."

  There are other reasons why Zhu Hao brought them to fight steadily.

  Therefore, those who are willing to believe Zhu Hao are not very happy when they get this sentence.

  "Are you very powerful when you become a demigod?"

  "That is, if you really have the ability, then become a god emperor. If you don't have that ability, then don't talk about it here."

  Those people immediately started fighting, and when Zhu Hao saw this, he was really speechless.

  He simply didn't have the leisure to take care of so much, and now he just wants to cultivate.

  "Don't say so much, I just want to ask if you are willing to give me this position!"

  "If you don't want to, then I don't mind grabbing it directly from you right now."

  Nangong Qiu Ming, who was not far away, looked at this, and said something without hesitation!

  Those who got this sentence looked at Zhu Hao angrily, and the person guarding Zhu Hao next to him was not very happy.

  "I said do you people have any conscience?"

  If it wasn't for Zhu Hao taking us, how could we have such a powerful resource now!

  Let you continue to cultivate to the realm of demigods, and as a result, you have now reached such a realm.

  You just come over here and ask for management rights. Apart from this, can you ask for anything else?

  When the people over there heard this, they were actually embarrassed.

  After all, what they said was quite right, if they weren't because of Zhu Hao.

  It's not like they have the strength they have now, just when they thought so in their hearts!

  Zhu Hao didn't care, just glanced at Nangong Qiu Mingdu not far away.

  "I don't care if you want to grab it, of course, if you have that strength.

  Nangong Qiu Ming over there, when he heard Zhu Hao's firm words.

  Immediately, his expression became hesitant. In this situation, he really didn't dare to take action against Zhu Hao easily.

  Otherwise, if something happens when it happens...  

  It's not a good thing for her either, he can't easily start thinking of her here and take a breath!

  In the end, he still said to Zhu Hao who was not far away.

  "Forget it, since you want this leadership, let it be for you!"

  "If anyone of you is willing to follow me, then come with me, and we will form a team to explore by ourselves."

  Some people have long been dissatisfied with Zhu Hao, and now Nangong Qiu Ming has already said so!

  Those people immediately joined Nangong Qiu Ming's group without hesitation.

  And when Zhu Hao saw this, he didn't take it seriously at all!

  Nangong Qiu Ming saw this, so he took the people directly and left.

  When those people left the surrounding people, they faced Zhu Hao with some hesitation!

  This is not very good, if those people leave, then we will lose several assistants.

  "It's no big deal. It's not that we people are not strong enough. What are we doing now, the most important thing is to hurry up and cultivate."

  Zhu Hao said something without hesitation! .

Chapter 261

  I didn't go to pay attention to the people who left there and formed another group.

  Instead, he continued to practice steadily and steadily.

  And when other people saw Zhu Hao's action!

  How dare you continue to steal leisure, and there is no such thing as the idle mood to take care of Nangong Qiu Ming's affairs.

  Instead, he followed Zhu Hao to fight steadily and cultivated.

  A group of people have been cultivating for more than half a month, and this spiritual mine is almost gone.

  No matter how unhappy those people are, they can only give up this ore in the end.

  Going to continue to look for the next one, at the same time Zhu Hao said while walking forward with them.

  "Actually, there's no need to worry so much. Since 26 has already arrived at this place, we still need these spiritual stones."

  Think of the things they occupied one after another.

  In the end, those people still suppressed their worries.

  He smiled and nodded to Zhu Hao, saying that it was true, after saying this!

  He didn't continue to say anything, followed Zhu Hao forward, and a group of people went all the way to the depths, only to discover another spiritual mine.

  This one is much bigger than the previous one.

  When those people saw this, they immediately became surprised!

  Immediately, he ran over there excitedly. Who knew that at this moment, a group of people rushed out in a hurry.

  When I stopped in front of them and saw the appearance of this group of people again.

  Those people immediately became angry, and this group of people was the one Nangong Qiu Ming brought out to split.

  "What do you mean by that?"

  Those people pouted when they saw this.

  "What exactly do we mean? Don't you know it yourself? We also took a fancy to this ore!"

  So you want to get this ore, this is impossible.

  When he heard this sentence, Zhu Hao immediately frowned slightly.

  The other people also hesitated when they saw this!

  It stands to reason that the two groups of them, the one they found together can be used together!

  But these people in front of them obviously didn't use it together, and it was because of this plan!

  So they really have nothing else to do except take this one down.

  "It's okay if you want these things, just fight us."

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