"Come on..."

  That blob of green stuff got up from the ground!

  Leaning on the tree trunk: "This place is not where you should come. Get out of here before that thing wakes up."

  Dare to talk to yourself like this?

  Zhu Hao approached the guy step by step, his free hand!

  And the disgusting mucus kept flowing down from the crevices of the hands.

  "Then do I have to go in?"

  Han Yu told himself, in this woods!

  There is a baby who can increase his spiritual power by a hundred points!

  If you get the hand, you can ask the god of the base to rise to the next rank.

  The reason why I still need the protection of Dawning Moon and Nangong Qiuming!

  It's because his spiritual power is always turning around at critical moments, and the recovery is extremely slow!

  Sometimes, Zhu Hao felt that his ability was not even comparable to Liming Yue.

  "Then... don't blame me for being rude."

  The green thing got up from the ground and finally dared to face Zhu Hao face to face.

  "A guy who can't even speak well, dare to come and rush with me?"

  Zhu Hao saw that Han Yu didn't remind himself!

  Then this guy should be the ranger elf on this road or something.

  Zhu Hao rubbed the disgusting thing in the palm of his hand on the tree trunk at will!

  Only when his hand touched the tree trunk, a burst of sparks flew over, if it wasn't for Zhu Hao's timely response.

  His eyes may be scrapped! This mucus is simply an invisible bomb.

  "This thing, bring the antidote."

  What Zhu Hao said, he has seen a little bit of the world!

  He stretched out his finger and pointed at the ugly green thing.

  "Hahaha! Boy, I've been in the woods for thousands of years!"

  "I've seen a lot of people who jump like you. If you want to get treasures, you're not qualified."

  That green thing suddenly showed a giant frog in the prototype of jade!

  Sure enough, it was an elf, and Zhu Hao froze in place: "You...you are so ugly!"

  "The ignorant (cgdg) demigod."

  The elf spoke in a very arrogant tone!

  He stretched out his tongue, trying to hug Zhu Hao.

  The fighting mode of the animal world is as simple as that!

  Otherwise, how could single-celled organisms survive in nature for so long?

  Zhu Hao jumped away and crouched on the tree trunk, followed by the giant frog.

  The two hit the trail all the way to the depths of the woods. Han Yu didn't say a word, as if he had disappeared.

  Only on your own!

  Zhu Hao took out the cold cicada, and the blade just came out of the moonlight of the rising moon!

  Reflected on the two eyeballs of the giant frog.

  "I'll give you a chance to lead me now, don't say I didn't give you a chance in advance!"

  Zhu Hao is very confident in himself. This knife has sucked the blood of how many people in the demon world!

  He also got the stitching of the fusion agent that Han Yu gave him!

  Zhu Hao held it in his hand and felt very textured, this thing is indeed a good sword.

  what happened!

  Just after the words were released, countless pairs of eyes appeared behind Zhu Hao!

  As abrupt as a giant frog, the disgusting breath of your mucus instantly radiates out of the woods.

  "Playing shit."

  Zhu Hao shook his hand, Han Chan was ready: "Let go! Horse! Come! Come!"

  "Quack, quack, quack, quack... In an instant, the sound of frogs in the woods is very harsh!".

Chapter 318

  Zhu Hao had giant toads in front, back, left, and right, and the noise was noisy, which affected his ability to judge.

  "Forget it! It's better to solve the problem in front of you first."

  Zhu Hao intends to make a bloody path for himself.How to say!

  I am also a reckless man, don't talk about things that can be solved by strength.

  "Their mucus is highly poisonous. Your Chilling Cicada does not have the function of sucking the highly poisonous mucus!"

  "If the highly poisonous toxin is eroded too much by the blade, your hands and your body will also be rotted!"

  "It's all about this joint, and Han Yu reminded himself, don't you think it's too late!"

  Zhu Hao stopped at the same place, neither killing forward nor going backward.

  The giant toad trapped him inside and out, and it was not that easy to turn over.

  "The arrogant boy without long eyes, I advise you to get out early, this is not a place where you can come!"

  "When your level is higher, challenge us again."

  When he finished speaking, Zhu Hao came out of the giant toad's words!

  Hearing a little bit of meaning in the words, just let yourself go without hurting yourself?

  "This is God's Domain, and in your blood, there are God's genes."

  Han Yu broke the entrance with a word, it turns out that these guys are not afraid of their own abilities!

  The second is his own bloodline. Speaking of which, he feels a little humiliated.

  "Then, what are you panicking about!" Zhu Hao didn't do anything, as long as the guys in front of him were eliminated, he could get closer to the baby one step at a time.

  "Stop!! You annoyed them like this, and you can't eat good fruit."

  Han Yu is really convinced, this guy has no brains, he used to think Zhu Hao's brains!

  Might not be all paste, now it seems!

  It was the same as his first judgment: "If this slime can be used for you, wouldn't it be a good secret weapon?"

  Han Yu felt that he was reminded to this point, this kid should wake up, right?

  "Time is one thing. Now, let's talk about finding the treasure."

  Zhu Hao's heart is full of that treasure that can raise his spiritual power by a hundred points.

  "Your spiritual power has dropped by two points." Just when Zhu Hao was very confident in himself, a desperate voice prompt came from the system.

  Damn, my spiritual power was originally insufficient, and I was barely able to support this battle since 2. Now that my spiritual power has declined, I don't even have the ability to open this chilling cicada.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  "Why do you give away my spiritual power!" Zhu Hao knew that no one here except Han Yu had the ability.

  "Just because you are still young, if I don't stop you in time, you will die here."

... 0

  Han Yu's face was ashamed, and he wanted to tame this kid to grow up and become a person who could bear the life and death of the entire God Realm!

  It takes time and brains, but not a little bit.

  Why did the God Emperor bring this kind of drudgery to himself.

  Want to cry but no tears! Han Yu threw out an empty jar: "You think of a way first, relying on your own spiritual power now!"

  "Gather up the mucus from the giant toad, let's talk about it. There is a shadow."

  This bottle is actually a wine jar.Zhu Hao looked at this thing and couldn't accept it.

  "Boy, understand? If you turn around now, I won't embarrass you." The giant toad was very good at talking.

  Zhu Hao said word by word.Picking up the bottle on the ground and wanting the spittle of the toads can only provoke them.Ten thousand.

Chapter 319

  "Then we can't communicate."

  The opponent's patience was also wiped out by Zhu Hao, and he started to attack.

  That's what I want!

  Zhu Hao quickly jumped to the top of the tree trunk, and the giant toad's tongue followed behind to encircle it all the way!

  The purpose is to lick Zhu Hao, as long as this spittle star sticks to Lu Feng's body!

  After accumulating a certain amount, Lu Feng will be poisoned and die.

   A piece of tongue was rolled up on the tree trunk, cut off by the cold cicada, and half retracted into the mouth of the giant toad!

  The remaining half was left on the trunk, solitary.

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