The slime is falling rapidly, and it can't be wasted!

  Zhu Hao quickly accumulated it little by little in the jar.

  The next few giant toads used this method to collect half of the spittle stars in this wine jar!

  Unexpectedly, this task is quite simple, and Zhu Hao is very satisfied with his little strategy.

  He didn't even notice that the chilling cicada he was holding in his left hand was on the sword peak!

  There have been bursts of small black smudges.Zhu Hao who never gets tired of it!

  They have been provoking giant toads, these guys don't seem to be attacking in groups.

  They have been on it all the time, and it seems that your jar is about to be full.

  Zhu Hao's interest has also been greatly improved.

  "It's just you."

  As long as he collects the spittle stars of another giant toad, Zhu Hao will be complete.

  "Hahaha, it's worthwhile to have the genes of God flowing in your body, but you still have two brushes... Let's take a look at your sword first."

  The giant toad croaked a few times.A lineup of giant toads that were exactly the same as before appeared in front of them.

  This inexhaustible, inexhaustible thing is the most terrifying thing.

  Zhu Hao is tired.

  It was fine in the beginning, he kept swinging the sword and slashing the sword without stopping for a moment, and his energy was greatly reduced.

  If it continues like this, Zhu Hao will be overworked by this group of toads sooner or later: "Pause, I'll prepare first."

  Zhu Hao stretched out his finger to pause, otherwise, he would not even have the strength to stand on the tree trunk now.

  Carrying this full jar of mucus on his back is very rewarding.

  "It's not up to you."

  The giant toad directly covered it, lying on the tree trunk on Zhu Hao's first floor, sticking out its tongue!

  His tongue doesn't know when it has recovered...  

  Reaching out, he directly blocked the jar behind Zhu Hao's back.

  "Grab my stuff!"

  Zhu Hao was unhappy, jumped up, and Han Chan hit him directly.

  The sword body was surrounded by a giant toad, and then, this one has been with Zhu Hao for less than three months!

  It's broken twice.

  Han Chan's sword hilt is in Zhu Hao's hand.

  How do you feel, the airflow in your body is scurrying around, you Zhu Hao endured it, holding on to the trunk!

  Try not to let this giant toad discover his anomaly.

  His breathing is becoming more and more out of his control!

  It seemed that there were hundreds of poisonous needles poking at his heart, causing Zhu Hao to tremble in pain.

  "The taste of venom, isn't it bad?"

  The giant toad squatted on the tree trunk above Zhu Hao, with a sarcastic smile.

  "It's not the last moment, don't be too proud!"

  Lu Feng forced all the airflow in his body to return to the position of his heart!

  The only remaining hilt was supporting him.Spiritual power is being sucked back.

  Zhu Hao wants to stop! .

Chapter 320

  But his anger had already surged to his heart, and there was no way to recover it.

  "Now, it's not the latest time.... You still have a chance."

  The giant toad has become that ugly monster covered in green cloth just now!

  Standing in front of Zhu Hao: "You and I are both the guardians of God's Domain, don't kill each other, good thing!"

  "As for people with strong abilities, they deserve to have them. You should go back to your mother early to get milk.

  This is really ironic, Lu Feng snorted!

  Between the teeth, there is dark red blood, revealing a disgusting taste.

  "I don't!!!"

  Zhu Hao holds the 26 hilt in his left hand, supports himself, and stands up. If you lose, you can't lose.

  For a second, without even blinking the eyelids, that dark green thing!

  He was suddenly sealed by the person in front of him with his own venom.

  Where did this guy learn this technique!?

  The giant toad couldn't move, and in place, only the eyeballs kept turning.

  "Tell me, where is the road to the end." Zhu Hao is running out of time, he has spent more than an hour here, and there is still half of the time left to hurry.

  "You do not deserve."

  The giant toad, death is imminent, and he is still stubborn!

  However, Zhu Hao has already understood the truth of this period: "If you say that I set fire to this forest!"

  "What will it be like? I haven't seen such a spectacular scene in a long time."

  Zhu Hao's words are insignificant: "You want to protect your things, I want to get what I want!"

  "There shouldn't be a relationship of interest between us, right? Why are you always making trouble!"

  Zhu Hao said word by word.

  "To say or not to say."

  In this Divine Realm, now there is no one who has a relatively pure heart!

  Zhu Hao tied the green thing with the vines in the woods.

  The two do not walk the path in the woods, from one tree to another.

  "Walking aimlessly in the woods like this, even if you reach dawn, you won't gain anything."

  The ugly thing began to mock Zhu Hao: "Unless you have that thing in your hand, you will have hope."

  Speaking of this, Zhu Hao suddenly became enlightened and stopped: "Did you help me on purpose just now?"

  Although I'm not sure, but this guy gave him the feeling from the beginning that he wouldn't hurt himself!

  But he doesn't give himself directions: "I know you forest rangers are in trouble!"

  "This is a magic pill with five hundred years of cultivation in it. If you don't mind, just eat it."

  Zhu Hao generously pulled out a small pill from his pocket.

  Under the moonlight, this small pill exudes a twinkling blue light!

  When the ugly thing saw what Zhu Hao was holding, its eyes widened: "My darling, where did you get these things."

  "His body is gradually softening, and it seems that he really misses the things in Zhu Hao's hands."

  "I can give it to you, this thing, I have a total of four, as long as you show me the way and help me get what I want!"

  "I might be able to give you two, and in this way, you might be able to grow taller."

  At least it won't be the same as it is now! .

Chapter 321

  This is obviously because when he transformed into an elf shape, his cultivation base was damaged and stunted.

  These pills are not of much use to Zhu Hao, who already has a pure bloodline from the Divine Realm!

  But for those mortals who want to cultivate to be gods, and some animals are born with spirituality, they can cultivate into gods and high-level elves!

  You can live forever, but if your cultivation base is destroyed, the consequences will be disastrous!

  "You give me one first, as a deposit, and when the matter is completed, what about the remaining one you give me? We will not suffer any losses in this way."

  That giant toad seems to make a lot of sense.

  "What you say is what."

  If I knew it earlier, I could use this thing that I wanted to be treated as garbage by Zhu Hao for a long time, and I could buy the toad's heart by throwing it away!

  Where can Zhu Hao use the chilling cicada that he has to sacrifice himself again!

  In exchange for that jar of goop on the giant, toad's tongue.

  Zhu Haohan...

  But still gave the medicine to the giant toad.

  This forest is actually a spiral labyrinth, and it is difficult for ordinary people to get out when they enter for the first time.

  The giant toad explained to Zhu Hao: "This is the road map, only fifteen seconds to find what you need, and then remember 々ˇ."

  It's a piece of cake, Zhu Hao can't do anything, but his memory is very good!

  As long as you see something, you will remember it!

  When the giant toad transformed the map for Zhu Hao, Lu Chongfeng was amazed: "Good guy! There is always such a magical place after God's Domain!"

  Before, he was indeed a frog at the bottom of the well.

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