This is not because of some other method, or a forbidden technique, so that I temporarily reached the state of being a god.

  But I made a breakthrough directly, and I cultivated by myself.result.It won't affect anything at all, don't worry.This is my own breakthrough.It will never affect my future. "

  Zhu Hao said comfortingly to Han Yu.He knew that Han Yu's worries were not without reason. After all, he had never seen anyone who could break through to the realm of a god in such a short period of time. .

Chapter 361

  Zhu Hao is extremely talented.However, if there is no perfect training space for the empty sword soul.

  Even if he is so talented.There is still no way in such a short period of ascend to the realm of God.This is simply breaking the cognition of others.It's just impossible.No wonder Han Yu is so serious.

  "Do you think I might believe it? I have lived for so many years, and I have never seen anyone who can break through to the realm of God in such a short period of time, and I have not even heard of it. This is not at all. Possibly, do you treat me like a three-year-old child, and deceive me like this."

  Han Yu looked in disbelief.Look at Zhu Hao.

  He really couldn't figure out how Zhu Hao reached the state of being a god in such a short period of time.This is simply unheard of.

  Even if he is well-informed, he cannot be decisive.Although it was said that the sky sword directly cut off the connection between it and Zhu Hao.Even he can't feel Zhu Hao's life or death, which can already prove the extraordinaryness of the sky sword, the sky sword is definitely a mysterious and powerful divine sword.

  However, he still didn't believe that a sword could bring Zhu Hao anything.Only then could Zhu Hao break through to the realm of being a god in such a short period of time.

  Seeing that Han Yu still had a look of disbelief, Zhu Hao had no choice but to tell Han Yu what happened to him in the space inside the sword.

  Although it is said that this is a great opportunity, if you say it, it may make everyone's heart move, and he must be turned into a secret.Can't let others know.

  But Zhu Hao is still unwilling to keep anything for Han Yu. After all, Han Yu and him have no secrets after getting along for so long, and they can keep each other without any reservations.

  He is willing to tell Han Yu this secret, and he is not afraid of Han Yu's bad ideas at all.

  "What? You can control the flow of time, which means that you have been in it for almost a month, and we have only passed one day.

  This is simply a broken hand that only an immortal emperor can have.This flying sword is really unusual, it is definitely an extremely powerful sword.It is a great opportunity for you to meet him.

  Now, if you have the Sword of Soaring in your hand, you will have a lot of confidence in the upcoming war between the Demon Realm and the God Realm.With an extremely powerful hole card 々ˇ. "

  After hearing Zhu Hao's explanation, Han Yu's shocked expression gradually subsided. He had also heard that the Immortal Emperor's methods were extremely unimaginable, he had the ability to create the world, he could control time and affect the flow of time.

  Unexpectedly, there is such a space inside this flying sword to control the flow rate of time, which is really unimaginable.

  The origin of this flying sword is really elusive.

(Good Money Zhao)

  "¨ˇ By the way, where's Pixiu? Where did he run away? Wouldn't he sneak away while I fell asleep?"

  At this time, Zhu Hao suddenly realized that there was no sign of the Pi Xiu, and he couldn't help but guess.

  "No, I asked him to inquire about the current situation in the demon world. With his strength, in the demon world, no one can stop him at all. Even if he can beat him, he may not be able to run away. .”.

Chapter 362

  Are the actions of the demon world getting bigger and bigger?It looks like war is coming soon.I have to hurry up and deploy it now.

  Zhu Hao thought to himself.

  Now that his strength is enough to be on his own, he is absolutely qualified to be the leader of the God Realm against the Demon Realm and lead the God Realm to defeat the Demon Realm.

  "Have you not sensed Zhu Hao's breath yet?"

  On this side, Nangong Qiuming had brought Limingyue and Sima Hanfeng to Zhu Hao, and he wanted to bring the precious Sima Hanfeng to Zhu Hao.

  "There are some vague connections, it seems to be in the east, and he should be found soon."

  There is an inexplicable connection between Limingyue and Zhu Hao, and both of them can perceive each other's location.

  "Huh? Mingyue came to me."

  Of course, Zhu Hao also sensed the breath of Dawn Moon, so he quickly set off and walked towards Dawn Moon.

  "Stop for a moment, there is the breath of magic soldiers."

  Suddenly, Nangong Qiuming said with a solemn expression, he felt the evil aura of the demon world, which was hidden near them, and the power of the written aura was still very powerful.

  There was a vague sense of unease in his heart (cgdg).

  "Did the Gorefiend bring someone to find me?"

  At this time, Sima Hanfeng was also a little scared and said, after all, the Gorefiend is one of the giants in the devil world, and he is the top expert in the devil world. He is notorious and notorious.

  Of course, he was a little scared in his heart, but at the same time he was scared, and he was also a little excited, because he could restrain the blood demon with the biggest reliance on the blood demon poison, and the two people around him obviously had extraordinary strength. If the devil comes, he can take revenge.

  "No, it's more than a powerful breath."

  Nangong Qiu Ming's face changed suddenly. The powerful aura he felt was not only one, maybe one of them belonged to Gorefiend, but there was also a demon giant whose aura was comparable to Gorefiend.

  If it was a Gorefiend, with Sima Hanfeng, they might still be able to defeat it, but if there were two giants of the demon world, it would be impossible for them to deal with it.

  "Let's go, they found us."

  Nangong Qiu Ming shouted anxiously.

  So everyone quickly accelerated and ran to Zhu Hao's position.

  "Hahaha, this fish that slipped through the net is so easy for me to find. If it weren't for the two of them revealing your position, maybe I would have to look for a while longer."

  However, it was too late.

  In front of the three of them, there were two people with strong demonic energy. One was wearing a red robe, his eyes were blood red, and he was surrounded by a blood-colored poisonous gas.

  This is the Gorefiend, and those poisonous gases are the bloodfiend poison that is terrifying.

  The other person was wearing a black robe, and the whole person was like the night, with almost no sense of existence, but his breath was even more terrifying than the Gorefiend. At this moment, his eyes were tightly closed, and he stood quietly. Being there, but it gave Nangong Qiu Ming an extremely dangerous feeling to the three of them.

  "Hmph, you devil, destroy our Sima family, I won't let you go even as a ghost."

  When he saw the Gorefiend, Sima Hanfeng had no emotions in his heart except hatred. He looked at the Gorefiend who had killed his entire family in front of him.

  His eyes were red, and his voice was hoarse with hatred. .

Chapter 363

  "Hahaha, who made your Sima family act daringly and dare to crack my blood demon poison, if you don't destroy you, my blood demon poison will become a decoration?

  You don't have to be too cruel to me, this world is where the strong prey on the weak, and your Sima family's strength is not good, so you deserve to die in my hands.

  Now I will do a good deed and send you, the only seedling of the Sima family, to a family reunion. "

  The Gorefiend licked his blood-red lips and looked at Sima Hanfeng in front of him, as if he were looking at a lamb to be slaughtered.

  "Hmph, strength decides everything, you know it, then see if you have the strength to kill him."

  Nangong Qiu Ming snorted coldly and said to the Gorefiend.

  "Hahaha, if you ask me if I have strength, just because you want to stop me from killing him, let you taste the power of my blood demon poison.

  Anyway, the Great Demon King also said that you are also the targets of my demon world. You just don’t know where your leader Zhu Hao is now. If you kill him too, then your god world really has no chance to resist. Come on. "

  Gorefiend obviously knew Nangong Qiuming and Limingyue. He came to hunt down Sima Hanfeng this time, so he was able to bring a giant with him. It was also because the intelligence said that Nangong Qiuming and Limingyue were here. In fact, the main goal was this. Two ~ people.

  However, the threat of Sima Hanfeng being alive was too great, so he had to kill all three of them.

  "Don't talk nonsense, just kill the three of them."

  At this moment, the other giant who had been keeping his eyes closed and silent, finally spoke up, and his voice sounded ethereal.

  But the Gorefiend instantly restrained his expression after hearing the words, and looked at the three of them with bloodthirsty eyes.

  Obviously, he seems to be very obedient to another demon giant.

  "Sima Hanfeng and I will deal with the Gorefiend, and the other one will be handed over to you."

  Limingyue said to Nangong Qiuming, and then took Sima Hanfeng to find the Gorefiend to attack.

  Nangong Qiuming felt bitter when he heard that Limingyue threw another giant to him.

  Because if he is not wrong, then the other giant should be the third-ranked Shadow Demon among the giants of the demon world.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  But even though his ranking is third, his level of danger is second only to the first-ranked Great Demon King, because his method is assassination.

  He is a natural assassin who can hide all his aura and no one can feel his presence. He has absorbed a mysterious power of dark matter, so he can use the power of the night, and he can use the power of the night without a sound. people kill.


  Moreover, the most terrifying thing is his eyes. There is an attack hidden in his eyes, and once this attack is released, it can directly attack the soul of others, causing others to be instantly paralyzed or directly killed.

  Therefore, in the past battles, if the Gorefiend was the greatest threat to the army, then the Shadow Demon was a deadly threat to every high-level executive.

  For such a killer lurking in the dark like a shadow, no one is not afraid.Shadow Demon once assassinated a god in the realm of the gods.

  Therefore, although the Shadow Demon is now on the bright side, there is no sneak attack in the dark, and the threat is relatively less, but to be able to rank third, his strength is also extremely strong.Ten thousand.

Chapter 364

  He didn't think he could beat the Shadow Demon, so he could only wait for Zhu Hao to rush over. Since Limingyue has sensed Zhu Hao's breath, then Zhu Hao must have discovered them. This meeting should have already passed. rush.

  As long as Zhu Hao comes over, the two giants on the opposite side are likely to stay.Fold here.

  Just hold on.

  Nangong Qiu Ming stared solemnly at the shadow demon in front of him.And the shadow demon didn't move, just stood there quietly, like a living dead.

  Suddenly, there was no trace of the Shadow Demon in Nangong Qiu Ming's eyes, as if the Shadow Demon had suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

  Nangong Qiu Ming closed his eyes and quietly felt the surrounding aura. At this time, he could only calmly perceive the aura of the Shadow Demon, so that he could take precautions when the Shadow Demon started to attack.

  Suddenly, an extremely dangerous feeling rose in his heart.He quickly ducked to the side.

  He avoided the attack of the Shadow Demon, but the Shadow Demon attacked his head. Although he said he sensed it and avoided it, he was still caught by the Gorefiend on his shoulder, and there was a scar on his shoulder.

  "Being able to dodge it, I still have some strength."

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