The Shadow Demon was obviously a little surprised that Nangong Qiu Ming avoided his own attack.

  "Che, you're just a sneaky rat who only knows how to hide people. What's so powerful? If you have the ability, you can confront me head-on."

  Nangong Qiu Ming snorted coldly, his tone full of disdain.

  "This kind of trick doesn't work for me, don't care what method I use, as long as your life is taken away by me in the end, it is a good method. After all, dead people have no place to shout."

  The Shadow Demon could see Nangong Qiu Ming's aggressive tactics at a glance. Of course, he would not fight face to face with Nangong Qiu Ming. This is not what he is good at. What he is good at is assassination. Takes the enemy's life without interest.

  Therefore, the Shadow Demon hid himself again and disappeared like a shadow.

  Seeing that Shadow Demon didn't lose his fierce general, Fanangong Qiu Ming, was not disappointed. After all, being the third-ranked giant in the demon world is certainly not a brainless man.

  So Nangong Qiu Ming also closed his eyes and felt the breath of the Shadow Demon with a solemn expression...  

  On the other hand, Limingyue's battle will be easier. Although her injuries are not completely healed and her strength has not reached its peak, Sima Hanfeng by her side has restraint on Gorefiend.

  Therefore, the Gorefiend's Gorefiend's poison had no effect on her at all. The Gorefiend who lost the Gorefiend's poison had already lost a lot of strength and was suppressed by her.

  "Everyone in your Sima family deserves to die."

  Seeing that the blood demon poison that he depended on for survival was useless, the blood demon was also very angry in his heart.

  "Humph, the blood demon poison harms all living beings, and it is controlled by an extremely evil person like you. It should be destroyed in the first place. Over the years, how many people have you killed with the blood demon poison.

  You should make atonement for those people, and now your retribution has come, and your retribution is mine. "

  Sima Hanfeng looked at the angry Gorefiend, and was also delighted in his heart. He didn't expect that he would really be able to restrain the Gorefiend poison to death. .

Chapter 365

  It seems that his revenge will soon be avenged.

  "Hmph, retribution! Do you think that my Gorefiend really only has the Gorefiend Poison as a killer.

  You are very good, you make me feel really angry, then let me deal with your scourge completely. "

  The Gorefiend restrained his anger, and then stared at Sima Hanfeng fiercely.

  Li Mingyue and Sima Hanfeng suddenly had a bad feeling.

  I saw that the Gorefiend suddenly absorbed all the Gorefiend poison around him into 26's body, and then his body quickly became shriveled, his blood seemed to be slowly disappearing, and his face became pale.

  But his eyes are getting brighter and brighter, and his momentum is constantly improving.

  Limingyue knew that the Gorefiend was in a hurry and wanted to enlarge the move. She would not just wait for the Gorefiend to prepare her big move.

  She hurried forward and prepared to launch a violent attack on the Gorefiend.

  "Hey, it's too late, the technique of blood training!"

  Gorefiend looked at Li Mingyue, who was in front of him, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.Then he released his ultimate move.

  Immediately, a huge force knocked Dawn Moon into the air, and it flew out and landed on the ground. It seemed that he was seriously injured.

  And the situation of the Gorefiend after releasing the ultimate move is also very bad, the breath suddenly becomes sluggish, and there is not much power left in the body.It seems that this big move is also a big loss for him.

  Limingyue spat out a mouthful of blood. She was already injured. At this time, she was injured again. It can be said that she had almost no ability to fight. He gritted his teeth and stood up.His eyes were fixed on the blood demon.

  In the moment just now, he felt an extremely sinister power.into his body.

  It should be the Gorefiend who swallowed all the Gorefiend poison into his body.Then mix it with your own blood, and then produce an explosive effect in a special way.

  The damage is very huge, but the damage of this level of ultimate move is also very huge for Gorefiend itself.Gorefiend's combat power should not be much now.

  Therefore, Limingyue insisted and walked in front of Sima Hanfeng.Although Sima Hanfeng's medical skills are amazing.It can restrain the Gorefiend's Gorefiend poison, but what Cold Wind has no strength at all, there is no strength at all, without the ability to fight, it can only be very proficient in medicine.

  So she had to stand in front of Sima Hanfeng. After all, when he was seriously injured, it was Sima Hanfeng who saved his life, and he was doing it for Sima Hanfeng now.It doesn't matter if this life is returned.

  And he can feel that Zhu Hao is getting closer and closer to his position now, and he will be able to arrive soon.

  As long as Zhu Hao can rush over, then the two giants of the demon world in front of them have no threat at all, they can only hate it.

  On the other hand, Nangong Qiuming was very anxious when he saw that Limingyue was seriously injured by the Gorefiend.He just wanted to come over and help Dawn Moon, but at this moment, his mind was slightly uneasy.

  . The shadow demon hidden in the dark beside him moved.He directly attacked Nangong Qiuming.He insidiously punched Nangong Qiuming's chest from the darkness.

  In an instant, Nangong Qiuming only felt a pain in his chest, and then he flew out all the way.was hit hard. .

Chapter 366

  "When you were fighting with me, you dared to be distracted! Do you think you didn't live long enough? Would you take the initiative to seek death yourself?"

  After hitting Nangong Qiu Ming with one hit, the shadow demon's figure also emerged.

  He keenly caught the moment when Nangong Qiu Ming relaxed and launched an attack.

  Suddenly, Nangong Qiu Ming was severely injured.

  Both of the fighting powers on the field were lost.As for the two giants in the demon world, except for the blood demon who almost lost their combat effectiveness, the shadow demon has almost no power.

  It's still at its peak.The situation is now very critical.And Zhu Hao hadn't arrived at this time.Nangong Qiu Ming and Li Mingyue couldn't help but feel a sense of despair in their hearts.

  "Zhu Hao, Zhu Hao, hurry up and show up. If you don't show up, Limingyue and I, both of us are going to become a desperate mandarin duck. Come over quickly!"

  At this time, Nangong Qiu Ming prayed that Zhu Hao would come over quickly.I just ate the Shadow Demon.He was seriously injured in an instant

  Shadow Demon's attack power is indeed very powerful.When he was unprepared, he shot out all his strength at once, and this time he directly beat it into a serious injury.It can be said that Shadow Fiend is indeed a genius of assassination.And be able to seize every opportunity.

  At this time, Zhu Hao can already perceive that there are two giants in the demon world.Moreover, Li Mingyue and Nangong Qiu Ming have already started to fight against the giants of the demon world.He hurriedly sped up and rushed here. If he didn't rush over, it is possible that Limingyue and Nangong Qiuming would really die in the hands of the two demon giants.

  "Chi-chi, the little dumiao of the Sima family, you didn't expect it, my Gorefiend's methods are more than this one, go with peace of mind.

  Let's go 々ˇ. "

  Although the Gorefiend said that his steps were vain and his body was weak, it seemed that he was already exhausted, but his condition was obviously better than that of Limingyue. He walked directly in front of Limingyue, and then stared at Sima with a playful smile. said the cold wind.

  "Hmph, I haven't given up yet, Gorefiend."

  Li Mingyue stood up straight, and although her face was pale, there was still a firm look in her eyes.

  "Then I'll send you on the road first."

  Gorefiend snorted coldly and slapped it out, and Limingyue also stretched out her palm to fight Gorefiend.

  As a result, the Gorefiend staggered back four or five steps, and then his face became much paler again, and a little blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

  And Limingyue was obviously going to be much worse. She flew out and fell to the ground, closing her eyes, not knowing her life or death.

  "¨ˇ Mingyue! No!"

  Nangong Qiuming, who was on the side, couldn't bear it any longer when he saw this scene, and broke out directly. He directly punched the Shadow Demon, and the Shadow Demon obviously did not expect Nangong Qiu, who had been seriously injured by himself. At this time, Ming was able to explode (Hoo Nuo's) with such power, and he was beaten out by Nangong Qiu Ming without any precautions.

  Then Nangong Qiu Ming rushed to Li Mingyue's side.

  "Fortunately, not dead, still angry!"

  Visiting Limingyue's situation, Nangong Qiuming could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Limingyue said that although her breath is still very weak, she has not died. With such a genius doctor from the Sima family around, all injuries will be covered. Not a thing anymore. .

Chapter 367

  "Sima Hanfeng, please hurry up and restore Mingyue's injuries, and I will deal with the Gorefiend."

  Nangong Qiuming turned his head and said to Sima Hanfeng, and then faced the Gorefiend, his eyes full of killing intent.

  "Gorefiend, let you die in my hands today."

  I can't delay the time. Although Shadow Demon said that he was knocked out by his punch, it is not certain whether he was seriously injured or not. We have to take advantage of Shadow Demon's absence and kill the seriously injured Gorefiend first.

  Nangong Qiuming thought in his heart, and then he rushed directly to the Gorefiend's side and punched the Gorefiend. The Gorefiend had no choice but to deal with it hastily. With all his strength, he immediately sent the Gorefiend into the distance, and his life and death were unknown.

  At this time, a gust of cold wind came from behind him. Since he just punched, his body could not be adjusted at all. Although it was said that he had concentrated his will to perceive the breath of the Shadow Demon, he still could not escape.

  I saw a black fist stretched out abruptly, and punched Nangong Qiu Ming's back, Nangong Qiu Ming spurted out a mouthful of blood, gritted his teeth and turned to the side a little more.

  "I didn't expect that I have always attacked others, but now I will let others attack me, I really didn't expect it, so you won't die very happily, I will kill you slowly with one knife at a time. ."

  Shadow Demon looked gloomy, took out a dagger from his arms, licked his lips and looked at Nangong Qiu Ming.

  "It's just a mouse, let the horse come over, you think I'm afraid of you."

  Nangong Qiu Ming took out a sword and held it in front of him, his eyes were firm and unafraid.

  "Hey, then you die."

  The Shadow Demon smiled grimly, and then disappeared again.

  Then suddenly a dagger stretched out and slid across Nangong Qiuming's ankle. Immediately, Nangong Qiuming knelt directly on the ground, sweating all over his face in pain.

  But before (cgdg) had time to fight back, the dagger disappeared suddenly.

  Nangong Qiu Ming endured the pain and felt it quietly.

  Suddenly the space behind him moved, and Nangong Qiu Ming stabbed his sword directly behind.

  Sure enough, there was a sound of weapons colliding, and the Shadow Demon's upcoming attack was blocked by Nangong Qiu Mingge.

  But the Shadow Demon didn't step back, but came out and kicked Nangong Qiu Ming fiercely, and Nangong Qiu Ming was directly kicked away by the Shadow Demon.

  "Hmph, you won't be my opponent at all."

  The Shadow Demon looked at Nangong Qiu Ming who was lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment and said disdainfully.

  He slowly walked to the front, raised the dagger in his hand, and was about to kill Nangong Qiu Ming directly, and quickly killed the person and returned quickly.

  At this moment, the Shadow Demon suddenly felt a little fear in his heart, and there was a feeling of impending disaster.

  A fist appeared in front of him, and then hit him directly in the face. The Shadow Demon didn't have the strength to resist at all, and was directly thrown out.

  Sure enough, Zhu Hao finally came over.

  "You are finally here. If you are a little later, you will have to collect the body for me."

  Looking at Zhu Hao standing in front of him, Nangong Qiu Ming finally relaxed. After saying this, he fainted.He was also seriously injured, and it's pretty good to be able to hold on until now. .

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