Chapter 368

  Seeing Nangong Qiuming on the ground, and then looking up to see Limingyue, who was lying on the ground and was seriously injured, Zhu Hao couldn't help but feel a burst of anger in his heart.

  The person who dares to touch me is really courageous, let you pay with your life.

  At this moment, Zhu Hao was already furious in his heart.

  He stepped down directly, the ground cracked directly, like a cannonball rushing out directly, and chasing the shadow demon who had not yet landed was another whip leg. , a horrible ~ look.

  And it was far from over, Zhu Hao rushed in directly - and pulled out the shadow demon.

  He flew over and threw him on the ground.

  After these two attacks, the Shadow Fiend just got more air and less air.

  Lying on the ground is already dying.

  "Who is this? Why is it like playing around with the Shadow Demon?"

  On the other hand, Sima Hanfeng opened his mouth wide, looking like he couldn't believe it.He had never met Zhu Hao, he had only heard of Zhu Hao's fame, but he had never met him.

  Moreover, Zhu Hao's heart is also very confused about the way Zhu Hao has beaten Shadow Demon.

  How can this man be so fierce?

  There was a question in his mind.

  "Are you a shadow demon? You dare to bring people to the God Realm to kill people, do you really think that there is no one in the God Realm?"

  Zhu Hao stepped on the Shadow Demon with one foot, condescending.

  "Pfft! You are Zhu Hao! How can you be so strong! This is impossible!"

  The shadow demon who was stepped on by Zhu Hao spat out a mouthful of blood, his voice weak.

  "My power is beyond your imagination! With me here, don't even think that you can win this war in the devil world!"

  Zhu Hao didn't answer his question, and said coldly with killing intent.

  "Haha! Do you think there are no strong men in our demon world? In front of the great demon king, your strength is still not worth mentioning! Your god world is destined to be conquered by our demon world and reduced to demon land! Hahaha!"

  But Shadow Demon did not despair because of Zhu Hao's strength.He laughed like crazy!

  "No matter what, you can't see it, because now you have to die here!"

  After Zhu Hao finished speaking, he stepped on it!

  At this moment, the shadow demon's eyes that had never been opened finally opened, and his eyes were as dark as two black holes.It's like swallowing people.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  And Zhu Hao also felt a severe pain in his soul, and his feet also stopped.And with this neutral position, Shadow Demon pulled out his last strength and slipped out.

  His figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

  If he hadn't broken through to the realm of the gods, Zhu Hao might have really let him run away, but now Zhu Hao is different now.

...... 0

  His strength has grown dozens of times stronger.Of course, it is impossible for the Shadow Demon to escape from his hands.

  I saw him stretch out his hand, then grab it out of thin air, and grab a figure directly from the space.That figure was the shadow demon who fled in embarrassment.

  "How is that possible! Your soul has been hurt by my shadow demon pupil, how can it be unaffected in an instant."

  The Shadow Demon finally had a look of fear at this time. He never thought that the Shadow Demon Pupil, his long-term killer, would not have much effect on Zhu Hao.

  You must know that when he assassinated a god, he also used this shadow magic eye to severely damage his soul before the assassination was successful.Ten thousand.

Chapter 369

  Zhu Hao should have just broken through to the realm of the gods, how could it be that his shadow demon pupil has not been affected much!

  This is simply outrageous!

  But how did he know that Zhu Hao was a freak. He had just broken through to the realm of the gods, and he might already be an invincible existence in the realm of the gods.The soul is also far beyond ordinary gods, so although this shadow demon is very powerful, there is no way to do it to Zhu Hao.

  "Hehe, this is your stunt Shadow Demon Eye, but it has some influence, which makes my soul hurt a little bit. But the effect is not very big. Can you still use it a few times?

  Maybe a few more uses will have an impact on me! "

  Zhu Hao looked at the shadow demon with a terrified look on his face, and showed a playful smile, as if he was teasing some kitten and puppy.

  "How is it possible, how is it possible, how can you be so powerful, you just broke through to the realm of the gods, how can you block my shadow demon pupil, this is impossible!"

  Shadow Demon murmured, his heart was still in extreme shock.

  Of course he couldn't release it a second time.Shadow Demon Pupil is his trump card.After using it once, both eyes lose their divine power and must continue to brew.

  It will take a few months to release the second time.

  Because although this trick is very strange, it is hard to prevent.But it hurts him a lot.Almost drained his soul.

  So he definitely has no way to release the second shadow demon pupil now.

  And he was even more shocked by Zhu Hao's perverted strength.He had never seen a person who had just broken through to the realm of God be so powerful.

  When he is facing Zhu Hao now, he has the feeling of facing the Great Demon King.There is a sense of powerlessness that cannot be overcome.It made him feel bad.Maybe it is really possible that the person in front of them will lead to the defeat of their demon world war.He really can't see through this person.There was despair in his heart.

  "Then hurry up and hit the road. The death of a demon giant like you will definitely be a big blow to the Mojie. Let you die here and shake the military heart of your demon world...  ..."

  After Zhu Hao finished speaking, he directly pinched the Shadow Demon to death. The dignified third giant of the demon world died tragically in the hands of Zhu Hao in this way. It can be said that the death was indeed very embarrassing.

  This can also prove that after breaking through to the realm of the gods, Zhu Hao's strength can no longer be described by common sense.Now it is entirely possible for him to be tough with the strongest man in the devil world, the number one giant, the great devil.

  This war is not impossible for God Realm to win.The Gorefiend on the side had also woken up at this time.He watched helplessly as the Shadow Demon was casually pinched by Zhu Hao.

  His heart was also filled with fear, but at this moment, he had no strength to escape, and his strength was originally ranked low among the giants of the demon world.

  Only by relying on his blood demon poison can he have some prestige among the giants of the demon world.But now his blood demon poison was completely restrained by Sima Hanfeng.

  His own strength is the same.So now he can only accept his fate.And Zhu Hao on the side also saw the Gorefiend next to him.He was shivering at the terrified Gorefiend walking over.With a playful smile on his lips. .

Chapter 370

  Looking at Zhu Hao walking towards him.Gorefiend suddenly felt that Zhu Hao was the devil.For him, Zhu Hao is the terrifying devil.His heart was already full of fear.

  "You are the giant Gorefiend in the demon world? Look at your appearance, how can you become a giant in the demon world? It seems that each of your giants in the demon world is very weak."

  Looking at the Gorefiend in front of him, with a timid and frightened look, Zhu Hao was also very disdainful in his heart, and could not help but sneer at the Gorefiend.

  Gorefiend's heart is also very aggrieved.He wants to say, it's not that I'm too weak, it's that you're too strong!

  "Tell me, how do you want to die? I graciously give you death. And I can let you choose your own way of dying. I'm not as cruel as you in the devil world. I'm already very kind. You choose quickly, I So that you can get on your way quickly."

  Zhu Hao said lightly to the Gorefiend in front of him.

  "I don't want to die, can you not kill me, I really don't want to die, can you not kill me, I'm still useful to you.

  You believe me, I can tell you a lot of information about the demon world, and I can also help you fight against the demon world with Gorefiend.I can do anything as long as you spare my life

  The war is about to start, and I will definitely have a great effect.My strength in the war will be stronger and my role will be greater.

  Although my strength is not the strongest among the giants in the demon world, no one can crack my blood demon poison.Except for this Sima Hanfeng in front of me, no one can crack my blood demon poison now.

  As long as I'm here, the demon army will suffer huge losses. Believe me, I'm still useful, don't kill me! "

  He knew that his resistance had no effect, so he hurriedly promoted himself to Zhu Hao.

  Zhu Hao must know that he still has great use.That way you can save your life.

  Although it is said that he is a person in the demon world, since he is a demon, there is no loyalty at all, as long as he can survive.Anything can be betrayed.After all, pampered for so many years.He was really reluctant to die.

  Gorefiend's words may have had a little effect.Standing there seemed to be thoughtful.Gorefiend's heart seems to be effective.

  "Really, you believe me. In the war, I must be of great use, you believe me.

  If it really doesn't work, you can still make me an undercover agent, an undercover agent in the demon world.I can also play a huge role. Anyway, the dead me is definitely less useful than the living me.You believe me, don't kill me, spare my life.I will definitely be loyal to you. "

  Seeing that Zhu Hao seemed to be hesitating, the Gorefiend quickly increased his strength.Promote yourself harder.

  But at this moment, Zhu Hao suddenly released a flame.He directly burned the Gorefiend in front of him to ashes.

  The Gorefiend didn't even shout out the last scream, and turned into ashes.

  "I'm sorry, I don't think your role is very big. The dead you make me happier than the living you. After all, you hurt my friend, and I definitely can't let you live. And We don't need you at all in the God Realm. We can win the war. You must die."

  Zhu Hao said coldly. .

Chapter 371

  At this time, the two giants of the demon world are all dead and cooked in their hands.It can be said that the war has not yet begun.The Demon World has already lost once.Not just the death of a Gorefiend who is of great use in warfare.

  More importantly, even Shadow Fiend is an unstoppable assassin.He also died in Zhu Hao's hands.You must know that unlike Gorefiend, Shadow Demon's strength ranks third.It can be said to be the top giant in the demon world.His death is bound to make a huge wave in the center of the demon the demon world.Urban areas can also have a huge impact.

  "You are Sima Hanfeng, the only surviving member of the Sima family."

  Zhu Hao was also very puzzled about the mysterious disappearance of the Sima family, but now he heard the Gorefiend say that only Sima Hanfeng can decipher his Gorefiend poison.

  He figured it out all at once. It seemed that the Gorefiend was under a huge threat, so he started to destroy the Sima family directly.

  For this extraordinary medical talent.Zhu Hao also liked it very much in his heart.After all, don't offend anyone, don't offend the doctor.And also a genius doctor.

  In the war, the role of Sima Hanfeng should be very large.I have to say that Liming Yue and Nangong Qiu Ming still picked up a treasure.

  If it wasn't for this Sima Hanfeng just now.The two of them faced Gorefiend and Shadowfiend.Should be unstoppable.Gorefiend's bloodfiend poison is enough for them to eat a pot.

  Maybe if he rushes over now, all he sees is two corpses.

  "You are Lord Zhu Hao, right? I didn't expect you to be so powerful at such a young age. The two giants of the devil world are so vulnerable in your hands. The god world is under your leadership. You will definitely be able to defeat the devil world and gain Victory in the war.”

  Sima Hanfeng's flattery was just right.Make people feel like spring breeze.

  "This war cannot be decided by me alone. Nor can it be decided by their Great Demon King alone. This requires us in the God Realm to gather all the forces to fight against the invasion of the Demon Realm.

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