As for the words of the old man with white eyebrows, Hua Yuerong, who was on the side, didn't say anything to refute.

  At this moment, the old man with white eyebrows suddenly became condensed. He suddenly felt a huge pressure on the top of his head, and his whole body suddenly fell to the ground, very embarrassed.

  "I don't know that the Lord of the High God has come. If I have anything to provoke the Lord, I will ask the Lord to let the Lord know. I hope the Lord will not care about the ants like me. Spare my life."

  The old man with white eyebrows has already felt it from this power. This is definitely a proper god, and his strength is extremely tyrannical, and his personality is also unpredictable.

  Now that he has encountered this kind of existence, he can only beg for mercy quickly, even if the name of Tianlong Temple is reported, it will not help.

  The existence of the God Realm is already the most top-notch existence in the God Realm. Even if there is only one of those top forces, they will definitely not offend a God because of a small head of the Yuxiao Sect.

  "Do you think that the five top forces have already decided everything in the realm of the gods? Everything needs their permission?"

  Zhu Hao said to the white-browed old man with a cold face that at this time he had not appeared in front of everyone, but was hiding elsewhere, and only his voice could be heard by a group of people.

  "No, no, your lord is so powerful that you can definitely make me bow down and obey. Of course we will listen to everything you say."

  The white-browed old man was lying on the ground, the cold sweat on his forehead could not stop flowing down, his heart was already very frightened at this time, he did not know how he had angered this god and let this god treat him attitude is so bad.

  He can only show himself a little more humble and get the forgiveness of this God.

  "Hehe, you are really a good dog! Now, I will order you to follow me to fight against the demon world, all the forces you are here, follow me.

  No faction can escape, and they must use all their strength, and not a single bit can be left behind.If that faction doesn't want to fight

  Or if there is that faction that hides its own strength and is unwilling to do all it can, then I will personally go to your sect and destroy you. "

  Zhu Hao's voice suddenly became cold, and he said to everyone present with a killing intent.

  For a time, no leader of that force dared to speak up, and they all knew that their decision was related to the survival of their sect.

  If they follow this god to fight against the attack of the demon world, then they are equivalent to following this god to death.

  But if they don't, now they'll throw their own lives here. .

Chapter 411

  These two choices, no matter which one they choose, will make their forces face catastrophic catastrophe.Everywhere is a death, they have no way to resist.

  "Sir, my strength is low, and the forces I belong to are not very powerful. If we follow you, it will not have much effect, but will drag you down, so you should find the five top forces to work together to deal with the demon world. attack."

  Suddenly, Hua Yuerong gritted her teeth and said to Zhu Hao.

  "Do you think I want you to cooperate with me? I am ordering you! You are not qualified to bargain with me. All of you must accept my demands. You have no ability to resist."

  Zhu Hao's next sentence made Hua Yuerong shut her mouth.

  For such a strong Zhu Hao, everyone present was helpless, Hua Yuerong gritted his teeth and wanted to say something.However, he suddenly saw Li Yuanfeng who was on the side and gave him a wink.

  Suddenly, some doubts arose in her heart, and then she closed her mouth.

  "Master God is powerful, and more importantly, he has a heart to deal with the demon world. You might as well think about it. The demon world is now invading our god realm and has almost slaughtered almost all the cities outside our god realm.

  Isn't this kind of evil deed the shame of my God Realm?The demon world has already bullied us, can't we fight back?

  In the past, it may have been because we lacked strength, so there was no way to fight head-to-head with the Demon World.And now with such a powerful God leading us, of course we have the power to fight 々ˇ. "

  Suddenly, Li Yuanfeng spoke up. As Zhu Hao's first follower, he lifted Zhu Hao to the ceiling as soon as he spoke.

  "Look, do you recognize this person in the demon world?"

  Suddenly, Li Yuanfeng took out a corpse and threw it on the ground, and then let everyone see it.

  "This is a shadow demon, this is a shadow demon, the third-ranked giant in the demon world! Shadow demon! How is this possible, how could he die here! This is impossible!"

  Suddenly, the white-browed old man on the side opened his eyes wide and looked at it, and then said with a shocked face.

  He had seen the portrait of the shadow demon in the Tianlong Temple, and had heard some characteristics of this shadow demon.

  He opened his eyes wide and saw that the corpse lying on the ground was exactly the same as the Shadow Demon he had seen, with no difference at all.

  Especially the pair of wide-open eyes, people feel a kind of soul pain at a glance.

  You can't go wrong, this is Shadow Fiend, the third-ranked giant in the Demon World, Shadow Fiend!

  At this moment, the old man with white eyebrows made waves in his heart!You must know that he is a loyal guardian of the Tianlong Temple, but he knows some inside stories. It is said that the temple owner of this Tianlong Temple has also been assassinated by the Shadow Demon, and was seriously injured. He was almost killed by the Shadow Demon. The villa's master Zhuang (Liao Zhao) came to the rescue and let him escape from the shadow demon.

  From this, it can be seen that this shadow demon is terrifying.But I didn't expect that he would turn into a corpse now and lie here.It is really unimaginable!

  "¨ˇ This is the demon giant killed by Lord God. When he was cultivating, he noticed that a demon giant sneaked through the barrier outside the core of the realm and slipped into the core of the realm, so he Kill it with ease!".

Chapter 412

  "From this, the adults know the loopholes in the barrier of the God Realm. Since even a powerful demon giant like Shadow Demon can sneak into the core of the God Realm secretly without being discovered, other giants can, of course, if they wait until The giants of the devil world all sneaked into the core of the god world,

  Then it will definitely be a disaster for the forces that everyone here is in!So, do you think that the adults want to pull you together to fight against the God Realm?He just wants to save you and give you a chance to live.

  Now we can no longer rely on this barrier outside the core of the God Realm. The only way for us to have a chance to guarantee our own lives is to use all our strength to fight the Demon Realm.

  To completely drive the demon world out of our god world is the only way to be truly safe. "

  Afterwards, Li Yuanfeng gave a lot of sincere, contagious and persuasive speeches. He completely explained what Zhu Hao meant and how the leaders of these forces should be chosen.

  Zhu Hao was very satisfied after hearing these words. No wonder he was able to become the pavilion owner of Tianyuan Pavilion. These words alone are obviously not something that ordinary people can say.

  And (cgdg) the heads of those forces, including the white-browed old man who has been sing against Li Yuanfeng all the time, all have a dignified look, and now they all have their own answers in their hearts.

  "I, Baihuagu, are willing to follow the adults to resist the attack of the demon world and win a chance."

  Suddenly, Hua Yuerong knelt on the ground and raised her head.He broke the deadlock and was the first to express his thoughts.

  "My Tiger Gate is willing to follow the adults!"

  "I, Luna Cliff, are willing to follow the adults!"

  "My three-door view is willing to follow the adults!"


  With the first one, there is the second one, the third one, more and more leaders of the forces are kneeling down, willing to follow Zhu Hao to fight against the demon world together!

  In the end, the white-browed old man was the only one who had not made a statement.

  The heart of the white-browed old man is extremely tormented at this time. As a loyal dog of Tianlong Temple, he also does not know what kind of attitude Tianlongdian has to attack the demon world, but according to his current observation, Tianlongdian did not take action. plan.

  Therefore, if he agreed now, it would be equivalent to betraying the Tianlong Temple, and the Tianlong Temple would definitely not let him go.

  "What? Do you have any comments?"

  Suddenly, he felt the pressure on him suddenly increase a bit.A breath of death hovered above his head.

  "My Yu Xiaozong is willing to follow the adults, resist the attack of the devil world together, and defend the dignity of my god world!"

  He gritted his teeth and said quickly.

  Since this High God can already be the third-ranked giant in the Demon Realm, and the Shadow Demons are all killed, his strength is definitely much stronger than that of the Heavenly Dragon Palace Hall Master, so if he follows this High God, Naturally, he would not be afraid of the attack from the Tianlong Temple.

  Thinking of this, his heart was a lot more at ease.

  "Since you have all agreed, then you must integrate all the strengths of your forces with me, and you can't keep them at all.

  I am going to talk to those top forces now. You all obey Pavilion Master Li's arrangements for the time being. After two days, you will gather all your forces, led by Pavilion Master Li, and wait before the barrier at the core of the God Realm! ".

Chapter 413

  Zhu Hao was very satisfied when he saw that all the heads of these forces had already surrendered to his own power. He greeted all the heads, and then went straight to Huaqing Pool.

  Now time is very important, he can't delay, he has to hurry to the next target, the top power of Huaqingchi!

  The usefulness of those forces in this war is far less than that of these top forces. Their strength is not strong, and they can only act as pawns to resist the army of the demon world.

  And the ones who can really change the trend of this war are those top forces, because among those top forces, there are gods, and these gods can fight against the giants of the demon world. With their participation, they can There is a greater certainty of victory in this war.

  Therefore, getting these small forces is only the first step. What really needs to be settled are which top forces.

  Huaqing Pool was the fourth-ranked power among the five top powers in the God Realm. They were very different from other top powers.

  Because Huaqing Pool was full of women, they only recruited female disciples.

  It is said that the founder of Huaqing Pond is a fairy under the throne of the Immortal Emperor. She created a practice method only suitable for women to practice, the Jade Girl Heart Sutra!

  This kind of exercise can only be practiced by women, and it is extremely powerful. Huaqingchi has been able to stand at the top of the gods for many years. As one of the top forces in the gods, most of them rely on the Jade ~ Female Heart Sutra.

  Zhu Hao soon came to the vicinity of Huaqing Pool. Huaqing Pool is located on the top of a snow-capped mountain. The snow does not melt for many years, but there is a huge lake in it. Although the surrounding temperature is extremely low, this lake never freezes. .

  Like a Tianchi standing on the top of the snow-capped mountains, the name of Huaqing Pool is also the origin.

  It is said that cultivating the Heart Sutra of the Jade Girl in this lake will have a multiplier effect.

  This time, Zhu Hao didn't call out the mountain gate, but directly released the powerful aura of his own god, shrouding the sky over the entire Huaqing Pool.

  "Next, Zhu Hao, I hope to meet Fairy Lanyue from Huaqingchi!"

  Zhu Hao shouted loudly in the sky above Huaqing Lake, this Moon Lantern Fairy is the current head of Huaqing Lake, and she is also a god.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  "The distinguished guest is coming, please come in and see you!"

  A pleasant voice came from inside Huaqing Pool, inviting Zhu Hao to come in. This was Fairy Lanyue, the head of Huaqing Pool, but she still didn't show up.

  Zhu Hao walked straight into the Huaqing Pool.

  Along the way, there are all-beautiful beauties everywhere. These Huaqingchi disciples are all extraordinary in appearance, like fairies, do not eat human fireworks.


  Likewise, those disciples looked at Zhu Hao with curiosity and awe.

  They Huaqingchi have never been born easily, they just stayed here and cultivated without competition.Therefore, many people are not familiar with the name Zhu Hao.

  But when they saw Zhu Hao being such a young god, they couldn't hide their curiosity and shock.

  They can't help but guess, this is the evildoer who came out of that power, and has broken through to the realm of the gods at this age, and can be on an equal footing with their head.

  Facing these curious eyes, Zhu Hao quickly walked to the palace where Fairy Lanyue was located.Ten thousand.

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