Chapter 414

  Before Zhu Hao could enter, the door opened.

  Zhu Hao stepped in.

  "I didn't expect you to have such a talent. You have only cultivated for such a short period of time, and you have broken through to the realm of the gods. It's really incredible."

  Fairy Lanyue lay lazily on the bed, revealing a seductive radian, her face is peerless, and she has a combination of seductive and dusty temperament, which is quite moving.

  At this moment, her beautiful eyes were full of surprise, staring straight at Zhu Hao, as if she was looking at a monster.

  He had heard of Zhu Hao's reputation once, but he was only a junior. No matter how famous he was, he wouldn't be able to catch her eye, but he didn't expect that in such a short time, Zhu Hao would actually It has already broken through to the realm of the gods, and can be on an equal footing with her.

  This kind of cultivation speed made her very surprised.

  "It's just a fluke, it's just a first entry into the gods."

  Zhu Hao said to Fairy Lanyue humbly, and then naturally sat on the chair beside him.

  "Where is the luck here? If I can break through to the realm of the gods by luck, then my realm will not only have a few gods like it is now. Zhu Hao, don't be too modest."

  Fairy Lanyue said to Zhu Hao with a smile.

  "Fairy Lanyue, I have something important to discuss with you this time."

  When Zhu Hao heard Fairy Lanyue's words, he felt that he had gone too far, so he quickly returned to the topic and stated his true plan.

  "Oh? What's the matter? Could it be that you fell in love with my Huaqingchi disciple? Come to me to propose marriage? That's not necessary. Although it is said that my Huaqingchi female disciples are not allowed to marry outside, but if you If the two love each other, I am still willing to sell you this favor."

  Fairy Lanyue said to Zhu Hao with some playfulness.There is a little bit of flirting.Zhu Hao's talent really makes her heart tremble. She doesn't know what kind of height Zhu Hao can reach in the future, but it seems that it will not be low.

  Therefore, she really wanted to have a good relationship with Zhu Hao.

  "Uh! Fairy Lanyue is wrong. It's not like this. I don't have any bad thoughts about the fairies in Huaqingchi."

  Zhu Hao is a little embarrassed. He is very good at dealing with men, but if he is dealing with such beautiful women, he really has nothing to do... In his opinion, women are more difficult to deal with than men. too much.

  "Oh? Is it possible that you have an idea for me? I have to think about this."

  Fairy Lanyue suddenly showed a shy look and said to Zhu Hao.Although there is a big gap between her and Zhu Hao in terms of age, but in terms of strength, they are both in the realm of gods, not long after, so considering Zhu Hao's high talent, she is not unacceptable to Zhu Hao. .

  "Ah? Fairy Lanyue, stop joking, how dare I have any unreasonable thoughts about you! The purpose of my coming here is to unite you Huaqingchi to fight against the demon world."

  Zhu Hao was a little overwhelmed by this Moon Lantern Fairy, and quickly stated his purpose.

  "Fight against the demon world? United? Zhu Hao, are you here for this?"

  Fairy Lanyue recovered her appearance just now, and looked at Zhu Hao seriously.She really didn't think that Zhu Hao came to Huaqingchi because of this. .

Chapter 415

  "Yes, Fairy Lanyue, now that the demonic army is pressing down on the realm, they have already exposed their fangs, and they have almost slaughtered the cities outside our God Realm, and will soon concentrate their strength to penetrate the core of the God Realm.

  I don’t think we can just sit back and wait. We should gather all our strength and fight against the demon world, completely drive the demon world out of the god world, and let them return to the devil world. From now on, we will never have the opportunity to harass our god world.

  Therefore, it is necessary to participate in the top forces and use all their strength. Of course, my visit to Huaqing Pool is only one of them. Of the four top forces of the 26, I will not let one go! "

  Zhu Hao's speech at this time contained a sense of majesty, and the atmosphere of the conversation between the two suddenly became tense.

  "Zhu Hao, you have just been promoted to the realm of the gods. Do you think you really have the ability to control the thoughts of the five top forces?"

  Suddenly, Fairy Lanyue's appearance also changed, from her previous lazy appearance, she became sharper, and her whole person was like an iceberg, making it impossible for people to approach.

  "I think I have!"

  Zhu Hao released all his coercion and pressed against Fairy Lanyue together!

  "Are you going to fight me?"

  Fairy Lanyue felt a huge pressure falling on her body, and her heart was shocked for a while.

  Is this guy so oppressive just after stepping into the realm of God?

  There was a sudden feeling of incompetence in her heart.

  "Of course I don't want to hurt the peace with Fairy Lanyue, but you Huaqingchi, you must use all your strength to fight against the devil with me!"

  Zhu Hao said firmly, facing the somewhat angry Fairy Lanyue, he didn't back down, he was still tough!

  "Hahaha, Zhu Hao, Zhu Hao, you really are a dragon and a phoenix! But what if I, Huaqingchi, don't agree to you?"

  Fairy Lanyue smiled tenderly, then her eyes narrowed, and she said to Zhu Hao through gritted teeth.

  "Then destroy your Huaqing Pool!"

  Zhu Hao said in one sentence, and Fairy Lanyue flew directly over.

  When the two disagreed, they started fighting!

  However, Fairy Lanyue knew that Zhu Hao had just been promoted to the realm of the gods, and he was able to kill two giants of the demon world at once!Strength absolutely cannot be explained by common sense.

  Within a few rounds, Fairy Lanyue was crushed by Zhu Hao!

  "You are really capable, what's the point of bullying a weak woman like me? Why don't you go to Divine Sword Villa to be rude!"

  There was blood on the corner of Fairy Lanyue's mouth, and she stared at Zhu Hao resentfully. She had never been pressed down by a man before.And after becoming a god, he has never been defeated, and he is neat and tidy.

  Looking at Zhu Hao, my heart is full of sorrow.But Zhu Hao's strength was so powerful that she couldn't raise her mind to resist.

  "I'll go to Divine Sword Villa later, when did Fairy Lanyue become a weak woman?"

  Zhu Hao didn't mean to pity Xiangyuyu at all, and said to Fairy Lanyue coldly.

  "Okay, I promise you, but you also have to promise me one condition, that is, the Divine Sword Villa must be settled, otherwise, even if I risk your death, Huaqingchi will definitely not be with you. To fight against the demon world."

  Fairy Lanyue gritted her silver teeth and said to Zhu Hao with a firm attitude.

  She promised Zhu Hao because Zhu Hao's strength really gave her some hope. .

Chapter 416

  Facing the attack of the demon world, they also resisted at the beginning of Huaqingchi and supported some peripheral cities, but soon they found out

  This attack of the demon world has already brought out all its strength, and all the giants of the demon world are dispatched together, and the power of their Huaqing Pool is really no way to resist.

  Especially the bottomless Great Demon King in the Demon Realm makes people shudder even more.

  And now Zhu Hao's strength has also given her some hope. Since Zhu Hao can create so many miracles, he can definitely do it this time.

  As for the need to be called Divine Sword Villa, it is also because of the power of Divine Sword Villa. Divine Sword Villa has always been recognized as the most powerful force in the world of God.

  And their owner, Ye Jianweng, is also the No. [-] powerhouse in the God Realm, and his strength is bottomless, if Divine Sword Villa can also join.Then their odds of winning will increase a lot.

  After all, she didn't want to let them die in vain in Huaqing Palace, to fight a battle that had no hope at all!

  "Okay, I promised Fairy Moon Moon, and I must tie the Divine Sword Villa to our chariot first. As the first top force in the God Realm, his responsibility is of course the greatest, and he must be inescapable." "

  Zhu Hao looked at Fairy Lanyue, nodded and said that his original plan was to go to Divine Sword Villa to get Divine Sword Villa.

  "Okay! Although I Lanyue is a woman, I still have the right words. You go to Divine Sword Villa now, and I will immediately arrange for my people from Huaqing Pool. By the time you bring the people from Divine Sword Villa, my Huaqing Pool should already be there. Ready to go."

  Fairy Lanyue looked into Zhu Hao's eyes and said.

  "Okay, then it's settled, wait for me."

  Zhu Hao nodded, and without talking nonsense, he flew away directly.

  Seeing that Zhu Hao left with no nostalgia at all, Fairy Lanyue felt very uncomfortable. She wondered if she had no charm.

  Touching his beautiful face, he looked at Zhu Hao's back hurriedly leaving without any hesitation.She instantly felt that she might have met a silly man.

  Divine Sword Villa has the same name as his name. Everyone in the village practice swordsmanship, and the swordsmanship is the second in the world, but no one dares to be the first.

  Therefore, due to the reason of practicing swords all year round, the people in Divine Sword Villa are very aggressive. If they disagree, they will draw their swords. If they look down on life and death, they will do it. The sharpness of the sword has already infected people.

  Therefore, no one dared to provoke the people of the Divine Sword Villa when they went out. Even the people from the other top forces, when they encountered this group of lunatics from the Divine Sword Villa, mostly shunned them and did not want to have any conflicts with them.

  After all, the owner of Divine Sword Villa is the veritable first person in the God Realm, and he is extremely protective of the calf. Anyone who wants to provoke someone from Divine Sword Villa has to weigh it up. .

  But if you can't beat it, you can only admit it. Qian (okay) Wan can't call your elders to help, because you never know how much Divine Sword Villa can call at once and start a fight if you don't agree. Sword Maniac.

  Therefore, Zhu Hao was actually not too flustered when he came to Divine Sword Villa this time, because it was precisely because of the bellicose atmosphere of Divine Sword Villa, it proved that their attack on the demon world must be one by one. tone.

  They all want to go out and fight with the demon world and have a good fight. .

Chapter 417

  Such forces have their own pride and respect their strength, so Zhu Hao believes that he will be very successful here.

  Because he is strong enough!

  "Are you a new god? Zhu Hao?"

  Suddenly, a long rainbow flew from a distance, and a figure fell in front of Zhu Hao, staring sharply at Zhu Hao and said.

  "I have seen Senior Swordsman!"

  Zhu Hao looked at the person in front of him, and was also a little moved. The owner of this Divine Sword Villa, Ye Jianweng, the first person in the realm of the gods, is really strong.

  The aura on his body is stronger than the Shadow Demon killed by Zhu Hao, and that sharp sword energy divides the surrounding space, making it very stinging!

  "It's really talented and talented. Your junior is really amazing. I have lived for so many years, and I have never seen a young man as talented as you."

  After seeing Zhu Hao, even the always arrogant Ye Jianweng did not hesitate to praise Zhu Hao. Of course, he also especially appreciated the young man with such amazing talent.

  In his opinion, it will not be a long time before Zhu Hao surpasses him. The height that Zhu Hao can reach in the future must not be within his reach.

  For such a young man to appear in the realm of the gods, Ye Jianweng's heart is also mostly happy.

  "You have something to do with my Divine Sword Villa."

  Ye Jianweng asked Zhu Hao straight to the point.

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