"Yes, senior, I hope Divine Sword Villa can join me against the attack of the demon world, get out of the barrier, and face the army of the demon world head-on. Fight them back to the demon world!"

  Zhu Hao said to Ye Jianweng sincerely, his eyes were firm.

  "That's not possible! For this war, I originally considered integrating the power of the God Realm and going out to confront the Demon Realm head-on.

  But it was soon given up, because in the face of the current demon world, our god world really has no chance of defeating it (cgdg).

  Not to mention the huge army of the demon world, just talking about the ten giants of the demon world, all of them are extremely powerful, and everyone's strength is comparable to the gods!And the number of gods in our god realm is only six, and you are only seven.

  We are already quite different in the number of gods, and the strength of gods, we can't compare, like the top five giants in the devil world, they are all gods who can hang and beat other gods except me.

  And it is very likely to kill, for example, the unpredictable shadow demon, who once assassinated a god in my god realm.

  Of course, these are not the most important things. The most frightening thing is the number one giant in the demon world, the Great Demon King.

  His strength is unfathomable. Although I have never fought against him, I have fought against the black devil, the second-ranked giant in the demon world. His strength is very powerful, and I am not his opponent at all.In the end, thanks to the fast escape, only one life was saved.

  But I also got a piece of news from him.

  That is, a demon as powerful as the Black Demon is under the hands of the Great Demon King.It can only last five rounds at most, and after five rounds, there is no doubt that he will die.

  This is enough to prove the horror of this Demon World's No. [-] Demon King.

  If my strength is already the strongest in the realm of the gods, but I can't even defeat the second-ranked black demon in the realm of demons, how can I fight this war? ".

Chapter 418

  "If our God Realm really goes out and confronts the Demon Realm, it will only speed up our demise. So the only thing we can do now is to strengthen the barrier.

  This barrier outside the core of the God Realm has blocked the invasion of the Demon Realm for countless years. No one from the Demon Realm has ever been able to break through. It is still safe for us to stay in the barrier.

  So, let's just stay in the core of the God Realm and ignore the attack of the Demon Realm. My realm is about to break through, and with your talent, you will definitely be able to shine in the future.

  When we are strong enough in the future, we will go out and completely drive them out of the demon world~ God realm. "

  Ye Jianweng explained so much to Zhu Hao, one is because Zhu Hao is already a character of the same level as him, and the other is because of Zhu Hao's talent, with Zhu Hao's talent, he will definitely be in the realm of the gods in the future. A pillar, able to lead the world of gods to defeat the world of demons in one fell swoop.

  So it is inevitable to tell Zhu Hao these things now.

  Zhu Hao had to know this clearly before he could put pressure on him and make him improve.

  "Senior, in fact, the core of the God Realm is not that safe, and that barrier is not indestructible. Our God Realm is now unavoidable, and we must fight this battle.

  And it's not like you said that there is no chance of winning, the giants of the demon world have already died.

  No, this is the shadow demon you just mentioned. "

  Zhu Hao directly threw the Shadow Demon's body in front of Ye Jianweng again. If the Shadow Demon knew when he was alive, the body would become an exhibit after he died.

  Then of course he must be pissed off again.This is too bullying.

  "What! How can the body of the Shadow Demon be in your hands?"

  Seeing the corpse of the real Shadow Demon on the ground, Ye Jianweng's face changed greatly, staring at Zhu Hao as if he had eaten shit.

  He couldn't quite believe it was true.

  "Of course I killed it, and there was a Gorefiend. The two of them sneaked into the God Realm and wanted to kill me. I had no choice but to kill both of them.

  I don't know how the two of them sneaked through the barrier and sneaked into the core of the God Realm, but this can also prove that the barrier outside the core of the God Realm is already flawed, even the giants of the Demon Realm Can sneak in quietly.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  In this case, it would not be safe for us to stay in the core of the God Realm.Therefore, we must take the initiative to attack and repel the demon world, and it is useless to shrink here blindly.

  There is no turning back in our God Realm.You must use all your strength to fight against the demon world.

...... 0

  Now there are two less giants in the demon world, and there is still one shadow demon who ranks third.By then our stress will be much less.I hope you can trust me, Senior Ye, and fight against the enemy with me. "

  At this time, Ye Jianweng was still in shock, but he was also thinking about Zhu Hao's request.


  A cold light flashed from behind Ye Jianweng, and a treasured sword rose into the sky and stabbed Zhu Hao.

  The old man didn't talk about martial arts, and he even attacked me without saying a word, but he was really old and shameless.

  Seeing Ye Jianweng's sudden attack, Zhu Hao also cursed shamelessly in his heart!Ten thousand.

Chapter 419

  However, Zhu Hao didn't panic at all, and directly took out his flying sword.As for Ye Jianweng, he decided to use the sword to fight the enemy, and he could just try the three swords of the flying swordsmanship that he had just learned to see if it was strong enough.

  The man in front of him, who is the number one man in the God Realm, will be his best sparring partner.

  Therefore, Zhu Hao's eyes were bright, and he directly vacated the first sword of the swordsmanship to break the defense, and broke the defense with one sword.

   In an instant, it was not only Ye Jianweng's sword that was blocked by Zhu Hao's sword, but also Zhu Hao's sword cut Luo from the air.He couldn't resist this sword at all.

  With one sword, Ye Jianweng, the number one man in the God Realm, was instantly defeated.

  Zhu Hao fell and helped Ye Jianweng who was seriously injured.

  At this time, his heart was also a little confused. He didn't know whether this Ye Jianweng's strength as the first person in the realm of the gods was too water, or his own sword was too powerful.Just one sword is to defeat this Ye Jianweng, which is indeed a bit too much nonsense.

  He couldn't believe that his current strength was actually so powerful.

  This is really hard to imagine for him. If Ye Jianweng's strength is really the first person in the realm of the gods, then the sword soul of the sky will not lie to him. After he has learned the sword of the sky, there is no opponent in the three realms.

  He has reached the peak and has become a ceiling-like existence. According to the current level, only the Great Demon King of the Demon Realm can become his opponent, and everyone else is his younger brother in front of him.

  Zhu Hao was ecstatic!

  "Are you sure you just broke through to the realm of God? How can you be so powerful?"

  Ye Jianweng's lips twitched slightly, and asked Zhu Hao in a tone that was almost about to cry.

  Although he said that he didn't use his full strength just now, because Zhu Hao had just been promoted to the realm of the gods, and he didn't quite believe that the shadow demon was killed by Zhu Hao himself.

  Therefore, [-]% of the strength was used.

  However, even if it is [-]% of the strength, it is not something that a person who has just stepped into the realm of the gods can resist?However, Zhu Hao resisted it, and he directly slashed out and inflicted heavy damage on himself.

  Which of Zhu Hao's strikes just now made him feel an unstoppable force. Even if he exerted all his strength, it should not be able to stop which of Zhu Hao's strikes. How could he accept it?

  He, Ye Jianweng, is the leader in the realm of the gods. He has never been surpassed in the peak, but now he has been directly KOed by a junior, which makes him a little bit slow for a while...  

  "Senior Ye, I really just broke through to the realm of the gods, but this sword is also one of my ultimate moves, and you probably didn't use all your strength just now, so in fact, I'm not too strong, but it's too outrageous. In the demon world, my strength is still enough to see."

  Zhu Hao's words may sound a little humble, but if you taste it a little, you will know that Zhu Hao's words are very pretentious.

  I'm not outrageous, but I happen to be stronger than you. This sentence doesn't hurt much, but it's extremely insulting, and you can't refute it.

  However, Zhu Hao was right. The three swords of the flying sword technique are indeed his ultimate move, and they are his most powerful offensive methods.

  But there are no three swords, and it is a bit outrageous to put Ye Jianweng in the most basic first sword. .

Chapter 420

  This gave him confidence, and it also gave Ye Jianweng the same confidence.

  "I promise you, my Divine Sword Villa will definitely go out to meet the enemy, and I am willing to act as a striker, make a sharp sword, and cut the demon world out of the god world!"

  In the face of Zhu Hao, who is amazingly talented and extremely powerful, Ye Jianweng also made a decisive decision. He originally felt that blindly defending would not work at all, and hiding in the core of the God Realm was not a solution at all. Against the demon world, there will be some hope.

  It's just that because of the huge disparity in strength before, his idea could not get the approval of the people in the realm of the gods, and others would think it was a waste of death.

  But now Zhu Hao has given him great hope. He thinks that Zhu Hao should be able to deal with the biggest demon king in the demon world. As long as Zhu Hao can block the big demon king, the remaining giants, even for them Still hard to stop, but not hopeless.

  This idea, Ye Jianweng is also very similar to Zhu Hao.

  "Many thanks to Senior Ye for being so righteous, then please Senior Ye to integrate the power of Divine Sword Villa, and then go directly to Huaqing Pool."

  Hearing Ye Jianweng's readily agreeable consent, Zhu Hao is in a good mood. This is the stable number one force in the realm of the gods, and he can get his consent.

  It almost means that he has half of the power of the God Realm in his hands. In addition to those other forces, and Huaqingchi, who are also the five top powers, Zhu Hao has now almost integrated more than half of the power of the God Realm.

  Now, with Ye Jianweng's living golden signboard, all the power of the God Realm should be gathered soon.

  "Have you persuaded Huaqingchi before me?"

  Ye Jianweng asked Zhu Hao.

  "Yes, Fairy Lanyue from Huaqing Pool promised me that I would agree after I got the approval of Divine Sword Villa, so now that you have agreed, Senior Ye, then Huaqing Pool will naturally agree.

  And not only Huaqing Pool, but all the other forces except the five top forces have been integrated by me. They have already gone to the barrier of the core of the God Realm. We will join them when the time comes, and then go out directly to respond to the enemy. "

  Zhu Hao said with a smile.

  "That Moon Lantern Fairy is indeed quite smart. And Zhu Hao, you are indeed a good leader."

  Ye Jianweng immediately knew Fairy Lanyue's plan and said with a smile.

  "Then go ahead and make arrangements. I'll wait for you here. I'll need Senior Ye to go to other top forces with me later."

  With Ye Jianweng's words, it must be much easier to convince other top forces later. After all, Ye Jianweng is famous, the number one person in the God Realm, and the owner of the Divine Sword Villa, the first power in the God Realm.

  Even he has already agreed, and other top forces will definitely agree.

  In that case, Zhu Hao himself will spend less time talking, and he won't want to keep talking to others like this now, which will only waste time.

  "Okay, but I suggest that it's better for the two of us to act separately. The hall master of Tianlong Temple was saved by me, so I will not refuse my decision, so I will go to Tianlong Temple. Convince the lord of the Tianlong Palace.

  And you go to the remaining two top forces. ".

Chapter 421

  "The other two top forces will obey your arrangements because of your top strength.

  After all, only the strong can decide everything.

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