Zhu Hao was shocked and turned around abruptly, only to see a man covered in a black robe standing behind him.

  Zhu Hao didn't even notice this person at all, he was already behind him, and he didn't even notice the Han Yu in his body.

  "Zhu Hao, this person is very dangerous, you have to be careful."

  Han Yu said to Zhu Hao with a rare solemn voice.

  Zhu Hao nodded and stared at the person in front of him. If he guessed correctly, this person should be the great devil of the devil world he was looking for.

  But the great demon king of this demon world knows about the Void Sword, and seems to have seen it before.This made Zhu Hao feel very puzzled in his heart.

  Without asking any questions, he directly threw the Soaring Sword in front of him, ready to fight.

  Then the Great Demon King didn't seem to have any plans to fight him, instead he waved at him, motioning him to put down the flying sword in his hand.

  But of course Zhu Hao wouldn't do what he wanted. In the face of such a dangerous person, Zhu Hao certainly wouldn't take it lightly. He had to keep his spirits high, otherwise, if he didn't pay attention, he would capsize in the gutter.

  "Don't be so nervous. I won't hurt you. With as many bodies as you, I can't bear to hurt. It's very useful to me."

  The Great Demon King said with a gloomy smile, as if he was extremely eager for Zhu Hao's body.

  "There are two souls in this person's body, one is extremely powerful, and the other is slightly immature. It seems that the great demon king of this demon world should be an old monster who has taken other people's bodies!"

  Just when Zhu Hao was wondering, Han Yu gave Zhu Hao the answer.If this Great Demon King is really an old monster who has robbed someone else's body, then he must want to take away his own body now. His talent is so good, this Great Demon King must be very envious...  

  "Hmph, who are you, pretending to be a ghost here."

  Zhu Hao asked the Great Demon King with a cold snort.He wanted to figure out what the hell this big devil was.

  "I almost forgot who I am, I have been trapped in this inferior Three Realms for ten thousand years, and finally I have a chance to see the sun again.

  Because the people in the devil world let me have a corpse, in exchange, I promised them to destroy your god world, and now I also agree to give you a choice, as long as you are willing to dedicate yourself.

  I can also promise you that I will slaughter the entire demon world.

  how?After all, I don't want to fight with you either. It's not good if you break it, so it's better if you obediently offer it up. "

  The Great Demon King looked at Zhu Hao, only the exposed pair of eyes flashed with red light, which seemed very intimidating.He spoke to Zhu Hao in a very seductive voice.

  Zhu Hao's eyes suddenly became dull. .

Chapter 445

  "Wake up quickly!"

  Seeing Zhu Hao's state, Han Yu knew that it was the illusion of the Great Demon King, and quickly woke Zhu Hao.

  Zhu Hao was also suddenly sober, staring at the big devil with a bad expression. He was able to put himself into a fantasy world with just one sentence. It really wasn't a simple role. If Han Yu hadn't reminded him here, he might have been planted here today .

  "What a sinister old fellow!"

  Zhu Hao stared gloomily at the Great Demon King, who was an old monster who didn't know his identity to be precise.

 26 Lifting the sword in the sky, Zhu Hao rushed towards the big demon king. From the very beginning, he stabbed God with a sword. He used his strongest means, and this sword was extremely sharp.

  Zhu Hao's sword is very powerful, but he really has no idea. He doesn't know if this sword can have the same effect when facing the black devil. Hope should not be big, but he still has to try it.

  Because the Great Demon King was covered by the cloak, he couldn't see the expression on his face. He just stood there motionless, looking really calm, without any fluctuations.

  The sword was approaching, and the edge of the flying sword cut the surrounding air.

  However, suddenly, the flying sword stopped in front of the big devil, and Zhu Hao stretched it forward.

  But it didn't move at all, as if there was an invisible barrier blocking it, Zhu Hao tried his best and couldn't do anything.

  "Don't think about starting with me, you have no way to compete with me, don't waste your energy here, and think about my suggestion carefully.

  Oh no, this is not advice, you have no other choice but this one. "

  The Great Demon King smiled sullenly. He always had a careless attitude towards Zhu Hao, but he was bound to win over Zhu Hao's body.

  "This is impossible!"

  Zhu Hao shouted, and then a sword broke through the defense, and then followed by a thorn in the shadow.

  After the three swords came out, Zhu Hao was aggressive. Although the strength of this great devil made him always invisible and very dangerous, he still did not have any fear.

  In the face of any enemy, you should have a heart that is not afraid and unyielding, so that you can go all the way to the end and achieve the best.

  Therefore, even with such a powerful big devil, Zhu Hao is not afraid at all, and his fighting spirit rises!

  This is the first time that Zhu Hao has used these three swords together completely since he learned the three swordsmanship in the sky, without any reservations.

  And the Great Demon King is not as indifferent as before. Looking at the three consecutive swords Zhu Hao used, he directly raised his hand.

  "Dark Space!"

  Suddenly, Zhu Hao only saw that everything in the sky and the earth turned black, and he entered the space released by the Great Demon King.

  The three swords were also stuck in the space, and they were constantly struggling to break through this space.

  But this space really didn't have any turbulence.

  "Hmph, if you want to trap me, then see how many swords your space can resist me."

  After Zhu Hao finished speaking, his eyes narrowed, and he held the sword in both hands, and he cut out one after another with the flying swordsmanship.

  "Break the defense!"

  "Thorn God"

  "Break the defense, stab God."

  Zhu Hao seems to have returned to the state where he just started practicing swords, but he did not use Glancing Shadow, but kept using the two strong offensive swordsmanships, Defensive Defense and Sting God, so tirelessly. Sword after sword. .

Chapter 446

  "You toss slowly, I will cherish such a good body, and I will be very patient with you, you toss slowly, when you are tired, you should come and sacrifice you for me body."

  From the darkness came the unpleasant voice of the Great Demon King.

  "You're dreaming, you can't possibly take me away, old monster, he's still so useless after so many years."

  Zhu Hao cursed.He still kept waving the vacant sword in his hand, no matter what, he would not give up.

  I don't know how many swords have passed, this dark space has not been cut open by Zhu Hao.

  It can't go on like this, this kind of attack has no effect on this space at all, only with a more powerful attack can this space be broken open.

  Zhu Hao thought to himself.

  But so far, his most powerful means are these three types of flying swordsmanship. Now that these three swordsmanship are ineffective, his remaining means are of course even more useless.

  There is only one way now, and that is to fuse the three swords of the Soaring Sword Technique together into one sword.

  Although it is said that only three swordsmanships are combined into one sword, the power of this sword is indeed more than ten times the power of a single sword. This is a qualitative change. A piece of dark space broke open.

  Zhu Hao calmed down and began to use these three swords continuously, one sword after another, changing the order from time to time.

  He was looking for the most suitable state, where one sword could be integrated into the other two swords.

  Finally, he had a little inspiration.

  It seems that only when you use Glimpse can you have the opportunity to integrate the other two swords. Although both the anti-defense and the stabbing god are relatively strong in lethality, they each have their own characteristics. God is aiming at the Achilles heel of the enemy. There is a conflict between the two swords, and there is no way to fuse them.

  There is only a glimpse, the essence is very simple, it only confuses the enemy, and accelerates the speed, so if you use the other two swords together while increasing the speed, will it become one sword.

  The only thing in the world of martial arts is fast, and the beauty of swordsmanship lies in the word "quick". As long as you are fast enough, you can have incomparable strength and sharpness. As long as you are fast enough, you will be able to kill the enemy with one blow.

  When the enemy is dazzled, the enemy cannot escape, and the enemy is killed directly.

  Zhu Hao realized something in his heart. The frequency of sword strikes continued to increase, and the speed of sword strikes continued to accelerate. The whole person seemed to have entered a wonderful state.

  There was only the word "sword" left in his heart.

  "¨ˇ Oh? It's really gratifying to be able to have an epiphany in the middle of a battle, yes yes, I must take you, as long as I take you, I will be able to return to the peak and kill all those people. 々ˇ.”

  Standing outside, the Great Demon King could clearly see Zhu Hao's actions inside. He looked at Zhu Hao's eyes (Are Li Hao) getting hotter and hotter.

  "Fast, only one word is fast. The essence of the fusion of these three swords should be in this fast word. Then as long as I am fast enough, I will definitely be able to fuse these three swords together."

  Zhu Hao's mouth was broken, the sword in his hand was getting faster and faster, and there was no longer the appearance of three swords, but only one sword.

  Finally, Zhu Hao stabbed with a sword, and time seemed to have stood still, only Zhu Hao's sword penetrated the space. .

Chapter 447

  Only Zhu Hao's sword passed through the space. At this moment, the sword was completed!

  At the moment of life and death, Zhu Hao finally realized the final essence of the first three swords of the Soaring Swordsmanship, and fused these three swords together.

  Seeing that his dark space was broken, the big devil was also a little surprised.

  "Not bad, such a good talent, and amazing luck, I have only been fortunate enough to see such a peerless sword as the Soaring Sword. It is a great blessing for you to be able to get him even as a small god. .

  However, your current strength is too low to exert the strength of the Kong Kong Sword at all. Let me take you away, release the former light of the Kong Kong Sword for you, and let him become a trembling peerless sword again.

  The prestige of the Flying Sword should not be destroyed in your hands.Let me take you away and take your body to a height that you can never imagine. This will also be your glory! "

  The Great Demon King is getting more and more excited. He can't bear it anymore. He wants to take Zhu Hao's body and all his talents as his own.

  With Zhu Hao's talent and strength, coupled with this flying sword, it won't take long for him to become a supreme being.

  "Hmph, wishful thinking. It's impossible, you must die at my hands today."

  Zhu Hao didn't say much nonsense, he just stabbed with a sword. The sword he just learned had to be stabbed on the body of the Great Demon King to test its true power.

  "Dark Shield!"

  The Great Demon King of this sword was indeed unable to escape. He hurriedly released a black protective cover on his body to wrap himself up. He sensed a dangerous aura from Zhu Hao's sword.

  It seems that this sword can hurt him!

  The dark shield is indestructible, and the big devil is wrapped in it like a black ball.

  But the edge of Zhu Hao's sword should not be underestimated.

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