After a slight pause on the dark shield, it directly pierced into the dark shield, but the dark shield (cgdg) seemed to be sticky and kept healing, as if it wanted to clamp the flying sword directly on the in.

  Zhu Hao grabbed the Tengkong sword and slammed it hard, and the Tengkong sword stabbed all of it directly, leaving only one hilt outside being grasped by Zhu Hao's hand.

  Zhu Hao's face was filled with joy. This was the first time he had stabbed the Great Demon King with his flying sword.

  The air sword stabbed in, the dark shield shattered like glass, and it became a black casual thing, and then disappeared.

  The body of the Great Demon King was exposed, but at this moment, he was holding the body of the Soaring Sword in his hand, and the tip of the sword had indeed penetrated into his body.

  Blood continued to flow down the sky sword.

  "I didn't expect you to be able to hurt my body. It's really powerful. It really makes me tempted."

  The big devil laughed loudly, and didn't seem to feel uncomfortable because the flying sword stabbed into his body.

  After all, he was not the real owner of this body, he just took it away, and now the original soul of this body is still there, and has been resisting him.

  Therefore, in the strict sense, Zhu Hao's sword did not hit the target, but only hit the body.

  After he finished speaking, the Great Demon King pulled the Flying Sword out of his body and threw it away.

  Even if the Soaring Sword was held in Zhu Hao's hand, it was thrown out with Zhu Hao. .

Chapter 448

  "Since you've already soiled my body, then I don't have to wait any longer, just occupy your body.

  The process may be a little painful, but trust me, you'll be unconscious in no time.

  Your soul will return to silence and disappear completely from the world, and I will replace you and become a dazzling existence! "

  The Great Demon King was about to start taking the house, and he finally couldn't bear it any longer. Although Zhu Hao was still very awake now, he couldn't wait any longer. He thought he could force Zhu Hao to take the house.

  With his strength, Zhu Hao, who is only in the realm of the gods, has no way to resist.

  I saw that the body of the Great Demon King suddenly fell to the ground, and then a solid soul emerged from the body. This soul looks extremely ugly, with pointed mouth and monkey cheeks, short stature, and hunched waist. All can directly make children cry.

  With undisguised eagerness on his face, he dived directly into Zhu Hao's body.

  "Boy, you can do it with your hands, don't make senseless resistance, this will be your supreme honor."

  The Great Demon King chuckled in Zhu Hao's body.

  "Old monster, you are really insidious, do you think you can really take me away?"

  Zhu Hao's soul snorted and said to the Great Demon King.

  "You are just a little god, you may be very powerful in these three realms, but in my eyes you are like an ant, do you think you are really capable of resisting me?

  I just didn't want to hurt your body and gave you a chance to choose, but since you are so stubborn, I don't need to be polite to you.

  Let me completely wipe out your weak, poor soul from this body. If I control this body, it must be far more powerful than your weak soul. "

  I saw a black flame suddenly rise from this hunched and ugly soul. The high temperature of the flame made Zhu Hao grit his teeth in pain.

  "Taste the fire of my soul, he will directly make your soul disappear."

  The Great Demon King laughed wickedly, and then a ball of flames shot directly at Zhu Hao's soul.

  "You want to occupy his body, have you asked my opinion?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Suddenly a soul appeared, and as soon as he reached out his hand, the black flame was scattered.

  This is Han Yu who has always been in Zhu Hao's body. When Zhu Hao was in danger, he could only help.

  "Hey! I didn't expect that there would be people who got there ahead of me and took a fancy to this body.

  This fellow Daoist, I think your strength was similar to mine during your lifetime. You should also be from the upper realm. I am an old ghost. I hope that fellow Daoist can give me a thin face and give me this body. In the future, I will It will definitely find a more suitable body for the Taoist friend. "


  After seeing Han Yu, the old demon suddenly became serious and asked Han Yu in a negotiating tone.

  He could feel that Han Yu should have been a strong man of similar strength to him before his death, and even though he was in a state of soul now, he was still very strong, and he should have practiced for a long time.

  However, of course he is not afraid, he regards Zhu Hao's body as something in his pocket, and he must succeed in winning the body, no one can stop him.

  If this mysterious soul can know each other and promise him, that's fine.Ten thousand.

Chapter 449

  If he doesn't agree, then he will destroy him first. As for the soul, he is not afraid of anyone.

  Soul Demon Old Ghost thought in his heart.

  "Hehe, Soul Demon, you are notoriously sinister and vicious. No one can believe what a person like you says. I won't take this body away, and neither can you!"

  Han Yu heard the words of the old ghost demon, and his face became a little dignified. Yes, he is also from the upper realm like this old ghost demon, and he was once a powerhouse of the same level, but this old ghost demon. The ghost became famous much earlier than him, and he was also notorious among the upper realms.

  This old ghost demon cultivates an extremely evil technique called the Soul Devouring Dafa, which can devour other people's souls to enhance his own strength.

  For a long time, countless people in the upper realm have been killed by this old ghost, and then their souls have been swallowed up.In the end, a few strong men took action and joined forces to kill the old ghost, which made God Realm one less scourge.

  Unexpectedly, this old ghost devil did not really die, but a trace of soul remained, secretly hiding in the Three Realms.

  "Then are you going to fight me? Haha, shame on you, then let me swallow your soul, it should greatly improve my strength."

  Hearing Han Yu's answer, the old ghost demon also put away the smiling face he had disguised before and became gloomy.

  He directed at Han Yu and shot out another ball of soul fire.

  "Hmph, it's just a sneaky mouse, I'm not afraid of you."

  Han Yu's expression was icy cold. Although this old ghost demon was very strong, he was not afraid at all.

  A layer of frost suddenly rose from Han Yu's body, and Zhu Hao was shivering from the cold again.

  He waved his hand to disperse the group of soul fire, and then a spear condensed from ice suddenly appeared in his hand, grabbed it in his hand, and rushed towards the soul demon old ghost.

  "You actually comprehend the rare profound meaning of Frost Ice Profound Truth. Who are you?"

  The old soul demon's expression suddenly became solemn, and when he looked at Han Yu who was approaching, he directly condensed into a black dagger in his hand.

  Immediately, the spear and the dagger collided, and the two souls fought fiercely in Zhu Hao's body.

  "Don't think that you can suppress me by comprehending the Profound Truth of Frost Ice. My old ghost has been in the upper realm for many years, relying on this incomparably powerful soul.

  When you were at your peak, I might not be your opponent, but now it's just a soul body, you think you can beat me! "

  The old ghost ghost sneered and said to Han Yu...  

  However, Han Yu's face was indeed cold, and he didn't speak. He just suddenly raised his spear and stabbed the old ghost.

  The old soul demon was stabbed by this spear, and the dagger was directly broken, and his soul was suddenly wilted.

  Obviously, under Han Yu's blow, the old ghost demon was also injured.

  "Soul Devouring Dafa!"

  Suddenly, the old ghost roared loudly.He just used his own famous stunt, the Soul Devouring Dafa, and wanted to devour Han Yu directly.

  I saw that his mouth suddenly became larger, and there was a black vortex in his mouth, which produced a great suction force, and Han Yu was actually sucked by this suction force.

  Han Yu's face turned cold, and he threw the spear in his hand high.

  "Great cold!"

  He shouted coldly, and then saw that the ice spear suddenly shattered and turned into ice arrows. .

Chapter 450

  These ice arrows flew directly at the old ghost of the ghost who opened their mouths, but as soon as these ice arrows approached the old ghost of the ghost, they were directly sucked in by the big mouth of the old ghost of the ghost.

  Although the soul of the old ghost demon has also become sluggish, the suction in his mouth has become stronger.

  Han Yu's body was constantly approaching the mouth of the old ghost.If this is directly swallowed by the old ghost, it will really be over.

  "Hey, I didn't expect such an accident to happen. It seems that I will have to wait a little longer before I can reshape my body. Zhu Hao, you are really miserable."

  Han Yu suddenly sighed and looked back at Zhu Hao's soul.

  Zhu Hao only felt that something was wrong. Han Yu should have made a big move. 26

  "I didn't expect that the scourge of your Upper Realm was not completely eliminated, and you actually hid in the Three Realms to do evil. Then let me completely eliminate your scourge today."

  Han Yu looked back at the old ghost demon coldly and said that his breath suddenly became stronger and stronger, and the surrounding temperature was getting lower and lower.

  An extremely dangerous aura emanated from Han Yu's body.

  I can't fight him anymore, I have to run away quickly, what kind of existence is this, to be able to have such power by virtue of the soul, so that Qingshan is not afraid of running out of firewood, run away quickly, and find someone else to take the house.

  Although he was unwilling to do so, the old ghost demon still chose to give up and escape from Zhu Hao's body.

  However, Han Yu was ready, how could he let him run away?

  I saw that Han Yu also followed, and in a flash, he flew directly in front of the old ghost.

  "Fellow Daoist, you have to forgive others and forgive them, I will give up this body, you don't need to kill me.

  I see that you are also burning your soul in this state. If you go on like this, your previous cultivation will be in vain. It’s not worth it. "

  The old ghost demon knew that Han Yu's state was not something he could stop him at all, so he quickly lowered his eyebrows and pleaded with Han Yu, begging for it.

  "Cold kill!"

  But Han Yu didn't react in the slightest because of the old ghost ghost. He had already decided to kill this ghost ghost completely.

  A mass of frost appeared directly above the old ghost of the ghost. These frosts looked light and beautiful, but the dangerous atmosphere in it made the old ghost of the ghost numb.

  He hurriedly summoned a large group of soul fire and shot it out towards the frost above, but after the soul fire encountered the frost, it went out directly.

  Soul Demon Old Ghost was at a loss, and immediately began to run desperately, but no matter how he ran, the frost on his head was still there, and it was getting closer and closer to him.

  Finally, the frost fell on the old soul demon. The frost that seemed to be fluttering turned into ice quickly when it fell on the old ghost.

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