Soul Demon Old Ghost was slowly wrapped in ice.In the end it turned into an ice sculpture.

  So far, the soul has also been killed, only the look of horror and unwillingness still remains on his face.

  With a wave of Han Yu's hand, the ice shattered, and even the soul of the old ghost demon turned into ice chips. A gust of wind blew, and the old ghost ghost finally completely disappeared.

  And after the soul of the old ghost demon was also destroyed, Han Yu's soul also quickly wilted. .

Chapter 451

  "Han Yu, are you alright?"

  Zhu Hao hurriedly asked Han Yu, Han Yu's current state is indeed not very good, especially weak, and even his soul has become transparent, far less solid than before.

  The current appearance is the same as when Zhu Hao first met Han Yu, extremely weak.

  Zhu Hao's heart tightened, Han Yu was afraid that nothing would happen.

  In Zhu Hao's heart, Han Yu has always occupied a very important position. He is not only his helper, he often guides himself, and is more like his relative. After getting along for such a long time, Han Yu has become Zhu Hao. One of Hao's reliance.

  Therefore, Zhu Hao absolutely did not want anything to happen to Hanyu.

  "It's okay, but the recovery for so long was in vain, and all of them were used directly, and then we have to slowly recover."

  Han Yu sighed and said, but although he has suffered such a big loss, he still doesn't care about it. Similarly, Zhu Hao already has a very important place in his heart.

  "Is there any way to make you recover quickly 々ˇ?"

  Zhu Hao asked Han Yu what he wanted to do for Han Yu.

  "In the Three Realms, there is nothing that can restore my soul, unless I devour other people's souls like the old ghost, but I can't do that kind of behavior that hurts the world."

  Han Yu looked at Zhu Hao and said that his strength is too strong, and there is no temptation in the three realms that can affect his recovery. Even if there are one or two things, it will not have much effect, and that kind of Things are bound to be important to the Three Realms, and he cannot take them away.

  "What about beyond the three realms? What kind of place is the upper realm, and how far is the upper god from the legendary god emperor?

  I feel that there are many questions in my heart that are slowly about to be answered, and I hope you can tell me. "

  Zhu Hao looked at Han Yu and asked solemnly, these questions have always troubled him, and his long-term goal is to be the most powerful god emperor.

  But in today's God Realm, the existence of the God Emperor has never been heard of, and even most people have regarded the God Emperor as a legend.

  Therefore, Zhu Hao only knew that there is a real realm of the God Emperor, but he didn't know what kind of realm the God Emperor was, how powerful the God Emperor was, and where did they go?

  So, taking advantage of today's opportunity, Zhu Hao asked Han Yu.

  "¨ˇ Alas, it's time to tell you that, in fact, there has always been another world outside the Three Realms, and this world was not born innately.

  It was originally created by three god emperors.

  Among the three god emperors, the space god emperor constructed the framework of this world, the time god emperor planned the time for this world, and the last life god emperor created a comfortable environment.

  The first people in this world (Li Zhao) were only the subordinates and descendants of the three god emperors. Later, people from the Three Realms entered this world.

  Because of the blessings of the three great god emperors, this world is much faster to cultivate than the three realms, so it is also called the upper realm.

  But suddenly one day, the three god emperors left, no one knew where they went, and after they left, the world and the Three Realms could not pass. ".

Chapter 452

  "After that, not only people from the Three Realms can't enter the Upper Realm, but also people from the Upper Realm can't enter the Three Realms.

  However, many years ago, I was assassinated by a traitor in the upper realm. By chance, I came to the three realms through a place.

  So, if you want to enter the upper realm, you can.

  However, I don't recommend you to go to the upper realm yet, because your current strength is indeed still a little worse.

  The upper gods are already the most powerful characters in the Three Realms, but they are not particularly powerful characters in the upper realms.

  After the gods, there is the primordial spirit. The primordial spirit is divided into three realms, front, middle and back. The strong person in the primordial spirit realm can comprehend one of their own profound meanings. This profound meaning is your strongest attack method.

  Of course, the profound meanings are also divided into types and strengths, which all depend on one's comprehension and talent. The stronger the profound meanings, the more difficult it is to comprehend.

  The three most powerful profound meanings in this world are the time, space and life profound meanings of the three god emperors.

  He will continue to become stronger as your strength improves and your perception deepens.

  Therefore, this profound meaning is (cgdg) the biggest gap between you and them.

  And Yuanshen is the beginning, after Yuanshen is the realm of gods, and there are nine levels of realm of gods.

  After you arrive at the gods, the profound meaning you comprehend will be further sublimated and become a mystery. He can not only improve your strength, but also become your unique weapon, and your strength will be doubled when you use it.

  The old ghost and I are the powerhouses in the realm of the gods. What I have realized is that the mystery of ice is a relatively powerful mystery, and although his dark mystery is also quite strong, he does not pay attention to it. Very shallow.

  So I am the fifth level of the gods, he is only the third level of the gods, and if it is two levels, it is a different level.If I'm not a spirit body, it's easy to kill him.

  There are nine levels of gods in total, and you need to constantly study your own mysteries to improve.Therefore, people who are in the realm of gods and gods are generally meditatively cultivating and trying to understand their own mysteries.

  Jiuzhong Tianshen is the top figure of the gods, and it can be said that they are the most powerful people in the realm of the gods. Their mysteries have been completed and they can exert terrifying power.

  And these people are generally some big people who are big and powerful.

  It is said to be the Holy Spirit after the Nine Heavens. It is said that the Holy Spirit can turn mysteries into rules. Although it is not a complete rule, it can only affect those who oppose him.But it's also unrivaled.

  However, there is almost no figure of the Holy Spirit in the upper realm.Perhaps only those three god emperor families could have living holy gods in charge.Therefore, with the strength of your current little god, you are the weakest group in the upper realm. "

  Han Yu said a lot to Zhu Hao, and explained almost all the situation of the upper realm to Zhu Hao. In short, it is one point, that is, the strength of the upper realm is much more terrifying than the three realms combined. And Zhu Hao's current strength is also the weakest among the upper realms.

  Han Yu also knows that only in the upper realm can a quick recovery method be found, but now Zhu Hao's strength is still too weak, he has an enemy family, if Zhu Hao goes to the upper realm, he is discovered by the enemy family , that Zhu Hao will also be killed by him.

  And it's not just him, even the Soaring Sword is very famous in the upper realm. .

Chapter 453

  According to legend, the Void Sword was once used by the Space God Emperor when he was young, and it was also transformed by the Time God Emperor.

  Therefore, although he is just a sword that was abandoned by the god emperor after a period of time, its value is also inestimable, and there are even two god emperors' means.

  If someone in the upper realm finds out that Zhu Hao has a flying sword in his hand, then Zhu Hao will definitely die without a place to be buried, and he will definitely stand on the cusp of the storm if he gets the attention of all the forces in the realm of the gods. , With his strength, he couldn't keep the Soaring Sword at all, and he would also be hunted down.

  Therefore, the current Zhu Hao cannot go to the upper realm at all. Many factors affect him. Although there is a way to go to the upper realm, he cannot.

  "No, what about the God Emperor? Is there a God Emperor behind the Holy God?"

  Every time Zhu Hao picked a key point in his heart, he instead paid attention to the God Emperor, the goal he was thinking about.

  "Yes, that's right, after reaching the Holy Spirit, there is no specific realm division, and here will infinitely magnify the profound meaning that the individual first understood. Only a powerful profound truth can come to the end."

  Han Yu explained.

  "How far have the profound meanings of the three great god emperors reached?"

  Zhu Hao asked.

  "The end of the mystery is the rules, everything in this world is the rule, and the three god emperors are the ones who master the rules."

  A look of reverence appeared on Han Yu's face, and he was naturally full of admiration in his heart for this kind of powerhouse that had reached the end.

  "Rules! Is the God Emperor the rules?"

  Zhu Hao murmured in his mouth.

  He seems to have seen three people standing at the top of the world, manipulating everything in this world, and the reincarnation of all things and the flow of time are the rules they made.

  If only I could create such a rule in the future.I am the rules, the rules are me, there is no right or wrong, just follow my original heart, whatever my heart is, what is the rule.

  Zhu Hao thought in his heart, slowly, he seemed to feel something sprouting in his body inadvertently, but he couldn't say what it was.

  It was not until the end that Zhu Hao knew that this was his ideal.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  "I can hold on for another month now. After a month, I have to go to sleep for a while. This period may be long or short. Before I fall into a coma, you must realize your own profound meaning, so that Go to the upper bounds.

  Only in the upper realm can I wake up as soon as possible, and it is even possible to directly restore my soul to its peak state and restore my physical body.

...... 0

  Of course, it's not just because of me, you yourself must go to the upper realm, your future will definitely be extraordinary, and only when you reach the upper realm can you start a new journey and become stronger.

  There is no challenge for you in the Three Realms, and now you need a broader stage.

  So, it's only a month, but if you have a sky sword, it's not just a month. "

  Suddenly, Han Yu said to Zhu Hao with a serious look, that now Zhu Hao needs to go to a more expansive place to travel, and he needs to go to the upper realm to open a new chapter for him.

  "I know, I believe I can do it, my goal is the God Emperor!"

  Zhu Hao nodded, his eyes firm.Ten thousand.

Chapter 454

  "I believe in you, you are always working miracles!"

  Han Yu looked at Zhu Hao, his eyes were full of approval. Zhu Hao walked all the way. Although there was a part of hard work, more of it was his talent.

  He has never heard of such a talent even in the upper realm, so he has always believed in Zhu Hao, no matter what Zhu Hao wants to do, as long as he has this confidence, he will definitely succeed. .

  "Now I'm going to clean up the demon world first, solve everything, and then go to retreat with you."

  "Well, after you solve all your things, you must ensure that there are no distracting thoughts in your heart, so that you can understand the profound meaning, otherwise, no matter how good your talent is, even if your mind is confused, there is no way to comprehend the profound meaning.

  Well, I have to go to rest, you can quickly solve it and come to me. "

  After Han Yu finished talking wearily, he got into the sky sword. After this battle with the old ghost demon, it had a great negative impact on him.

  Zhu Hao walked towards the Great Demon King who fell to the ground with the flying sword. This man was taken away by the old ghost demon, but it seemed that the old ghost was never able to successfully take it away.

  Otherwise, the strength of the old ghost demon is even stronger than it is now.

  Who are you?

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