With doubts in his heart, Zhu Hao walked over and uncovered the black robe of the real Demon King who fell to the ground.

  At this time, the true face of the Demon King of the Demon World was finally revealed in front of Zhu Hao.


  Zhu Hao took a deep breath, and his eyeballs almost fell out.

  I originally thought that there would be an ugly old man under the black robe, but I didn't expect it to be a little girl who looked like jade. This little girl looked very young, but she had a very good figure, almost all the women Zhu Hao had seen. Among them, the one with the best body proportions, and further up, is a suffocatingly beautiful face.

  There is a small black butterfly pattern on the forehead, which is charming and mysterious.

  This is unscientific. It shouldn't be like this. The Great Demon King of the Demon Realm has been famous for a long time in the Three Realms. At that time, the old ghost of the soul demon should not have appeared.

  So, this little girl is only so old, so she shouldn't be the real Demon King...  

  Could it be that the Great Demon King of the Demon World is still here?He is also lurking in the Demon Realm, ready to deal with the God Realm as the Demon Realm's trump card.

  Zhu Hao thought in surprise.

  He moved his face closer, as if he wanted to see if this woman had changed her face to make him look so young. In fact, he was indeed an old monster who didn't know how long ago.

  "what are you going to do?"

  Just when Zhu Hao was thinking wildly, the woman on the ground suddenly opened her eyes, raised her hand and slapped Zhu Hao in the face.

  She wrapped herself in a black robe again and stared at Zhu Hao with a bad look.

  "That, girl, I didn't mean it, I just wanted to see if your face is real or fake.

   No, no, no, I just don't think your face belongs to you. "

  When Zhu Hao opened his mouth, it sounded strange to him.

  But then he thought about it again, why did he explain to her that he and she should be dead enemies.

  "Who are you? Why are you being taken away by the old ghost demon, where is the great demon king of your demon world hiding now?".

Chapter 455

  "What are your plans in the devil world, tell me honestly, or don't blame me for killing flowers."

  Zhu Hao's face turned cold.He asked the woman sternly.

  "Pfft, hahaha! What kind of weirdo are you?"

  But she didn't expect that the woman on the ground was still stunned at first, and suddenly burst out laughing, she couldn't stop laughing when she looked at Zhu Hao with a confused face.

  The body trembled slightly, dazzling.

  "You God Realm, when did a freak like you appear, you are quite strong, but your brain is not very easy to use."

  She sneered at Zhu Hao.

  "Stop laughing, tell me, who are you?"

  Zhu Hao was a little embarrassed by this woman's smile, and asked in a more aggravated tone.

  "Okay, let me tell you, I'm really not the real big devil in the devil world, just because I was taken away by the old soul demon after seeing his talent."

  The woman smiled, and suddenly her face became serious, but there was still some pain and hatred in her eyes.

  And Zhu Hao was also shocked when he heard this. It seems that the real crisis in the God Realm has not been resolved. The hungry demon king of the Demon Realm is still hiding in the dark.

  Maybe this real big devil might even be stronger than the old ghost ghost.

  "However, don't worry, the real Demon King of the Demon World is dead."

  The woman spoke to Zhu Hao again.

  "Why should I believe you, how would you know that the Great Demon King is dead when you were taken away?"

  Of course, Zhu Hao still didn't believe it in his heart, after all, the more beautiful a woman was, the more deceptive she was.

  "Because, I am his daughter, and he died in front of me."

  The woman's voice suddenly became lower, and she lowered her head, looking sad, like a wounded deer.

  "My father once met the old ghost ghost in a place, and he was bewitched by the old ghost ghost.

  Then he brought the old ghost ghost from that place back to the realm of the gods. At the beginning, the old ghost ghost was far less powerful than it is now.After returning to the Demon Realm, my father found a lot of souls for the Soul Demon Old Ghost to devour for the Soul Demon Old Ghost, and as a condition, the Soul Demon Old Ghost also had to help the Demon Realm deal with the God Realm.

  However, what my father didn't expect is that this old ghost has a great appetite. No matter how many souls he has, he is not satisfied. He has always asked my father for souls, but there are so many souls to be swallowed by him. .

  Therefore, my father stopped looking for the soul of the old ghost, and did not use the old ghost to help him deal with the gods.He didn't want to kill the innocent people of the Demon World because of this.

  However, no one would have imagined that the old ghost demon was so cruel and ruthless that if my father didn't find it for him, he would do it himself and slaughter my demonic creatures, and he would slaughter the city at every turn.

  In the end, my father was furious and wanted to slaughter the old ghost.

  But after that old ghost demon devoured a lot of souls, his strength has improved a lot, and my father can't beat him at all.In the end, the soul was also swallowed up by the old ghost.

  Then, he entered my father's body, and as my father, he searched for his soul in the demon world openly and aboveboard.

  His ruthless means made all the other demon giants obedient.And he also seduced those giants and told them. ".

Chapter 456

  "As long as he can kill people, he has a way to improve their strength, and the more he kills, the better, so there was massacre everywhere in the demon world for a while. people in their own territory.

  Seeing this, I really can't help it. If things go on like this, those people in the demon world will face a huge crisis.

  So, I made up my mind to kill the old ghost, so that everything would be over.

  However, in the end, I was defeated by the old ghost, the old ghost, who saw my talent, so he wanted to take me away. Of course I didn’t want to, and even threatened him with self-destruction, because of the scar on my forehead. Mysterious pattern, so he can't push me too hard.

  So, he threatened me with the people of the demon world. In the end, we each took a step back. He promised me not to slaughter the people in the demon world, and promised to fulfill my father's greatest wish during his lifetime, to conquer the god world.

  And I need to be taken away by him honestly, and I can't continue to resist.

  Then, he led the demon army to start the attack on the gods. "

  Having said this, the woman stopped.When she mentioned the name Soul Demon Old Ghost, her eyes were full of hatred.

  "I just didn't expect it, because I met you here and solved him directly. Speaking of which, you should be my great benefactor."

  Then, the woman looked at Zhu Hao and said with a narrow smile.

  "Since I am your savior, I hope you can tell the truth and make sure that what you said is true."

  Although what this woman said was indeed sympathetic and reasonable, Zhu Hao would not believe her so easily.

  "My devil, the daughter of the Great Demon King of the Demon World, swears that all the words I said are true. If there is a half-truth, my lifelong cultivation will stagnate and eventually become a mortal."

  Seeing the suspicious look on Zhu Hao's face, he still didn't believe what he said, so Ling immediately launched a poisonous oath.

  At this point, Zhu Hao almost believed the words of spirit demons in his heart, because once this kind of oath about his own cultivation was initiated, it would affect personal cultivation. No matter how strong your strength is, you will stagnate. , and finally slowly regressed and became a mortal.

  For a cultivator, it is useless to practice hard all the time, and it is such a painful thing to watch his strength continue to retreat.Far more cruel than killing him directly.

  Therefore, if Lingmo, the daughter of the original Great Demon King, could make such an oath at this time, then what she said should almost be true.

  "¨ˇAccording to what you said, this time your Demon Realm attacked the God Realm and slaughtered many cities outside my God Realm just because of the bewitchment of an old ghost? (Wang's)"

  Zhu Hao said coldly again.

  "The realm of the gods and the realm of demons have been fighting for a long time. The grievances between the two have reached the point where they cannot be resolved, and of course they will be moved by the old ghost.

  However, the slaughter is entirely because of the old ghost of the ghost. Although we in the devil world are heinous in the mouth of the people of the gods, we will not kill the ordinary people and hurt the innocent, but the old ghost needs a soul. ".

Chapter 457

  "So then to increase the strength of all the giants, this means of enhancing the strength of all the giants, let those giants start to slaughter innocent people?

  So that the rest of you in the demon world have nothing to do with it?You are so naive, do you think that I will let you people in the devil world be spared?It's so ridiculous. "

  Zhu Hao's expression was icy cold. Although it was said that this attack from the Demon Realm was led by the old ghost, the Demon Realm army and those giants in the Demon Realm killed many innocent creatures in the God Realm. ?

  Can you tell me now that your demon world is completely forced this time?

  Of course, Zhu Hao refused to agree, and he had to make the demon world pay some price.

  "Isn't it enough that you killed seven giants of the devil world? This time my devil world has paid a great price, not only your god world is the victim, but my devil world is the biggest victim.

  Since you are aggressive, I will fight you. "

  The spirit demon did not give in. This war was not what she wanted to fight, but the old ghost demon was indeed too powerful, so she had no way to stop it.

  The spirit demon's breath kept rising, and Zhu Hao felt that the spirit demon's breath was even stronger than the black demon just now.

  It seems that this spirit demon is the strongest in the demon world, and his talent is similar to his own.

  Zhu Hao is also serious, it seems that a war is inevitable.


  Unexpectedly, the spirit demon suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood, and her breath became sluggish. Her soul was hurt when her body was invaded by the old spirit demon.

  Just now, she was stabbed by the flying sword during the battle with Zhu Hao. Although the soul of the old ghost was not injured, as the master of her body, she was seriously injured.

  At this time, her face was pale, and she fell to the ground with a sluggish breath. She was very charming, which made people look very distressed.

  "Okay, you (cgdg) son don't take advantage of people's danger. Since war is not your original intention, let's talk about peace. I represent the realm of the gods. "

  Seeing the spirit demon like this, Zhu Hao couldn't help but soften his heart. Of course, it wasn't just because of the spirit demon's beauty, but a longer-term consideration.

  "What conditions, you say, can't be too much."

  Lingmo said reluctantly that she is also a very proud person, and naturally she is not willing to bow her head, but the current situation makes her have no choice at all.

  Losers are not qualified to be proud.

  "My condition is actually good for your Demon Realm, and it's a win-win condition.

  That is, in the future, the devil world and the god world can communicate with each other, and they cannot kill each other.This is not only good for the God Realm, but your Demon Realm can also benefit from it. "

  Zhu Hao put forward his own conditions. He felt that the grievances between the demon world and the god world were long ago, and they are still continuing until now, just because of habit, so there is no need for the two worlds to be hostile all the time.

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