Moreover, he will soon go to the upper realm, and he will not be able to participate in the battle between the god realm and the devil realm after that.Now the spirits of this demon world have such talent. If they can't cut the grass and root, if they grow up later, it will inevitably be another war.

  Moreover, even if there is no such demon, there is no guarantee that there will be any other powerful characters in the demon world. .

Chapter 458

  Therefore, if the two worlds of gods and demons continue to be hostile like this, war is impossible to avoid. The best situation is to reconcile, communicate with each other, and gradually form a whole. Although competition is necessary, cooperation is also necessary.

  Although this kind of reconciliation will definitely take a long time, after all, it has been hostile for a long time, if it can be easily reconciled, it is impossible.

  However, although the process is very slow, there will definitely be a day when gods and demons coexist harmoniously.In this way, Zhu Hao can really have no worries.

  "You want to merge the two worlds of gods and demons. This is impossible. The gods and the demons have been fighting for countless years. The hatred between the two sides cannot be resolved at all, and fusion is even more impossible. I can do it on your condition. Yes, but even if I let the demon world and the god world communicate with each other, and ~ do not fight.

  But the people in the devil world must also regard the people of the god world as enemies, and your god world will also regard us people in the devil world as enemies.This - is inevitable. "

  Lingmo asked suspiciously, she really couldn't figure out why Zhu Hao would put forward such a condition to let the world of gods and the world of demons merge, which is simply impossible.

  "You don't need to worry about it, you just need to let the demon world open its own door, and make sure not to fight with people in the god world, and the rest will be left to time."

  Zhu Hao waved his hand and said that although this idea seems incredible, it is not without hope. On the contrary, this idea will definitely become a reality in the future, Zhu Hao believes.

  "Well, I can accept this condition."

  The ghost nodded helplessly.

  "By the way, what about the two gods of the God Realm captured by the old ghost demon? Where are they now?"

  Zhu Hao suddenly remembered the main purpose of his coming here. He even forgot both Fairy Lanyue and the Guardian just now.

  I don't know if they have anything to do with it.

  "You mean the Moon Fairy and the Guardian of your God Realm, the two of them haven't had an accident yet. At that time, the old ghost did not swallow their souls directly, but limited them temporarily, which should be for the sake of lure you over.

  I'll take you there to find them, but you have to promise me one thing. "

  The spirit demon said to Zhu Hao.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  "What's the matter. Can you talk about it first?"

  Zhu Hao knew that Fairy Lanyue and the guardian were all right, so he felt relieved, and he didn't know what happened to this spirit demon.

  "Don't reveal my true identity, because in the demon world, no one knows that my father is dead, and this war was started by the old ghost.

...... 0

  If my true identity is exposed now, the demon world will inevitably be in chaos. In that case, I will no longer have the prestige to control the demon world.

  I can't agree to the conditions you put forward.So, it's better that you don't reveal my true identity. "

  The spirit demon said to Zhu Hao.

  "Okay, no problem, I promise you."

  Zhu Hao nodded and said.

  Then the spirit demon wrapped his black robe tightly, covering his face, and even his voice became as unpleasant as before. It looked really unbelievable. Under the black robe, there was a man drooling. body of.

  Zhu Hao felt a little regretful when he saw that the spirit demon was covering up his beauty again.Ten thousand.

Chapter 459

  Following the spirit demon, Zhu Hao came to the place where Fairy Lanyue and the guardian were imprisoned. At this time, the two were not hurt. It seemed that they were directly suppressed by the old ghost demon before, and then they were locked up.

  Since the spirit demon was in front, the two of them looked like they were facing a great enemy after seeing the spirit demon. The power of the old ghost demon just made them feel quite frightened.

  "Are you two okay?"

  At this time, Zhu Hao also came to the front of the two and asked them.

  "Zhu Hao? Why did you come here? It seems that you were also suppressed by this great devil. Our God Realm seems to have no hope this time, and even your last hope has been captured. "

  When Fairy Lanyue and the Guardian saw Zhu Hao, they were stunned for a moment, and then they became desperate. Just when the Great Demon King stretched out his hand, the two of them were completely unstoppable, and their strength was unimaginable. So both of them thought that Zhu Hao should come to save them both.

  Then they were also captured by the Great Demon King. The two originally had some hope in their hearts. They felt that as long as Zhu Hao grew up, then their God Realm would definitely not lose, and there was still a chance.

  But now that Zhu Hao has also been caught, there is no hope for them in the realm of the gods.

  "No, no, I didn't get caught by him, but came to save you. He was severely injured by me just now and promised me to surrender, so now we don't have to worry anymore. I'm here to bring you two out."

  Zhu Hao shook his head and said to Fairy Lanyue and the guardian.

  This is Fairy Lanyue taking a closer look. Sure enough, the aura of the Great Demon King has become much weaker now, and it seems that he has been seriously injured, but Zhu Hao is not injured at all now.

  Is it true that as Zhu Hao said, he has defeated the most powerful demon king in the demon world, and made the big demon king choose to surrender.

  If this is the case, how strong is Zhu Hao.It's unimaginable.

  The spirit demon on the side did not speak, and apparently agreed with Zhu Hao's statement.

  "Zhu Hao, Zhu Hao, I didn't expect you to be the youngest god, but the most powerful god, it's hard to imagine...  

  Sister, I already like you, what should I do? "

  Fairy Lanyue walked in front of Zhu Hao with enthusiasm in her eyes. Her jade hand gently rested on Zhu Hao's shoulder and whispered in Zhu Hao's ear.

  Exhale like blue.

  Zhu Hao couldn't help swaying. He didn't expect that the only female god in this world of gods would have such a side, like an eye, which was unbearable.

  "Fairy Lanyue, don't make trouble, let's go back now, others are worrying about you now."

  Zhu Hao quickly took a step back and changed the subject.

  "What a coward."

  Fairy Lanyue rolled her eyes at Zhu Hao, and seemed to be resentful because of Zhu Hao's incomprehensible style.

  "Great Demon King, remember my conditions. If I find out that you still haven't abided by this condition in your Demon Realm, then I will personally go to Demon Realm and completely eradicate your Demon Realm!"

  Before leaving, Zhu Hao said coldly to the spirit demon, with some oppression in his voice.

  The spirit demon just nodded, the beautiful face in the black robe was full of anger. .

Chapter 460

  "This guy, what's so fierce, am I the kind of person who defaults on his debts? What a villain."

  The spirit demon complained to Zhu Hao in his heart.

  The three soon returned to Shenyin City. After Zhu Hao went to rescue Fairy Lanyue and the guardian, everyone in Shenyin City was very nervous.

  At this moment, they have regarded Zhu Hao as the last hope of the God Realm. If there is any problem with Zhu Hao now, then they really don't know what to do, and this war can be declared over.

  They have been waiting anxiously, hoping that Zhu Hao will come back at 26 with the Moon Lantern Fairy and the Guardian.

  The city owner of Shenyin City, Lin Hai, and his daughter, Lin Youwei, are standing at the front of the city and waiting.

  "Daddy, it's Young Master Zhu. He's back, with Fairy Lanyue and the Guardian."

  Lin Youwei saw that Zhu Hao and Fairy Lanyue came back, and said to Lin Hai with ecstasy, sure enough, it was the most anticipated result, and Lin Youwei was full of joy.

  "Lord Zhu Hao is really a dragon and a phoenix among people. It is a great blessing to have a person like Lord Zhu Hao in our God Realm!"

  Lin Hai also said with emotion that at this moment he already knew the result of the war. Their God Realm won a great victory against the Demon Realm this time, and the biggest credit for this was Zhu Hao.

  "City Lord Lin, Young Lady, the war is over."

  When Zhu Hao came down, he said to Lin Hai and Lin Youwei that his heart could not be calm at this time.

  "The victory of this war is entirely because of you, Lord Zhu Hao. Without you, my Shenyin City would not be able to keep it. Lord Zhu Hao, you are really amazing."

  Lin Hai excitedly said to Zhu Hao that at this moment he admired Zhu Hao very much in his heart, and even said that he admired Zhu Hao very much.

  "There, there, without your perseverance, City Lord Lin, no matter how powerful I am, there is nothing I can do. This war is not my victory alone, but the victory of the entire God Realm. In this case, everyone in the God Realm will have no choice. It's all credit to me, not just me."

  Zhu Hao said modestly.

  "Master Zhu, are you injured?"

  Lin Youwei next to Zhu Hao cared and said that when she saw Zhu Hao just now, Zhu Hao seemed to be stepping on colorful clouds and wearing a shirt, like a hero who had returned from victory.Her heart has now been completely conquered by Zhu Hao's personal charm.

  "I'm fine, I'm not injured, thank you Miss Youwei for your concern."

  Zhu Hao said with a smile.

  "Don't call me Youwei girl, you can just call me Youwei."

  Lin Youwei said to Zhu Hao a little shyly, her face was slightly red, her expression was in a trance, and there were stars in her eyes looking at Zhu Hao.

  "Huh? All right, Youwei."

  Zhu Hao was also a little nervous because of Lin Youwei's treatment, no, no, no, his charm is to fascinate another girl.

  Zhu Hao thought shamelessly.

  "Lord Zhu Hao, what do you think of the little girl?"

  Lin Hai looked at his daughter and Zhu Hao with a smile, and suddenly asked Zhu Hao, the meaning was obvious.

  He could see his daughter's feelings for Zhu Hao. Although her daughter looked weak, she was very wise and proud in her heart.

  Ordinary men can't get into her eyes at all, so even though there are many people who propose marriage over the years, no one can marry her. .

Chapter 461

  And after her daughter met Zhu Hao, she made a secret promise. Of course, he could see that as a father.

  He also agrees very much in his heart. In his opinion, in the entire Three Realms, only Zhu Hao can be worthy of his daughter.Talented, powerful, responsible, wise, skilled, and decent, with a good personality.

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