Such a man is the best match for her daughter.

  Therefore, he naturally wanted to help his daughter and abduct Zhu Hao to their house as a son-in-law.

  "Youwei is as beautiful as a flower, with extraordinary wisdom, and even more talent. It is not an exaggeration to call her a strange woman."

  Zhu Hao said honestly, although it was embarrassing now, he still answered with a bit of a scalp.

  "Then does Lord Zhu Hao have a marriage?"

  Lin Hai drove straight in, and asked Zhu Hao with a smile, even a fool could understand what he meant now.

  Lin Youwei on the side was even more blushing. She didn't know that her father would say so directly. She was very embarrassed, but she also had some small expectations.

  "There is no marriage yet."

  Zhu Hao said embarrassedly, he had probably guessed what Lin Hai would say next, but now he is still quite confused about this kind of thing, and he doesn't know if he should accept it or not. Yes, after all, Lin Youwei is beautiful and wise, so she must be a good helper.

  It's just that he is about to go to the upper realm. If he really marries Lin Youwei, it will definitely make Lin Youwei stay in the god realm as a widow.

  And I'm so busy right now that I don't have time to think about such things.

  "City Lord Lin, I still have no idea about marriage for the time being. I may not stay in the God Realm for a long time, so it is impossible to get married now."

  Zhu Hao said to Lin Hai bluntly, and gagged Lin Hai's upcoming words in his mouth.

  The expression on Lin Hai's face was also a little embarrassing, and he was forced to hold back when the words were on his lips.

  And Lin Youwei on the side was even more depressed.

  "Dad, I'll go back first and arrange the next reconstruction work."

  Lin Youwei said something to Lin Hai, and then left, her back looked a little lonely, and there was no look of expectation on her face at this time, but a look of loss and sadness.

  "¨ˇ Lord Zhu Hao, then I'll take you to find other gods now. Their injuries have almost recovered. Only Lord Ye Jianweng's current condition is not very good."

  Seeing his daughter leave in shame and anger, Lin Hai knew that this matter must be impossible to say now. Zhu Hao's meaning is obvious, and he will not consider marriage for the time being, so her daughter has no chance yet.

  So Lin Hai quickly changed the subject and said to Zhu Hao.

  "Oh? What's wrong with the situation? (Wang Hao) is the injury still not getting better?"

  Zhu Hao asked suspiciously.

  "The injury seems to have healed, but now his Kenshin seems to be damaged. There is a big problem in his current state of mind, and he has never communicated with others."

  Lin Hai said with a solemn expression, since Ye Jianweng woke up, he has been sitting there in a daze. Although the injury on his body has almost recovered, others can see that his current state is very bad. .

Chapter 462

  Kenshin is damaged, how can this happen? ?

  Zhu Hao didn't know much about this either.He also had some understanding of kendo only after he got the Soaring Sword.

  He knows that the sword heart is the most important thing for a sword cultivator. If a sword cultivator is damaged, his strength will at least be reduced by more than half.

  And as long as the sword heart is not restored, then the strength will not improve from now on, it will always stay in this realm, it will only regress and not progress.

  Therefore, the damage to the heart of the sword was a big blow to Ye Jianweng.But Zhu Hao couldn't understand, what could make a sword cultivator reach the realm of the gods, and the sword heart of Ye Jianweng, the first person in the realm of the gods, was damaged.

  It is normal for Zhu Hao to not know, after all, it is very difficult to damage Ye Jianweng's sword heart unless you kill him directly.

  Therefore, it stands to reason that Ye Jianweng's sword heart will not be damaged, but what is going on in this situation that Lin Hai is talking about now.

  "Take me to see Lord Ye."

  Zhu Hao said to Lin Hai, no matter what, you still have to go and see what the situation is.

  Lin Hai took Zhu Hao to Ye Jianweng's place.

  "Zhu Hao, I knew you could do it."

  Next to Ye Jianweng were Yun Ruoyan, Longyuan and Nangong Wentian. The three of them stood beside Ye Jianweng, just in case.

  As soon as he saw Zhu Hao, Yun Ruoyan said to Zhu Hao, like I knew it for a long time.

  The other three also changed their attitude towards Zhu Hao and became somewhat respectful. They may have despised Zhu Hao a little bit, and felt that although Zhu Hao's talent was amazing, his background was always a little worse.

  And now Zhu Hao has completely conquered them with his strength, let them know that Zhu Hao has already surpassed them a lot now, and now they can only look up to Zhu Hao.

  "How is the current situation of the owner of Ye Zhuang?"

  Zhu Hao didn't bother to chat with everyone, so he asked directly.

  "It's been like this since waking up. We didn't respond to anything we said to him. We probed his body and found that there was no damage in his body, and he was in good condition, but he was always like this. sit here."

  Long Yuan, the master of the Tianlong Temple, said to Zhu Hao that he had a good relationship with Ye Jianweng, and Ye Jianweng had already saved his life twice this time, so seeing Ye Jianweng's current appearance, he My heart is also very uncomfortable, very worried.

  Zhu Hao carefully observed Ye Jianweng at this time. At this time, Ye Jianweng sat there quietly with a dull expression, his eyes were closed, his breathing was normal, and there was a faint sword intent emanating from the surroundings. no response.

  Zhu Hao used his soul to drill directly into Ye Jianweng's body and probed, but found no problems.

  He also went to Ye Jianweng's soul to take a look. Ye Jianweng's soul was in the same state as his, and he was sitting there sluggishly.

  But the soul was unharmed, as usual, without any effect.

  Zhu Hao was puzzled, he really didn't know what was going on, he wanted to ask Han Yu, but found that Han Yu was resting, so he couldn't bear to call him again.

Chapter 463

  After all, Han Yu's current state is really bad, and the damage he suffered from the battle with the old ghost demon was too great.

  "Huh? I didn't expect this kind of sword cultivator genius to appear in the realm of the gods. It is a miracle that he can comprehend the sword of the heart in the realm of the gods, and he is about to cultivate sword intent."

  Zhu Hao's mind suddenly heard the voice of the sword soul in the sky, and the voice was full of shock, just like the shock when he learned that Zhu Hao was promoted to the realm of the gods.

  Zhu Hao was stunned for a moment, and then he knew what this vacating sword soul must know, and what state Ye Jianweng was in now.

  "Tangkong Sword Soul, do you know what happened to him?"

  Zhu Hao asked quickly.He guessed that Ye Jianweng's current situation is not a bad thing, but may be an opportunity.

  "His current situation is a transformation and a sublimation of Jianxiu. There are not many Jianxiu in the Three Realms or the Upper Realm, and they are very different from other practitioners. Compared with other practitioners who comprehend the profound meaning of cultivation, the sword cultivator only cultivates the sword intent, and the sword intent is equivalent to their profound meaning.

  The Profound Truth of the Sword is extremely powerful in attack, and can be said to be one of the Profound Truths with the most powerful offensive power.And only sword cultivators can practice.

  The average sword cultivator is much stronger than other cultivators of the same realm, and can be invincible at the same stage.Even some talented sword cultivators can even achieve higher-level confrontation with the enemy.

  However, their cultivation will be much more difficult than other practitioners. Sword cultivators need to hone their sword intent in constant battles and enhance their understanding of the one way of the sword.

  Therefore, in the constant battle, many sword cultivators will die, but the ones who survive are all very powerful.

  The cultivation of swordsmen is the heart of the sword, the will of the sword, the profound meaning of the sword, and the mystery of the sword.As long as they have cultivated sword intent, they can already begin to be invincible at the same stage. In the upper realm, sword cultivation is rare, and as long as they appear, they will be recruited by major forces.

  And now this person has already cultivated the sword heart early, and now he has comprehended the sword meaning and is in the process of transformation.

  As long as this person condenses the sword intent successfully, then the gap between him and you is not too big, and even as long as you can't comprehend the profound meaning in a short period of time and reach the realm of the primordial spirit, then he is very likely to kill you in the later stage. beyond.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Because, within the same realm, sword cultivators are always stronger than other cultivators.

  I didn't expect that such a talented sword cultivator could appear in your Three Realms. It's really unbelievable.

  This person will definitely be favored by many forces in the upper realm. "

  It was rare for Vengkong Sword Soul to praise others, which made Zhu Hao a little surprised.Unexpectedly, Ye Jianweng's talent is so strong.


  No wonder he has steadily become the number one in the God Realm. Now that he has cultivated Sword Intent, isn't he stronger? Now he has no rivals except himself.

  No wonder everyone in the Divine Sword Villa acted neatly and swiftly.

  Zhu Hao looked at Ye Jianweng who was transforming and thought to himself.

  "He's fine, and maybe it's a great benefit to himself, you don't have to worry. Leave now, he needs a quiet environment right now."

  Zhu Hao quickly spoke to the others.Create a good environment for Ye Jianweng.Ten thousand.

Chapter 464

  After everyone else had left, Zhu Hao carefully observed Ye Jianweng. This kind of sword cultivation path sounded very desirable, and he comprehended it faster and faster in constant battles, and just by constantly comprehending, he would definitely be able to. Feel the meaning of the sword.

  It's good to have a goal early on, but now I don't know what my own profound meaning is, and what profound meaning can I comprehend.

  "There are countless profound meanings in the world, and countless people have their own perceptions. The profound meaning does not come to find you actively, but you contact him yourself, or even create him. What you think in your heart is the profound meaning. That thing that has been perfected with actions is the process of making the profound meaning continue to transform.

  If this is the case, then my profound meaning must be in line with what I am thinking, what I am thinking, and my ideal. My profound meaning is my own thoughts. I want him to be the wind and he is the wind. When he becomes fire, he becomes fire. He is a variety of profound meanings that need me to decide, need me to direct, and need to come according to my needs!

  My thoughts are my profound meanings! "

  Zhu Hao murmured, something seemed to spew out of his heart suddenly, and the surrounding world changed in Zhu Hao's whisper.

  The sky became gloomy, black clouds covered the entire Tianlong, all the surrounding vegetation was quickly withered, and everyone's strength was sucked away by the black clouds in the sky.

  Everyone was shocked and came to watch.Even Ye Jianweng, who had been sitting cross-legged, was awake at this time, and he looked at Zhu Hao in front of him suspiciously.

  I saw Zhu Hao's body vacating and rising continuously, as if to merge into this black cloud.

  "This kid is against the sky! This is the realm of the gods, and there is a catastrophe of good fortune. According to legend, the catastrophe of good fortune can only be obtained by someone within the three realms, because these three realms are formed in chaos, not by Created by God.

  But the calamity of good fortune is something that only god emperors can enjoy. Since the primordial chaos, only god emperors have caused the calamity of good fortune.

  The calamity of creation is a blessing from the chaos of heaven and earth, and it bestows luck on the sky.

  It is only said that the three god emperors who created the upper realm, the god emperors of time, space, and life, all obtained the calamity of creation before the creation of the world. It seems that they can successfully create the upper world only after the tribulation of creation. ......

  This kid, who has not yet become a god emperor, will be treated as a god emperor. Isn't this the legendary son of destiny who carries the luck of heaven and earth and has infinite blessings? "

  Tengkong Sword Soul is knowledgeable and knowledgeable. After all, it is the sword that once accompanied the God Emperor. Naturally, he can see what Zhu Hao is facing at this time. His heart has been completely subverted by Zhu Hao, and he seems to have seen it. The day Zhu Hao became a god emperor.

  "Senior Tengkong Sword Soul, what's the situation with Zhu Hao?"

  At this time, Han Yu, who was in the inner space of Tengkong Sword Soul, also woke up, he looked at Tengkong Sword Soul and asked.

   "You don't need to know what's going on, you just need to know that it's already a sure thing for this kid to become a god emperor.

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