I know you are going to take this kid to the upper realm, but you must now make an oath and promise that you will never tell what happened today. Otherwise, even if you have a very close relationship with him, I will kill you. ! ".

Chapter 465

  The sword soul in the sky said coldly to Han Yu, suddenly there was a killing intent in the space, and Han Yu was vaguely locked.

  The years of the existence of the sword soul in the sky are not even clear to him, and the various characters he has seen are countless, so although Han Yu is very kind to Zhu Hao now

  However, it is not guaranteed whether he has any bad thoughts about Zhu Hao. Only he knows it. He knows people and faces but not hearts. Whether he is using Zhu Hao or has feelings, only he knows. 26

  Faced with the current situation, Tengkong Sword Soul must think of Hanyu in the bad, otherwise, there will be great hidden dangers for Zhu Hao. God needs him too.No one is not crazy.

  Han Yu's expression was also condensed at this time. He probably knew the importance of this matter. Zhu Hao should have some great blessings, and even the old man like Tengkong Sword Soul has existed for countless years. Guys can be shocked and take it so seriously, it must be no simple matter.

  Han Yu didn't hesitate, and immediately made an oath. He is a person of righteousness, and he has a rich relationship with Zhu Hao, so he will definitely not do anything unfavorable to Zhu Hao.No need to make an oath.

  But seeing Vengkong Sword Soul so nervous, Han Yu quickly made an oath.Let the swordsman of the sky feel at ease. .

  "What happened to Zhu Hao? Why did he fly into the sky? What is he doing?"

  Everyone saw Zhu Hao's figure digging into the dark clouds, and everyone was very worried, but no one had the strength to stop Zhu Hao, because at this time their power had been given to the black clouds in the sky. Suck it away, everyone can't stop it, they are all very powerless.

  "What is this guy doing?"

  The spirit demon, who was healing at this time, raised his head and saw Zhu Hao in the sky. He felt the disappearance of his power and asked in doubt.

  The scope of this black cloud is not just a city of hidden gods, but the entire Three Realms. The power of all practitioners in the Three Realms is sucked in by the black clouds in the sky. Without exception, all plants are also They all lost their upgrades in an instant, began to wither, the earth cracked, the mountains and rivers dried up, and it seemed that the Three Realms had begun to suffer the calamity of the world!

  The black clouds in the sky are getting darker and darker, and Zhu Hao is getting closer and closer.

  "Could it be the calamity of the world's destruction, all living beings are about to be destroyed, and the Three Realms do not exist!"

  "It's over, it's over, everyone will be over! This is a natural disaster! This is a catastrophe for all beings!"

  "What's going on here, I haven't lived enough yet? How could I die so ignorantly? It shouldn't be, I'm not reconciled!"

  For a time, everyone in the Three Realms was puzzled, and an air of unease, despair, and even fear spread in every corner of the third brother-in-law.

  Everyone in the Three Realms felt uneasy in their hearts at this time.

  "The Three Realms have changed a lot! It seems to be destroyed!"

  At this time, in the upper realm, a few old men who had closed their eyes for an unknown period of time suddenly opened their eyes, and their breath seemed to be fused with this world, very powerful.

  But at this moment, without exception, they all had extremely solemn expressions on their faces.

  As soon as they moved their minds, they disappeared directly from the place, and in an instant, they came to a barrier. .

Chapter 466

  "There is a black cloud shrouded in the Three Realms, and even I can't see through it. What is the situation!"

  One of the old men said solemnly.

  "The Three Realms are the support of my Upper Realm, and they are the foundation of all God Emperors. He absolutely cannot be destroyed, and he cannot be destroyed at all."

  Another old man said.

  "That's right, how many god emperors were born in the Three Realms were not destroyed, how can they be destroyed now without God Emperor! I think I have to go to the Three Realms to see what happened!"

  said one of the old men.

  "Sikong Po, the passage between the three realms and the upper realm has been closed by the three god emperors, and it is impossible to pass through. Even if your Sikong family is a descendant of the space god emperor, you may not be able to pass through."

  One old man replied, apparently not supporting the other old man's plan.

  "Duguming, what do you think I should do? Is it possible that the God Realm will be completely destroyed now? Let's sit still? Do you have a solution for the Dugu family? I see the ability of the Time God Emperor, and you don't stay much. Humph!"

  Sikong Po replied mercilessly, the two seemed to be contradicting, and they quarreled immediately.

  "How old are you two old guys, and you are still arguing here. Is it time for the two of you to quarrel? Shut your mouth for me!"

  This is a woman who is still charming and said to the two old people. Although they should be about the same age, compared to the other two old people, this old woman looks much younger and has a very beautiful appearance. No age at all.

  Hearing this woman's somewhat angry scolding, Sikong Po and Duguming shut their mouths wisely, obviously neither of them dared to provoke this woman.

  "Xue'er, your Murong family is indeed the descendant of the Emperor of Life. Although we are about the same age, you look just like my daughter."

  Sikong Po spoke to the woman with a somewhat pleasing look.

  "Get out of my way! You are my son, and don't call me Xue Er!"

  Unexpectedly, this woman kicked Sikongpo away with one kick, and shouted at Sikongpo angrily!

  Dugu Ming, who was beside him, shrank his neck, and was about to say some rude words, but when he saw Sikong Po's end, he held back again.

  These three people came from the descendants of the Space God Emperor, the Sikong family, the descendants of the Time God Emperor, the Dugu family, and the descendants of the Life God Emperor, the Murong family.

  They are the peak of the entire God Realm, and they are also the only three holy gods!

  Because they sensed the changes in the Three Realms at this time, they all rushed to the barrier between the Upper Realm and the Three Realms.

  "¨ˇ There is such a catastrophe in the Three Realms, we can't just stand by and let the Three Realms be destroyed!

  Now I can only do my best to forcibly enter the Three Realms and investigate! "

  Murong Xue spoke to the other two seriously.

  "However, this barrier is a barrier set up by the three god emperors together (Wang Zhao), and the three of us cannot forcibly open it!"

  Dugu Ming pondered and said.

  "There's no need to open it, we just need to dig a hole for him! We don't have to do the rest, we just need to let him pass through a person."

  Murong Xue said.

  "No, in that case, people who pass through this hole will be attacked by an extremely powerful force! This is too dangerous, even if we are the Holy Spirit, we will be in danger of falling!".

Chapter 467

  Sikong Po next to him also objected. As a descendant of the Space God Emperor, he is very clear about space. If a hole is to be carved out of this barrier, a space passage must be created. Create a space channel in the middle, then this channel will inevitably be full of crisis.

  After all, this barrier is the only time the three god emperors have joined forces after they created the upper realm. Although countless years have passed, they are still extremely powerful!

  "The two of you are responsible for creating the passage and securing the passage. I will go in. Our Murong family is good at the profound meaning of life and has the strongest resilience. I will go to the Three Realms to see, and the two of you will be in charge of the rear of the palace."

  Murong Xue said firmly.

  "Xue'er, this is not good. If you really want to go, let me go. I am the best at space shuttle. I have the greatest possibility and the least danger."

  Sikong Po said nervously.

  "Xue'er, don't listen to him. My Dugu family can see some clues through time. If I go in, I don't need to go too deep. Just by sensing the time, I can find out what catastrophe is in the Three Realms. Let me go."

  Dugu Ming is also rushing to go.

  In front of Murong Xue, the two of them didn't look like God at all.

  "Let me go, the two of you are in charge of the queen. If the Three Realms are to be destroyed, there must be a Holy Spirit to stabilize them. My profound meaning of life is the most suitable. Even if the destruction cannot be prevented, some People are nice too!"

  Murong Xue said firmly, and Sikong Po and Duguming didn't speak either, but there was some sadness on their faces.

  There are only three of them in the upper realm, and they are lonely in this realm. No matter which one is lost, the other two will feel pain.

  However, the difficulties of the Three Realms must be rescued by someone.

  "Okay, Xueer, you must come back alive!"

  Sikong Po spoke affectionately to Murong Xue.

  "Yes, Cher, you must come back safely (cgdg)."

  Dugu Ming, who was next to him, was also unexpectedly not scolded by Sikong Po, and said to Murong Xue affectionately.

  "Humph! You two immortals are not disgusting! Hurry up and dig a hole for me!"

  Murong Xue looked at the two people for a while, and said angrily.

  Immediately, the expressions of Sikong Po and Dugu Ming also became solemn. The aura of the two of them began to soar, and the aura of the entire Upper Realm began to turmoil.

  "The Holy Spirit shot?"

  Many people from the upper realms sensed it, and asked each one in confusion.

  At this time, in the Three Realms, a beam of light suddenly fell from the black cloud, wrapping the rising Zhu Hao, and then sucked directly into the black cloud.

  After entering, Zhu Hao suddenly woke up.

  He looked around and found that there was chaos around him. There was nothing but chaos. He felt extremely peaceful here, as if he had returned to his homeland.

  "The beginning of all things lies in chaos, all things arise in chaos, and all things return to chaos, and so is the profound meaning.

  What you think is the mystery of chaos! "

  Suddenly, a voice came out of the chaos and entered Zhu Hao's mind directly, and Zhu Hao was stunned.

  Is there someone here?

  Zhu Hao had such doubts! .

Chapter 468

  "Excuse me, who is the senior, and why can I know what I'm thinking? Can the senior come out and meet?"

  Zhu Hao asked suspiciously around him.

  "I am not who I am, I am who I am, I am everything in these three realms, and everything in these three realms can also become me.

  I am the Three Realms! "

  The voice sounded again, but Zhu Hao was a little confused, everything was him, and he was everything.What exactly is that?Could it be the consciousness of the Three Realms~?

  Zhu Hao had a bold guess in his heart!

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