It turned out to be the one that directly raised [-] Profound Truth Stones to the top.

  All of a sudden, this number has soared to the point of [-].This price, to be honest, is already a relatively high price, although it is not the highest price...

  On the other side, the brawny man with a mustache who had always been without further bidding, could not help but frown slightly.

  To be honest, such a price has already exceeded his previous expectations.

  Originally, he felt that if this soul crystal could be taken down, it shouldn't have to cost so much.

  However, now it seems that everyone has a discerning eye and can see the value of that soul crystal.

  Therefore, they are all able to call out higher prices, one is higher than the other.

  As for Zhu Hao's side, of course he wasn't that interested, he just smiled and watched them compete.

  Zhu Hao is not very scarce of this kind of thing. Although, the soul crystal of this silver-tailed demon tiger beast is indeed a very high-quality soul crystal, but Zhu Hao still has something more interesting... …

  At this moment, the bearded strong man finally made up his mind in his heart, intending to take down the soul crystal of this silver-tailed demon tiger beast in one fell swoop.

  "Cough cough... That's it, I'll come out with one million Profound Truth Stones. For a price like this, seriously, even if you go to the auction outside and try your luck to find it, it's like this. It's about the same price."

  The bearded strong man said something like this to the big guys around him.

  Actually, in the past, he didn't want to come up with such a high price, but seeing that the big guys were all bidding higher prices one by one, he could only be forced to shout out millions of profound meanings. The number of stone is gone.

  If there is a choice, he certainly does not want to shout such a high price.

  "What? You bastard, you can actually call out such a high price? Such a high price doesn't seem to be a price that a cheapskate like you can call out?"

  The bald man on the opposite side couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable after hearing the number on the other side.

  One million Profound Truth Stones, just like what the mustache brawny said before. .

Chapter 826

  Even if you go to an auction outside to see it, it will be about the same price.

  If you don't really need such a thing, then it's really not worth the power, and you should call out a higher price.

  It seems that the mustache and strong man seems to need the soul crystal of this silver-tailed demon tiger beast...

  Seeing the development of this matter, Zhu Hao couldn't help but feel a sense of watching a good show.

  To be honest, Zhu Hao had never imagined that the soul crystal of this silver-tailed demon tiger beast could be sold for millions of Profound Truth Stones.

  Now, in such a short period of time, it has already been raised to such a price.

  There are millions of them. If they are ordinary cultivators, it will take several years or even more than ten years to obtain a number...

  Now, these characters in front of them have risen to such a high price in such a short period of time.

  Really what kind of person can do what, that is, a strong man like a mustache and a strong man who has reached the middle stage of the realm of gods, is the one who can call out millions of profound meanings casually. stone.

  But well, Zhu Hao wouldn't compete with them for this thing anyway, so it was just a gesture of watching a good show, and he didn't say a word.

  "Well, it seems that you really need the soul crystal of this silver-tailed demon tiger beast, so I won't compete with you anymore 々ˇ."

  The first is the Poison King. After a pause, he decisively gave up the competition with the mustache and strong man.

  Because, if the Poison King feels that he can take advantage of a little bit, then he can take advantage of it.

  However, if there is no more cheap to take, then why do you go up to compete for this kind of thing?I don't really need this thing to do anything.

  To be honest, at this time, everyone started to calm down and no longer wanted to compete.

  Soon, the big guy reached a consensus and handed over the soul crystal of this silver-tailed demon tiger beast to the bearded strong man.

  After all, no one is willing to come up with a higher price to buy this soul crystal.

  Now, the big guy is starting to divide the one million Profound Truth Stones that the moustache strong man took out.

  The soul crystal of the silver-tailed demon tiger beast belongs to the bearded strong man, and the millions of Profound Truth Stones that are taken out are divided equally by the big guy.

  Of course, Zhu Hao had a chance to get some of them, but there were less than [-] Profound Truth Stones, so he didn't feel very excited.

  But, it's better than nothing.

(Zhao Qianhao) At this time, the big guy started to divide the silver-tailed demon tiger beast.

  Because, that silver-tailed demon tiger beast is also an existence covered in treasures.

  The sharp horn on the head is a very rare treasure of a refiner.

  That is an extremely hard substance, and if it is handed over to the master craftsman for forging, then a very high-level magic tool can be crafted. .

Chapter 827

  Now, the big guy is quickly dividing the silver-tailed demon tiger beast into several parts.

  The skin of the silver-tailed demon tiger beast, as well as its sharp horns, its claws, and its fangs, can all be used for special refining, and they are all equally divided...

  In itself, this silver-tailed demon tiger beast is a high-level demon beast that has lived for an unknown number of years. It is full of treasures, so it is normal to divide it so delicately.

  Time passed by unconsciously like this, and it looked like a stick of incense had passed.

  The big guy finally finished dividing this silver-tailed demon tiger beast.It was time to start preparing to discuss what was going on in that huge cave.

  To tell the truth, in that huge cave, what kind of beautiful but opportunity will be waiting for them, that really makes everyone feel full of expectations.

  And that Li Xiaodong, even if he didn't show much strength, he could still be given tens of thousands of Profound Truth Stones when he distributed the millions of Profound Truth Stones before.

  So he was really happy.

  Think about it, if you go into that huge cave later, what kind of bigger harvest will you encounter, which makes him excited.

  "Cough cough... Now, we have finished dealing with this silver-tailed demon tiger beast. Next, we can start preparing to go deeper into that huge cave. Do you have anything else to say?"

  Immediately afterwards, Zhu Hao looked at everyone around him and said with a smile.

  "Hahahaha... What's there to say? Let's rush in quickly, shall we? There must be some very good treasures there, waiting for us to discover."

  At this moment, the Poison King also took two steps forward, stood with Zhu Hao, and said in a very happy (cgdg) manner.

  "Look at how happy you are, do you think that you can pick up any treasure in it and go home? It's dangerous, do you know? You think it's just a threat from this silver-tailed demon tiger beast. Just?"

  On the other side, the brawny man with a mustache, after seeing the Poison King's excited appearance, he couldn't help but speak a little suppressed.

  If you are overjoyed and go in without regard for the danger and rush forward, then it may really make you unlucky.

  Even, if your luck is a little bit worse, you may not be able to eat and walk around...

  There must be more than just the silver-tailed demon tiger beast, there must be other dangers inside.

  It's just that I don't know what the threat is going to be.

  However, you can't take it lightly. As the saying goes, as the saying goes, be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years.

  If you break in carelessly and bump into a terrifying monster, wouldn't you be very miserable?

  Now, the big guys don't have much to say, they all really hope to go to that cave as soon as possible to find the treasure, so they start to continue on the road.

  After killing this silver-tailed demon tiger beast, the big guy's harvest is still very good, and everyone is in a happy state in their hearts. .

Chapter 828

  When I walk, I feel more energetic.

  Time passed unknowingly, and about half a column of incense had passed, and the big guy had already walked a long distance into this huge cave.

  It is estimated that it is curved and there is a distance of thousands of meters.

  To be honest, at the beginning, the big guy really did not expect that this cave has such a long distance in it.

  Now that I came in, I found out that it was so strange inside.

  It's really a feeling that the world is so big and amazing - I feel...

  Originally, it was a relatively peaceful feeling along the way. After all, there is no place where flowers, plants and trees are so lush, so relatively speaking, there are many fewer creatures.

  That is to say, it seems to be relatively quiet, but now, the big guy suddenly slowed down.

  Because, all of a sudden, everyone heard a strange sound coming from the front.

  It was a sound like something rubbing on the ground.

  I don't know what it is, but it's not a sound that can be produced by normal bells and whistles.

  It must be a feeling of something alive moving...

  "How is it? What do you think this might be? I feel like a relatively small animal or monster is moving..."

  At this moment, Zhu Hao asked curiously, looking at the strong man with a mustache beside him.

  "To be honest, I feel that there are not too many of them. Although they don't seem to be very large in size, the number is estimated to be at least dozens. I don't know what it will be..."

  After hearing Zhu Hao's words, the bearded strong man couldn't help but speak slowly.

  In fact, although the bearded strong man is advancing side by side with Zhu Hao, he will not say that because his strength seems to be stronger than Zhu Hao, he is trying to be stronger by himself.

  This place is no ordinary place.if you are in this place

If it is strong, then you simply don't know how to write dead words.

  In such a mysterious place, you are also brave, isn't this a joke with your own life?

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  This kind of weird place, the bearded strong man is also the first time to come in, so he will not say that he fully understands the situation here.

  Hearing those shrill voices, he didn't know what it was.

  However, one thing is certain, that kind of thing can't help but be more numerous, and they are all advancing towards Zhu Hao and others.


  This thing is likely to be prepared to come and fight them...

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