Otherwise, why did he just come over to his side?

  "What should we do? Do we want to go back temporarily? Should we be a little more cautious in the face of these unknown things?"

  Then, that Murong Xiaoxiao couldn't help but ask the big guy curiously.

  Murong Xiaoxiao's strength is not very strong, so it is easier to worry, which is normal.

  However, it was obvious that the big guys didn't all have the same thoughts as Murong Xiaoxiao, and Murong Xiaoxiao felt that he might step back for a while.Ten thousand.

Chapter 829

  But the others obviously just want to go up and meet those mysterious things...

  "Cough cough ... Murong Xiaoxiao, you should come behind me. If something goes wrong, then I can protect you as soon as possible, you don't have to worry, I will definitely protect you in this place. of."

  Zhu Hao also stretched out his hand and gently tapped Murong Xiaoxiao on the shoulder.

  Zhu Hao has also been with Murong Xiaoxiao for a long time, and can still understand Murong Xiaoxiao's state.

  When Murong Xiaoxiao said something like this, it was obvious that she was worried.

  Since Murong Xiaoxiao felt worried, he would definitely protect Murong Xiaoxiao well and not make Murong Xiaoxiao so worried.

  Anyway, I am not alone, plus, my strength is still relatively strong.How could he casually let those strange things hurt Murong Xiaoxiao.

  Now, the big guy is still moving forward, but the pace has become more cautious.

  It is no longer the same high-spirited stride as before.

  If you still make such big strides forward, you might run into danger.

  Finally, after advancing for more than [-] breaths, the big guy finally had to stop his footsteps.

  Because, it is already possible to see the mysterious existences in front of them.

  Sure enough, there are many, densely packed, each one looks like a dog. Although it is not a very powerful and majestic body, it is better than the number of others.

  Moreover, with that look, the feeling of blood red and blood, everyone is staring at the people on Zhu Hao's side.

  It doesn't feel like there is any kindness, but it is coming up to prepare to fight with Zhu Hao and others...

  "How is it? Does anyone of you know what this thing is? It seems to be a wild wolf, but it is not as big as a wild wolf, a little smaller than a wild wolf, but with such vicious and sinister eyes, it looks like It's not easy either..."

  Immediately afterwards, Zhu Hao touched his chin and said.

  Although Zhu Hao appeared to be relatively calm at this time, in fact, Zhu Hao had already taken out the dragon-subduing tiger stick from his storage ring while talking. . . . ....

  After all, in the face of these unknown creatures, Zhu Hao doesn't want to suffer casually because he doesn't understand the situation...

  It should be done to prevent problems before they happen.

  "This thing... If I'm not mistaken, it is very likely to be a blood-eyed corpse dog. This kind of blood-eyed corpse dog, if the number is relatively small, it is not difficult to deal with, but if the number is relatively large, it may be It's a bit of a hassle."

  Immediately afterwards, the bald man on the other side, after sizing up the situation in front of him, reminded the big guy softly.

  "What? Is it the blood-eyed corpse dog? Is this thing difficult to deal with?"

  Murong Hanxing also asked curiously.

  "This blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog is a monster that is good at speed. In terms of its own cultivation realm, as long as it reaches the state of adulthood, it can have the strength of the middle stage of the primordial spirit realm. Now , we estimate it will be more difficult.”.

Chapter 830

  The bald man looked at the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs that were increasing in number in front of him, and couldn't help but say with a hint of helplessness.

  It seems that the number is already close to the number of hundreds of them.

  Before, it seemed that there were only about thirty or forty.

  However, at this time, I can still see behind them, and there is a sense of continuous replenishment.

  Although they only have a strength of about 26 in the Yuanshen realm.

  However, if things are not good, it is not good because there are many, many, and in such a short period of time, there are already close to hundreds of them.

  This kind of increase in number really makes them feel difficult to handle.

  If it was besieged by them, it would be really difficult to deal with, so they all looked at each other, trying to see if anyone had a better way to deal with it.

  If it is fenced, there is a real risk of human life.

  No matter whether it is the force of the moustache strong man, the bald-headed man, or Zhu Hao's own power, the big guys don't want anyone to be injured and die.

  As the saying goes, people are more powerful. If you have partners injured or even killed one by one at this time, the next road will be even more unsmooth...

  "By the way, let's let Murong Xiaoxiao control the vine plant supported by the profound meaning of life. That vine plant can rely on the powerful meaning of life to grow continuously. We can give the space in this cave to the Forcibly reduce the width of the passage a bit."

  Immediately afterwards, after thinking about it for a while, the Poison King couldn't help but express his inner thoughts.

  In fact, such an idea seems to be a good idea.

  Zhu Hao suddenly nodded and agreed.

  In fact, Murong Xiaoxiao's profound meaning of life is also a relatively powerful level.

  If you try your best to destroy the profound meaning of life, you can still make that vine grow wildly.

  As long as Murong Xiaoxiao is given some time, then the space inside this cave can really grow densely packed with vines.

  Reduce the passage space a little bit, so that the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs can pass through a smaller number, it is better to deal with them.

  "Hehehe, yes, Murong Xiaoxiao, how do you feel? I think this is a way to do it. We block the passage so that fewer people can pass through, so we can better deal with the blood-eyed corpse. dog."

  Zhu Hao couldn't help but turn around, looked at Murong Xiaoxiao, and asked slowly.

  "Hmm... Of course I don't have any problem. Brother Zhu Hao, you told me so, how could I refuse? I can give it a try, but I may not be able to succeed. Because, I also need time to control, but time..."

  Murong Xiaoxiao looked at Brother Zhu Hao, and then looked at the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs on the opposite side, looking a little hesitant.

  "There is nothing to hesitate, in a short time...".

Chapter 831

  "We can't think of a better way, so let's use this one. Murong Xiaoxiao, you can start taking action vigorously, and the rest of us will cooperate to let you do your best in this matter."

  Immediately afterwards, the bearded strong man also said aloud.

  hiss one by one

  hiss one by one

  At this moment, the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs on the opposite side had already attacked before Zhu Hao and others attacked first.

  The speed is really very fast.

  One by one, they were all so mighty and domineering, as if they didn't care about their own lives at all, so they madly attacked Zhu Hao and the others.

  Even if they are facing a strong man with a mustache and a bald man, who are already in the middle stage of the god realm, they will not be afraid.It really puts life and death aside...

  Since the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs on the opposite side have already started to attack them, it is of course impossible for Zhu Hao and others to sit still and wait for death.

  One by one, they are also controlling their own weapons, and they are beginning to meet this kind of battle...

  First of all, Zhu Hao controlled the green dragon-subduing tiger stick in his hand, and suddenly a layer of faint green light enchantment burst out.

  The defensive barrier supported by the profound meaning of life is still a good barrier. Although it cannot guarantee the safety of the big guy [-]%, it can support a short period of time and let some blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs try their best. It takes time, but it can be done.

  Sure enough, under the rapid explosive power of Zhu Hao's green dragon-subduing tiger stick, that enchantment also has a good effect, and it can make those blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs just destroy this enchantment. It seems that it takes more than three breaths for a while.

  For a time like this, it was already possible for some of Zhu Hao's partners around to use other weapons to damage those blood-eyed corpse dogs.

  A sword, under the control of the big guy, quickly blasted the blood-eyed corpse dogs that came up.

  puff one by one

  puff one by one

  One by one, the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs just crossed over, destroying a faint green light barrier like Zhu Hao's, and they were blasted by the big guys' swords, piercing their dog's head. .

  It looks rather miserable.

  However, no matter how you say it, the big guy will not have a little sympathy for those blood-eyed corpse dogs.

  You go to pity them, who will pity us humans?Those blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs are going to attack their humans?

  It's not just an attack, in fact, it's already been made clear that they will come and want to eat the big guy.

  So (Zhao Qianzhao), when no one strikes, there will be a feeling of mercy, and they are all able to attack as forcefully as possible, so they attack the paper as forcefully as possible.

  Those blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs had just attacked, and before they could approach the big guy within a range of five meters, they were already beaten to death one by one on the halfway...

  It looks like it looks pretty good.

  But, you know, it's not over yet. .

Chapter 832

  Those blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs are not afraid of you to kill them, because they are extremely numerous! !

  In fact, Zhu Hao and others felt that the number of these blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs would not be very, very large.

  It feels like it may be close to a hundred or so, which is already a lot of numbers.

  However, I never imagined that there would be such a large number.

  In this short period of time, more than [-] blood-eyed corpse dogs have been killed.

  However, after killing such a number of blood-eyed corpse dogs, there are still many, many blood-eyed corpse dogs behind them, constantly charging towards the big guy.

  Fortunately, with the development of time, the vine plant of Murong Xiaoxiao is still good.The huge space in front of that one has already been reduced by at least one third.

  The number of blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs that can move forward has been partially compressed.

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