Also, Zhu Hao's green-ray defensive barrier of subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger also had a good (cgdg) effect, which could further reduce the speed of the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs.

  With the combination of the two aspects, the number of blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs that can be attacked each time is only seven or eight, and the maximum is more than ten at most. To the point of a number of dozens.

  If it is true that it can hit the number of dozens at once, then I really don't know how dangerous it will be.

  Those blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs, as long as they are adults, can have a strength in the middle stage of Yuanshen realm.

  Although individually, they are not very powerful, but their number is really very large.

  Come up to besiege you, you will really be difficult to support.

  That's the feeling of a battle of wheels, people are going to use numbers to grind you to death...

  There are so many blood-eyed corpse dogs, even if you kill dozens of them, there are still many others who can come up to bite you and attack you...

  However, sometimes, things always have a little unexpected situation, what unexpected situation?It was Murong Xiaoxiao's profound meaning of life, but it was actually consumed too quickly, and it was already a bit exhausting.

  The growing vine plant in front was also slowed down because the power of the life mystery that Murong Xiaoxiao was able to support was reduced...

  Before, it felt like growing very fast, it can be said that it is like a crazy growth.

  However, I don't know if it was because the big guy had consumed too much energy in the battle with the silver-tailed monster tiger and beast outside.

  At such a time, it turned out that the energy of Murong Xiaoxiao's life profound meaning was not enough.

  "Hey, hey, I said Murong Xiaoxiao, you wouldn't say that the energy of the profound meaning of life is not enough, right? Why do you feel that the growth rate of your vine plant has slowed down a lot? This is very fatal. , you have to hold on!!"

  The Poison King next to him said loudly. .

Chapter 833

  To be honest, at this time, everyone is in a state of extreme caution.

  After the Poison King saw that Murong Xiaoxiao might not be able to keep up with the energy of the profound meaning of life, he really felt extremely worried in his heart.

  If the growth ability of this vine plant of Murong Xiaoxiao is reduced, then it will reduce the difficulty of advancing for the blood-eyed corpse dogs on the opposite side.

  Once the difficulty of advancing is reduced, it means that there will be more blood-eyed corpse dogs that will attack more violently.

  Although it is said that if there is only one blood-eyed corpse dog, the big guy will not have any worries, but once the number increases.

  Then it is really difficult.

  If it's not good, you may be bitten by those blood-eyed corpse dogs...

  Look at the extremely strong teeth of the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog. At first glance, it is the kind that can bite down violently and take down a large piece of your flesh.

  Would you dare let it take a bite casually?Of course he would be worried... The Poison King himself is not afraid of the terrifying poisonous attack of this blood-eyed corpse dog.However, if he was bitten off a piece of meat, he would also feel very ~ very unpleasant.

  "Cough cough... Yes, the profound meaning of my life, the previous battle, coupled with the current crazy output, it seems that it is really not enough, but don't worry, I- Still able to support…”

  At this time, after hearing the words of the Poison King, Murong Xiaoxiao couldn't help but say helplessly.

  In fact, Murong Xiaoxiao's energy of the profound meaning of life was originally a very powerful energy.

  However, you also have to look at the situation. After the previous battle, the energy of the profound meaning of your life was consumed very much.

  Well now, it hasn't been a long time, you need to face such a big battle that consumes energy once again.

  Of course, the energy of your profound meaning of life will be a little underused.

  However, Murong Xiaoxiao said it herself, she can still hold on for a while, and she will not reach the terrifying point of running out of fuel...

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  "What? Murong Xiaoxiao, please don't let this moment, such a critical moment, is about to die... Like this, I have a hundred herbs Shenyuan Dan here, you can take it and take it first, you can Let the energy in your body recover quickly."


  At this moment, Zhu Hao on the other side couldn't help but feel a little depressed after hearing Murong Xiaoxiao's words.

  After all, you don't need to look at Zhu Hao's own strength, but you also need to look at what kind of opponent he is facing.

  In the face of so many blood-eyed corpse dogs, even if Zhu Hao is relatively strong, he can't completely withstand such strong opponents...

  So, in fact, Zhu Hao really needed the combined attack effect of Murong Xiaoxiao's mysterious vine plant.

  This kind of coordinated attack effect is what can increase the comprehensive combat ability of the big guy, which can be further improved.Ten thousand.

Chapter 834

  If you just go up and attack without a barrier, that will really consume too much energy of the big guy.

  What is the biggest advantage of those blood-eyed corpse dogs?The biggest advantage of those guys is not their individual combat strength, but relying on so many partners to besiege you together.

  People just want to use the wheel battle to consume you, and then they can come up and eat you.

  Therefore, if you don't get a good fighting style to play, it will really let your energy be exhausted before you can eliminate many opponents.

  Zhu Hao now has to quickly take out his precious herbal essence pill for Murong Xiaoxiao to consume. .

  That's a really big hassle...

  "Hehehe, Big Brother Zhu Hao, you are so kind, don't worry, with the help of your Baicao Shenyuan Dan, I will definitely be able to win this battle..."

  Murong Xiaoxiao saw the small golden radiance elixir that Zhu Hao handed over, and couldn't help showing a very happy expression on her face.

  After all, being able to get Zhu Hao to care so much about himself, so caring for himself, really cheered Murong Xiaoxiao up from the bottom of his heart.

  Soon, Murong Xiaoxiao took that one hundred herbs Shen Yuan Dan that Zhu Hao gave to him.

  I really have to say that this herbal pill that Zhu Hao gave to Murong Xiaoxiao is a really precious elixir.

  It turned out that just after taking it, it was able to make Murong Xiaoxiao's body feel a kind of heat, and it began to radiate out.

  The energy in Murong Xiaoxiao's body, which was originally relatively small, began to burst out in large quantities.

  Because of the consumption of too much before, the energy of the depleted life mystery can now be quickly recovered.

  After receiving the help of the more powerful energy of the profound meaning of life, the vine plant outside has undoubtedly grown faster.

  In just a few breaths, it has grown two or three meters suddenly...

  After seeing such a harvest, Murong Xiaoxiao became more confident in her heart...  

  Some of the words I said before were used to cheer myself and the big guy, but now after seeing this reality, I just know that I can bring better barrier protection to my partners.

  "My God, Brother Zhu Hao, your hundred herbal essence pill is too powerful, isn't it? Murong Xiaoxiao has just taken it, and he was able to recover his energy so quickly. ? Such a medicinal pill is simply a top-quality medicinal pill..."

  At this moment, the Poison King behind him, seeing Murong Xiaoxiao's rapid recovery ability, couldn't help but stare wide.

  To tell the truth, such a precious medicinal pill, such a rapid effect.It was to let the Poison King see at a glance the preciousness of this medicine.

  Not just so precious, but very, very precious....

Chapter 835

  If you take it out and auction it at an auction outside, it is very likely that you will be able to auction off a stone of hundreds of thousands of profound meanings casually...

  After all, do you think you can come across a precious medicinal pill with such a fast medicinal effect?Many people want it, but they don't know where to find it.

  You have thought, if it is during your crucial battle, because the energy in your body is not enough, what terrible ending will you have?

  However, if at this moment, with the help of such a precious herbal essence pill, you can recover a lot of energy in a very short period of time, then it will simply allow you to restore the energy that is about to 26 The fate of being defeated was to such an extent that it was forcibly reversed.

  Therefore, the Poison King really felt very surprised. If possible, the Poison King himself wanted to go up and ask Zhu Hao, and wanted to get one or two from Zhu Hao's storage ring. The planting herbs Shen Yuandan is here.

  However, it was just a small thought in my heart.The Poison King doesn't really do that.

  After all, a fool knows that such a precious medicinal pill is basically not given to others casually, even if it is sold to others, it is basically not easily sold... …

  That is, at this extremely critical moment of the battle, what would make Zhu Hao quick, such a precious medicinal pill, take it out and give it to Murong Xiaoxiao to consume.

  "Hahahaha... Then it goes without saying that your Poison King is also a master at using poison, so you should know how precious my Hundred Herbs Divine Essence Pill is, right? This is a treasure that I have treasured for many years. With the help of a baby like this, we are sure to win!"

  After hearing the words of the Poison King, Zhu Hao said with a happy expression.

  Next, everyone saw Murong Xiaoxiao's more powerful meaning of life erupting, and that vine plant was also growing wildly, and they all felt that their confidence was stronger.

  This vine plant of Murong Xiaoxiao, although it is said, does not have much lethality on it.

  However, this kind of energy that hinders others is really very good.

  It can be said that without the blocking effect of Murong Xiaoxiao's vine plant, some blood-eyed corpse dogs on the opposite side would attack a lot at once...

  Then the difficulty of the battle is directly upgraded, which will make the big guy feel even more difficult...

  Well now, with this wonderful auxiliary effect of Murong Xiaoxiao, the blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs, which had sped up their attacking formation even more, were now forced to reduce the number.

  It's not that their blood-eyed corpse dog actively wants to reduce the number of attacks, but they have to do it.Because the road was already compressed by Murong Xiaoxiao's vine, it really couldn't pass too much...

  The role of Murong Xiaoxiao is still very obvious.

  The speed at which the big guy beheaded those blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs was also faster.

  Before I knew it, about half a column of incense had passed. .

Chapter 836

  The big guy has already killed hundreds of blood-eyed corpse dogs.

  On the ground in front, there are many corpses of blood-eyed corpse dogs that have been piled up...

  It still looks a little scary.

  However, at this kind of time, the big guys don't have too much thought to pay attention to the terrible side of such a pile of corpses, but worry about their own situation.

  Because, the blood-eyed corpse dog on the opposite side still looks a lot.

  Unexpectedly, in this huge cave, there are so many blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs.

  If they knew that there were so many blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs in this cave, then they would have thought about it before to see if there was a better response, and then it was not too late to come in.

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