But since at this time, Zhu Hao personally asked him, then of course he couldn't not answer Zhu Hao's curiosity.

  "¨ˇ In fact, I recently practiced a special exercise that just needed high-quality soul crystals as auxiliary training supplies, so this kind of high-level soul crystal is of course very attractive. I'm interested. Are you satisfied with my answer?"

  The bearded man paused and continued.

  In fact, this answer, the mustache strong man is a very sincere answer.

(money Zhao)

  Although it was said, he didn't really tell Zhu Hao what name he cultivated.However, it was enough to just tell Zhu Hao that he needed high-quality soul crystals because he was cultivating a special technique.

  Under normal circumstances, people would not easily tell others about the exercises they practiced, or what they are.

  Therefore, the bearded strong man didn't even tell Zhu Hao. .

Chapter 862

  Zhu Hao can still understand what kind of special exercises he is practicing.

  "Hehehe, that's how it is, well, since you have already said so, I won't have to deliberately embarrass you. After all, we are also partners, even if It's a temporary partnership, and I agree to your request."

  Immediately afterwards, Zhu Hao touched his chin and said.

  To tell the truth, the soul crystal of that blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog is also a proper high-level quality. For Zhu Hao, it is basically exchanged for some Profound Truth Stones for other purposes.

  It will not have any special effect on Zhu Hao.

  On the contrary, it has a special effect on that strong man with a mustache, and Zhu Hao is also very happy to be a good man.

  If you can make others happy, it will be easier for others to make you happy. Although the big guy’s team is temporarily combined, if it can make the big guy’s relationship more harmonious, then the In the process of going down, if you encounter any trouble, you can trust the other party more, and (cgdg) can support the other party more.

  I won't say, oops, I encountered a problem, ah, the trouble I encountered is relatively big, and then I just abandoned you...

  The better the relationship between the two parties, the more difficult it will be to escape difficulties, and the easier it will be to bear those difficulties together with the other party.

  As long as this temporary team is still in this huge cave, it will advance for the common goal of that mysterious opportunity.

  Then it should be as peaceful as possible.

  As a very experienced person, Zhu Hao certainly understands this crucial truth.

  Since at this time, the big guys have already reached a consensus, then of course there is nothing to hesitate.

  The bearded strong man quickly took out a gleaming machete from his storage ring.

  Then he walked over to the corpse of the blood-eyed corpse dog.

  He raised the machete high, and slashed the blood-eyed corpse dog's head fiercely.

  puff one by one

  Almost in an instant, it was already slashed into the head of the blood-eyed corpse dog, and then with a powerful force, it was pried open.

  Inside, of course, was a large piece of bloody flesh, and there was that gleaming faint khaki soul crystal.

  The soul crystal of this blood-eyed corpse dog is a faint khaki light, and its size is also very good, it is estimated that it is the size of a large watermelon.

  Such a soul crystal is worth hundreds of thousands of Profound Truth Stones.

  Next, the big guy used the same method to segment the parts of various blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs.

  Those various parts, as long as they can be used for refining, are at least worth thousands of Profound Truth Stones.

  A monster, the longer it has been acquired, there is no doubt that the refining effect of various parts on his body can reach a very beautiful level. .

Chapter 863

  Just like that fang, so sharp, so thick, it is not something that some monsters who have just grown up can compare.

  People have gone through an unknown number of years of tempering before they can reach the formidable state they are today.Of course the quality is higher.

  As for the other things, the big guy is divided equally. As long as the soul crystal of the blood-eyed corpse dog is finally converted into the value of [-] Profound Truth Stones, the mustache and strong man are converted into [-] Profound Truth Stones. , to Zhu Hao.

  Zhu Hao felt very satisfied with this number.

  After all, when such a number was spoken, the poison king next to Zhu Hao could not help but pat Zhu Hao on the shoulder lightly, saying that Zhu Hao had made a fortune.

  Who is the poison king?Zhu Hao is an old man who has been in this world for a long, long time.

  Since the Poison King said that, it further confirmed the idea in Zhu Hao's mind.

  This is a very close to the real value of a number.

  [-] Profound Truth Stones, to be honest, is also a decent income.

  Although Zhu Hao doesn't really need such an income, there is no reason not to feel excited about getting such an income.

  However, Zhu Hao is Zhu Hao after all, and it does not mean that he completely takes the harvest of the [-] Profound Truth Stone as his own. It directly means taking Wang Ruoxuan and Murong Xiao. Xiao, - greeted me.

  After the two came over, Zhu Hao looked at them with a look of admiration for them.

  "Cough, do you know why I called you two little girls here?"

  Zhu Hao looked at the two of them and said with a smile.

  Whether it is Murong Xiaoxiao or Wang Ruoxuan, both of them are actually very fond of Zhu Hao in their hearts.

  So, at this time, I saw Zhu Hao looking at them and talking with that cool smile.

  It's the kind of feeling that warms up inside.

  "Hee hee, how do I know this? I just know, Zhu Hao bro, you are a handsome man, very attractive, very powerful, and you can always make people like them more and more. I got a little addicted."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  After all, Wang Ruoxuan is Wang Ruoxuan, and her speech is so simple and direct.

  It makes people feel intoxicated, such a kind of words can be said so openly and straightforwardly.


  Moreover, not only did he say it, he even said it in front of Murong Xiaoxiao.

  You must know that Wang Ruoxuan knew that Murong Xiaoxiao had already had a very good impression of Zhu Hao.

  It is called having a good impression. In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can tell that Murong Xiaoxiao is a person who fundamentally likes Zhu Hao very much.

  So, if Wang Ruoxuan said such a remark to Zhu Hao in front of Murong Xiaoxiao, it would really make Murong Xiaoxiao feel a little unhappy.

  However, Wang Ruoxuan really has strong feelings for Zhu Hao in her heart, so she can't care about that much.Ten thousand.

Chapter 864

  It is to say such straightforward and sincere words to Zhu Hao.

  Who told him that he was the same as Murong Xiaoxiao, with such a sharp eye, and so cleverly fell in love with the same man?

  If you really keep hiding that feeling of yourself, how can you let Big Brother Zhu Hao know that you feel that way about him?

  Now, it can be seen that although Murong Xiaoxiao really feels like Zhu Hao, it is very good.But after all, on the bright side, Murong Xiaoxiao and Zhu Hao didn't really pierce that layer of window paper.

  In other words, Zhu Hao did not promise anything to Murong Xiaoxiao, so that Wang Ruoxuan could also have a chance to win Zhu Hao's heart.

  Of course Wang Ruoxuan will not miss this opportunity. She likes Zhu Hao, why should she hide her kind of careful thinking?That kind of beautiful thoughts should be revealed to him instead of being deeply hidden in his heart.

  Otherwise, that kind of beautiful mind will slowly deteriorate, it will become another kind of emotion, and in the end, it may even develop into the opposite aspect.

  It could turn into hatred, and that's also possible.

  After all, because of love and hate, this kind of thing is not uncommon in the world...

  "Hehehe, little girl Wang Ruoxuan, what you said actually made you addicted? How addicted are you? Why can't I see how addicted you are? You should be addicted to make me feel better. Take a look, will you?"

  After all, Murong Xiaoxiao was no longer a silly child.It can also be seen that Wang Ruoxuan was rudely competing with herself in front of her.

  Although this kind of competition for favor is not the real one, it is almost the same in nature.

  So, Murong Xiaoxiao definitely won't just say nothing and do nothing.

  If it is really not to be done once, it is not Murong Xiaoxiao's character, nor is it Murong Xiaoxiao's way of dealing with this kind of thing.

  According to Murong Xiaoxiao's character, if it wasn't for the presence of Zhu Hao at this time, then Murong Xiao would have already taken out a sword from his storage ring and wanted to have a fight with Wang Ruoxuan. The list is picked up...  

  You little girl, you actually compete with the old lady for a man in front of the old lady?You can't help but take my old lady in your eyes, right?

  Don't think that Murong Xiaoxiao is the kind of little girl who looks like a cute and lovable girl on weekdays.

  However, once you act for what you love in your heart, you will show a strong side.

  If Wang Ruoxuan really wants to compete with Murong Xiaoxiao for Zhu Hao's love, it will really make Murong Xiaoxiao feel that she really wants to fight her.

  Using a battle to prove that he has a true deep love for Zhu Hao! !

  It's just that, to be honest, Murong Xiaoxiao's thought is a very strong one, but it does not mean that Murong Xiaoxiao really has the strength to fight against the little girl Wang Ruoxuan.

  If it is really fighting at any cost, then Murong Xiaoxiao is true...

Chapter 865

  It is impossible to compare to Wang Ruoxuan.

  Wang Ruoxuan's cultivation realm has reached the middle stage of the god realm, isn't it?

  How could your strength, Murong Xiaoxiao, be comparable to others?

  If people really fight with you seriously, just a face-to-face meeting may already be able to beat you.

  Although your strength is there, among the opponents of the same level, it is really good, and it can even be said that you rarely encounter opponents.

  But 26, compared with Wang Ruoxuan, a person whose strength level is obviously higher than you, is really inappropriate.

  That will make you unable to eat and walk around.

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