However, Zhu Hao is Zhu Hao after all, and of course it can be seen that the two beautiful little girls in front of them are a vague spark.

  If at this time, I don't say a few words, then it is really possible for that faint spark to erupt and turn into a terrifying level of fire.

  Although if the real fire level rises, you can still save the scene, but wouldn't it be better if you can prevent that one spark from erupting into a fire?As a more rational man, Zhu Hao certainly wouldn't want two lovely and beautiful little girls like this to fight in front of him.

  That would really give Zhu Hao a headache.

  "Hehehe, you Wang Ruoxuan, you really know how to talk, let's not talk about this, let's not talk about this, I'll just tell you the reason why I called you here. In fact, I want to I will give you a portion of my harvest."

  While talking to Wang Ruoxuan and Murong Xiaoxiao, Zhu Hao took out the [-] Profound Truth Stones that had just been put into the storage ring and divided them into three parts.

  They are part of the [-] Profound Truth Stones, and the remaining two parts are the [-] Profound Truth Stones.

  Zhu Hao himself put the part of the [-] Profound Truth Stones away again and put it in the storage ring.

  Then he looked at Wang Ruoxuan and the little girl Murong Xiaoxiao.

  He motioned them to put away the pile of [-] Profound Truth Stones in front of them.

  "What? Big Brother Zhu Hao, you actually, you actually... gave us such a stone of [-] Profound Truth? What kind of calculation are you playing? Why do I feel that I can't understand you? What about this miraculous operation?"

  Immediately afterwards, the opposite Wang Ruoxuan asked curiously.

  In fact, Wang Ruoxuan was also a person who really got credit before, but it didn't mean that the credit was very huge, that is, the blood-eyed corpse dog that killed more than [-] younger brothers.

  The credit is there, but where did it go?

  In fact, when dealing with the blood-eyed corpse dogs of the younger brother before, basically, every character who had reached the realm of the gods had properly killed more than [-] of the younger blood-eyed corpse dogs.

  So, at this time, Wang Ruoxuan saw that Zhu Hao directly took out [-] Stones of Profound Truth and gave them to him.

  It was really shocking from the bottom of my heart.

  Although it is said that there are [-] Profound Truth Stones, it is not a very huge number.But for ordinary practitioners. .

Chapter 866

  It really takes a long, long time to be able to earn it back.

  It's not a small amount. If you just accept it so casually, it also seems that you like petty cheap too much.

  Therefore, if there is no normal reason to get Zhu Hao, then Wang Ruoxuan will definitely not accept the reward of [-] Profound Truth Stones.

  As for Murong Xiaoxiao's side, there is no doubt that they would not just accept Zhu Hao's gift.

  Although Murong Xiaoxiao really likes interacting with Zhu Hao.However, to accept Zhu Hao's hundreds of thousands of Stones of Profound Truth for no reason, it would really make Murong Xiaoxiao feel bad in her heart.

  Why take it down?You always have to give people a reason to accept them naturally.

  Therefore, Murong Xiaoxiao also looked at Zhu Hao with a curious look.

  In that look, the flickering and flickering are very cute, so Zhu Hao can't help but stretch out his own, and gently shave on Murong Xiaoxiao's eyelashes...

  "Hehehe, of course I don't make a decision casually when I do things. Since I did this, it shows that I have my reasons. Just accept it."

  Zhu Hao said with a smile after looking at the two lovely and beautiful little girls.

  "No, no, I just can't accept your gift like this. Brother Zhu Hao, you must tell me that you never gave me such an important gift for no reason on the Internet? Otherwise, it's really I can’t take it, I feel ashamed!!”

  Wang Ruoxuan just raised her head and conveyed a very righteous and dignified side to Zhu Hao.

  Good guy, since Wang Ruoxuan has already said so, of course Zhu Hao has no reason not to tell them.

  In the past, there was still a little confusion, whether to tell the other party the real reason.

  After all, Wang Ruoxuan gave him that very important treasure, that dragon and tiger stick.

  Although it was because of his previous shot, Wang Ruoxuan and his junior sister were saved.

  However, Lu Jianqiu draws his sword to help, that is also a thing that a real man should do.

  No big deal.

  On the contrary, Wang Ruoxuan just gave such an important high-level baby to herself.This is a very simple thing, and ordinary people really can't do such a big shot.

  However, Wang Ruoxuan is a very trustworthy little girl. Not only did she do what she said, but she also gave Zhu Hao such an important magic weapon.

  If this magic weapon is taken out and auctioned at the auction (with good money), then, to say the least, you can get more than [-] million Profound Truth Stones.

  & Compared to the [-] Profound Truth Stone in front of me, it is truly incomparable at all.

  Even, if you let Zhu Hao know in advance that this subduing dragon and tiger stick can be so beautifully combined with his own profound meaning of life, then you don't want to let Zhu Hao. .

Chapter 867

  I took out [-] million Profound Truth Stones for auction.

  You just want Zhu Hao to come up with [-] million Profound Truth Stones for the auction, then Zhu Hao is also properly willing.

  After all, he belongs to the type with the extremely powerful Profound Truth of Life. If he can combine the two Profound Truths of Life, it can properly improve his comprehensive combat ability.

  In fact, isn't it the best proof that the two previous wars came down?

  The powerful self-profound meaning of life, combined with the dragon-subduing and tiger-subduing stick magic weapon of that life type, can burst out a very natural and powerful energy.

  Let Zhu Hao use it and become more comfortable.Such a beautiful magical tool, so consuming two million Profound Truth Stones really made Zhu Hao feel very worthwhile.

  If the number is even higher, reaching [-] million Profound Truth Stones, Zhu Hao is still willing to bid.

  It's just that, if there are more than [-] million Profound Truth Stones, then Zhu Hao is not unwilling, but temporarily lacks that ability.

  In fact, the previous Zhu Hao did not have a reserve of [-] million Profound Truth Stones for the time being.

  However, if you asked Zhu Hao to prepare in advance, Zhu Hao would be able to obtain one million Profound Truth Stones in a very short period of time.

  It is not that difficult to accumulate three million Profound Truth Stones.

  After all, Zhu Hao's strength is a very powerful strength in itself, and it is really not that difficult to earn the Stone of Profound Truth.

  It can be said that this subduing dragon and tiger stick is a very good treasure for the improvement of Zhu Hao's strength in the future, so Zhu Hao values ​​this dragon subduing tiger stick very much in his heart.

 (cgdg) Now, it is very normal to be grateful to Wang Ruoxuan in my heart.

  If Wang Ruoxuan didn't give her this stick of subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger, then whether it was the battle just now or the previous battle, it would have been even more difficult.

  Although it is not to say that without this subduing dragon and tiger stick, there is no certainty of victory, but it takes more energy and more time, that is for sure.

  Now, Wang Ruoxuan can finally understand what Zhu Hao means. It turns out that the reason why Zhu Hao is so grateful to him is because of such a reason.

  What else can Wang Ruoxuan say?Since Zhu Hao has already said that, she can only accept it.

  There is nothing to say.

  After all, this matter seems to be very reasonable.It's not a strange thing.If it wasn't for Zhu Hao who saved the lives of the two little girls before, then she would not have given Zhu Hao that treasured dragon and tiger stick.

  That dragon-subduing tiger stick is a really precious treasure in itself. If it wasn't for Zhu Hao saving the lives of the two little girls, then Wang Ruoxuan would really not be willing to give Zhu Hao such a precious dragon-subduing tiger stick. of.

  Then after giving it to Zhu Hao, it turned out to be a coincidence, and it was possible to make that dragon-subduing tiger stick and Zhu Hao cooperate so well. .

Chapter 868

  You can make Zhu Hao, who is very good at the Profound Truth of Life, combine with the Dragon Subduing Tiger Stick, which has the energy attribute of the Profound Truth of Life, to exert a more powerful strength.

  This is a really very coincidental thing, and it can also be said that there is a divine arrangement somewhere...

  As for Murong Xiaoxiao's words, the reason is very simple, because before, the effect of Murong Xiaoxiao's vine plant to block the blood-eyed corpse dog is also very important.

  Moreover, even if Murong Xiaoxiao reached the point where the energy of her own life's profound meaning was almost exhausted, she still did not stop and still persisted, which was very commendable.

  If it were an ordinary cultivator, he might not be able to bear the pain of depletion of energy. Maybe he would just run away halfway through.

  Where would you insist on enduring the pain of that kind of energy depletion- ah?

  However, Murong Xiaoxiao is different, she will persevere and endure that kind of pain, and she will continue to persevere with that vine plant to stop those blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs.

  In fact, if Zhu Hao didn't have the help of some of Murong Xiaoxiao's vines before, it would be a little difficult to deal with by himself.

  Therefore, Zhu Hao is also very grateful to Murong Xiaoxiao in his heart.

  Giving Zhu Hao some Profound Truth Stones is also a very normal thing.

  After Murong Xiaoxiao understood Zhu Hao's idea, she was relieved, and happily accepted Zhu Hao's reward.

  After all, Zhu Hao was also kind and well-meaning. Of course, Murong Xiaoxiao had no reason to make Zhu Hao unhappy, so he just accepted it.

  As for those blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs, in fact, there are also some materials on the body that can be collected and sold for sale.

  If you take it out for sale, you can simply estimate that the marriage bondage of a blood-eyed corpse dog, combined, should be to the point where you can have a stone of profound meaning worth about five hundred.

  It seems that this number is still a good number.

  Every blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog looks like it can own five hundred Profound Truth Stones.However, just because it sounds good, does not mean that it is easy to do.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Because, this blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog can't be sold directly.

  You must dispose of the corpse of that blood-eyed corpse dog.

  After the processing is done, you can really take those valuable things to sell.


  For example, on the bodies of those blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs, there is no doubt that the soul crystals in the head are the most valuable.

  Those younger blood-eyed corpse-devouring dogs, although the soul crystals in their heads are definitely not as huge and valuable as their boss's soul crystals.

  However, with about three hundred Profound Truth Stones, it can still be done properly.

  Therefore, those [-] or so blood-eyed corpse-devouring dog corpses can also be well distributed to Zhu Hao, the mustache strong man, and the team of the bald man.

  It can be said that for those people, it is a good reward.

  Because of these hundreds of hundreds of Profound Truth Stones.Ten thousand.

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