Zhu Hao said with a faint smile.

  What else can the old man in white say?Since Zhu Hao has already said that, he also knows that Zhu Hao really doesn't want to tell him the real information, so he can only turn around and leave this place silently.

  The big guy exhaled one by one after seeing that the old man in white finally completely left this place.

  To tell the truth, when the old man in white was here before, the big guy was really everyone, and there was a stone hanging in his heart.

  After seeing that the old man in white left, he could finally put the stone in his heart down a little.

  After all, the strength of the other party is so powerful that if you are not careful, you will be wiped out by the other party on the spot.You're not careful, what's wrong?Now that he is gone, I can really relax.

  "Hahahahaha... Big Brother Zhu Hao, you are really amazing. You can face that old man in white at such a close distance, and you can feel that your face is not blushing or your heart is beating. If it were me, then No way..."

  At this moment, Murong Xiaoxiao, who was behind him, ran up quickly, grabbed Zhu Hao's arm, and said very excitedly.

  Murong Xiaoxiao was really happy to see Big Brother Zhu Hao so domineeringly facing a master who was much stronger than his own.

  If she, Murong Xiaoxiao, came to do this, then she would definitely do something bad.

  After all, people are really powerful and disrespectful masters, and a single gesture is the point where they can obliterate you.

  If you don't have the courage beyond ordinary people, you really don't dare to face this master at such a close distance.

  However, Zhu Hao is Zhu Hao after all, and the fact that he dares to approach each other and talk to each other like this really fully reflects Zhu Hao's powerful feeling that the golden scales are not objects in the pool.

  Don't say that Murong Xiaoxiao admires Zhu Hao so much, it is the poison king who can't help but run up quickly at this time, and gives a thumbs up to Zhu Hao! !

  "Brother Zhu Hao, my Poison King really seldom admires people, but today, I really admire you! You are so young, you can dare to face such a calm and collected face. For that master figure, even I dare not!"

  As soon as the Poison King came up, he just expressed his true thoughts in his heart...  

  In fact, don't think that the Poison King is a powerful person who has reached the early stage of the god realm. It seems that he is more powerful than Zhu Hao's.

  However, in fact, the Poison King's courage is not very big. When facing the old man in white with such a powerful strength, the Poison King directly worried and even became afraid.

  After all, in the face of an opponent who is more powerful than you, and they still clearly come to the door with some serious malice, if you don't feel afraid, then it is abnormal. .

Chapter 920

  People can beat you at will, or even kill you, aren't you afraid?Isn't this blindfolded?If you are really brave enough for this, then you really just don't know when you will hang up properly.

  Because you will not be afraid of enemies who are much stronger than you, so won't you be obliterated by the enemy?The comparison of strength is so simple and rude.

  Stronger than you, you should always be careful to deal with it.Don't look at Zhu Hao's bold appearance. In fact, in Zhu Hao's hand, the stick for subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger is held tightly at all times, and extremely powerful energy erupts from it, which can be used at any time. It burst out at once, causing the opponent to be seriously injured.


  Therefore, the other party has some scruples in his heart, and will not really take any action against Zhu Hao.

  In fact, the old man in white was really afraid of Zhu Hao's subduing dragon and tiger stick.

  Because before, I was properly at a loss on this dragon-subduing tiger stick.

  If it wasn't for the abominable influence of Zhu Hao's subduing dragon and tiger cudgel, how could he, an old man in white, fail so quickly...

  Although there is still no serious injury, but at this point, if he still insists on fighting, he will really be seriously injured.

  It's better to stop in time, even if it is a relatively large loss, but at least not let your Qingshan also lose.

  There is a saying that goes well. As the saying goes, if you leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood, as long as your green hills can be preserved intact, there will still be many, many opportunities to come again in the future...

  "Okay, don't flatter me like this, it's not the first time I've heard you flatter me, and I've heard enough, then you start preparing for a while, how to distribute these treasures, By the way, I'll take this storage bracelet, and I'll give you all the rest."

  At this time, Zhu Hao touched his chin and said.

  In fact, Zhu Hao just received this storage bracelet, and he can conclude that the treasures inside will really be bigger and bigger...

  Because, at first glance, this storage bracelet is a very precious quality.

  Not any ordinary storage ring can compare.

  This kind of treasure, if you just sell it with itself, you can get a lot of Profound Truth Stones.

  Not to mention some of the real bigger babes inside.

  For the previous one, Zhu Hao simply used his own spiritual power to scan it, and found the energy inside, which is really very powerful.

  Although the energy outside is so small, the energy inside is really different.

  If it wasn't for a huge treasure inside, it would be impossible to exude that huge energy aura.

  "Hahahahaha... Brother Zhu Hao, your vision is really very good, you even fell in love with that storage bracelet as soon as you came up, but I won't be jealous of you, I will be happy to accept it like this After all, your credit is the greatest!!”

  Immediately after. .

Chapter 921

  The Poison King couldn't help but said to Zhu Hao with emotion.In fact, the Poison King could see that the storage bracelet that Zhu Hao put away must be a bracelet filled with extremely valuable treasures.

  Otherwise, the old man in white would not have paid so much attention to that storage bracelet before.

  Well now, I didn't see Zhu Hao tell anyone of them what kind of treasures were there, so I just put them away.

  However, the Poison King would not be jealous of Zhu Hao.Because, before the Poison King, he also saw Zhu Hao's kind of courage and Zhu Hao's kind of courage with his own eyes.

  It's a powerful force that other people don't have. When you face that old man in white, don't you feel scared?Everyone else would be [-]% afraid, but Zhu Hao was the only one who could bravely face the old man in white.

  Zhu Hao paid more courage, so he should get more rewards.

  Even that strong man with a mustache is only slightly jealous now. In fact, the strong man with a mustache has a similar feeling to that of the Poison King. Zhu Hao's gain is not big, it is a lie. of.But even if you know that Zhu Hao's gains are the greatest, you can't say much, because Zhu Hao's gains are what they should be.

  In the past, if you really wanted to get the biggest harvest, then you should take the initiative to stand up and face that powerful white-clothed old man.

  However, except for Zhu Hao, no one has the courage to stand up.

  Now, of course, none of you would have the courage to say that Zhu Hao monopolized the biggest treasure bracelet of the old man in white.

  It can be said that if it weren't for Zhu Hao's great efforts just now, there would be no victory in this battle.The current victory is thanks to Zhu Hao's help. Otherwise, you shouldn't say how powerful the moustache strong man is or the bald man.

  It is impossible to beat that old man in white.

  That old man in white, the strength of others, is properly the strength of the late god realm or above.Do you think you can beat it casually?

  Of course, only with the help of Zhu Hao's great power of subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger can it be defeated.

  Although it is said that this dragon and tiger stick is a gift from the little girl Wang Ruoxuan to Zhu Hao.

  However, this gift was also due to Zhu Hao's sacrifice. In the past, if Zhu Hao had not saved Wang Ruoxuan and his sisters, then Wang Ruoxuan might not have been able to live at this time.

  Therefore, even if there is a huge treasure in that storage bracelet, they should be given to Zhu Hao. (Qian Qian Zhao)

  Next, the big guy started to distribute the treasures in the other storage rings.

  To be honest, the treasures in these storage rings, even if they can't be compared with the treasures in the storage bracelet that Zhu Hao harvested, can still be said to be very valuable.

  After all, look who is the owner of that storage ring?That has already reached the realm of the gods...

Chapter 922

  The power of the latter.

  For a character like this, will there be any ordinary things in his storage ring?Of course it's impossible.

  So, even if you can't share the treasure in the storage bracelet with Zhu Hao, just sharing the treasure in these storage rings can really make everyone present feel great. got up.

  At this moment, the Poison King began to take out all the treasures from the storage ring, facing the outside.

  Unconsciously, a large area in front was already filled with all kinds of treasures.

  I don't know how many instruments there are, and there are all kinds of materials for refining instruments.

  Even some boxes that don't know what they are in are not easy to see at first glance. Just the material of that box is a high-quality material, and you don't know what kind of precious things are inside, so you can have such a thing. a way of hiding.

  However, at this time, Zhu Hao, by himself, had already stepped aside and started to check the storage bracelet by himself (cgdg) to see if there was anything precious.

  That storage bracelet is obviously a space magic tool for the last protection of the old man in white.

  It contained all the treasures he wanted to hide, so in fact Zhu Hao was really excited.

  Soon, he walked under a big tree, then sat down, began to destroy his own spiritual power, and explored the storage bracelet.

  As soon as he entered, Zhu Hao discovered that although there were not many things inside, it was only ten kinds of things.However, each one seemed to interest Zhu Hao.

  After looking at it for a while, Zhu Hao was first attracted by something.

  That one thing, nothing else, is a big baby in the shape of a human.It is something similar to the battle puppet that the bearded strong man took out before.

  Moreover, the material of this thing and that one looks from the outside is different from that of the mustache strong man.It feels like a more noble material.

  It should be more powerful than the one with the mustache and the strong man.

  Therefore, without any hesitation, Zhu Hao suddenly manipulated his own spiritual power and took out the battle puppet.

  In an instant, the battle puppet appeared in front of Zhu Hao.

  Good guy, as soon as he came out, Zhu Hao felt his eyes light up. This battle puppet is definitely more powerful than the mustache and strong man's battle puppet! !

  At the same time as the whole body was pitch black, a faint light was revealed, I don't know what kind of light it was, but it just felt that people had an idea of ​​being deeply attracted.

  This battle puppet didn't know how to use it, so Zhu Hao had no choice but to call the brawny guy with the mustache over.

  After all, the bearded strong man has personally operated his own battle puppet.

  There should also be a set of control methods of his own, which can be shared with Zhu Hao.

  So I called a mustache and a strong man to come over. .

Chapter 923

  When he saw the battle puppet that was covered in blackness, the bearded strong man opened his mouth in surprise.

  "My God, this battle puppet... this battle puppet... shouldn't it be a black gold battle puppet, my God, such a harvest is a bit too outrageous, isn't it?? "

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