The bearded brawny man was really surprised, very surprised.Looking at Zhu Hao's side, the dark fighting puppet's eyes widened. If he hadn't seen this treasure with his own eyes, he would not have believed that he was able to see such a high-level man with his own eyes. baby.

  Seriously, if it wasn't for fear of his own strength, he might not be able to defeat Zhu Hao, the bearded brawny man would probably have snatched this dark fighting puppet for himself on the spot...

  After all, this battle puppet really looks too much like the black gold battle puppet I've heard of before.

  If that battle puppet is a black gold battle puppet, it means that this battle puppet is a battle puppet at the late stage of the god realm! !

  That level of fighting puppets in the late stage of the gods realm! !That is simply a treasure that can be called sky-high price.

  Moreover, there is a price but no market, you don't mean to have money, you can buy a powerful treasure casually.

  Now, it is in front of my own eyes, and I can see that if this black gold battle puppet is auctioned at an auction, it is simply the one that can be auctioned for tens of millions of Profound Truth Stones at will~ A terrible to the point of.

  A figure like this is simply to the point where it can scare many, many people directly.

  I don't know how many practitioners, just want to get tens of millions of Profound Truth Stones, that is, how much effort they need to put in - it can be done.

  Now, when I see this precious treasure, I put it in front of me, so ah, how excited must the bearded strong man really be, just how excited he feels.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  And don't tell me it would be weird for a moustache man to feel like trying to snatch this black and gold battle puppet.

  Because it is really too valuable, it is simply worthless, okay?Such a huge value, such a huge benefit, in the eyes of many people, is to the point where people's values ​​can be distorted.


  It's like a pile of gold bars, placed directly in front of an ordinary person, and if you can grab it and run, many people will want to grab it and run away.Because it's really attractive.

  Of course, the idea of ​​running away if you want to grab it does not mean that you can really succeed.You are very likely to be caught directly on the spot, and then you are greeted with a beating...

  In fact, as long as your sanity is on, you won't really do this irrational thing.It's like a strong man with a mustache, that is, just a small thought in his heart flashed by.

  I won't say it's true and take it away from Zhu Hao.Ten thousand.

Chapter 924

  In that way, he is really an enemy with Zhu Hao.If you are with Zhu Hao as an enemy, you will not necessarily be able to defeat Zhu Hao, but may be defeated by Zhu Hao, and if you are defeated, it will definitely end in tragedy...

  So, a sane man with a mustache would not do that kind of thing.

  This black gold battle puppet seems to be an idea for practitioners, similar to the idea of ​​ordinary people seeing so many gold bars.

  Such a super valuable baby, it is no wonder that the mustache and strong man made such a startled and unbelievable look.

  "Hahahaha... Look at your appearance, are you shocked by this thing? You must have been too surprised, right?"

  To tell the truth, at this time, after seeing the performance of the brawny man with the mustache, Zhu Hao became even happier in his heart.

  Who is the mustache strong man?The bearded strong man is a powerful figure in the middle stage of the gods, and he is so surprised by this fighting puppet.

  Then it means that this battle puppet is very likely to be an extremely powerful and extremely precious battle puppet.

  "Brother Zhu Hao, do you know that if this battle puppet is really a black gold battle puppet, then this battle puppet is at least worth tens of millions of Profound Truth Stones, do you know? It really makes me Surprised I don't know what to say..."

  The bearded strong man went up and gently stroked the fighting puppet.

  Even if this battle puppet is not his own, it is a rare good luck to be able to go up and touch it gently.

  It is a rare opportunity to have such a close and true contact with such a powerful and precious treasure. Of course, we must touch and feel the taste of this rare treasure.

  "Hehe, this, I really don't know what this thing is, but I think what you said is quite reasonable, so how is this thing used? I have never used such a thing before. experience.”

  Immediately afterwards, Zhu Hao couldn't help but ask the question in his heart that he wanted to ask the most...  

  "Hey, I touched it and felt that this kind of material is really a very advanced material, very different, it should be a rare and very precious black gold battle puppet. If you use it, it is also It's not too difficult, just erase the mark of the previous owner, and then add your mark."

  After hearing Zhu Hao's question, the bearded strong man said with a smile.

  In fact, it is not too difficult to remove the imprint of the original owner. With the help of the mustache and brawny man, Zhu Hao quickly gave the imprint crystal inside the black-gold battle puppet to the He took it out, and then began to erase the mark of the old man in white on it.

  After erasing the mark of the old man in white, he began to add the mark of his spiritual power into it.

  In fact, it was a relatively simple process, and it only took less than half a stick of incense. .

Chapter 925

  It's already completely done.

  After doing this operation, Zhu Hao was able to feel his own spiritual power and the existence of that black-gold battle puppet all of a sudden.There is a slight sense of connection with that black gold fighting puppet.

  "Hehe, not bad, I already feel a faint connection with this black gold battle puppet, so next, how do I use this black gold battle puppet? Hurry up and teach me? You don't know how much I look forward to it."

  Zhu Hao was also looking forward to this black and gold fighting puppet that surprised the mustache and the strong man.

  Want to do the real 26 practical operation a little faster.

  After all, such a baby is clearly a powerful baby. If you don't expect it, it is really abnormal.

  Zhu Hao is also a normal man, and of course he is full of expectations for this kind of powerful baby.

  "Okay, since you already have a spiritual connection with this black-gold battle puppet, then you can open the groove for the stone of mystery in the chest of this black-gold battle puppet by yourself. Just put a substance with energy in it, such as a stone of profound meaning or a soul crystal."

  Immediately afterwards, the bearded strong man replied to Zhu Hao.

  Now that he has already received the answer from the mustache and strong man, Zhu Hao will of course not hesitate. He quickly took out dozens of Profound Truth Stones from his storage ring, directly facing that. The chest groove of a black-and-gold battle puppet was put into it.

  Then close that slot.

  However, after some operations, it turned out that the black gold battle puppet was found motionless, and it didn't look like it could be broken at all.

  Zhu Hao couldn't help but feel strange, he just did it according to what the bearded strong man said.

  However, at this time, why is there no reaction at all?Could it be that one of your own steps made a mistake?

  As a result, Zhu Hao couldn't help but look at the strong man with the mustache.

  "Cough cough... Now, I have already operated according to what you said, but why is this black gold battle puppet still motionless, obviously my spiritual power has already begun to operate this black gold battle puppet what."

  "Well... it's very likely that the energy level of some of the Profound Truth Stones you put is not enough... In this way, you can put the more advanced soul crystals you have and try them out. After all, The more advanced the fighting puppet is, the more powerful the energy is needed."

  The mustache strong man also felt a little strange, why this black gold battle puppet could not be destroyed even after it was equipped with dozens of Profound Truth Stones.

  However, after thinking about it for a while, the bearded strong man quickly felt the problem.It should be this black gold battle puppet. It is really too advanced. It needs a huge amount of energy to be able to act.

  Therefore, at the previous time, the energy of the dozens of Profound Truth Stones that Zhu Hao put in might not be enough. .

Chapter 926

  Then change your thinking and put in more powerful soul crystals to give it a try.

  I really have to say that this idea is really useful, just after Zhu Hao slowly put the two larger soul crystals into the groove of the black gold battle puppet.

  It turned out to be able to feel that spiritual connection, and it became even stronger.

  Yes, there is nothing wrong, that feeling is really more real.

  Then, under the control of Zhu Hao's spiritual power, the black gold battle puppet really acted on the spot, and took a step forward...

  Yes, it has acted, it has really acted. Zhu Hao is still very excited when he operates this kind of battle puppet for the first time.

  However, even with excitement, Zhu Hao still didn't forget, try it out, how powerful the fighting ability of this black gold fighting puppet is.

  After all, if this battle puppet is not the high-level black-gold battle puppet mentioned by the mustache and brawny man, then it really does not have much attraction to Zhu Hao.

  However, it shouldn't be too possible, after all, this one thing is not something that can be obtained casually.That is the hidden storage bracelet of the white-clothed old man, which can be obtained.

  Such a baby, since the process of obtaining it is not simple, then it should be really not simple in value! !

  Then, under Zhu Hao's control, the fighting puppet gave a fist to the big tree in front of it that was hugged by one person, and smashed it hard! !

  Boom one by one

  Almost in an instant, that huge fist smashed the huge tree trunk on the spot! !

  That needs to be surrounded by a person, so that the trunk can be reported.

  Then, Zhu Hao was still not completely satisfied, and he still needed to continue the test.

  He directly controlled the battle puppet, and hit the bigger stone next to it.

  Boom one by one

  With another fist, it smashed that huge stone into pieces on the spot...

  It is really very strong, as if there is a kind of domineering feeling of Buddha blocking and killing Buddhas and gods! !

  "Hahahaha... Powerful and powerful, it's really a powerful battle puppet, is it good, you come as my test opponent, how about you come and fight this battle puppet? I really I'm very much looking forward to it 々ˇ."

  Zhu Hao expressed the more excited feeling in his heart. In fact, Zhu Hao really wanted to let that strong man with a mustache come and fight with his fighting puppet.

  However, do you think the mustache brawny is not excited?In fact, the bearded strong man was also very excited (Qian Nuo's), so after hearing Zhu Hao's thoughts, he immediately agreed.

  Just like this, the bearded strong man began to step back a distance of about five or six meters, stood still, and was ready to fight against Zhu Hao's fighting puppet.

  Then, on Zhu Hao's side, he also began to straighten his own spirit. I released more and attached it to the battle puppet. .

Chapter 927

  Immediately afterwards, it was the real control of the battle puppet, ready for a big battle.

  Boom one by one

  Right at this moment, under the control of Zhu Hao, such a fighting puppet slammed into his feet, controlled his body, and slammed into the bearded strong man on the opposite side.

  That speed is so fast.It was like a flash of lightning, and in an instant, it was already in front of the mustache and strong man.

  That huge fist smashed hard all of a sudden...

  To tell the truth, although the bearded brawny felt that he was fighting an inanimate object, he did not take it lightly.

  Therefore, when he saw that huge fist smashed hard, he also had no doubt that a fist hit him fiercely.

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