Boom one by one

  Almost in an instant, the fists of the two sides were smashed together.

  In fact, the eruption of this huge force is really terrifying.A terrible shock wave erupted on the spot.

  Such a powerful force was the shock wave that erupted directly, causing those bowl-sized trees to be uprooted and blown into the air, some flowers, trees, and various large and small stones. , also followed by flying.

  It can really be said to be a real flying sand and stone...

  It's so terrifying, it's really a terrible power of a shock wave. The generation of such a shock wave is just the beginning, and it is already such a terrible consequence that it can erupt...

  So, if it is an explosion of complete strength, how powerful will it be?It really made Zhu Hao feel happier.

  Do you think only (cgdg) is like this?Of course not, that huge power directly sent that strong man with a mustache flying out! !

  Yes, that power is really too powerful, and it actually sent the moustache and strong man flying out a distance of about three or four meters.

  Even a moustache strong man has reached the powerful strength of the middle stage of the gods.

  However, he and that fighting puppet gave him a hard punch.It turned out to be a little cheap, but it was not able to account for it...

  On the contrary, it was still to the point of being shaken and flying out, and there was an uncomfortable feeling of being shaken in his internal organs.

  To tell the truth, at this time, it is really very good to be able to make the bearded strong man feel that such a state is abnormal.

  The bearded strong man has widened his eyes in surprise. It seems that he really can't believe that that fighting puppet can actually make him suffer such a huge impact.

  It was just a punch.That's just an appetizer...

  If it is a real war, if the most powerful force is used to fight, how powerful will it be?The moustache and brawny man has dared not to imagine too much.

  In the heart of the current moustache strong man. .

Chapter 928

  It has been confirmed that this battle puppet in front of him already belongs to that extremely rare black gold battle puppet! !

  After all, his own strength has already reached the formidable level in the middle stage of the God Realm.However, fighting with the battle puppet in front of him was already to the point where his body was directly knocked back.

  Moreover, all the internal organs felt the shock and impact, and they felt very uncomfortable.This kind of situation can really only be achieved by the strength in the late stage of the gods realm.

  Otherwise, it's just like a dream, how could a casual fighting puppet come up with a fist and make himself such an unbearable state.Actually ~ was shaken and flew out...

  However, on Zhu Hao's side, they didn't plan to stop completely, and they wanted to continue to exert the fighting ability of this black-gold war-fighting puppet.

  Take a look at how powerful this black-and-gold fighting puppet's true fighting ability is.

  However, just when Zhu Hao used his spiritual power to destroy the battle puppet, he found that the battle puppet stood there, motionless.

  What the hell is going on?Zhu Hao was a little stunned there.It was fine just now, why is it motionless now...

  "Hey, I said, brother, help me take a look, why is this black gold battle puppet not moving again? What's going on? It was fine before, I just wanted to continue to play. Let's take a look at this guy's fighting ability..."

  Immediately afterwards, Zhu Hao asked his doubts to the brawny man with a mustache.

  After all, at this time, the person who is most familiar with this kind of fighting puppet is the bearded brawn alone. If he has doubts, he will not be questioned, but who else can be questioned.

  "Uh... you still want to attack me, you really are, don't you feel that I have already suffered some damage just now? Although it is not a big damage, but it is Because I have already prepared for [-]% of my strength, you still want to..."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Immediately afterwards, after hearing Zhu Hao's words, the bearded strong man felt really depressed.

  After all, the shock that he suffered before was really uncomfortable.Before it could be completely eased, Zhu Hao wanted to break out a new attack.

........................ 0

  It would really make him more uncomfortable.

  But, fortunately, at this time, the black-gold battle puppet on the opposite side seemed to save face. It turned out to be at a critical moment, not moving, and no longer attacking him.

  Of course, it's just a simple wishful thinking.

  It doesn't mean that the black-and-gold fighting puppet just gave the bearded brawny face and stopped attacking him, it was just some other reason.

  Soon, the bearded strong man walked in front of the battle puppet and carefully observed the battle.

  When I found that fighting puppet, my whole body was fine.Ten thousand.

Chapter 929

  What's wrong with this?It's clearly in an intact state.

  However, in such an intact state, it wasn't because the battle was damaged just now, why did it suddenly become immobile?

  After a good inspection around this fighting puppet, the mustache and brawny man still couldn't find any problems.

  In the end, it was really helpless, and it was almost all doubts, whether this black gold battle puppet has reached the end of the force, and has reached the point where the fuel is exhausted.

  It is already a final action operation that can only break out, and then it is dead?It's really possible.

  Otherwise, why didn't the old man in white take out this black and gold battle puppet during the previous battle?If it is intact and can continue to fight for a long time, why did the white-clothed old man fail to take out this black gold battle puppet even when he lost the battle.

  After thinking about this, the strong man with the mustache is already a fact that he feels like this.

  "Cough cough... I said, Brother Zhu Hao, I feel that this black gold battle puppet, although it is a very good baby, but, guess, why the old man in white before, Even if you lose, you still haven't used this battle puppet?"

  At this moment, the bearded strong man told Zhu Hao his thoughts.

  "It is very likely that this black-gold battle puppet has reached the point where it is about to die. The old man in white also knows this, so he deliberately did not take this battle puppet out for use. It can’t be used, so it doesn’t make any difference if you take it out or not.”

  Then, Zhu Hao couldn't help frowning.

  To be honest, Zhu Hao really likes this baby. If possible, Zhu Hao is really willing to exchange all the treasures in the storage ring on his body. Conduct ring twists this one of the black gold battle puppets...  

  However, in fact, in Zhu Hao's storage ring, all the treasures added up, it is estimated that it really cannot be exchanged for this black gold battle puppet.

  Because, the true value of this black gold battle puppet is definitely more than [-] million Profound Truth Stones.

  At present, Zhu Hao does not have such a reserve that can reach [-] million Profound Truth Stones...

  However, if things really look like what the bearded brawny man said, then it's really a big joke for Zhu Hao... This will really hit Zhu Hao very much and make Zhu Hao felt that Bai Bai was overjoyed.

  I gave myself so much happiness before, gave myself so much excitement, and made myself feel that my comprehensive combat ability has been improved to a new height.

  However, in the blink of an eye, is it just so unusable?Such a blow is really a bit big. Zhu Hao is really reluctant to see such a fact in his heart. .

Chapter 930

  Of course, the so-called cause of such a problem is just a conjecture of a mustache and a strong man.

  Although it may seem reasonable, it is not necessarily true.

  Zhu Hao frowned, walked in front of the black-gold battle puppet, looked at the black-gold battle puppet, feeling a little helpless, patted the black-gold battle puppet lightly, and then gently stroked his palm. When the black-gold battle puppet unknowingly touched a part like the chest of the black-gold battle puppet, Zhu Hao opened the energy groove of the black-gold battle puppet again.

  This time it's 26 good, I don't know if I don't open it, I really have to say that after opening that energy groove, Zhu Hao's eyes suddenly widened!

  "My God, it turns out that the consumption of this black gold battle puppet is too high, right? It turned out to be the two soul crystals inside, all of which have been completely consumed, only the remaining two are dim. It's just a stone... So the problem is here!!"

  After Zhu Hao saw the results in front of him, his mood suddenly changed from the depressed state before to a state of excitement again.

  To tell the truth, I was really depressed before, and I felt extremely depressed.Such a wonderful baby, how can it be said that it can't be used, so it can't be used?That was really torturous.

  You can never let me experience or feel it from beginning to end, and then I won't know how good you are, or how much I like or expect from you.

  However, you have let people feel and feel your goodness, and let people like you so much, and then you say it's gone, it's gone, and that will really make people feel very tormented.

  Well now, the problem really lies in that soul crystal, the energy has been exhausted.Without the support of energy, this black gold battle puppet cannot be used.

  As long as the energy slot is filled with soul crystals, it can definitely be used again! !

  Immediately afterwards, the bearded strong man next to him also came up and looked carefully at the part of the energy groove.

  When I saw it, there were really two glittering soul crystals that had turned into two dull stones without a little light...

  I finally believed it. It turned out that the problem really appeared in this aspect.

  To be honest, the bearded brawny man could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that this was the reason.

  If this superb baby really comes to the end of his life, then it is a really bad thing.It would be really a pity if you let yourself know for nothing, and you won't be able to continue to see his strength in the future.

  Now it seems that the problem is not unsolvable.

  "Hehehe, then again, this black-gold battle puppet really deserves to be the level of strength in the late stage of the god realm, and it actually consumes energy, so huge. I couldn't help but be shocked again. ".

Chapter 931

  Immediately afterwards, the mustache brawny and Zhu Hao said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

  In fact, it really shocked the mustache strong man.

  You have to know that the two soul crystals that Zhu Hao took out and put into the energy groove of the black gold battle puppet were not the top quality soul crystals, but they could be regarded as medium quality soul crystals. what.

  It turned out that it was only able to destroy the black gold battle puppet and acted a few times, attacked a few times, and then couldn't move.

  In this way, the energy consumption of this black gold fighting puppet is really huge.

  This is a question to consider. If you want to use this black gold battle puppet in the future, you really need to prepare a lot of soul crystals, and they are all high-quality soul crystals...

  In this case, after a battle, if the black gold battle puppets are required to participate in the battle from the beginning to the end, then there is no doubt that they are burning money! !

  It is really fought with money. After a battle, it may cost more than one million Profound Truth Stones...

  What a waste of money is this?It's really a waste of time to make a mustache strong man just think about it in his mind.

  If he could, Bearded Brawn would really not use a battle puppet that consumes such a large amount of money.

  "Yes, yes, I also feel that this black-gold battle puppet really consumes soul crystal energy, and it's a bit too huge. You said... the old man in white before, shouldn't it be more powerful? Well, there is no soul crystal, so I didn't use this black gold battle puppet, right?"

  At this time, Zhu Hao couldn't help but think of the situation of the old man in white before. Why was the old man in white, seeing that his situation was very pessimistic, and at the critical moment of losing, he still did not put this energy into it. Take out the huge black gold fighting puppet.

  If this black-gold battle puppet can be taken out for battle in time, then everyone present will be able to fail miserably.

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