That is to say, it is impossible for Zhu Hao and others to win this battle.

  But why didn't the old man in white use such a wonderful fighting puppet?

  In fact, this old man in white is really the situation, and it is really what Zhu Hao guessed.The old man in white, if he could, would of course use that black-gold battle puppet. If he could fight with that black-gold battle puppet, his strength would have already reached the late stage of the god realm.

  In addition, there is also a black gold battle puppet (Qian Nuo's) whose strength has reached the late stage of the realm of the gods, then this battle will undoubtedly be the final big victory for him.

  However, there are already other treasures in his storage ring, but there are no medium-quality or high-quality soul crystals. There are some other low-level soul crystals, and there are also many stones of profound meaning.

  However, this battle puppet is not a medium or low-level battle puppet, this is a black gold battle puppet. .

Chapter 932

  But it is a properly high-quality battle puppet, so the energy consumed is really huge.

  If you want to use some low-level soul crystals, or directly use the Profound Truth Stone to destroy it, it is really impossible to destroy it.

  So, why didn't the old man in white take out this black-and-gold battle puppet to fight?It's not that he doesn't want to, he wants to take it out in his dreams! !But he can't do it! !Because he did not have the energy to destroy this black gold fighting puppet! !

  It seems that speaking, there is a little bit of wrong feeling, how is it possible?How could a dignified and powerful master in the late stage of the God Realm actually have no energy soul crystals that can destroy the black gold battle puppet? This is simply a somewhat unbelievable thing.

  However, there is a saying that is good, it is the so-called, the world is full of wonders.If you only use a conventional perspective to look at this matter, then of course you feel that this matter is unlikely to happen.

  However, in this world, there are too many coincidences that catch you off guard, and too many unexpected situations occur.

  Isn't there a saying, you will never know which one will come first tomorrow or the accident...

  That old man in white had experienced a (cgdg) real battle before, fighting against a truly powerful opponent.After that battle, the middle-quality soul crystals and the high-quality soul crystals on the body of the white-robed old man were all used up.

  If he hadn't managed to escape reluctantly in the end, he would have been defeated by his opponent, or even killed on the spot.

  Therefore, the old man in white had just escaped, and he really didn't have any soul crystals on his body that could be used for the black gold battle puppet.

  Otherwise, do you think he was really kicked by a donkey in his head, and he deliberately saw that he was going to lose, and didn't take out the black gold battle puppet to fight together?

  The real situation is so helpless, the old man in white is really not very lucky, otherwise, it would not have been defeated by Zhu Hao's team.

  In fact, the old man in white didn't really say that he wanted to rob Zhu Hao and the others at first.

  When I was passing by, I found Zhu Hao and others. After a battle, they harvested some good soul crystals. Among those soul crystals, there were two high-quality soul crystals.

  Those two high-quality soul crystals can make the fighting time of the black gold battle puppet last for about half a column of incense.

  If he could rob the soul crystals of Zhu Hao and others at this time, then he might just go back to find that hateful opponent to take revenge.

  After all, between the two sides, it is the one that is more evenly matched, so it is the one who will let that guy come and have that big battle with him.

  Moreover, the old man in white certainly knew that Zhu Hao and the others would definitely not just have the soul crystals that were harvested in front of them.

  Inside the storage ring, there must be other medium-quality soul crystals, as well as other high-quality soul crystals. .

Chapter 933

  If you don't do it, forget it. If you decide to do it, then do it to the end. Just grab the storage rings of Zhu Hao and others.

  However, this old man in white was really unlucky to meet a miraculous man like Zhu Hao.

  Zhu Hao was stunned that he was able to give this old man in white a loss with his strength in the realm of Yuanshen...

  Originally, I had something in my heart, and I was afraid that the opponent would chase after him, so I hoped to defeat Zhu Hao and others as soon as possible, and rob all the treasures of Zhu Hao and others.

  However, it turned out to be a failure, very helpless...

  Sometimes, you don't believe in fate, but if you really can't do it, you can only accept your bad fate.Destiny is so arranged to give you such a bad luck, can you avoid it?Impossible, you just avoid the luck that fate has arranged for you.

  This white clothed old man could have been extremely powerful and could defeat Zhu Hao and others, but God would not be on his side, but on Zhu Hao's side.

  Let Zhu Hao and others win the final victory in this battle! !

  In the past, if it wasn't for the beauty of Zhu Hao's subduing dragon and tiger stick, it wouldn't be so fast, and the old man in white would suffer.That is to say, after that battle, being able to win the final big victory really belongs to Zhu ~ Hao's greatest credit.

  Now, looking at this black gold fighting puppet, there is no big problem, it's just that the energy is exhausted, Zhu Hao can't help but feel a lot better, and then starts to destroy his own spiritual power, and then from In his storage ring, he took out a high-quality soul crystal.

  That high-quality soul crystal is worth at least [-] Profound Truth Stones.

  However, even if this high-quality soul crystal was worth more than [-] yuan, Zhu Hao didn't hesitate at all, just put that soul crystal into the energy groove of the black gold battle puppet. .

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Then it is to close the seal of that energy groove.

  Immediately afterwards, Zhu Hao smashed the black gold battle puppet once again.

  I have to say that after being able to get the support of new energy, that black gold battle puppet can really start successfully all at once.

  It actually started to take another step towards the front.


  "Hahahahaha... Not bad, it's actually the reason for this energy consumption. Now that I replenish it, I can act immediately. It's really great!! Come on, come on, Let's fight again, let me have a good experience of what this black gold fighting puppet is like."

  Seeing that the black gold fighting puppet was able to act again, Zhu Hao was really happy.

  I want to continue to fight with that mustache and strong man, and have a good insight into what the more powerful fighting ability of this black gold fighting puppet looks like.

  However, the bearded strong man on the opposite side.Ten thousand.

Chapter 934

  After hearing Zhu Hao's words all of a sudden, he felt a little depressed. Originally, after seeing the battle puppet act, he felt happy for Zhu Hao in his heart.

  However, Zhu Hao actually found out that the fighting puppet was able to act, and once again came to fight with him.This is not something that can be easily dealt with.

  If you want to fight this battle puppet with a high-quality soul crystal added, then you need to use your most powerful strength to deal with it.

  Also, that's not to say you can get out without injury.

  In fact, this black gold battle puppet has reached the terrifying strength of the late stage of the god realm.

  If it's not good, it may really make oneself unable to eat such a tragic situation.

  So, to tell the truth, the mustache brawny really really doesn't want to fight with Zhu Hao's black gold fighting puppet.

  "Well...Actually, I feel that you can still call that bald man over and let him fight you. After all, I have already fought with your black gold fighting puppet before, although It's a relatively short time, but it has been beaten anyway, but the bald guy has never beaten it."

  Finally, the bearded strong man, after thinking about it in his mind, told Zhu Hao his true thoughts.

  I still hope that the bald man can come over to fight this black gold fighting puppet of Zhu Hao.After all, his body has really suffered some shocks just now, and it is not in a very good state.

  Moreover, facing Zhu Hao's black-gold fighting puppet in the late stage of the god realm, it is really possible to be injured.In addition, Zhu Hao only controlled this black gold battle puppet for the first time.

  It's not very familiar. It's really normal to hurt yourself if you don't get it right.

  Therefore, in order to try not to suffer as much as possible, this brawny man with a mustache just said this to Zhu Hao.

  It can be said that the bearded strong man is really very smart, not only can he avoid the battle with Zhu Hao's puppet and continue to fight, but also can let his old enemy, the bald man come up and fight with Zhu Hao. The battle puppets fight...  

  If it's that time of loss, it's the bald guy who suffers himself. It can be said that this idea is really very good.

  To be able to kill two birds with one stone, originally, this bald man is already enjoying the excitement of the harvest on the side.

  Well now, it turned out that he was drawn in by the strong man with the mustache without knowing it.

  Sometimes, you really don't know what kind of unexpected situation you will face.This bald man is suffering from a situation that he is very unwilling to face.

  It was directly called by Zhu Hao, and then told the big bald man what he thought.

  Well now, it turns out that he really wants to fight that black gold battle puppet of Zhu Hao.

  Moreover, not just like this, Zhu Hao also kindly told the bald man. .

Chapter 935

  It was this proposal that the bearded strong man thought of, and the bald man came to fight with Zhu Hao's battle puppet.

  Originally, the bald-headed man had some contradictions with the strong man with the mustache, but now I know it, it was this hateful old friend who pulled him in.

  So, that bald-headed guy felt that he hated the strong man with the mustache even more.

  The bald man didn't care to help Zhu Hao test the fighting ability of this black gold fighting puppet.

  However, when I thought that I had been tricked by that strong man with a mustache, I felt very unhappy.

  However, there is no way to do it. After all, this help is not to help the strong man with a mustache, but to help Zhu Hao 26.

  Therefore, it is directly ready to fight with the black gold battle puppet.

  "By the way, Big Brother Zhu Hao, shouldn't I use my giant axe to fight this battle puppet of yours? After all, that might hurt your battle puppet... "

  Then, when he was about to start fighting, the bald man couldn't help but think of this. After all, the huge axe he was holding in his hand was not an ordinary axe, but a special axe. The material used for forging can be said to be very sharp.

  Even a combat puppet of relatively good material may be injured.

  However, at this moment, Zhu Hao had not waited for the bald man's question.

  I heard the answer from the bearded strong man next to him.

  "Hahahaha... You idiot, do you think your axe can hurt this black gold battle puppet? Do you know what a black gold battle puppet is? That's [-]% better than yours. The axe you used must be of high quality!! Just be prepared to eat and walk around."

  I don't know why, this brawny guy with a mustache always looks like this when he talks to the bald guy, which makes the bald guy feel unhappy from the bottom of his heart.

  However, there is no way. In fact, Zhu Hao really doesn't know much about this black gold battle puppet.

  It was the same brawny man with a mustache, who knew more about this black-and-gold battle puppet. s Although the person who uses it is himself, but after all, he has just started to use it, and he does not know much about it.

  But, since that mustache man has already said that, then Zhu Hao won't mind too much, so let the mustache man continue to use this huge axe to fight his own black gold The puppets are ready to fight.

  Time became anxious, because the bald man felt that his pressure had really increased.

  Although I feel that the words of the bearded strong man were deliberately said to be angry at himself.

  However, when I heard that the battle puppet turned out to be a black gold battle puppet.As a powerful figure who has seen the world, the bald man also knows that this kind of black and gold fighting puppet is really very powerful.

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