It's not the time to start.This kind of improvement in strength has made their courage even stronger.

  This is a complementary development method. The stronger your strength, the more courage you will become.

  After you become more courageous, your actions will be more likely to succeed.

  It can be said that the next section of the road is still very smooth, and everyone is talking and laughing along the way.

  It looked like it took less than an hour, and it was already a long distance of at least a thousand meters after walking out.

  To wit, this place is not a place outside where you can move quickly.

  It is not easy to move fast here, so it is very difficult to travel such a long distance.

  In addition, this place is a dangerous place, and it is very difficult to walk such a distance.

  If it was to change to another team, it would only be able to reach half the distance of Zhu Hao and others, which would be very good.

  Not far ahead, suddenly I saw a little bit of light coming out.

  That light, if you don't pay attention. .

Chapter 948

  It is really possible to miss this special light.

  Because this special light is not the same as those shiny crystals on the stone wall.

  This kind of light is more like a feeling of light that has been recruited from outside.

  Therefore, Zhu Hao decided to go over and check, it was a light shining in somewhere.Maybe it's possible that this place happened to reach the end of this cave, who knows?After all, this is the first time everyone has entered such a deep place.

  Now that Zhu Hao has made this decision, of course the big guys have no objection, and they all walked over to that shiny place quickly with Zhu Hao.

  In less than ten breaths, the big guy has already reached this special bright place.

  Looking at that special light, Zhu Hao found out that this place can actually lead to the outside.

  Why do you say that?Because I moved to the bright place, when I looked inside, I found that it was a more open place, different from the relatively narrow place here.

  The light outside is really very bright, it should be the real outside, maybe it really comes to the end of this mysterious place.

  So, what's the hesitation?Zhu Hao directly took out the flying sword, and then attacked that special bright hole violently.

  Boom one by one

  Almost in an instant, Zhu Hao's flying sword with extremely powerful power slammed into the small hole.

  Let that small hole collapse all of a sudden, and suddenly expand that small hole! !

  Originally it was just a small hole less than the size of a slap, but now, after Zhu Hao's processing, it can be properly passed by an adult.

  In this way, Zhu Hao took the lead and walked ahead.

  After all, along the way, Zhu Hao's realm of strength, although not the most powerful character, but in general, Zhu Hao is really a very, very powerful and very capable person, so ah, The big guy has already made Zhu Hao the leader of this big team by default.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  In this big team, everything is arranged by Zhu Hao.

  If Zhu Hao's arrangement hadn't been a principled error or had caused some of their interests to suffer a relatively large loss, then they would not have any objection.

......... 0 ...

  It will only be to move forward with Zhu Hao, or to retreat together.

  Along the way, Zhu Hao's kind of personality charm is really very unusual, and it is really difficult for other people to achieve this kind of personality charm of Zhu Hao.

  You have to know that Zhu Hao's daring is so hard to reach the others present.

  In the past, in the face of such a powerful white-clothed old man, that is, only Zhu Hao dared to stand up alone, so close to the good white-clothed old man to negotiate conditions.

  Others, just for the safety of their own lives, dare not get too close to the past.

  That kind of courage is something that no one else really has.Ten thousand.

Chapter 949

  At that time, everyone else regarded Zhu Hao as the leader of this big team.

  This is a powerful charisma that naturally makes others feel convinced of you.

  Moreover, in fact, when Zhu Hao saw the huge benefits, he did not mean that he had swallowed those huge benefits all by himself.

  The benefits that Zhu Hao let out were, in fact, very huge.

  Just like before, there is no doubt that the storage bracelet of the old man in white that Zhu Hao harvested is the most valuable.

  However, the rest of the storage rings are also worth tens of millions of Profound Truth Stones.

  Take it out and divide it equally, which can also make everyone feel happy.

  It can be said that moving forward with Zhu Hao will basically only have advantages and no disadvantages.

  Even if there is any harm, it must be only temporary.Soon it will pass, and then there will be new benefits...

  Everyone is very convinced of Zhu Hao's strength.

  In addition, after being able to obtain that black-gold battle puppet from the white-clothed old man, Zhu Hao's strength already belongs to the most powerful existence in the team.

  If it is to let the mustache strong man and the bald man make the decision, they must be in unison to support Zhu Hao as the leader.

  Before, it was still a three-legged posture of a mustache, a bald man, and Zhu Hao. If there was anything, the three of them discussed it together.

  After all, there were originally three team forces.

  Temporarily united together does not mean that the big guys have long been a united whole.

  In the past, there was a big gap between that brawny guy with a mustache and a big bald guy. If it wasn't for Zhu Hao's arrival, then he would still have no idea what kind of battle would have happened.

  Well now, with the addition of Zhu Hao, it is difficult to have a real battle between the mustache and the bald man.

  Because, the interests of the big guys can be said to be on the same rope at this time.  …I won't say too much conflict.

  There is no conflicting trigger point, of course, it is possible to live in harmony.

  In fact, the bald-headed man is also more grateful to Zhu Hao, because the bald-headed man's idea is very simple, that is, he can come into this place and see if he can get the chance and other treasures.

  It's not that you have to fight anyone.

  However, that brawny guy with a mustache is the type of guy who likes to fight hard, just wants to compete with the bald guy, and wants to make the bald guy obey his arrangements.

  Of course the bald man would not agree.

  No matter how you say it, your own strength is on the same level as the mustache brawny man. How could he obey the mustache brawny man's arrangement?

  However, this time is different.

  The bald man actually took the initiative to become obedient to Zhu Hao's arrangement.

  Because Zhu Hao is not the kind of man who is too selfish, not after seeing huge benefits. .

Chapter 950

  I just think about how I can get a bigger share from it, and then let others live a smaller share.That would be really frustrating.But Zhu Hao won't make people unconvinced, but in addition to making people convinced, he is also grateful.

  At this moment, Zhu Hao and the others, just after walking out for less than five breaths, suddenly felt the slightest feeling that something was wrong.

  Why is it like this, because, suddenly, the extremely bright feeling around 26 changed, and it turned out to be distorted.

  Yes, the originally quiet environment turned out to be a strange change, and some of the surrounding spaces began to become a little distorted.

  Those stones, as if they had life, actually twisted...

  There are also some flowers and trees that seem to have become animals.One by one, they started to twist their bodies.

  It's so strange, it's really a strange change, and maybe it's a special man-made strange place! !

  "Not good!! We may be caught in someone else's psychedelic array!!!"

  At this moment, Zhu Hao suddenly thought of something, as if this was some kind of formation.

  After all, all kinds of things around them began to twist as if they suddenly had life.Are you saying this is something that happens naturally?Certainly not, this is a psychedelic array with the greatest possibility! !

  Seriously, if it really entered someone else's psychedelic array, it would be quite dangerous.

  However, things have already happened if they didn't happen. At this point, it's useless to regret anything. Quickly taking out your own weapons is the most actionable operation to protect your own life.

  "Hurry up and take out your weapons, don't take it lightly, this place really looks more and more like a psychedelic array!!"

  Immediately afterwards, the brawny man with a mustache behind Zhu Hao also added.

  In fact, it's not just Zhu Hao who can react quickly.

  Even the brawny man with a mustache was only half a beat slower than Zhu Hao, and he also reacted.This strange sight is extremely like the feeling of entering a psychedelic array.

  Those stones were originally hard, so they should have stayed motionless on the ground.

  How can it be twisted inexplicably?This is really very likely to be caught in someone's psychedelic array.

  Who is it?Why do you want to ambush this psychedelic array in this place?Let everyone fall into thinking.

  However, for a while, I didn't know who was doing it. After all, along the way, apart from the accident of the old man in white, I didn't find any other strangers.

  Even if you suspect someone else is ambush, you don't know who to suspect...

  However, at this time, even if you don't know the enemy or the opponent, the big guy has properly brought out his weapons for you.

  After all, in this psychedelic array, there is still a high possibility of dangerous battles. .

Chapter 951

  In order to protect your own life as much as possible, of course, you should take the weapon in your hand as soon as possible, and be ready to fight at all times! !

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