"Brother Zhu Hao, do you think this psychedelic array is an ambush that the old man in white did for us?"

  At this moment, Murong Xiaoxiao, who was beside Zhu Hao, couldn't help but ask with a hint of curiosity.

  In fact, Murong Xiaoxiao's idea is somewhat reasonable.

  That is the old man in white, who only knew the direction of Zhu Hao and others.

  If it is someone else, then they have never seen anyone else. If there are other people in this mysterious cave, it is really only the guy who has seen the old man in white.

  Moreover, this old man in white is not a good person, not a serious person.

  As soon as I came up, I wanted to rob the big guy. Do you think this kind of person is a good person?

  Now this ambush, if it is to suspect someone, it is also a very normal thing to suspect the old man in white.

  However, after Zhu Hao heard about Murong Xiaoxiao's doubtful direction, he did not agree with it very much.

  Why, because Zhu Hao noticed at that time before that the old man in white left facing the outside of the cave, not the inside of the cave.

  Moreover, the big guy has seen some forks along the way, but this road is a relatively large road, and it is also the reason why the big guy chooses this road. This is a big road, and the other ones Some small fork in the road, it is felt that it will not take long to go, and it will come to an end, so the big guy will still take the big road for the time being and not go to those small intersections.

  If it is a detour from those small intersections, there is a little possibility, but it is only a little possibility.

  Because, after the big guy can get so many benefits of the old man in white, plus the other party is still injured.

  Is it so pessimistic about a physical condition that you have to continue to ambush others on the road?It's really very, very unlikely.

  If the old man in white was really capable, why did he choose to run away so quickly?If he is really that capable, he can continue to fight.

  Why did you run away, isn't it because you couldn't beat Zhu Hao's big team?

  In the past, I couldn't beat it. Could it be that after such a short period of time, it suddenly became full of blood and resurrected?Can you beat Zhu Hao's team?

  What super international joke?

  To tell the truth, although this mysterious treasure of opportunity is relatively secret, there are definitely not just one or two people who know it.

  It's not just ten (promise is good) twenty, at least dozens of people know about it.

  After all, it's just that Li Xiaodong, his strength is not great, but people can also know this mysterious treasure land by chance.

  So those more powerful characters, can't they have the opportunity to discover this treasure of opportunity?

  Therefore, it is really normal that there are other team forces in this place. .

Chapter 952

  In fact, at this time, what Zhu Hao was struggling with was not what kind of powerful figure the owner of this psychedelic array was, but worried about what level of psychedelic array this psychedelic array was and what it looked like. A danger awaits them.

  "How about it, have you felt it, what kind of a psychedelic circle is this psychedelic circle? How dangerous is it? Anyone of you know, just tell me if you know it, So we big guys can have better coping strategies."

  At this moment, Zhu Hao looked at the friends around him, and said slowly.

  "Hmm... I feel it. It should be a psychedelic array of intermediate quality. It is very likely that monsters with strengths around the realm of the gods will appear in this psychedelic array and then attack us."

  Immediately afterwards, little girl Wang Ruoxuan said with a frown after hearing Zhu Hao's words.

  In fact, Wang Ruoxuan is also very powerful, a proper expert in the middle stage of the gods realm. It is normal to have this experience.

  "What? My God, are you kidding me? It turned out to be at the level of medium quality? A monster with a strength around the realm of the gods can attack us?? In that case, we really (cgdg) are There will be danger, what shall we do next?"

  Immediately afterwards, the Poison King said with a hint of worry.

  After all, although the Poison King is a master at using poison, in the psychedelic array, for the Poison King using poison, it is not a place where he can gain an advantage.

  Because, those monsters in the psychedelic array can actually have the effect of attacking and damaging you.

  But, on the other hand, if you want to use that poison to attack the monsters in the psychedelic array, then it is basically impossible.

  They are energy psychedelic monsters in the psychedelic array, not real living monsters...

  So, at this time, when the Poison King heard that this was a medium-quality psychedelic array, he was really a little worried, worried about the safety of his own life. horrible.

  However, look at the brawny guy with the mustache and the big bald guy. Although they both frowned, they didn't say that they were as worried as the Poison King.

  After all, their strength is also stronger, and their courage is also greater, and they will not be worried like the poison king.

  Besides, the poison king is so worried mainly because his fighting method is to use poison, not because of his powerful physical attack ability.

  If it is outside, not inside the psychedelic array, do you think the Poison King would be so easy to worry about the surrounding situation?

  To tell the truth, at this time, Zhu Hao himself was cautiously holding that dragon and tiger stick.

  Before, Zhu Hao had considered whether to take out his own black gold battle puppet.However, after some careful thinking, Zhu Hao decided not to take out his black gold battle puppet for the time being. .

Chapter 953

  After all, this psychedelic array is a relatively powerful psychedelic array. If you don't keep a little bit of your own strength, you may be occupied by the owner of that psychedelic array at a critical moment. Cheap! !

  Therefore, Zhu Hao decided to hide his true and powerful strength as much as possible. In that way, the master of this psychedelic array may underestimate Zhu Hao. At a critical moment, Zhu Hao can A big unexpected explosion! !

  Surprise is the one thing that can be more profitable.Of course Zhu Hao can understand this truth.

  If at this time, the owner of the psychedelic array appears, then Zhu Hao will quietly release his black gold battle puppet.

  But before the owner of this psychedelic array appeared, Zhu Hao would definitely not release the black gold battle puppet.

  Is to deliberately retain their true strength.

  At this moment, a powerful energy suddenly erupted from behind.

  That powerful energy approached at an extremely fast speed, and it felt like it was going to attack Zhu Hao...

  good guy!Really good guy! !The speed is so fast, if you guessed correctly, this guy who attacked himself has properly reached the formidable strength above the initial stage of the god realm.

  However, Zhu Hao is Zhu Hao after all, how could he casually let you get hurt by the attack?He slammed his own dragon-subduing and tiger-subduing stick to the part behind him that was watching the attack, and blocked it.

  Boom one by one

  Almost in an instant, the huge energy between the two sides collided fiercely.

  Immediately afterwards, Zhu Hao finally turned his head and looked at the intersection of the blow.

  I was really surprised when I saw it, but it turned out to be a burst of purple smoke that slowly dissipated in that place.

  It turned out to be a special form of energy attack.

  It's really fast. If the attack just now, the target of the attack was not Zhu Hao, but the attacking Murong Xiaoxiao, then Murong Xiaoxiao might have been injured! !

  Therefore, the speed of this attack is really very fast, and it is also very dangerous, which makes Zhu Hao even more worried.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Of course, it was Murong Xiaoxiao who was worried, and the fear of Murong Xiaoxiao getting hurt was the source of Zhu Hao's worries.

  If it was just himself, Zhu Hao wouldn't have such a strong feeling of worry.

  After all, Murong Xiaoxiao is such a cute little girl, and she likes her own little girl so much, she really doesn't want to see her hurt.

......... 0 ......

  However, sometimes, you really can't do all the actions.

  Protecting Murong Xiaoxiao can only be done as much as possible, and it is impossible to say that it can protect Murong Xiaoxiao's safety [-]%.

  Isn't this a special time, just after Zhu Hao broke up the guy who had attacked him.

  There was actually a new attack, and a very fast attack was directed at Murong Xiaoxiao.

  Fortunately, Murong Xiaoxiao had already taken precautions, so when she saw the mysterious energy monster attacking, she didn't hesitate.Ten thousand.

Chapter 954

  It was directly slashed with his own cold sword.

  However, after the sword of Murong Xiaoxiao was slashed, it only caused the purple energy monster to vibrate a little, and then it continued to hit Murong Xiaoxiao's body.

  It can be said that at this time, Murong Xiaoxiao is really dangerous.

   The attack of this terrifying monster, even if it could not be done on the spot, was to the point where Murong Xiaoxiao died and went to see Lord Yama.

  However, it was perfectly fine for Murong Xiaoxiao to suffer a moderate degree of damage.

  However, Murong Xiaoxiao's luck was actually quite good.

  Just when the purple energy monster was about to attack Murong Xiaoxiao's body, a powerful palm suddenly stepped on Murong Xiaoxiao's shoulder, pulling Murong Xiaoxiao's body to the ground. aside.

  Yes, that's right, this palm that suddenly stretched out, besides Zhu Hao, who else could it be?

  It was Zhu Hao who discovered that the purple energy monster was attacking Murong Xiaoxiao in time. Even if he hadn't fully reacted, time waited for no one. At this critical moment, Zhu Hao tried his best to put Murong Xiaoxiao's body on the line. The body was pulled aside to prevent such a purple energy monster from attacking Murong Xiaoxiao's fatal part.

  After all, in the past, the part where the monster attacked was Murong Xiaoxiao's heart.

  To be honest, this attack is really not easy.If it wasn't for Zhu Hao's timely help, I don't know if Murong Xiaoxiao could be kept safe.However, at this time, since Zhu Hao has already acted, he doesn't need to worry.

  But, do you think this is the end?No, in fact, in this psychedelic array, there are extremely powerful attacking monsters. These monsters, I don’t know when they will be attacked, they can be completely defeated. You’d better be able to attack this monster. That place in the eye of a psychedelic array is the fastest way to crack this psychedelic array.

  However, is the eye of this psychedelic array one that you can crack at will?It won't be that simple...  

  Just from the monster that attacked just now, it is already possible to discover that this psychedelic array builder is a person with relatively powerful abilities.

  This powerful character, the way of setting up the formation, is so clever, before, Zhu Hao and the strong man with a mustache and others, all the way, they were not able to find any clues.

  It can be said that Zhu Hao is an extremely remarkable character who can make Zhu Hao undiscoverable.

  However, Zhu Hao would not be frightened by the seemingly difficult situation in front of him.

  Zhu Hao is Zhu Hao after all, but he is a manly man, how could he be frightened by this psychedelic array?In fact, Zhu Hao was observing the situation around him while thinking about countermeasures.

  If the eye of this psychedelic array can be found as soon as possible, then the safety of the big guy's life will not need to be so worried. .

Chapter 955

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