This kind of thing, to say it, is simply a great insult to one's own life.

  I really have to say that every time I think about it, it makes my teeth itch with anger.

  What else can be said?Since the other party is so dishonest, then Zhu Hao can only use his fists to go up and talk to the other party for a little reason.

  Taking two steps forward, Zhu Hao raised his fist, and then condensed a good amount of power, which was to directly hit the middle-aged man's head with a fist.

  Boom one by one

  Almost in an instant, that fist knocked this middle-aged man's head crooked! !

  "Hahahaha... Big Brother Zhu Hao, you are amazing, you are really amazing!! You have to deal with this bad guy!! This bad guy deserves to be beaten, that is, he should be dealt with ruthlessly!!"

  Immediately afterwards, Murong Xiaoxiao, who was behind, also ran up quickly and said to Zhu Hao with a very happy look.

  This villain, in the past, completely looked down on Murong Xiaoxiao. Now that he is healed, he should be cleaned up.

  He was so arrogant before, but now he was so cleaned up by Big Brother Zhu Hao, which seemed to make people feel very happy.

  It's no wonder that Murong Xiaoxiao is so happy. Before, Murong Xiaoxiao was really worried about whether her small team could handle such a powerful opponent.

  Now that I see this result, I can really breathe a sigh of relief.

  To tell the truth, Murong Xiaoxiao's strength in the past was really impossible to do to this middle-aged man, but now if Murong Xiaoxiao wanted to, he could give this middle-aged man a ruthless blow. Slap it up.

  "Brother Zhu Hao, can I (cgdg) beat this guy hard? After all, I was also pissed off by this guy before."

  In fact, Murong Xiaoxiao really had such an idea of ​​revenge in her heart.

  That's why he said something like this to Big Brother Zhu Hao.

  After Zhu Hao heard Murong Xiaoxiao's thoughts, of course there was no possibility of rejection.

  Immediately, he readily agreed.

  "Hahahahaha... If you want to take revenge on this guy, Murong Xiaoxiao, then of course you can, what's not allowed, this guy is not a good person, you should clean up well!! Come and beat him well..."

  Zhu Hao just took two steps back and gave up his previous position to Murong Xiaoxiao.

  After all, Zhu Hao still has a very good relationship with Murong Xiaoxiao.

  As long as Murong Xiaoxiao can feel happy, then Zhu Hao is really willing to do it.

  Now I feel that if Murong Xiaoxiao can clean up this middle-aged man, he will be happy, so of course it is impossible to stop Murong Xiaoxiao from letting Murong Xiaoxiao act.

  Originally, Zhu Hao was very unhappy with this guy in his heart, and he should clean up like this! !

  Then, Murong Xiaoxiao took two steps forward. .

Chapter 988

  Then he stretched out his white-looking palm, and then slapped the middle-aged man's face with a slap in the face!

  pop one by one

  Almost in an instant, the slap was already slapped, and an extremely crisp slap sound came out.

  "Hee hee, how's it going? You bastard, I'm slapped by the girl, do you feel very comfortable? This girl's slap is not a casual person, and everyone is entitled to enjoy it. , you should~ feel honored?"

  After all, Murong Xiaoxiao is also the character of a half-year-old child, so when he said such non-serious words to this middle-aged man, he felt even more insulting to that middle-aged man.

  After all, a powerful figure in the late stage of the god realm, who was dignified, was slapped by this little girl who didn't know what to call it...

  This matter is really how you feel, how depressed, how you feel, how angry.

  If he could act freely, he would really severely injure Murong Xiaoxiao on the spot, which was a blow, and he could even let Murong Xiaoxiao die on the spot and go to see the Lord of Hell.

  It's just that you are just a thought that occurs in your mind.

  Want to really come out and take revenge on Murong Xiaoxiao?What super international joke?Do you think you can still do it?You can't do this anymore.

  "Damn little girl, do you know that your behavior is very presumptuous? Do you know that you will encounter retribution? You will encounter retribution!!"

  The middle-aged man across from him was so angry that he didn't know what to say. He actually said that Murong Xiaoxiao would suffer retribution?What are you kidding?In such a tragic situation, why did you say that Murong Xiaoxiao would suffer retribution?I really don't know how to say that his brain is better, he is already dazed by anger.

  There is no way. At this time, his situation is so unfavorable that it is possible for him to be dizzy.

  But, do you think this is the end?Of course it is impossible.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  To be so disrespectful to Murong Xiaoxiao, do you think Murong Xiaoxiao can be so disrespectful to her when she looks young?Of course people won't accept you.

  Then, Murong Xiaoxiao raised her hand again and slapped the middle-aged man! !

......... 0

  Let you be arrogant and let you not take the old lady in your eyes, now the old lady just wants to deal with you ruthlessly.

  You even said that the old lady will suffer retribution?Whose retribution?Who dares to come up and take revenge on the old lady?You guy, you are so powerful, isn't it because I was slapped hard by my mother?You even said that the old lady will suffer retribution?Really funny.

  It can be said that if I hadn't wanted to take such a vicious revenge just now, I would have used my coldly shining sword to swipe a few times on the face of this middle-aged man. Let this guy, from now on, be a proper ugly monster.

  It's just that Murong Xiaoxiao isn't as good as doing things.Ten thousand.

Chapter 989

  Making the other person look ugly will have a profound impact on the other person's life path in the future.

  Although Murong Xiaoxiao can easily do this action, but Murong Xiaoxiao still has a little mercy.I don't want to really let him suffer such a huge blow, such a huge mental blow.

  In the past, this bad guy made Murong Xiaoxiao feel that he was being ignored and looked down upon, and it wasn't that bad.

  In fact, the biggest bad feeling was being ambushed by this bad guy, and he didn't even give them a chance to get rid of them.

  If Big Brother Zhu Hao didn't use a trick to attract this bad guy, he really didn't know what to do.

  It is also appropriate for this bad guy to be punished a little now.

  However, at this moment, the bald man who was severely beaten also came up. Previously, the bald man originally felt that the timing was very suitable, and he could come up to help Zhu Hao and others and attack them. This is a middle-aged man.

  However, this middle-aged man had just recovered from the negative state of Zhu Hao's attack with the subduing dragon and tiger stick.

  So he gave that bald man a powerful counterattack.

  As a result, the bald-headed man's body was violently shaken and flew out seven or eight meters.

  In fact, before the bald man, he was really injured by the blow of this middle-aged man.

  Right now, he just came up, took the huge axe, and placed it on that part of the middle-aged man's neck.

  "Beasts, give us a word now, do you let us out or not? Do you think we can all beat you, and we can't get out yet? We're just showing you a show. It's just an opportunity."

  After all, the bald man is also a relatively experienced character, so when he came up, he gave a big deal to this bad guy.

  That huge axe is still extremely scary.

  For ordinary people, seeing this huge axe and putting it on their neck, they would have been scared for a long time. …

  Maybe it was because he was scared to pee his pants on the spot.

  To be honest, the state at this time is really extremely uncomfortable, and his strength is logically still strong, but he has been cleaned up by these guys whose strength is completely inferior to himself.In the heart of the middle-aged man, there is a really very depressed feeling.

  That look was really looking at everyone present with resentment.

  However, do you think you have any strong confidence?Your strength is relatively strong, but your comprehensive combat ability has been reduced.

  The joint attack by Zhu Hao and others is no joke.

   Now, if you are acquainted, you should quickly agree to Zhu Hao and others' requests and let them go.

  Otherwise, you will only become more unlucky.

  To be honest, at this time, the middle-aged man really has no room for negotiation and can only accept it.So he quickly lowered his head, facing Zhu Hao and others, he had finally realized that he was not good enough. .

Chapter 990

  "Okay, okay, I promise you, I will let you out, I really convinced you, this powerful strength of mine is still defeated by you, my luck is really bad. , I don't know if God is joking with me on purpose today."

  That middle-aged man had already recognized the reality and could only be a compromise.

  Then he slowly raised his hand, and on his palm, a ray of light erupted, and it shot directly into the sky 26 .

  Then that ray of light was scattered in the air and flew out.

  Then it was hit in eight directions respectively.

  In those eight directions, a dazzling light burst out, and then it dimmed.That is the array eye, this psychedelic array, there are as many as eight array eyes in total.

  It is really a powerful psychedelic array. If you are looking for it slowly, it is really not easy.

  Zhu Hao couldn't help but admire this villain in his heart.

  To be honest, if you want Zhu Hao to create such a psychedelic array, it is really difficult to do it.

  So it's normal for Zhu Hao to feel admiration for this guy's psychedelic array.Because Zhu Hao really couldn't do it.

  In the past, if I could settle down and slowly look for this psychedelic array eye, it would not be impossible to find it.It's just that this method takes a long time.

  Well now, there is no need to slowly find the eye of this psychedelic array, just let him, the master of the psychedelic array, break the eye of the array himself.

  After this psychedelic formation was broken, the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

  In the past, it was the feeling that the light was relatively strong, but now it is directly restored to the relatively dim environment.

  Such a relatively dim environment is a normal environment.

  That bright environment is just a special effect of the psychedelic array, and it is not real in the current environment.

  All of a sudden, the big guys are all discerning people, and they can all come out, and the big guys are all outside.

  "Hahahaha... It's not easy, it's really not easy, we were all able to come out, it really made me worry for nothing, I thought it was impossible for us to come out."

  At this moment, that Li Xiaodong could not help but speak to the big guy with a hint of excitement.

  In fact, this Li Xiaodong, as a character with relatively low strength, was really frightened in his heart.

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