If he was trapped in that psychedelic array by himself, then he really couldn't figure out a way out.

  With his strength, if he wanted to forcibly break out, he would not be able to do it.

  However, if you don't have a tough way to break out, how can you break out?Do you want a solution like Zhu Hao?

  However, in fact, Zhu Hao's method, in fact, still relies on strong strength, and it can be done.

  After all, before Zhu Hao. .

Chapter 991

  When the scoundrel came in, he also needed strong strength as support.Otherwise, when people come in, they will just beat you to death on the spot.

  "Hehehe, look at what you are saying? Who do you think our big brother Zhu Hao is? As long as you walk with our big brother Zhu Hao, then the road of life in the future will only be smoother, not What to say is more tortuous and difficult to walk."

  At this moment, the Poison King also heard Li Xiaodong's ranting words, and couldn't help but say angrily.

  In fact, the Poison King and Zhu Hao have come all the way, and they have already deeply realized that the closer you get to Zhu Hao, the greater the possibility that you can get big gains.

  On the contrary, if you are estranged from Zhu Hao, then the possibility of you being able to get big gains is infinitely reduced.

  Along the way, the harvest of the Poison King has already been increased by several times compared to when he was alone before.

  Therefore, the poison king has such an idea, it is really a very normal idea.It's not that flattering Zhu Hao is that simple.

  Sometimes, if you meet a person who makes you feel that your luck has changed for the better, then such a person is likely to be the noble person in your life...

  For the Poison King himself, he just felt that Zhu Hao was the right person in his life.

  Otherwise, why did he get such a huge gain from the Poison King before he met Zhu Hao?

  If you change to your former self, if you want to get such a huge harvest, it will take at least several months.

  Now, in less than half a month, it has already been able to get so much harvest.

  Is this not your own noble person, or is it your own broom star?Anyway, the Poison King really likes and admires Zhu Hao very much in his heart.

  If possible, the Poison King is really willing to walk with Zhu Hao for a long time.

  Because, walking with Zhu Hao means you can gain a lot, so why don't you want to walk with Zhu Hao?It's simply a willingness.

  In fact, anyone with a normal mind would like to take over with Zhu Hao.

  "¨ˇ Yes, that's what I thought too. In fact, I was just a little worried before, just a little worried. With such a strong strength of Zhu Hao, coupled with such a strong luck, how could it be possible? Can't handle a small difficulty like this 々ˇ?"

  Immediately afterwards, Li Xiaodong responded to the Poison King in a somewhat embarrassed way.

  It turned out that the Poison King saw through his own little mind.

  (No, okay?) The current situation has completely changed for the better.The big guy can completely put down the big stone that is pressing on his heart.

  To tell the truth, at this moment, Murong Xiaoxiao herself has returned to her previous lively and lovely state.

  "Hee hee hee, brother Zhu Hao, are we ready to meet our harvest? Our new huge harvest...".

Chapter 992

  "I feel like this is still a huge gain that can't be escaped!!"

  Murong Xiaoxiao walked to Zhu Hao's side and said happily to Zhu Hao.

  As he spoke, he watched the middle-aged man get up from time to time.

  A fool can really see that look, what does Murong Xiaoxiao mean by that look?

  "Hehe, Murong Xiaoxiao, did you say that you want to get our gains from this villain?"

  After seeing Murong Xiaoxiao's performance, Zhu Hao couldn't help but smile and say to the other party.

  In fact, of course, it is impossible for Zhu Hao to just let this bad guy go.

  You must know that the big guy has finally defeated this powerful guy.

  If you just let the other party leave just like that, it really won't work like that. The loss on your side is really great.

  Just Zhu Hao's top-grade medicine pill is already worth hundreds of thousands of Profound Truth Stones.

  And then, not counting the five medium-quality soul crystals Zhu Hao consumed (cgdg) for this battle.

  Those soul crystals are all expensive.Adding up, it was the loss of several million Profound Truth Stones.

  If these losses were not to be taken back from this bad guy, then Zhu Hao would have been kicked by a donkey in his head.

  How could these losses be such a waste of money?Zhu Hao definitely wanted to get it back from this bad guy.In fact, Zhou, this villain, is a dignified master figure in the late stage of the god realm.The baby on the body is definitely not less.

  After all, it is also the strength of a god in the realm. How can the accumulated treasures be so few?In fact, Zhu Hao is just a figure in the realm of Yuanshen, and the accumulation on his body is already very impressive.

  You are a proper and higher-level character, and the treasure on your body will definitely only be more and not less.

  Therefore, Zhu Hao was already feeling the anticipation.

  In fact, even if Murong Xiaoxiao didn't drink what he said, Zhu Hao would also take this action by himself.

  Besides, this kind of high-quality soul crystal, or medium-quality soul crystal, Zhu Hao's consumption is also relatively high.

  If you can't get it from this bad guy, then the future battles will be even more difficult. If you can't get it from this guy, then you need to find opportunities to deal with some powerful monsters in the future.

  However, if it is to deal with those powerful monsters, it will require your time and energy, and it will consume a lot of energy.

  It is best to get it directly from this bad guy, which is the fastest way.

  After all, even if you kill a monster, you can only harvest a medium-quality soul crystal all of a sudden, or if you are lucky, you can harvest a high-quality soul crystal.

  The speed is really relatively slow.

  "Cough cough, presumably, you can also hear our words, you can say a little about your body, baby, hand it over, then we will no longer embarrass you, we can let you go. .”.

Chapter 993

  At this moment, Zhu Hao took two steps forward, smiled and said to the middle-aged man.

  At this time, don't look at Zhu Hao's smile.If this bad guy dared to refuse this one of Zhu Hao to go, then Zhu Hao would definitely let this bad guy go without hesitation.

  After all, you ambush Lao Tzu before, and then caused Lao Tzu to release that black gold battle puppet to fight. The direct loss alone is almost millions of Profound Truth Stones. How dare you not? Compensate the old man?Are you tired of having a good time?

  In fact, this middle-aged man also properly knew that the black gold battle puppet was a high-quality battle puppet, which was very energy-consuming.

  Therefore, after hearing Zhu Hao's words, I can understand Zhu Hao's mood.

  After all, if you change anyone, just to the point where millions of Stones of Profound Truth are burned casually, you will feel a little bit reluctant in your heart.

  Now, if there is a chance to recover his losses, the minister must have missed this rare opportunity.

  In fact, there are no words of mercy to be said.If it wasn't because he was not lucky enough to be defeated, do you think he would have any moral sympathy with Zhu Hao and the others?

  Unless the sun comes out from the west, otherwise, it is impossible to be polite to Zhu Hao and others, and it will definitely only harvest all the treasures of Zhu Hao and others~ a clean one.

  In fact, this middle-aged man still has a good treasure that Zhu Hao can search for.

  Therefore, Zhu Hao really felt that this battle, after a comprehensive calculation, his investment would not actually suffer.

  After all, a powerful person in the late stage of the god realm, the treasure on his body, must have a very strong accumulation.

  Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged man took down all three storage rings on his hands.

  Then, he took out a special box in his arms and slowly handed it into Zhu Hao's hands.

  "I don't have anything to say anymore. I, all my treasures, are handed over to you. My luck is really bad to the extreme. I am willing to admit defeat..."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  The middle-aged man's tone was already extremely depressed, as if he was about to die, and he was very lacking in spirit.

  After all, if you change any normal person and lose such a huge amount all of a sudden, it will also become super depressed.


  This villain, in the past, wanted to ambush Zhu Hao and others, and he could get a good harvest from Zhu Hao and others.

  However, I never imagined that it would turn out to be stealing chickens and not losing rice, and that my little abacus turned out to be in vain.

  Seriously, if that bad guy can really succeed, he can really get a lot of gains.

  Just that one Zhu Hao's black and gold fighting puppet is already an extremely valuable treasure.

  It seems to be at the point where you can directly obtain tens of millions of Profound Truth Stones.

  It's just that you can't succeed because of your strength.Ten thousand.

Chapter 994

  It's not bad, but you shouldn't provoke a man like Zhu Hao.

  Zhu Hao is a man favored by God, a chosen son! !

  Do you think you can harvest Zhu Hao casually?What super international joke?

  Now you know what happened to Zhu Hao?It's just the end of stealing chickens without losing money.I was so happy before, so excited, so looking forward to it, but now there is only a sad mood left.The loss of oneself is also the level of tens of millions of Profound Truth Stones.

  That kind of painful feeling, only this middle-aged man can understand.

  If he changed the previous words, he really couldn't imagine that one day, he would have such an encounter, which would allow him to accumulate over a long period of time, and in one day, it would be the point where the loss was over.

  Those accumulations, but they are the treasures that can be accumulated slowly and slowly for decades.

  Every baby feels valuable and can be placed in his storage ring.

  If it's something of little value.It can't be collected by oneself.

  Now, these collections of my own have disappeared all of a sudden, that kind of sad mood, how sad it is, how sad it is...

  However, there is nothing you can do, because this wrong action of yours is to suffer the result of this kind of wrong.

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