Therefore, Murong Hanxing felt so worried about Murong Xiaoxiao.But now it's alright, that bad guy has already left, so Murong Hanxing is the one who came up, otherwise, Murong Hanxing is still behind.

  In his hand, he only held his own spear, which weighed several hundred kilograms, and was always ready to attack the bad guy in anger. If he wanted to sneak attack on Murong Xiaoxiao, he would immediately block it.

  After seeing the bad guy gone, Murong Hanxing was the stone in his heart, he slowly put it down, and also put the spear back into his storage ring.

  "Oh, my good brother, don't underestimate your sister and me, okay?".

Chapter 1003

  In fact, Murong Xiaoxiao basically didn't care about her brother Murong Hanxing's worries.Because Murong Xiaoxiao felt that with the presence of a powerful big brother Zhu Hao, she could protect her safety to the maximum extent.

  Therefore, Murong Hanxing felt helpless after hearing her words.

  This little sister of mine is such a naughty and mischievous person who always likes to mess around. She can come here as she is happy. I don't know if she will cause something to happen in the future... It really makes people feel It's a headache.

  However, it is not easy to speak of Murong Xiaoxiao in an overly harsh way, because Murong Xiaoxiao is such a character, if you have spoken to her in a kind word, that's fine, you have to use a very harsh word To talk to her will make her ignore you for a long, long time.

  In the past, Murong Hanxing had suffered in this regard, so he didn't want to see Murong Xiaoxiao ignore him again.

  Now, seeing that the bad guy finally left, the Poison King was extremely happy and ran directly to Zhu Hao's side.

  "Hahahaha...Brother Zhu Hao, we can take a good count now, right? We have gained this new battle today, right? I'm so excited, thinking about it makes people feel dizzy at night. It's the feeling of not being able to sleep. It must be a big gain."

  The Poison King still values ​​the storage ring on that villain's body.

  After all, what kind of powerful strength is that person's strength?That was someone who had already reached the late stage of the god realm.

  Such a strength is really not easy to meet on weekdays.

  That is to say, together with Big Brother Zhu Hao, we came to this place with a mysterious opportunity today, and we were able to meet such a powerful opponent.It should be said that it is a powerful enemy...

  "Hehehe, look at your excited look, well, we can start to count the harvest of today's battle, come on, it's the old rules, all the treasures in these ordinary storage rings , it's all handed over to you for an equal share, as for me, just take this special one."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Immediately afterwards, Zhu Hao said with a smile to the poison king.

  Just like this, the big guy started to count and distribute the treasures in those storage rings.

  Everyone present can get a share of their own harvest.

......... 0

  Even Li Xiaodong didn't do much in the past, but as a member of this team, he was able to reap a reward.

  The Poison King, the bearded strong man, the bald man and others opened the two ordinary storage rings together. Although they were called ordinary storage rings, the items inside were a little bit unusual.

  Some of the treasures in it also made the Poison King and the mustache strong man and others feel good and unattractive after seeing it, and their smiles were a little distorted.

  After all, how could the treasure on the body of a powerful person in the late stage of the god realm be some ordinary treasure.Ten thousand.

Chapter 1004

  Now, they have been able to harvest so many treasures, and of course they are all very happy.

  According to their estimates, the value of the various treasures in these two storage rings added up is at least as high as the value of more than [-] million Profound Truth Stones.

  Such a terrifying number is really unimaginable.

  In the past, if they wanted to obtain so many Stones of Profound Truth with a single number, then they simply needed to put in a lot of time and energy to be able to do it.

  It is estimated that it takes years as a unit of time to obtain so much harvest.

  However, today is different from the past. With the help of Big Brother Zhu Hao, their harvest is so simple and fast.

  A thing that was hard to imagine in the past can be done so simply at this moment.

  There are [-] million Profound Truth Stones, where are you going to find this huge number?

  Even if so many people are divided equally, everyone can still get a very impressive number.

  Actually, at this time, Zhu Hao himself was in a very good mood.

  Because, Zhu Hao opened the other party's storage magic weapon, and inside, he saw eight high-quality soul crystals! !

  You know, if it was the previous one, then of course Zhu Hao wouldn't care too much about this high-quality soul crystal.

  However, since he had that black gold battle puppet, he consumed a lot of high-quality soul crystals.

  Without those high-quality soul crystals, his powerful black-and-gold battle puppet would be nothing more than a tasteless thing.

  Well now, some of the things that worried me before have been temporarily resolved.

  So many high-quality soul crystals can support him for at least an hour or so for that black-gold battle puppet to fight.

  In such a long battle, what is there that cannot be won?

  To be honest, these high-quality soul crystals would take at least a month if Zhu Hao was to slowly find and accumulate them by himself. …

  After all, it doesn't mean that your strength is strong enough, but that you can quickly find those high-level monsters in the streets.

  Those high-level monsters will form high-quality soul crystals in their brains.

  If you are not able to encounter high-level fortresses, it is impossible to obtain enough useful soul crystals by defeating some low-level monsters.

  Those low-quality soul crystals, in fact, are impossible to use on the black gold battle puppet.

  Because the level of the black gold battle puppet is too high, the energy consumed is also very huge.

  Only soul crystals of medium quality or above can be used as energy.

  Therefore, Zhu Hao is really overjoyed to see so many high-quality soul crystals now.

  Of course, it's not just like this, there are some other babies. .

Chapter 1005

  For example, some exercises, and some medicinal herbs.

  However, in terms of exercises, Zhu Hao didn't say that he was very anxious to see what exercises others had.

  Because, the god and demon martial arts that Zhu Hao practiced was already a very powerful exercise.

  However, in Zhu Hao's heart, he couldn't help but feel that curious feeling, so he picked up the exercise and looked at it.

  It was found that there were two villains on it, holding two swords, and they were competing in martial arts, which was called Taiyi 26 Wuji Swordsmanship.

  As for this name, it still feels quite good, but Zhu Hao has already practiced that god-demon physique, and is working hard to fight and practice for this god-demon physique.Improve your experience further.

  There is not much time and energy to study this Taiyi Wuji swordsmanship.

  Although this Taiyi Wuji swordsmanship is not an ordinary swordsmanship at first glance.

  After all, how could it be a simple thing that someone with such a powerful strength could put it in such a hidden and special storage magic weapon?

  It's as if you can think of it with your own toes.

  Since there is no time to practice this exercise for a while now, Zhu Hao decided to take a look at the introduction for the time being and not in a hurry to practice.

  Opened this Taiyi Wuji swordsmanship and began to check it.

  After some reading, Zhu Hao felt happier and more excited in his heart.Because, this Taiyi Wuji swordsmanship turned out to be a very powerful swordsmanship! !

  Just when you reach the second level of cultivation, you can transform into two almost substantial sword qi to attack each other.

  Moreover, the almost substantial sword energy can be maintained for a relatively long time, allowing the owner to maintain a short-term control.

  Attack opponents from different angles.

  You have to know that ordinary sword energy is just a ray of light, facing the opponent's body straight, attacking the past, and then depending on luck, if you can attack the opponent, you will attack the opponent, but if the opponent avoids it .

  Then you have nothing to do.This attack of your sword energy is just a straight line of attack.

  However, Zhu Hao saw this Taiyi Wuji swordsmanship, but it was very different.

  It turned out to be able to let himself control that sword energy.

  That one sword energy can attack the opponent halfway through the attack, turn and then change the course! !

  Such a sword qi that can control the attack route is simply powerful, not a little bit! !You know, most people will feel that this kind of sword energy attack is just a proper straight line attack.

  It is generally impossible to imagine that this kind of sword energy can still turn and attack.

  Therefore, once Zhu Hao broke out this powerful Taiyi Wuji sword attack, he could get a very good result that would surprise others.

  How can others figure it out that you can still turn halfway?No one else has ever seen such a magical operation.

  So, no wonder Zhu Hao saw it. .

Chapter 1006

  After this introduction of Taiyi Wuji swordsmanship, I will feel so excited.

  This Taiyi Wuji swordsmanship, as long as you continue to practice deeply, each time you advance, you can have an extra sword qi that you can control.

  That is to say, as long as you keep cultivating, you will be able to have many powerful sword qi that can change the attack route, making your opponents want to cry without tears.

  Just thinking about it is very exciting.

  Zhu Hao hurriedly put this Taiyi Wuji swordsmanship back into the storage magic weapon carefully.When I have the opportunity, I will definitely practice this Taiyi Wuji swordsmanship well.

  After all, this completely unexpected attack method made Zhu Hao like it the most.

  To tell the truth, Zhu Hao's so many battles, the reason why he can let his own lower strength to defeat some more powerful opponents, many times, is to rely on his own kind of surprise. The strength burst out, and some unexpected attack methods were made.

  So it is possible to win the battle.

  For example, the guy who ambushed the psychedelic array before is not too powerful, and has reached the level of the terrifying late stage of the god realm.

  If it was a one-on-one duel, it would be very helpless. Even the mighty Zhu Hao would not be his opponent.

  The huge level gap in strength does not mean that you can smooth it if you want to smooth it.

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