But pinch, Zhu Hao can rely on his own unexpected fighting style, his own subduing dragon and subduing tiger stick, can make the opponent's spirit trance, unable to control his body neatly to deal with the enemy's attack.

  So that led to that bad guy being attacked from various angles by his friends on his side.

  As a result, his body was hurt again and again, and he tracked the fate of his defeat...

  It can be said that if it wasn't for the fact that he used that black gold battle puppet with extreme caution just now, coupled with the cooperation of the subduing dragon and subduing tiger stick, it was really impossible to defeat that bad guy.

  Don't look at the cooperation of the strong man with the mustache, the big man with the bald head, and the little girl Wang Ruoxuan.

  These three people have already reached the formidable strength of the middle stage of the god realm.

  However, in the face of the more powerful strength in the late stage of the god realm, there is still not much advantage that can be exerted.

  Even if you have a lot of people, but no matter how many eggs there are, it will not be able to fight stones...

  A very simple truth, if you want to deal with such a powerful enemy, you need to use some unexpected attack methods to have a chance to win.

  It's good that (Nuo Li's) a lucky man like Zhu Hao, who is favored by God, can make so many unexpected attacks.

  If you let a strong man with a mustache do it, it is impossible for him to be as amazing as Zhu Hao.

  Zhu Hao deserves to be a man favored by God, he is so extraordinary! !

  Zhu Hao looked at the other treasures in the magic treasure and found five small boxes. .

Chapter 1007

  Each small box is almost the size of a palm.

  I don't know what's inside.

  Now that he is curious, Zhu Hao certainly won't ignore it, and he must take it out to find out.

  So, Zhu Hao took out one of the small boxes, and after opening the box, in an instant, an aura of inclination wafted out.

  This fragrant smell is such a graceful and charming feeling. After Zhu Hao smelled it, he immediately felt very refreshed.

   In fact, this miraculous elixir is a special elixir that replenishes energy, and its level is not low.

  At least it is worth one hundred thousand Profound Truth Stones and one medicinal pill! !

  Yes, that's right, these medicinal pills are all at the same level as the rare top-grade medicinal pills of Zhu Hao.

  I don't know why before, the bad guy didn't take it out and take it. If it was the bad guy who took it out and took it, it would basically be able to support him to continue fighting for at least a stick of incense for a while. .

  However, that bad guy didn't take out these top-quality medicinal pills in the end, but he was just cheapening himself.

  It really made Zhu Hao feel very good.

  Zhu Hao's nose is still very smart, and he could smell it for a long time. That medicine pill is a type of medicine pill that supplements energy.

  Moreover, this fragrant smell is very high-quality at first glance, and it can be exuded.

  After all, a pharmacist, if he is a guy with a relatively low level to refine medicine, it is impossible to take care of so many aspects.

  To be able to refine the most important function of this medicinal pill is already very remarkable.

  Where is (cgdg) too much time and energy to take care of whether this medicine smells good or not.

  That is to say, senior pharmacists generally have more time and energy to pay attention to the breath of this medicine.

  Therefore, from this aspect, Zhu Hao can judge that this medicine pill is a very high-level medicine pill.

  In that box, there are a total of five medicinal pills of this type, and each medicinal pill is about the size of a longan.

  In all, there are a total of twenty-five top-grade medicinal pills in this storage magic weapon.

  Then, in the future, if the battle is more tiring and his energy consumption is relatively high, Zhu Hao can take out these top-quality medicinal herbs to quickly replenish his lost energy.

  It is really beautiful, this harvest is really beautiful! !

  Although it is said that these top-quality medicinal herbs are worth [-] million Profound Truth Stones.

  Not a lofty number that is too hard to touch.

  However, this high-quality elixir does not mean that you can get it if you want.

  Because, the higher the level of medicinal pills, the more high-level materials are needed, and then they can be refined.

  Those high-grade medicine refining materials, under normal circumstances. .

Chapter 1008

  Not so easy to find.

  In addition, high-level pharmacists also charge very high fees. The combination of various factors will lead to this kind of high-quality medicine pill, which is very rare and rare. If you want to obtain it, it is basically All of the above will require a number that is more than [-]% higher than the market price to be able to obtain it.

  That is to say, these top-quality medicinal pills that Zhu Hao obtained, it seems that the price above the bright side is [-] Profound Truth Stones to obtain one of this kind of medicinal pills.

  But, in fact, if you really want to buy it, you really can't buy it with just [-] Profound Truth Stones. You need to consume [-] Profound Truth Stones,~ can buy it! !

  Otherwise, who would be willing to sell it to you?You must know that these top-quality medicinal pills that can be used in battle are very precious. How precious are they?That can save your little life, and it is the key to whether it can survive or not.

  If you are in a battle and find that your energy is insufficient, but there is no good medicine to replenish your energy, then you are basically in a tragic situation where you can only sit still.

  However, if you have the help of this top-quality medicine pill, then things will no longer be so tragic, but you can still have the opportunity to fight back.

  Because, when you seem to be dying, and your opponent feels that you are about to die, you are quietly taking this top-quality elixir that replenishes energy in this unfavorable situation. Son is to let the energy in your body get to the point where it is full of blood and resurrected.

  Then if you continue to fight with your opponent, you can have a surprising effect.It must be able to catch your opponent by surprise.

  Therefore, Zhu Hao was able to obtain so much of such a precious medicinal pill, which of course made Zhu Hao feel extremely excited.

  In the future, no matter how powerful the battle is, Zhu Hao will basically not worry that there will be a tragic situation where the energy is not enough will happen to him.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  After putting away this high-level medicinal pill, Zhu Hao continued to look at the other treasures in this storage magic weapon.

  It was found that there were about five million Profound Truth Stones left, and there was nothing else that could particularly attract Zhu Hao's attention.

  It's fine no matter what, anyway, today's Zhu Hao's performance is really a huge gain.


  It seems that this place is called a treasure of opportunity. It seems that there is really nothing wrong with it.

  It's really a worthwhile trip to come here.

  Being able to harvest so many treasures is really beyond Zhu Hao's previous expectations.

  Such a harvest, it can be said that it is not easy for Zhu Hao to do it alone, because these harvests all need to be obtained from such an extremely powerful master.

  Those masters, if they only depended on Zhu Hao's strength, really couldn't take them down.

  Because, the strength of others is properly much stronger than Zhu Hao.Ten thousand.

Chapter 1009

  So, sometimes, the strength of the team is still very important.With the cooperation of this powerful team, Zhu Hao can take down this kind of opponent that is much stronger than himself.

  However, what is more critical now is to move forward as soon as possible, but don't stay in this place for too long.

  After all, if you stay in one place for too long, you are likely to attract some other enemies.

  In this place, there is no shortage of people who come here to find mysterious opportunities.

  Those people, even if they know that this place is full of dangers, but they choose to enter this place resolutely, then it shows the strength of others.

  For example, the two powerful enemies that Zhu Hao encountered before were both in one-on-one duels, and they were properly stronger than Zhu Hao's terrifying strength.

  This kind of person, once they perceive that there is a battle in that place, is likely to find it quietly, and then take the opportunity to rob you.

  So, the decision at the moment is to hurry up and continue on the road!

  So, under Zhu Hao's greeting, those little friends, one by one, continued to follow Zhu Hao on a new journey with confidence.

  Along the way, it is possible for the big guy to get a very good harvest.Therefore, now everyone is invisible, and properly regards Zhu Hao as the leader of this team.

  Although from the perspective of cultivation realm, Zhu Hao's cultivation realm is not the most powerful character in this large team, but if it is talking about the real one-on-one comparison of strength If so, Zhu Hao really won't lose to others.

  With Zhu Hao's strength, if he were to fight against the brawny with a mustache and the bald-headed man in the middle of the god realm, it would be a tie. Even Zhu Hao relied on some of his own that he could obtain before. Huge harvest, can defeat them maybe.

  Originally, that black gold battle puppet was already a proper and powerful opponent in the late stage of the god realm.

  If you want that moustache and brawny guy to fight with your black and gold fighting puppet, they will just admit defeat...  

  After all, if you are going to fight that powerful black-gold battle puppet, it is basically impossible to win.The strength of others is the strength of the target in the late stage of the gods realm. You are only a character in the middle stage of the gods, how can you compare with other people's fighting puppets?Of course, it's just the end of a proper admit defeat.

  Therefore, if it is a desperate one-on-one battle, there is no doubt that it is Zhu Hao who can win the victory of this big team! !

  Therefore, if there was still a little bit of controversy in the past, then now, since Zhu Hao has been able to obtain the black gold battle puppet, it is impossible for everyone present to compete with Zhu Hao for the boss. status.

  After all, Zhu Hao just released the black gold battle puppet, and he was able to convince everyone else.

  Now, I don't know if it's because of the previous war. .

Chapter 1010

  The movement is too huge, which leads to an unexpectedly quiet feeling along the way.Even some small animals have become very difficult to meet.

  However, the powerful spiritual power released by Zhu Hao kept scanning the road ahead.

  After all, quietness is quietness, it does not mean that it is an absolutely safe environment, it is better to be more cautious.

  This place, with so many people looking for opportunities, is not an ordinary place. It can be said that it is a place where Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is not too much.

  In this kind of place, if you are negligent, you might end up dying in this place.

  Is Zhu Hao the kind of person who is easily negligent?Unless the sun comes out from the west, otherwise, it is impossible.

  "Hehehe, Zhu Hao bro, do you feel that this way, we seem to be walking too quietly and smoothly? There is no such thing as the previous feeling of all kinds of small animals wandering around us."

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