At this moment, Murong Xiaoxiao, who was behind him, could not help but come up and talk to Zhu Hao.

  "Yes, I also have this feeling, but it may also be because when our battle came down, the movement was too huge, which scared these small animals away."

  Zhu Hao said with a smile after listening to the other party's words.

  "Brother Zhu Hao, you said that we have moved a long way forward. Why can't we reach the end in this place? I feel that this place seems to be a bottomless pit. In the place where I have advanced for so long, I have not yet been able to see the end..."

  Although Murong Xiaoxiao can understand what Zhu Hao said, but because of her hyperactive personality, she feels that if she doesn't talk to Zhu Hao, it will feel very wrong, so she keeps talking to Zhu Hao. Come and chat and pass the boring time.

  "I can understand what you said. After all, this is the first time I have come in, so even if I am as curious as you, I can't give you a satisfactory answer. If you've come in, of course I can give you the answer..."

  Zhu Hao said a little helplessly to Murong Xiaoxiao.

  In fact, Zhu Hao doesn't worry about the long distance of this place, because this place, to be honest, is really a place where you can find opportunities.

  For example, isn't the powerful black-gold battle puppet that you obtained before, a good chance?Such a big opportunity, if you are outside, it is really not easy to find.

  Even if you can meet them at auctions and other places, but because of the scarcity of this kind of treasure, you may just miss it.

  After all, the value is just tens of millions of Profound Truth Stones, and Zhu Hao really can't compete.

  Now, after coming to this mysterious treasure land of opportunity, he has properly obtained the black gold battle puppet, so Zhu Hao is still very much looking forward to it in his heart. .

Chapter 1011

  Looking forward to the next road, what kind of harvest, waiting for my arrival.

  If he hadn't been able to get such a huge gain before, of course Zhu Hao would also feel that this journey would be very boring, and he didn't want to continue walking, but the problem Zhu Hao's gain was not small, but very huge, so, Even if the road ahead is still far away, Zhu Hao won't worry a little bit, he will just feel more excited.

  "Hehehe, Murong Xiaoxiao, the gains you've gained today, plus the gains you've obtained before, should add up to the point where you have more than five million Profound Truth Stones, right? Like this? Don't you feel satisfied with the harvest?"

  Immediately afterwards, Zhu Hao and Murong Xiaoxiao said jokingly.

  "Hahahaha... Satisfied, of course, very satisfied, how could I be dissatisfied? Five million Profound Truth Stones, in fact, I have calculated more carefully, where is only five million Profound Truth Stones? So simple? There are definitely more than [-] million Profound Truth Stones! 々ˇ!"

  Murong Xiaoxiao also responded happily.

  It can be said that if Murong Xiaoxiao went out to walk the world by herself, if she wanted to rely on her true strength to gain such a huge harvest, then at least it would take at least half a year. Get such a huge gain.

  Because, although Murong Xiaoxiao's strength can be said to be relatively strong, it is not strong enough to be on the same level as Zhu Hao.

  Especially after Zhu Hao has obtained more opportunities, now Zhu Hao's comprehensive combat ability is compared to before, it can be said that he is completely different! !

  To tell the truth, in the past, the Poison King still felt that he could continue to fight with Zhu Hao, and he could have a good fight, so that he would not lose to Zhu Hao soon.

  However, since seeing some of Zhu Hao's huge fortunes, the Poison King has completely given up the idea of ​​fighting Zhu Hao one-on-one.

  Because, Zhu Hao's strength has already surpassed that of the Poison King.

  If the Poison King still had the same idea at the beginning and felt that Zhu Hao's strength was only a young man in the primordial spirit realm, then he would definitely suffer, and he would definitely suffer a lot.

  Just that black gold fighting puppet is enough to deeply shock the Poison King, and you can make him have the idea of ​​fighting Zhu Hao...

  There is also that brawny guy with a mustache. As the leader of a small team of his own, he is also very powerful, but if he hadn't combined with Zhu Hao's team, the gains would not have been achieved. Possibly so much (Noori is good).

  In fact, the harvest of his small team, on the whole, is at least three times greater than that of going forward alone before! !

  Yes, there is nothing wrong, and the harvest is at least three times more than before Zhu Hao.

  It's such an exaggeration. Of course, his team is also very strong, but if there is no combination of Zhu Hao's more powerful character like the sky. .

Chapter 1012

  Where can the harvest be so fast and so huge?

  This kind of quick and huge harvest is because of defeating those two powerful and terrifying enemies.

  Those two enemies are powerful enemies in the late stage of the God Realm.

  After defeating them, the storage rings obtained from them are the equivalent of more than a month's worth of gains that they can directly reap.

  Even that brawny guy with a mustache has reached the level of the middle stage of the realm of gods. He can lead his team and defeat many powerful opponents and monsters, but compared with the combination of Zhu Hao now, it is still far away. cannot be compared.

  It can be said that Zhu Hao is an anomaly, an anomaly who has been specially taken care of by God...

  To be able to move forward with Zhu Hao is really because they don't know what great deeds they have done in their previous lives to be able to obtain such good luck in this life.

  It can be said that if people outside knew how to auction and form a team with Zhu Hao, they would definitely be able to auction off millions of cgdg stones.

  As long as you can form a team with Zhu Hao, you can get huge rewards. You can pay one million Profound Truth Stones as tickets. There is nothing you don't want. As long as a human with a normal mind will do this kind of sensible thing. Selected.

  However, this is just an analogy. In fact, Zhu Hao would not do it like that.

  Because, Zhu Hao still prefers to form a team with the people he has the chance to do, instead of just auctioning off the qualifications to form a team with himself.

  Time passed by unconsciously like this, about an hour or so has passed.

  Zhu Hao suddenly slowed down his progress.

  After Zhu Hao slowed down, the other friends who followed behind also slowed down one by one.

  "What's the matter with Brother Zhu Hao? Why did you slow down your footsteps? Could it be that you found something new?"

  At this moment, Wang Ruoxuan also came up and asked Zhu Hao.

  "Yes, I really found a new situation, otherwise, I wouldn't slow down inexplicably. In fact, my mental power has always been scanning and checking the situation ahead. , Now all of a sudden, I found a gathering of many people in front of's strange..."

  After Zhu Hao heard Wang Ruoxuan's curious question, he replied slowly.

  "What? There are so many people gathering in front of you? It's not a joke with us, is it? This place, but a place full of danger, is actually a gathering of many people? What's going on? I You were really fooled..."

  Wang Ruoxuan felt a little confused by the second monk.

  After all, this place is not an ordinary place, but it is full of dangers that may be lurking.Moreover, it is not an ordinary danger, but a huge danger that may take your little life.

  There were so many people gathered in front, which really made Wang Ruoxuan feel incredible.

  Does it mean that there are some special circumstances ahead that will make many people feel embarrassed. .

Chapter 1013

  Can't help but stop?If that's the case, then there's a real possibility.

  "Wait a minute, I will move forward a little by myself, and further scan to check the situation, you have to wait for me in this place for a while..."

  Zhu Hao was not able to figure out the situation in front of him, so he just said something like that to the big guy, and asked the little friends to wait here for a while, move forward a little by himself, and use his own one. Extremely powerful mental power, further scan to find out the situation.

  Of course, the little friends can understand it. In fact, the big guy has already experienced it before. Zhu Hao's spiritual power is really very powerful. Among all the little friends present, it is really true. There is no one person's spiritual power that can be compared with that of Zhu Hao.

  Therefore, it is very necessary for Zhu Hao to go up and check the situation further.

  Zhu Hao's extremely powerful spiritual power can give Zhu Hao a very good advantage.

  Even when Zhu Hao could scan and detect others, others could not detect the scan and detect of Zhu Hao's spiritual power.

  Because Zhu Hao's spiritual power is actually much higher, other people want to detect it, unless it is the same level of spiritual power as Zhu Hao, then they can do it.

  However, Zhu Hao's spiritual power can be compared with the powerful character in the late stage of the god realm.

  So, if it's just the spiritual power, then Zhu Hao's spiritual power is already terrifying in the late stage of the god realm.

  At this time, Zhu Hao was quite satisfied when he saw that his friends all stopped silently and waited for him. The friends knew how to cooperate with their actions very well.

  So, at this time, it is better to check the situation as soon as possible, and not waste time in this place too much...

  As a result, Zhu Hao let go of his footsteps and started to advance alone, about a distance of about [-] meters, and Zhu Hao finally stopped.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  This place is already closer to the gathered crowds in front.

  It also allows Zhu Hao to use his spiritual power to detect information more clearly.

  After Zhu Hao's careful scanning and investigation, he finally obtained more detailed information.

  In the place in front, there is a relatively large open space.


  There were dozens of people in that place.

  This place was originally a relatively dangerous place. There were so many people there. To be honest, it still made Zhu Hao feel strange.So it is necessary to take a good look at the situation.

  After Zhu Hao's careful listening, he still heard some content of their conversation.

  It turns out that the reason why they gathered so many people in this place is because there is a monster with extremely terrifying strength in the place in front of them. That monster should be a very terrifying monster. Just put any one of them.Ten thousand.

Chapter 1014

  They were all seriously injured or even killed on the spot.

  Therefore, with so many of them, they chose to stay in this place for a while.

  It is estimated that they want to wait until there are more people, and the big guys will work together to defeat that terrifying monster, and then they will be able to obtain a huge mysterious opportunity from this terrifying monster.

  To be honest, when Zhu Hao heard some of their discussions, he couldn't help but feel uplifted.

  Because, Zhu Hao was not worried about encountering any powerful monsters, but he was afraid that there would be no powerful monsters that he could meet.

  Because, after encountering those powerful monsters, Zhu Hao can rely on the strength of his own powerful team, plus the powerful fighting ability of the black-gold fighting puppet, to defeat them together, and then obtain huge gains.

  Zhu Hao still likes this good thing very much.

  Yes, in Zhu Hao's view, encountering such a powerful monster is a good thing! !

  It's just a proper pessimism to not look at this kind of thing the way other people do.

  Because they just feel that it is impossible to defeat those powerful monsters, so they can only feel a kind of pessimism in their hearts.

  But Zhu Hao is different. Zhu Hao has come all the way, and it has been relatively smooth. He has never encountered such a powerful monster that he can't beat it himself.

  Even if the powerful monsters encountered before were indeed difficult to deal with, but in the end, after the concerted efforts of the big guys, they were still able to defeat! !

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