Once you have defeated those powerful monsters, it means you can get huge benefits.

  Why do you make Zhu Hao unhappy about this kind of thing?Why not expect.

  Moreover, the more powerful monsters, the more special opportunities they can obtain.

  For example, some special and powerful monsters will guard some equally special and mysterious opportunities.This kind of monster will also get those opportunities. The reason why they didn't get those opportunities is because they are waiting for the best time to get them.

  At this time, if it is discovered by human beings, it will be taken by human beings...  

  In fact, Zhu Hao wouldn't be so full of confidence in his heart if he didn't have the huge gains from before, especially the acquisition of the black gold battle puppet has greatly improved Zhu Hao's comprehensive combat ability. At that point, it made Zhu Hao want to fight those powerful monsters even more.

  After all, with a bodyguard equivalent to the late stage of the god realm, who can give you the best protection all the time, what are you afraid of?There is nothing to be afraid of.

  However, it is also possible that the terrifying monster in front of him has already reached the extremely terrifying level of the Holy Spirit.

  Otherwise, why are so many people gathered here?If it is a terrifying monster that has reached the Holy Spirit, then it is really very difficult to deal with, but the difficulty does not mean that it can scare Zhu Hao casually.

  The more difficult something is, the more it means that after overcoming that difficulty, you will get a huge harvest.

  Zhu Hao is such a type of man who is more and more brave in battle. .

Chapter 1015

  As long as there is still a little chance of victory, Zhu Hao is impossible to give up.

  Since the situation here has been preliminarily investigated, then Zhu Hao will not stay in this place any longer. It is better to go back quickly and discuss with his friends.

  As a result, Zhu Hao stepped down abruptly, already controlling his body, and quickly rushed back to the place where he was facing his little friends.

  Soon, Zhu Hao came back, and it was time to share that information with the friends.

  "Cough cough, I have already figured out the situation in front of me at the beginning. It turned out to be a very terrifying monster in front of the bottom edge that can make dozens of people stay. I guess that monster beast is very 26 It is possible that he has reached the level of total strength of the terrible Holy Spirit..."

  After returning, Zhu Hao hurriedly told his friends.

  In fact, if it was a terrifying monster that had truly reached the Holy Spirit, it would really scare many people.

  After all, if it is just a monster in the realm of the gods, it is already so terrifying, then a monster that has reached the level of the Holy Spirit, how powerful will it be?Really scary.

  "My God, my God... It turns out to be a monster that may be a holy god? It's impossible for us to defeat such a level, right? It's terrible..."

  At this moment, after hearing Zhu Hao's words, Murong Hanxing couldn't help but say it a little helplessly.

  The realm of the Holy Spirit was a height that Murong Hanxing couldn't help but look up to.

  You let him, a young man who is only in the realm of the primordial spirit, fight a powerful monster that may be in the realm of the holy spirit?You really make Murong Hanxing feel scared...

  Although Zhu Hao doesn't feel scared at all, but Zhu Hao is an outlier. Zhu Hao, an outlier, certainly doesn't feel scared, but Murong Hanxing's strength is that he feels like a monster in the realm of the Holy Spirit. If you fight, you just go up and die.

  So Murong Hanxing really didn't want to face that terrifying monster.

  This kind of terrifying monster is already able to make him Murong Hanxing may die to meet the King of Hell, you still let him not worry, how is it possible?Simply worrying.

  However, Murong Hanxing was so worried that Murong Xiaoxiao couldn't get excited.

  "Hahahaha...Really? Really? Brother Zhu Hao, I have never met a monster that has reached the realm of the Holy Spirit, a monster of the Holy Spirit realm, what kind of Sun? What about the existence of the appearance? I really want to see and see."

  I really have to say that Murong Xiaoxiao is a very innocent little girl, just like she doesn't know the danger.

  That monster in the realm of the Holy Spirit is so terrifying, and it is not a joke that your body can be severely injured with just a few gestures.

  However, even though Murong Xiaoxiao could still communicate with Zhu Hao in such an innocent and cute manner, Murong Hanxing didn't know what to say.

  In fact, the reason why Murong Hanxing felt so worried. .

Chapter 1016

  That's because Murong Hanxing was really thinking from a rational point of view.

  Murong Xiaoxiao was so excited and happy because Murong Xiaoxiao did not think from a rational point of view.

  If you think from a rational point of view, then you should know that with such a terrifying monster, you'd better run as far as you can to protect your life to the greatest extent.

  Otherwise, if you get too close, you don't need the other party to really attack you. It's just some accidental injuries, which can make you run away.

  "It's terrifying, it's really terrifying. At that time, we only encountered monsters in the middle stage of the God Realm, and it was already very difficult to deal with, but now we have encountered the possibility of reaching the Holy Spirit. Realm monster, how do we deal with it like this?"

  At this time, the Poison King at the back also walked up and said to Zhu Hao.

  In fact, the strength of the Poison King was only at the early stage of the God Realm.

  Compared with others who may have reached the realm of the Holy Spirit, it is really not enough to watch.

  Therefore, the Poison King is also very worried about this possible monster.

  This monster is really very dangerous, making him the Poison King to the point of worrying about the safety of his own life.If possible, the Poison King really doesn't want to face that powerful monster in the Holy Spirit realm.

  However, if Zhu Hao must move forward, he has nothing to say. At least he should stand behind Zhu Hao from a distance. Don't you go up to fight at close range, at least you should stand behind Zhu Hao. Because the cooperation between myself and Zhu Hao is relatively smooth, and I really need Zhu Hao's help in the future.

  If at this moment, I feel the danger and don't move forward with Zhu Hao, then my loss is really huge.

  Therefore, even if the Poison King felt a very worried feeling in his heart, he was not at the point where he wanted to go back the same way.

  "Hehehe, don't worry so much, we are not just this team to face such a powerful monster in the Holy Spirit realm. There are dozens of people in front of us, all of them are very powerful characters, basically The above are also the strengths around the late Yuanshen realm.”

  Zhu Hao said after a pause.

  "¨ˇ Besides, there are at least ten or more people in the realm of the gods alone. When I scanned and searched before, two people were also facing my body position, and they were scanned and searched. Then. In other words, it is very likely that two people have reached the late stage of the god realm!!"

  At such a time, the bearded strong man and the bald man also came up and listened to Zhu Hao's explanation at close range.

  In fact, (Nuo Wang's) mustache brawny man has more or less worries in his heart, but if you say that the mustache brawny man has no expectations, it is unrealistic.

  Because that kind of monster is really powerful, but if it is to be dealt with, it is impossible for Zhu Hao to fight an unprepared battle.

  If Zhu Hao decides to fight, it means that Zhu Hao has a certain degree of certainty of victory in it.

  otherwise. .

Chapter 1017

  If Zhu Hao was a big fool, he would have been dead for many years, how could he have gotten to where he is today.

  "Looking at it like this, if there are two powerful people in the late stage of the gods, and so many people in the late stage of the primordial spirits work together, there is really a certain degree of certainty. Although it is certain. It's not very big, but if you want to get a huge gain..."

  The bearded strong man looked at everyone present and said.

  "If you want to get huge gains, you have to take risks. The bigger the gains, the greater the risks we need to pay. This is a normal thing. If you don't want to, you can This place is temporarily hidden, just wait for us, anyway, I support Zhu Hao."

  In fact, the bearded strong man also supports Zhu Hao's decision. As long as Zhu Hao decides, he will definitely follow.

  Even if it is really dangerous, but the bearded strong man has come this way, he can already feel the charm of Zhu Hao's personality, and he is a man who can be trusted.

  If Zhu Hao does something, if he is not sure, Zhu Hao will not be able to do it.

  Since Zhu Hao has done it, then he has a good grasp of it. From this point of view, the bearded strong man can still see it very clearly.

  Therefore, even in the face of that monster in the Holy Spirit realm, the bearded strong man is still willing to advance and retreat together with Zhu Hao...

  Actually, if this monster in the Holy Spirit realm faced so many sieges, it was really possible to be defeated. Although there were dozens of people in front, they all felt hesitant and stopped, but Now if you add Zhu Hao's forces that integrate the three small teams, then the possibility of victory is still good.

  There is at least a [-]% chance of it being there.

  "Brother Murong Hanxing, how great do you think the danger here is? Could it be enough to scare you (cgdg)? Look at me, a little girl, I'm not scared, you just So frightened, it's not like a big man."

  After all, Murong Xiaoxiao was a little girl who didn't know how high the sky was. She even dared to speak to Murong Hanxing in such a rhetoric with her own strength that could be said to be unranked in the team.

  Murong Hanxing acted because of rational thinking. Do you have any rational thinking in it?

  Such a powerful monster, do you think it's a joke?If he died in this place at a young age, it would really make Murong Hanxing feel unwilling.

  However, if you let Murong Hanxing be in this place, and the few people who are alive alone stop to avoid, and then watch his good sister charge in front of him, he can't do it.

  Therefore, if Murong Xiaoxiao is advancing, then Murong Hanxing will definitely follow.No matter how reluctant he was in his heart, he still had to keep up, because Murong Hanxing was really too worried about his good sister. .

Chapter 1018

  "I don't have anything else to say. Since you have to move forward, I can only follow you forward. I can't just watch you die. If we have to die, I also hope Being able to die with you will at least give me some peace of mind when I die."

  At this moment, Murong Hanxing touched Murong Xiaoxiao's hair and said with a smile.

  "Hehehe, Murong Hanxing, what you said is really very good, ahem... Little Miss Wang Ruoxuan, if I see that you are in any danger, I will also protect you, Even if I give my life, I will be willing to protect you, and you will remember to stay close to me."

  Immediately afterwards, the Poison King couldn't help but joke with Wang Ruoxuan~.

  In fact, the Poison King still likes Wang Ruoxuan very much in his heart, so at this time, after seeing the touching words of Murong Hanxing and his good sister, he couldn't help but want to make a joke with Wang Ruoxuan. In half seriousness - this one thing.

  If he can protect Wang Ruoxuan, even if he needs to pay the price of his life, the Poison King is very willing, there is no way, who is the Poison King who is deeply fascinated by Wang Ruoxuan?

  This kind of thing that is dazzled by love, in this world, really happens too much.

  "Hee hee hee, don't say something like that. I don't have to ask you to protect me. I'm talking, don't you know that my strength is stronger than yours? You still need to protect me. Me, isn't it more appropriate for me to protect you?"

  At this moment, Wang Ruoxuan couldn't help talking to the Poison King.

  In fact, Wang Ruoxuan's strength is a proper strength in the middle stage of the gods realm, but the strength of the poison king is only the strength of the early gods realm.

  It can be said that Wang Ruoxuan's strength is really in the realm of cultivation, stronger than the Poison King.

  However, in terms of true comprehensive combat capabilities, then it is not necessarily.

  Because, what the Poison King cultivates is highly poisonous and profound.This highly poisonous profound truth is a very powerful and terrifying profound truth.

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  In terms of poison, under extremely terrifying circumstances, ranged attacks and long-range attacks can be erupted.

  Before you can get close, you may already be poisoned by the poisonous attack of the Poison King.

  "Hehehe, after all, I'm a man, it's a normal thing to protect a little girl, besides, my strength is not much weaker than yours, after all, I'm a poisonous profound meaning of cultivation, you I also know that the poisonous profound meaning is not an ordinary profound meaning."

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