Although the King of Poison was a little scolded by Wang Ruoxuan, the King of Poison would not mind Wang Ruoxuan's scolding that much. In fact, the King of Poison knew it himself. As far as the cultivation realm was concerned, he was the real one. It's not as high as Wang Ruoxuan's realm.

  However, from the perspective of comprehensive combat ability, the Poison King feels that he is not much worse than Wang Ruoxuan's combat ability.

  This is where the Poison King's strength lies.

  "Okay, okay, it's that critical moment." Wan.

Chapter 1019

  If you have the opportunity to protect me, I still look forward to your protection.Are you satisfied with my answer?hehehe..."

  Wang Ruoxuan also felt a little helpless. After all, as a beautiful woman, Wang Ruoxuan could of course understand what kind of careful thinking the man in front of her was.

  This Poison King, without a doubt, just fell in love with him and fell in love with him, and just took this opportunity to get closer to himself.

  However, what if you know the other party's idea?In his heart, in fact, the man he likes the most is the proper man, Zhu Hao.

  Yes, that's right. In Wang Ruoxuan's heart, the person she likes the most is Zhu Hao.

  Along the way, Wang Ruoxuan only cares about Zhu Hao the most.

  Wang Ruoxuan doesn't care about other people.

  Now, even in front of the Poison King, I still have to behave like that. I won't say that because I know the Poison King likes me, I will compromise too much with the Poison King.

  "Hey hey, I also know that the strength of the big guy is not completely on the same line, so I respect the inner decision of the little friends very much. If any of you decide not to go forward with me to deal with it. I can understand that powerful monster."

  At this time, Zhu Hao looked at those little friends and said with a smile.

  After all, he is still a reasonable man, not the kind of person who likes to use his powerful strength to forcibly oppress others.

  If it wasn't reasonable, then Zhu Hao wouldn't have come this far.

  With so many friends, working together to deal with various difficulties is what Zhu Hao likes to see.

  Instead of using your own powerful strength to force others to help you.

  At this time, everyone present began to fall silent.

  Yes, at this time, everyone is starting to think.If facing such a huge danger, if you don't think carefully, then you really disrespect your own life too much.

  It is still necessary to think carefully before deciding whether to go forward with Zhu Hao to deal with that powerful monster...  

  "Cough cough... That... I decided to rest in the back, after all, I know this strength in my heart, it is too low... I will just go up and add to you. It's just trouble."

  Immediately afterwards, Li Xiaodong, who was behind him, came up and spoke to Zhu Hao first.

  In fact, this Li Xiaodong's strength is really a very low strength, that is to say, this Li Xiaodong's strength is the bottom one in this big team, it is not too much.

  Therefore, at this time, Li Xiaodong took the lead and said that he should stop and not fight such a powerful opponent with Zhu Hao.

  It is also an understandable thing.

  Li Xiaodong's weakest strength, it can be said that in the face of such a powerful monster, any random attack from the monster may directly take Li Xiaodong's life.

  In order to ensure the safety of one's own life. .

Chapter 1020

  Li Xiaodong just said the words he didn't want to say.

  For the sake of his own safety, it is understandable to say something like this.

  Zhu Hao will not say anything to Li Xiaodong that makes him unhappy, because Zhu Hao is not the kind of person who likes to look down on others.

  Zhu Hao knew Li Xiaodong's strength. In front of the monsters in the Holy Spirit realm, this strength really had no resistance at all.

  If Li Xiaodong is forced to go up to 26 lines, it will really only increase his burden.

  Even if Li Xiaodong was to follow him, he would only stop Li Xiaodong after he reached that place and stop moving forward.It is impossible for Li Xiaodong and himself to really fight that powerful monster together.

  In this way, it is properly irresponsible for Li Xiaodong's life.

  Zhu Hao would not treat Li Xiaodong as a human because of his low strength.

  Now, after seeing Li Xiaodong say something like that, and then, less than five breaths passed, the two men of the bald man also came up and told Zhu Hao about themselves. idea.

  The two of them also want to stay.

  Because, the strength of the two of them is only the strength of the primordial spirit realm.

  This is not the point, the more important point is that during the previous battle, they were already physically injured, and they have not been able to fully recover.

  It is also very disappointing to fight against such a powerful monster in the Holy Spirit realm.

  So, for the safety of his own life, he still said these words. In fact, the bald man can understand their two partners.

  After all, people-oriented, others will like to follow you. If you don't consider the safety of others' lives, you only know that if you force others for your own interests, others will not like to follow you.

  As the leader of that team, the bald man didn't say anything about his two partners, he just nodded his head by default.

  On the side of the mustache and strong man, there was also a person who came out and said that he wanted to stay.

  That's it, it's settled, a total of four people will stay, and the rest will be willing to go forward with Zhu Hao to prepare to fight that powerful monster.

  " four, just find a relatively hidden corner to hide in this place. After I and the other friends defeated that powerful monster, we will come back to you, don't worry. , I won't leave you alone, I'm not that kind of person."

  Immediately afterwards, Zhu Hao talked to the friends who stayed before he was about to leave.

  This is to reassure them that they won't worry too much.

  "I know, I know, Brother Zhu Hao, we are deeply aware of your character. If you don't think about us, who else will? We will definitely believe you. Yes, go ahead and bless Zhu Hao, you will win!!"

  Immediately afterwards, one of the partners said to Zhu Hao with a smile.

  Just like this, Zhu Hao and these four friends said goodbye briefly. .

Chapter 1021

  Lead the other little friends to continue to move forward.

  In less than half a column of incense, Zhu Hao was already leading his large team to a place about ten meters away from the front, and then stopped.

  "Who are you, sign up!!"

  At this moment, among the large group of people on the opposite side, a strong bearded man suddenly came out and asked Zhu Hao and the others loudly.

  There was no politeness in that word at all, and it seemed that Zhu Hao and others were not taken seriously.

  Even if Zhu Hao and the others seem to have a large number of people, they still don't pay attention to Zhu Hao's team.After all, their team, with a larger number, can barely understand.

  However, Zhu Hao is Zhu Hao after all, so he won't mind it too much. After all, this kind of big man is only in the late stage of the primordial spirit realm, and he still won't mind the other party too much.

  "Hehe, we came to this place to look for opportunities, and now we just arrived at this place. I don't know why you gathered in this place? Maybe we can discuss some things together 々ˇ."

  Immediately afterwards, Zhu Hao took two steps forward and said to the bearded strong man.

  "Hahahaha...You brat, what do you think you are? You are just a young man in the primordial spirit realm, and you dare to talk like this to a powerhouse like us, you are really too much. I don't know where the sky is high and the earth is thick, I see where you came from, so go back to where you are!"

  However, the bearded and strong man on the opposite side didn't give Zhu Hao any face at all, and just looked down on Zhu Hao's words that made people feel uncomfortable.

  In fact, Zhu Hao was really a little unhappy, so Zhu Hao just continued to take two steps forward, and said word by word to the strong bearded man, which made him also impressed.

  "Cough cough... If you think I can't do it, you can come up and test my strength!!"

  Zhu Hao doesn't really want to fight this big guy, but if he has to look down on people like this, if he has to drive people away without saying anything serious, then Zhu Hao doesn't mind fighting this big guy. Move your hands.

  Anyway, at first glance, I can win, and it is impossible to lose to this bearded strong man.

  When I started with him, I just gave him a little bit of color to let him know that I had the strength to stand in this place and the strength to discuss that big matter with them.

  "¨ˇ Hey? You kid, you really don't know the sky and the earth, so well, I'll let you see what kind of skills you can use in this place (Nuo Wang is good) Good luck, look good on the boy, you are lucky today to be able to fight with me."

  Right at this moment, the bearded burly man, after having said those words directly, slammed his feet down a little and controlled his sturdy body, which gave Zhu Hao a sudden shock.

  That speed can be said to be fast, and it almost took less than a breath before hitting Zhu Hao. .

Chapter 1022

  Moreover, after getting closer, Zhu Hao was also able to see the arrogant expression of that guy from the face of the bearded strong man.

  It seems that he really didn't take Zhu Hao seriously at all.

  However, do you think your strength can really make Zhu Hao suffer?The truth is definitely the opposite. You can't make Zhu Hao suffer, but you have to make yourself suffer. I really have to say that a guy with no eyes...

  Today, you met Zhu Hao, and you dare to be so rude with Zhu Hao, it's your bad luck...

  Boom one by one

  The fist of the bearded strong man slammed into Zhu Hao's chest, but was blocked by Zhu Hao's equally strong fist.

  It is directly that the powerful god and demon that burst out of the body is practicing martial arts, and that power is also to the point where about [-]% of it burst out.

  Therefore, this huge force, on the spot, gave the bearded strong man to the whole body, and it flew out (cgdg) violently, and it flew out with a distance of about seven or eight meters. ! !

  "Cough cough cough... Damn it, I actually... I was actually kicked out by you kid?? I wasn't ready just now, I was just a little proud, it seems that you, a kid, still have a little bit of strength. Yes, but I still said that, your strength is still not enough to see!"

  Although his body was blown away by Zhu Hao's ruthless fist, this bearded man still didn't really realize how powerful his opponent was.

  Even if you still want to continue, the impact is once again.

  This time, there is no doubt that the bearded strong man has exploded more than [-]% of the power in his body.

  With such a strength, the bearded strong man already felt that he must be able to beat this Zhu Hao out.

  In the past, I was too careless, and this time it will definitely not be like that.

  To be kicked out by this young young man really made so many friends behind him laughed at him.

  Therefore, no matter what he said, he wanted to save face in front of a large group of partners behind him.

  However, your thoughts are good, and your ending will not be as good as your thoughts.

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