Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1706: Supreme God Store

Immortal emperor-level powerhouses can already be regarded as a master in the human world. You must know that even at the moment when the human world is coming, the existence of the immortal emperor level is not everywhere in the human world.

This old man was an old immortal emperor, this old immortal emperor stopped Gu Fei, and forced Gu Fei murderously, wanting to kill Gu Fei.

At this time, the supreme gods in the ancient city had not yet appeared, and these old antiques wanted to clear the scene.

This is the selfish thought of every person who wants to get the Supreme God Treasure. Naturally, the fewer people fight for the Supreme God Treasure, the better.

The powerhouses who smashed into the ancient city were all blushing. As long as they could obtain the Supreme Divine Treasure, they would use any method. Eliminating dissidents was one way.

"Want to kill me."

Gu Fei smiled, he was extremely calm, this old immortal emperor was really blind, and it was a bit sad to find himself.

"Little baby, if you want to complain, you will blame you for your bad life. You met me."

The fierce light in the old man's eyes flickered, step by step towards Gu Fei, his aura was also rapidly improving with his footsteps.

This old man is very careful. This is a lion fighting a rabbit. Although the boy in front of him is not very good at cultivation level, he still wants to kill with one blow.

"This sentence seems to be what I said to you."

At this time, the smile on Gu Fei's face became even brighter. At this moment, he no longer concealed his breath, and a wave of extreme strength rushed out of him.

It was like a giant dragon imprisoned, suddenly breaking free from its shackles, and instantly leaping above the nine heavens, gazing at the world, shocking the people.

From a weak ant to a giant dragon standing on the nine heavens, such a change was incredible.


The old man's face changed horribly on the spot, and the breath radiating from Gu Fei's body made his spirits shake, and there was an urge to bow down.

Such a change made the old man horrified. He thought he was in control of the other party's life and death, but at this moment, his own life and death was controlled by the other party.

The majesty of the old immortal emperor just now no longer knows where it was thrown, and replaced it with a look of horror, this seemingly young monk turned out to be a great power.

"There are eyes but no beads..."

The old fairy emperor's intestines are all regretful, but there is no regret in this world. He wants to kill Gu Fei, but he doesn't know that he is the prey.


Gu Fei didn't say much, he directly pressed it forward with a palm. Although the Old Immortal Emperor was powerful, in Gu Fei's eyes, it was no different from the ants.

The old Xianhuang's entire body exploded, and was directly beaten by Gu Fei with a palm.

Some monks who had attacked the ancient city happened to see this scene, and they all took a breath. A powerful immortal emperor was killed so easily.

Those people involuntarily retreated to the distance, afraid to approach Gu Fei.

Gu Fei ignored those people at all. He discovered that the blood of the old immortal emperor who had been blown by the palm of his hand had penetrated into the ground, and the essence was quickly absorbed.


Seeing this scene, Gu Fei felt a little bit uncomfortable. At this time, the number of monks who attacked the ancient city was increasing. There were two great men and soldiers over the ancient city who decided where they were, under the mighty power of the emperor and suppress the entire ancient city.

In the depths of the ancient city, there were horrible roars and roars from time to time. There were unimaginable evils in that area, but they were shocked by the two great emperor soldiers and could not come out.

Without the suppression of the two great emperor gods, once the powerful evil in the depths of the ancient city was killed, no one could resist it, even Gu Fei would retreat.

The appearance of the two great gods and soldiers gave everyone a chance to seize the supreme gods.

However, although the Supreme Divine Treasury is important, no one knows that it is necessary to enter the ancient city to die. You must know that living is more important than anything else.

Now that such an opportunity arises, it must be grasped.

After Gu Fei killed the old immortal emperor, he continued to march toward the depths of the ancient city. In a house a few miles away in front of him, there was immortal light and precious energy rising.

Where is only the edge of the ancient city center.

"The Supreme God Treasure."

Two divine lights shot out from Gu Fei's eyes, as if lightning struck in the void, he locked the house in front of him.

At this time, several figures appeared on the nearby roof, and some people also stared at the house that glowed with divine light and precious air.

All the strong men who ventured into the ancient city were hiding from the Supreme God, and no one wanted to back down.

In the house in front, there may be the Supreme God Treasure. That house has long been targeted by some powerful people, and Gu Fei is not the first.

"Listen, everyone, the house in front belongs to my Zhao family, and the others leave quickly."

Some people are yelling, declaring the ownership of the gods in front of them, but no one buys them. These people are jealous of the gods and will not give up easily.

"Shit, if you want to get the gods from the ancient Zhao family, you have to rely on your true ability."

An old voice sounded in the distance, and then, a tall figure came out in the mist. This was an old man who looked like a tiger.

"You old guy, get out, offend my Zhao family, you don't have good fruit to eat." It was a middle-aged man who was very strong.

The people of the ancient Zhao family relied on the human emperor's sacred tool Tiandao Mirror, and their attitude was very strong and their tone was beyond doubt.

You know, one of the two great artifacts in the sky is the Heavenly Mirror of the Huanggu Zhao Family. If the people of the Huanggu Zhao Family can completely control the Heavenly Mirror, the consequences will be very serious.

As long as a mirror light falls from the sky, even the ancient quasi-sages will be extinguished in form and spirit. That is the power of the emperor's level, and even the true saints will have to drink hate when they come.


The old man who looked like a tiger sank slightly, and then kicked his feet and rose directly from the roof, like a peerless tiger emperor, rushing towards the middle-aged strong man in the ancient Zhao family.


The strong man in the ancient Zhao family was taken aback. He had already seen the origin of the other party. This was an old white tiger, a strong man in the white tiger clan.

The White Tiger clan is one of the four great ancient tribes in the wild. The blood of the ancient supreme beast, the white tiger, flows through this group of people. This is a heritage that is not weaker than the human emperor.

The middle-aged strong man avoided.


The old man who looked like a tiger fell on the roof where the middle-aged strong man was, and the whole house shook violently. The tiger's might was heart palpitating.

"Hmm, hit it."

Gu Fei was overjoyed when he saw this scene. These people fought so hard that no one came to stop him. He jumped off the roof and disappeared into the street.

There are no ancient corpse soldiers in the streets here. Those ancient corpse soldiers are all attracted by the veterans of the ancient Li family and several other powerful fluctuations.

In other areas in the ancient city, many true saint soldiers are fully recovering. Such a force is enough to attract the ancient corpse soldiers in the ancient city to suppress them.

On the contrary, there are not many ancient corpse soldiers patrolling in other places where there is no fluctuation. This situation is very beneficial to Gu Fei.

Just when the strong of the White Tiger clan fought with the middle-aged man of the wild ancient Zhao family, Gu Fei was already close to the house that burst out of light and treasure from time to time.

"this is……"

When Gu Fei came to the door of this house, he was taken aback. There were two bronze gates with ancient Dao patterns on them.

Not only the bronze gate, but also the entire wall of the house, there are Taoist patterns looming, and the Taoist patterns on the house are intertwined, forming a powerful avenue force, suppressing the light and treasures in it. gas.

However, even if there are ancient Dao patterns in the town, the divine light rushes out from time to time in this house, and even Dao patterns cannot completely suppress the divine light in the house.

Gu Fei found that the house was not big, but it seemed that there was something suppressed in it.

"Divine light and treasure are looming, is it really the Supreme Divine Treasure inside."

However, Gu Fei knew that this kind of divine light and treasure appeared in other places in the ancient city, that is to say, there may be more than one divine treasure in the ancient city.

"This kind of doo..."

Gu Fei wanted to open the two bronze gates, but found that that kind of Dao pattern turned out to be an ancient Dao pattern evolved from a perfect avenue. In other words, the person who sealed the house was a supreme.

"What's inside..."

Gu Fei is very curious. The things that are worthy of the ancient supreme's hand to seal the seal are absolutely extraordinary. You must know that the ancient supreme is invincible in nine heavens and ten places. Among the three realms and six realms, there are not many things that can make the ancient respect look.


Gu Fei struck with all his strength and directly hit the two bronze gates with a fist, but the two bronze gates remained motionless under his blow.

This was a punch that Gu Fei hit with all his strength. Even a quasi-sage would not dare to take such a punch, and a mountain could explode.

"Do you want to use the mountain and river tripod."

Gu Fei hesitated. He raised his head and looked at the two mighty and mighty human emperor artifacts in the sky. He knew very well that as long as he took out the mountain and river tripod, the supreme artifact was stimulated by the human emperor artifact’s breath. It must be fully recovered.

Once Shanhe Ding fully recovered, even Gu Fei himself was not sure he could control it.

Since you can't use the supreme artifact, how to open these two doors.

Gu Fei began to ponder. He tried to communicate with Shanhe Ding with his mind, and then wanted to elicit a ray of chaos and great energy. After several attempts, the chaos and great energy on Shanhe Ding was successfully aroused by him.

Chaos Harmony Qi is the ancestral qi between heaven and earth, which can dissolve any power between heaven and earth. Back then, Gu Fei broke through the Buddhist Dao pattern that sealed the **** road with chaos hongmeng Qi and entered the **** road.

Since the Buddha lines of the ancient Buddha can be broken, the other supreme Dao lines should also be eliminated.

At this time, the chaos and majestic aura drawn from the mountain and river tripod had already moved to Gu Fei’s right hand. His entire right hand turned into a chaotic color, an infinitely long aura from his It spread over the right hand.

Without hesitation, he stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the two bronze gates.

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