Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1707: Supreme artifact recovery

Chaos and Magnificent Qi hovered on Gu Fei's right hand. He pressed his right hand on the two bronze gates. The moment his palm touched the gate, the whole house was lit up in an instant.

Countless Dao patterns were directly activated, exuding a supreme breath, shocking the heavens. At this instant, the ancient corpse soldiers in the entire ancient city fell like wood.

The supreme power exploded, the most evil power in the ancient city was suppressed, and the ancient corpse soldiers in the city lost control.


At this moment, the immortal martial corpse who fought against the old Taoist was beaten away by the old Taoist, fell into a pavilion, and never came out again.

"Supreme power, this..."

The old Taoist was not affected by the Supreme Divine Power, but his face became extremely solemn, and the appearance of the Supreme Power was not a good thing.

He comes from the ancient Li family, with secret treasures on his body, and he is not afraid of the supreme power.

However, other people were not so lucky. At the moment when the supreme divine might erupted, everyone felt that the soul was shaking, and that kind of fear originated from the depths of the soul.

Everyone knelt down involuntarily, shaking all over, terrified to the extreme.

It is useless even if someone has a sage soldier. In front of the supreme divine power, even the saints have to bow their heads in person, there is no suspense, because the supreme is invincible.


The heavenly mirror set above the ancient city shook with the imperial seal, and the emergence of supreme power made the two imperial soldiers react strongly.


Above the Heavenly Dao Mirror, countless human emperor Dao patterns are intertwined, and a destroying mirror light shines through from above, sweeping away towards the house below.

The emperor's power erupted, and the whole world was shaking.


When Gu Fei saw this scene, he couldn't help changing his color, and the human emperor's magical soldiers showed their might, and the inner gods were taking the initiative to attack, if the ancient human emperor was taking action.

Although he has a supreme divine weapon to protect him, he does not mean that he can compete with this power.


The mirror light from the heavenly mirror swept down from the sky, and the whole house suddenly shook. The Supreme Dao pattern imprinted on the house flashed a dazzling Dao light, and a powerful supreme power came out mighty.

The supreme Dao patterns are intertwined, resisting the mirror light of the human emperor's divine tool Heavenly Dao Mirror. Two supreme-level forces are colliding and canceling each other, and the entire ancient city is shaking violently.

After all, this ancient city is the Supreme God City. Although the shaking was intense, there was no sign of damage. The houses and pavilions in the city did not fall off even a single brick or tile.

The entire ancient city is extremely stable.

However, this was a pain for Gu Fei, and the power of the supreme level spread out, directly causing him to receive a great impact, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

He was horrified. He realized that the right hand, which was directly on the bronze gate, could not be withdrawn. His right hand was sucked on the bronze gate by a powerful force.

The supreme power of Chaos and Hongmeng Qi above the refining bronze gate.

The supreme power had to be gradually refined in the presence of Chaos Hongmeng Qi, the ancestral energy of heaven and earth, but this process was very slow, and the two essences were intertwining, making Gu Fei into a predicament.

"How could this be."

Gu Fei's martial arts real power was mighty and surging. He wanted to get rid of the suction power in his hand, but found that it was of no use at all.

In front of the supreme power, his own power is simply negligible.

"Where is it really going."

The thoughts in Gu Fei's mind turned sharply, the whole house was shaking, circles of transparent ripples spread, and the power of the supreme class almost broke his martial arts.

If you hesitate any more, I am afraid I will be completely destroyed.


Gu Fei roared, and immediately, a powerful breath burst out from his body. At this moment, the heavens were trembling, and the two great emperor soldiers above the ancient city were shaking.


A tremor came out of Gu Fei's body, and a large cauldron rushed out of his dantian, and then floated above his head.

Dao Dao, like a great dragon, fell from above the great cauldron, shielding Gu Fei inside, blocking the power of the supreme.


In the distance, the old Taoist was extremely shocked, the supreme divine instrument Shanhe Ding appeared, the supreme divine might was reviving, and the whole world was suppressed by a force.

The ancient city that was shaking has gradually calmed down.

The two great human emperor soldiers above the ancient city were shaking. The gods among the human emperor’s soldiers seemed to be very restless.


The whole house was constantly shaking, the Supreme Dao pattern was flickering, the divine light and precious energy in the house were also rushing, and the treasures in the house seemed to be rushing out.

However, with the suppression of the supreme Taoist pattern, it is impossible for the contents of the house to rush out, unless someone breaks the power of the supreme seal.

"Drive me."

At this time, Gu Fei was able to make a full shot, and the chaos and majestic energy surged from his right hand, intertwined with the supreme power above the bronze gate.

With this full exertion, the Supreme Dao Pattern on the bronze gate soon became dim, and the supreme power induced by the Supreme Dao Pattern was constantly being disintegrated by the Chaos Grand Qi.

"What is he doing..."

The old Taoist had already come close at this time, but at this time, several supreme-level powers were contending, even if the old Taoist had a secret treasure on his body, it would be difficult to get close to the house.

In the ancient city, except for a few people who can walk in the ancient city, everyone is already immobile.

The gods in the mountains and rivers are resurrecting, and the breath of the human emperor's soldiers is awakening the sleeping gods of the mountains and rivers, and the supreme divine power is gradually increasing.

This is a supreme divine cauldron that has appeared in the age of mythology. It has a cauldron that suppresses the might of heaven and earth. It is one of the most recognized artifacts among the three realms and six realms.

The chaos and majestic energy contained in the mountain and river tripod was inspired by Gu Fei, and the power of the supreme Dao pattern on the bronze gate was constantly being wiped out. Soon, Gu Fei's right hand passed through the supreme power on the surface of the gate and pressed it against the bronze Above the gate.

A cold feeling came from his right hand, causing Gu Fei to frown. At this moment, he felt a bad feeling.

In this house, there is really a Supreme God Treasure.

"Where did the little guy come from, there is a mountain and river tripod on his body."

The old Taoist was shocked to the point where it could not be added. He could feel the extremely strong fluctuations in Qi and blood on Gu Fei. This was a young strong man.

Chaos and omnipotence can dissolve all the forces between heaven and earth. Seeing someone about to break the supreme seal of the house, the old Taoist can’t help being frightened and angry.

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