Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1708: Open the Supreme Seal


The mountains and rivers shook, and the chaos and majestic aura was surging. That day, the ancestral aura completely submerged Gu Fei, and no one could see the situation inside, even those who had cultivated gods and celestial eyes could not.


The ancient city shook. At this time, the supreme power was fighting, and there was a great upheaval in the ancient city. A series of hideous and terrifying cracks, centered on the house, spread out in all directions.

This ancient fierce city was finally damaged.

The supreme-level **** city, it seems that it is difficult to withstand the collision of the three supreme-level forces of the two great human emperor gods and the supreme artifact Shanhe Ding.

Even the old Taoist who came out of the ancient Li family had to retreat.

The mountain and river tripod in the myths and legends is resurrecting, and it seems that a supreme has appeared in the heaven and the earth. The divine might that the mountain and river tripod reveals can crush the ages.

Who can contend with such a power?

"How is this going……"

Everyone was stunned. The Supreme Divine Might appeared in the ancient city. This is not a good thing. Under the Supreme Divine Might, who can look up.

This is the might of the supreme being standing on top of all beings.

The mighty power of Shanhe Ding suppressed the heavens, although it did not threaten everyone, but at this time, all the strong men who attacked the ancient city, except for a limited number of people, were the power to move their fingers. It's all gone.

This ancient tripod is said to have the supreme power of suppressing the nine heavens and ten earth, this is not a lie.

Near the house covered with supreme Taoist patterns, a figure stood on a pavilion, looking towards the mountain and river tripod.

This is a person standing completely in the dark, full of sullen air, giving people a gloomy feeling.

"That kid..."

Jiuyin Ancient Half Sage stared at the ancient cauldron suspended in the void in front of him, his expressions constantly changing. He and Gu Fei were the earth, and the other party actually possessed the supreme artifact, which was very detrimental to the entire Eastern family.

If you get into such a person, the Dongfang family is destined to suffer this disaster.

In the other direction, the old man Zhou Huang stood in the void, with a breath lingering in him, so that he could walk in the ancient city to China without fear of the supreme power.

"The Supreme God Zang will be taken away."

The eyes of old man Zhou Huang flickered from time to time, and the chaos in front of him was majestic, and the power condensed by the supreme Dao pattern on the house was constantly obliterated.

It was only a matter of time now that the man broke the supreme seal of the house.

At this time, under the Tao mirror that day, there was an old man standing. This old man was an ancient half-sage of the ancient Zhao family. This old man also had a mysterious atmosphere shrouded in his body, which could isolate the supreme divine might outside his body.

In the entire eternal fierce city, that is, only the four great powers can walk freely in the city. The others are all suppressed by the mighty power of Shanhe Ding, and they can't even move a finger.

These four powerhouses are all watching the front nervously.


Above the ancient city, the two great human emperor **** soldiers were trembling, and the gods in the heavenly mirror and the human emperor seal felt the threat from Shanhe Ding, and then voluntarily attacked Shanhe Ding.


The divine light of Wandao Dao was flickering, and the Heavenly Dao Mirror condensed the power of the Supreme Man’s Dao of Human Emperor’s Dao.

In the light of the mirror, there is the power of the imperial avenue, wherever it passes, the void of heaven and earth is directly annihilated. Peerless horror, even if the peak saint is photographed, it will also be destroyed.

However, the power of this great avenue is hard to wipe out the Chaos Harmony Qi, and the Chaos Harmony Qi rises and resists the heavenly mirror light that will sweep down from the sky.


Amidst the chaotic cosmic qi, there was a earth-shattering roar, and a big dragon rushed out from the chaotic cosmic qi, directly shattered the heavenly mirror light, and rushed towards the heavenly mirror.

"this is……"

The four powerhouses were shocked when they saw this scene. This big dragon was actually the legendary supreme beast Azure Dragon. Although it was not a true supreme beast, it was just a dragon soul, but it was enough to shock the world.

You know, the combat power of that ancient supreme divine beast is enough to call Banji Dao supreme.


The blue dragon soared into the sky, the sky and the earth shook, and the heavenly mirror that was fixed in the sky shook violently, and was almost knocked away by the blue dragon.

The human emperor's divine soldiers shook, and the emperor's divine might exploded, crushing the blue dragon that rose up into the sky.

The heavenly mirror and the human emperor seal shook together, and the mighty human emperor's divine might shook the entire ancient city and the entire Xutian realm, causing hundreds of millions of lives in Xutian to tremble.

The two lords of the emperor and the soldiers showed their power together and finally resisted Shanheding's counterattack.

When the two great emperor **** soldiers confronted Shanhe Ding, Gu Fei had already aroused the chaos and magnificent energy to pattern the supreme Dao above the bronze gate.

Gu Fei's brows were frowned by the cold air coming from behind the bronze gate.

Without the Zhenfeng of the Supreme Grade Dao Pattern, these two bronze gates could finally be opened, even Gu Fei felt a little nervous.

Dao divine light and precious energy leaked from the bronze gate, and Gu Fei could feel a kind of spiritual fluctuation in the divine light and precious energy.


Gu Fei pressed the right hand on the bronze gate hard, trying to push the two bronze gates open. However, under his push, the two bronze gates only shook, and he could not push them at all. open.


The two bronze gates were too heavy, like two ancient sacred mountains, even Gu Fei had to be surprised. With his pushing force, even a real mountain could be knocked down.


There was a low roar in Gu Fei's throat, both of his hands were pressed on the bronze gate, he carried his martial arts power and pushed forward.


With a dull sound, the two bronze gates were finally pushed by Gu Fei, revealing a gap, and a yin wind blew out from the gap.

Gu Fei only felt that he was getting goose bumps. This yin wind even felt cold to his bones. If other people were blown to the upper body by this yin wind, he might instantly become an ice sculpture.

"How can it be so cold."

The anxiety in Gu Fei's heart became even stronger. Through the gap of the bronze door, you could see the divine light gleaming inside, the precious energy rising, and there really seemed to be a lot of divine treasures inside.

However, a breath of extreme cold was surging in the room, which seemed incompatible with the divine light and treasure in the room, which made Gu Fei a warning sign.

The bronze gate was gradually opening, and the dazzling divine light made Gu Fei almost unable to open his eyes. The precious energy was vented from the slowly opened gate like mercury pouring down.

Even the chaotic humongous energy can hardly completely block these divine light and treasure qi, and from time to time, the divine light penetrates the chaotic humongous energy that is swaying from the mountains and rivers and shoots out.

"The Supreme God Treasure, that guy opened the Supreme God Treasure..."

On the roof in the distance, the four powerhouses were shocked. That kid actually opened the Supreme God Treasure. You know, the Supreme God Treasure was sealed by the Supreme God.

Even if these people have imperial soldiers in their hands, they are asking themselves that it is impossible to break the Supreme Seal and open the Supreme God Treasure so easily.

"It's really unreasonable."

Jiuyin Ancient Half Sage stared at himself. At this time, he couldn't do anything. Shanhe Dingzhen was sealed there, and even the human emperor gods could not blast Shanhe Ding away.

"We fully drive the two giants of the emperor's soldiers to blast away the mountains and rivers." The old Taoist from the ancient Li family shouted loudly.

The four powerhouses have some kind of secret treasure on them, which can isolate the supreme divine power from outside, so as to keep themselves in the best condition.

"it is good."

Jiuyin Ancient Half Sage was the first to nod his head. He didn't want Gu Fei to obtain the Supreme God Treasure. If Gu Fei were to monopolize the Supreme God Treasure, then the Eastern Clan would face a more terrifying Gu Fei.

The old man from the Huanggu Zhao family also agreed, and Zhou Huang from the Huanggu Zhou family also felt that this was the best way to get the Supreme God's possession.

The four powerhouses reached a consensus, and then all of them soared into the sky, rushing towards the heavenly soldiers.

The veteran of the ancient Li family and the elder of the ancient Zhao family joined forces to drive the Heavenly Mirror with all their strength, and the gods in the Heavenly Mirror had already fully recovered.


Driven by the combined efforts of the old Taoist and the strong of the ancient Zhao family, the Heavenly Dao Mirror issued a strong blow, and the peerless and powerful Human Emperor erupted.

Under this strong blow, the chaotic cosmic qi below was broken by the mirror light, and the mirror light directly shone on the mountain and river tripod.


The mountain and river tripod shook, and a circle of visible ripples spread from the mountain and river tripod, and the strongest heavenly mirror light was shattered by the ripples.

The old Taoist and the old man of the ancient Zhao family vomited blood and flew back.

On the other side, the ancient half-sage of Jiuyin and Zhou Huang temporarily let go of their grudges, and the two of them worked together to control the seal of the emperor, and suppressed the mountains and rivers below.

There is no suspense, the human emperor magic weapon is nothing but a magic weapon refined by the world’s enemy-free emperor. Although it is infinitely close to the supreme artifact, it is not the supreme artifact in the end.

But Shanhe Ding is a supreme artifact that has appeared in the age of mythology.

The two great human emperor magic soldiers couldn't help Shanhe Ding at all, and it was even more impossible to fly the mountain and river cauldron. However, the attack of the human emperor magic soldiers affected Gu Fei to some extent.

"These bastards..."

Gu Fei shouted angrily and continued to push the door. At this time, the bronze door was open enough to allow one person to enter and exit. Then, he didn't think much, and walked inside.

"this is……"

When Gu Fei entered the house, he was immediately shocked by what he saw in front of him. In the middle of the house, there was a coffin and a crystal coffin.

The real reason that made Gu Fei dumbfounded was that there was a woman lying in the crystal coffin in front.

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