Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1710: Unusual Supreme God Store

The supreme **** is mighty, and in the house sealed by the supreme, the crystal coffin seemed to sense the threat, and it shook.

Dao Dao Supreme Power Condensed the Great Dao God Chain is vibrating, countless Dao patterns are lingering, the Supreme Power erupts, Da Dao God Chain seals the crystal coffin.

The supreme road pattern in the entire house gave out a bright avenue divine light. There is a supreme avenue in the house evolving, and the sound of the avenue is lingering.

It is as if there is a supreme supreme preaching, reciting the supreme Taoist sound. This kind of Taoist sound enters the ear, giving Gu Fei a feeling of enlightenment.


Gu Fei felt the dim "Tao", and his soul was almost caught in a deep level of sentiment, but it was not good to enter that state at this time.

However, at this moment, the immortal spirits sitting cross-legged in the ancient Fei Niwan Palace flew out, one by one the ancient immortal talisman condensed around the immortal spirit, and then imprinted on the original spirit. .


Gu Fei was shocked. He felt that his primordial spirit seemed to resonate with the sound of the Great Dao in the room. The ancient fairy talismans were branded on the primordial spirit, making him clearly feel that the primordial spirit was present. grow.

"Could it be that the supreme seal here was actually set by the legendary ancestor of the Supreme Dao."

Gu Fei knew that his primordial spirit was practicing the Immortal Dao technique, which was different from his own Martial Dao technique. Therefore, he did not deliberately practice the Immortal Dao technique.

However, although he did not deliberately cultivate the soul, his soul, as his cultivation level continues to improve, is also growing independently.

At this time, his Immortal Dao Yuanshen actually resonated with the Supreme Dao here, which was a great surprise to Gu Fei.

This time in the Xu Tian realm, it seems that no one can have such a big gain as himself. Not only did he get a complete peerless fierce sword, but also one of the nine secrets of immortality.

This kind of blessing is not something everyone can have.

And now, his soul has also been nourished. This is the ancient immortal talisman condensed by the Supreme Immortal Dao, imprinted on the soul, making the little soul, like the immortal coming from the nine heavens. The light illuminates the whole house.

The power of the supreme immortal Dao exploded, and the trembling crystal coffin was finally restrained by the Supreme Dao divine chain entwined on it, completely suppressed.

Throughout the ages, countless cultivators, only the Supreme Dao ancestor who pioneered the path of immortality became the supreme, and then, although countless people have embarked on the road of cultivating, no one can become the supreme.

The path of the supreme can be re-traveled, but the supreme cannot be copied. There is only one supreme ancestor of the immortal way, and that is the supreme ancestor in the legend.

Therefore, if the supreme Taoist pattern of this house is really the immortal Taoist pattern, then the person who placed this supreme seal must be the Supreme Taoist ancestor.

Who is the woman in the crystal coffin actually wanted the Supreme Dao Ancestor to seal it.

Those Dao God Chains entwined on the crystal coffin can only be broken unless the supreme comes personally or the supreme artifact is fully recovered.

Of course, Gu Fei did not dare to break the seal laid by the Supreme Dao Zu, who knows what the seal is in that crystal coffin.

If there is a supreme corpse sealed in the crystal coffin, then there is a big problem.

Since there was no Supreme God Treasure, Gu Fei wanted to leave, but when he saw the immortal spirit immersed in a strange state suspended in front of him, he hesitated.

He could feel the magical feeling of listening to the Supreme Immortal Dao, because the primordial spirit's induction would be transmitted to his own soul.

The immortal spirit resonates with the supreme immortal way. To a certain extent, this is also a kind of supreme gods, Gu Fei's original spirit, will get unimaginable benefits.

Thinking of this, Gu Fei simply sat cross-legged on the ground, arousing the chaos and majestic energy to protect his body, waiting for the end of his immortal Dao Yuanshen Martial Dao.

And at this time, outside the house, there was also the mighty chaos and grandeur, and a large cauldron floated and sinked in the grandeur, revealing the supreme divine might that shocked the heavens.

In the sky above the ancient city, there are two great human emperor **** soldiers heaven mirror and human emperor seal.

After the two great human emperor **** soldiers were repelled by Shanhe Cauldron, they did not launch an attack again, and the **** among the human emperor **** soldiers felt the power of Shanhe Cauldron.

Like the supreme divine weapon, the human emperor's magic weapon is conceived from within.

The fully resurrected Human Emperor God Soldier can actually attack and kill opponents without the control of others. At this time, the old Taoist and the old man Zhou Huang have already retreated.

They were already hurt by Shanheding's counterattack.

Damage to vitality is not a trivial matter. Even with the existence of an old Taoist, he does not dare to take it lightly. He has to retreat temporarily and stabilize his injury before he can take action.

The Emperor God Soldier and Shanhe Ding were facing each other, the whole ancient city was silent, and the air seemed to freeze. Only the house where Gu Fei entered, there was divine light rushing out from time to time.

Among the houses, the Supreme Avenue is evolving.

There seemed to be the voice of the Great Dao in the void. This kind of Taoism was extremely precious to the old Taoist. He came from the ancient Li family and was the heir of the legendary Supreme Taoist ancestor.

The clansmen of the ancient Li family have the blood of the Unshang Dao ancestor in their bodies.

The old Taoist sat in the void hundreds of miles away from the ancient city. He caught the Taoist sounds coming from the city. He was surrounded by the divine light of the Immortal Taoism, and the little man sitting cross-legged between his eyebrows actually resonated with Tao.

That is the immortal spirit cultivated by the old Taoist people.

At this time, around the little person sitting in the middle of the old Taoist's eyebrows, there are also ancient immortal talisman condensed, and then branded on the soul.

However, the ancient immortal talismans that appeared around the primordial spirit of the old Taoist were dim, and there was not much immortal Dao power condensed on the ancient talismans.

This is also a kind of inheritance, each ancient talisman contains the profound meaning of the supreme immortal way, as long as it can be penetrated, it can become the supreme supreme immortal way.

However, this is the "Tao" created by the Supreme Taoist ancestor. It seems impossible to fully penetrate the "Tao" created by others.

The "Tao" created by each individual belongs only to the individual and can only be completely suitable for the individual.

And everyone's fate is different, which is destined for everyone to take the same path, only the "Tao" created by oneself is the most suitable for oneself.

The old Taoist is already a quasi-sage, as long as he takes the first half step, he is a saint.

However, it is difficult to take this half step, and at this time, the bottleneck of the old Taoist's cultivation has a trace of loosening. This is the influence of the Supreme Dao left by the Supreme Taoist ancestor.

You know, the Supreme Immortal Dao created by the Supreme Dao Ancestor can not make people become the Supreme Immortal Dao, but it is still possible to become a Immortal Saint.

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