Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1711: Sword Strikes Human Emperor God Soldier

With the coming of the world, the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth becomes tangible, and it is no longer as elusive as it used to be. Such a change in the world gives all monks the opportunity to enlighten the Tao.

In the hundred years of the human world, although the time is very short, the cultivation world of the human world has blossomed, and countless powerful men have emerged.

Some heaven-defying characters have been singing all the way in this short century and have grown into powerful existences that can compete with the semi-sage.

This kind of situation is absolutely unimaginable before the coming of the great world. You must know that a hundred years, for the monks, is just a snap.

Some old antiques are hundreds of thousands of years in retreat, which is a real day in the mountains, thousands of years in the world.

Of course, certain heaven-defying figures appearing in the cultivation world have different opportunities to obtain divine treasures or techniques that can make them heaven-defying.

However, this kind of great opportunity is not something everyone can encounter, and now Gu Fei, in the Void Sky Realm, has encountered great opportunities one after another.

In the house that was sealed by Supreme Dao Zuzhen, there was the mark of the road left by Wushang Dao Zu, and Gu Fei's Immortal Dao Yuan Shen got great benefits.

The ancient supreme ancient talisman is branded on his soul, which is a kind of inheritance of the supreme Taoist ancestor, and each ancient Taoist talisman contains Taoism.

As long as he can understand this kind of immortal Taoist talisman, he can become the second supreme Taoist ancestor.

However, Gu Fei knew very well that he would not become the second Supreme Dao Ancestor, because there is only one Supreme Dao Ancestor, and that is the Supreme Dao Ancestor.

Throughout the ages, being able to become the supreme person has created his own perfect road.

The ancient fierce city was shaking, and the mountain and river tripod was suppressed in the ancient city, confronting the two great men and soldiers in the sky. This kind of power confrontation made the hundreds of millions of creatures in the Void Sky Realm tremble.

The evil force in the ancient city has completely converged, and the terrifying existence in the depths of the ancient city does not dare to appear. The supreme divine might can suppress everything.

Except for a few strong men with secret treasures on their bodies, no one can resist the supreme divine might.

It is the most powerful existence in the Void Sky Realm. At this time, you have to bow your head, without any suspense, the Supreme is invincible and irresistible.

The supreme is too strong, the supreme artifact they refined is also the most powerful artifact in the world, with the imprint of the supreme, it can emit supreme power.

If the supreme artifact is in the hands of the supreme, it can show the terrifying power of destroying the world.

The chaos and majestic aura was lingering, and the whole house was enveloped by the chaos and majestic aura, but even so, divine light still rushed out of the house from time to time.

Even the power of Shanhe Ding couldn't completely isolate the divine light from the house.

In the house, countless supreme Dao patterns are intertwined, and it seems to have turned into an ocean of avenues. Where is the ancient flying disc, motionless, a little man hovering above his head, blooming with billions of immortal Dao lights, there are countless The ancient Taoist symbols lingered around the villain.

In the void, there seemed to be the voice of the Supreme Taoist ancestor preaching and chanting the profound meaning of the Supreme Immortal Tao.

Gu Fei's primordial spirit is still growing at this time, and countless ancient Taoist charms are looming on his primordial spirit, which is the evolution of a complete immortal way.

The only way to comprehend Gu Fei's understanding of Immortal Dao.

This is enlightenment. No one can help Gu Fei. Only if he "enlightens" himself, he will get it. If he doesn't "enlighten" then he won't get anything.

And on the high sky outside the ancient city, there is also a person who is enlightening the Tao, that is, the old Taoist from the deserted ancient Li family. The voice of the Great Dao is lingering in the void and captured by the old Taoist.

This kind of great opportunity was met by the veteran.

The old Taoist is extremely powerful and is an ancient quasi-sage. It takes only half a step to become a celestial sage. However, after this half-step, he has been stuck in this half-step for countless years.

At this time, his cultivation shackles seemed to loosen.

If you can successfully break through, there will be an immortal saint in the human world. Once he is sacred, he will jump out of the three realms. If he is not in the five elements, he can already ignore the laws of heaven and earth.

However, although the veteran Taoist captured the great voice of the Supreme Taoist ancestor, he did not make him break through the shackles of cultivation and become a saint in one fell swoop.

Twelve hours later, Gu Fei's primordial spirit woke up from a deep level of enlightenment, his primordial spirit became extremely stable, and the ancient Taoist talisman faintly appeared on it.

Gu Fei could feel the enormous power of the primordial spirit contained in his primordial spirit, and that the power of the primordial spirit would be able to resist even that sage soldier would be able to withstand the power of such a spirit.


The primordial spirit sitting in the sky above Gu Fei's head turned into a divine light, which instantly submerged in the center of his eyebrows and returned to the Niwan palace.

At the moment when the Yuanshen returned, Gu Fei's Niwan Palace seemed to have the voice of the Great Dao Ancestor sounded, and the Yuanshen sat in the Niwan Palace with a solemn treasure.

The immortal light from above the soul illuminates the entire Niwan Palace.

In the other part of Niwan Palace, a world of heaven and earth is evolving, where is the inner world that Gu Fei has opened up. Unexpectedly, this time Gu Fei’s primordial spirit was baptized by the Great Dao ancestor’s avenue, and the primordial spirit became extremely powerful and could fully sense it. To the subtle place in Niwan Palace.

Before that, Gu Fei's primordial spirit could not fully perceive the existence of the inner world in his Niwan Palace, and only Gu Fei's divine mind could enter that inner world.

But at this time, Gu Fei's primordial spirit could sense the existence of the inner world in the Niwan Palace.


Gu Fei exhaled a long breath, then stood up from the ground.

At this time, the supreme Dao pattern laid by the Supreme Dao Ancestor completely suppressed the crystal coffin, and the crystal coffin was nothing unusual anymore.

"It's time to leave."

Gu Fei got what he wanted, so naturally he wouldn't stay here. The great voice in the house disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

"what happened."

Just when the voice of the Great Dao disappeared, on the high sky outside the ancient city, the old Taoist also woke up from the state of "enlightening Dao", he was surprised and inexplicable.

The disappearance of the Dao Shen Yin made him almost vomiting blood. He is at a critical juncture. As long as he can continue for a while, he may be able to break through the Saints Road.

However, sometimes there is such a coincidence, although the old Taoist is frightened and angry, but there is no alternative.

"Could it be that my cultivation can only stop at the quasi-sage forever."

The old Taoist was unwilling, just a short while away, but it was this moment that made him lose an opportunity to enter the Avenue of Saints.

"I must get the things in that room."

The old Taoist knew that the voice of the Supreme Taoist Patriarch came from the house where Gu Fei broke into. As long as he could enter, he could get what he wanted.

However, at this time, where there is a mountain and river Dingzhen, unless the Supreme is in person, or the old Taoist has a supreme artifact in his hand, he can pass the level of the mountain and river.


At this moment, the mountain and river tripod above the house in the town suddenly shook and screamed, and then, the chaos and majestic energy that enveloped one party began to recede like a tide.


Seeing this scene, the eyes of the old Taoist suddenly lit up.

A figure appeared in the primordial chaos. He controlled the mountain and river tripod and rushed to the outside of the ancient city. He wanted to break the seal of the ancient city and rush out directly.


Just as Gu Fei took the Shanhe Ding and rushed out, a bright divine light swept down from the sky, and went to the Shanhe Dingdong.

The human emperor and the gods are attacking voluntarily, and the heavenly mirror evolves into the supreme power of the great avenue and turns into a divine light. Wherever it passes, the sky and the earth are directly annihilated, leaving nothing behind.

This kind of human emperor's power is infinitely close to the supreme power, and its power is not imaginable by ordinary people.


Just as the divine light that rushed out of the heavenly mirror swept away, a roar suddenly came from the mountain and river tripod, and a beast shadow rose into the sky and greeted the heavenly mirror light.


This was a big collision, and the entire ancient city was almost about to fall apart. This was a counterbalance between the supreme power and the human emperor's power.

To a certain extent, this is an alternative confrontation between the emperor and the supreme, and the mirror of heaven represents the emperor of the ancient Zhao family.

And the origin of the mountain and river tripod was mysterious. In that very long mythological age, this supreme artifact had already appeared, and no one knew that it was made by the supreme sacrifice.

The age of mythology is really too far away from today.

When the Heavenly Dao Mirror launched the attack, the Human Sovereign Seal also moved, and a large seal radiated endless divine light, and the invincible Human Sovereign power was smashed directly from the sky.

Under the attack of the two great emperor **** soldiers, the mountain and river tripod was constantly shaking, but the beast shadows constantly rushed out from the mountain river tripod, and the supreme divine might erupted, blocking the power of the two great emperor **** soldiers.

Even so, the surging prestige that opened up almost destroyed the entire ancient city.


Gu Fei was angry. It is true that the Buddha has fire. He didn't provoke the two great men and soldiers in the sky, but they refused to let Gu Fei go.


Gu Fei gritted his teeth and released another supreme artifact, a sword rang for nine days, and a purple golden light rushed out of Gu Fei's Dantian.

In the purple golden light, a divine sword was looming.

That was the Zijin Divine Sword. The moment it sensed the fluctuations of the Human Emperor's Divine Weapon, the gods in the Zijin Divine Sword revived, and a peerless and powerful sword aura appeared between the world and the earth.


The purple gold sword light rushed for thousands of feet, slashed directly from the ancient city, broke the power of the human emperor's gods, and directly smashed the Tao mirror that day.

Too strong, the Zijin Divine Sword is the supreme divine weapon that dominates the attack, and the combat power displayed is extremely fierce.

"Another supreme artifact."

Seeing this scene, the strong outside the ancient city were shocked to the extent that they could not be added.

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