Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1717: Five Elements Sword

The demons in the hundreds of thousands of mountains are extremely ancient. According to legend, they are the traditions handed down by a demon ancestor. They have a great background and are a source of demons in the human world.

"Unexpectedly, I came here."

Gu Fei stood on a mountain peak outside the Demon Realm, a hundred miles away, the sky and the earth were dim and the devilish energy lingered, and the scene from the outside world was simply two worlds.

A magical aura shrouded the ground in front of him. Although Gu Fei was a hundred miles away, he sensed the aura and felt an irritable impulse.

This kind of situation rarely occurs in his body. You must know that he is dedicated to the strongest power, and along the way, his mind has been tempered to be as firm as a rock.

No wonder there are only demonized creatures in the Demon Realm except for the demons.

The demon nature in the demon realm can affect the mind of the cultivator, and then inspire the cultivator's inner demon, so that the cultivator who enters the demon realm in front is demonized into a demon.

At this time, no one among the demons had noticed Gu Fei's arrival. In the mountains in front of him, the silence was terribly silent, and no sound was heard.

"Where are these demons."

Gu Feiyun raised the Godhead of the Heavenly Dao, and in his eyes, there was Tao Yun lingering, and the Godly Eye of the Heavenly Dao could see through all the illusions in the world to the origin.

However, under the gaze of his heavenly gods, it is also difficult to see the depths of the demon realm in front of him, which is not a good thing.


At this moment, Gu Fei's pubic area was filled with muffled noises, like a wind and thunder rolling, and a powerful breath came out of his pubic area.

"The Half-Holy Tribulation has been launched."

Gu Fei could feel that powerful destructive force from heaven and earth was rapidly condensing in his inner heaven and earth, and the half holy heavenly calamity induced by Hei Tian was about to explode.


Gu Fei no longer hesitated anymore, he rose directly above the mountain peak, and then, like a big bird, instantly leaped over a hundred miles away and plunged into the demon realm of that side.

"this is……"

When Gu Fei had just entered the Demon Realm, a powerful Demon Dao aura immediately spread from the depths of the Demon Realm. At this time, it finally alarmed the Demon Race in the Demon Realm.


A roar came out from the mountains surrounded by devilish energy, the whole area was shaking, and a terrifying figure turned out from behind a low mountain in front.

This is a demon wolf, completely black, with magic light flowing on its fur, and a pair of blood-colored pupils, staring at Gu Fei, as if it might pounce towards Gu Fei at any time.

With the sound of the wolf howl, various roaring and roaring sounds were heard in the devilish-wrapped mountains immediately, and the monsters within a thousand miles were trembling.


Gu Fei stepped on the Eight Desolate Void Steps, and instantly appeared in front of the Demon Wolf, and slammed the demon wolf directly with a fist, and the violent power shook the void.

There is no suspense in this kind of battle. Gu Fei is powerful. With just one punch, he has already beaten the demon wolf with blood and flew thousands of feet away.

An extremely powerful demon wolf can't stand Gu Fei's punch. If anyone sees it, no one can believe it, but this is a real existence.

Just when Gu Fei hit the demon wolf with a fist, the roar in the distance was approaching quickly, and many powerful monsters were rushing towards Gu Fei.


A nearby mountain suddenly collapsed. Amidst the dust of the sky, a huge animal shadow rushed out, and a pair of sharp claws directly grabbed Gu Fei.

"court death."

Gu Fei sneered, but he had no interest in these monsters. He directly waved a pair of iron fists and rushed forward. The next moment, the blood was splashed, and the huge monster "touched." The body of the monster was directly in the air. It exploded in the void.

The mighty monster was beaten to death by Gu Fei.

He didn't want to be entangled with these monsters. After he killed the extremely powerful monster, he directly rushed through the fog in front of him, and flew towards the depths of the demon realm.


The monsters roared and the sound shook the sky. All the monsters chased Gu Fei. For these monsters, the vigorous vitality on Gu Fei's body was simply a light in the dark, extremely conspicuous.

"Who is so daring to come here is really impatient."

In the mountains deep in the Demon Realm, many figures appeared, and the demon aura shrouded in the Demon Realm became even stronger.

Someone saw Gu Fei rushing towards them.


At this moment, in the Demon Race camp, someone directly attacked Gu Fei, and the Demon Race would kill all the monks who broke into the Demon Realm without mercy.

A big hand appeared above Gu Fei's head, and grabbed it towards Gu Fei. The pitch-black big hand was formed with endless magic power. If it was caught by this big hand, it would be hard not to die.


Gu Fei punched out again, blasting away the big hands that had been caught from the sky. The powerful demon clan who shot was affected, and he spouted a mouthful of blood, and his expression was instantly paused.

"So strong..."

Seeing that Gu Fei could actually regret that Demon Race, and shocked that Demon Race, the other Demon Races couldn't help being dumbfounded, where are the Human Race monks.

The powerful demon among the hundred thousand mountains did not often walk in the world. These powerful demon people did not know Gu Fei, and did not know that Gu Fei was a fiend.

"Go together and kill him."

There was a demon clan shouting, and the other powerful demon clan immediately surrounded Gu Fei, and the powerful demon power revived in the body of each demon clan powerhouse.

The entire void was shaking, and there were six powerful demons at their hands. Such a force gathered together, and even the quasi-sages were moved.

And the way the six powerful demons stand is very unusual. This is a joint attack formation. The six people gather six forces with this attack formation.


Seeing this kind of attacking formation, Gu Fei's eyes lit up. This is an ancient battle formation, with a team of six people. The combat power displayed is so powerful that even he feels danger.

Gu Fei allowed the six powerful demons to form a battle formation, but did not stop it. He wanted to see where the power of this battle formation could go.


The leader of the demons roared, and a magic knife rushed out of his body. This is an ancient soldier with countless Dao patterns imprinted on it, and a cold murderous aura spread.


The demon clan shot, the magic knife gathered the power of the six great demon clan experts, and truly awakened, the magic knife turned into a black light and strangled towards Gu Fei.

The fluctuations of the magic power that spread from the magic knife are peerlessly powerful.


Gu Fei slammed his fist directly, and slammed his fist against the black light that strangled him. On his fist, there was a pattern looming.

That magic light was directly smashed out by Gu Fei with a punch, even if it was a magical holy soldier, Gu Fei's martial arts had reached the point where it could compete with the holy soldier.

The martial art of a successful martial artist is extremely powerful, and it is not inferior to a real saint.

According to legend, in that very long past, the supreme martial ancestor who pioneered the martial arts, did not sacrifice and refine his own supreme magic weapon.

Because Wuzu doesn't need the supreme magic weapon, for him, he himself is the best magic weapon.

"how can that be……"

The six powerful demons were all stunned when they saw this scene. The body of this human race was so powerful, and it was incredible to regret the demon's holy artifact.


The six powerful demons roared together. Although they were shocked by the strength of Gu Fei's body, they quickly recovered, and then ran the battle formation to kill Gu Fei.

Every powerful demon clan rushed out of the peerless and powerful magic power, and the six powers were intertwined to form an ancient and simple magic map, and they killed Gu Fei town in it, wanting to live Gu Fei. Obliterated.

"this is……"

Gu Fei's expression became extremely dignified. The Demon Race among the 100,000 mountains was extraordinary, and the inheritance of this bloodline might really be the tradition handed down by a certain demon ancestor in ancient times.

The six Demon Race powerhouses are all Demon Dao powers. If these six Demon Race powers are separated, none of them will be Gu Fei's opponent, but if they are united together, they can fight endless battles with Gu Fei.

The magic figure loomed, and the ancient magic road patterns were gathering the power of the magic road, and the powerful magic road holy might be able to scare away all the beasts in the nearby area.

In the magic formation, Gu Fei felt a great deal of pressure, and his body seemed to be pressing on an ancient sacred mountain. If it were of ordinary power, he would have been obliterated by this magic drawing.

It is a pity that these six powerful demons met Gu Fei.

"Drive me."

Gu Fei exhaled and a powerful force erupted from his body, and the void around him shook under the impact of this force.


He punched a strong chaotic fist, blasted out a punch, emptied the chaos, and became extremely strong, and the magic map that was shrouded in the sky above his head was directly broken up by him.

The six powerful demons all vomited blood and flew out.


Gu Fei divided his hands, and the martial arts power in his body was circling quickly. Five voids appeared around his body, and each void contained a divine sword.


The five divine swords vibrated together, and the five elements in the five voids were absorbed by the five divine swords in an instant. Then, the five divine swords turned into five shocking sword lights and rushed out.

Five of the six powerful demons were overtaken by the Shocking Sword Mang in an instant, and they were killed directly without even making a scream.

The remaining demons were frightened, turned around and fled.

However, the outcome of this powerful demon clan was already doomed when he met Gu Fei. Gu Fei had no softness. The five sword lights instantly rushed together and turned into a colorful sword, turning in the air. , He caught up with the strong demon clan who had fled, and then twisted up, directly strangling the strong demon clan into a cloud of blood.

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