Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1718: Half-Holy Heaven and Half-Holy

In the outskirts of the Demon Realm in the hundred thousand mountains, the six great powers of the Demon Race were all beheaded by Gu Fei, and the rice in the void was filled with a pungent smell of blood.

The six demon races have a joint battle formation, and their combat power is strong enough to compete with the semi-holy, and they may not be killed by the semi-holy, but what they encounter is not the semi-holy, but also powerful.

However, it was this human power that broke their joint battle formation, and killed them one by one with a force of destruction.

These six powerful demons couldn't understand until their deaths, why this human race was so powerful.

After slaying these six powerful demons, the fluctuations of the Heavenly Tribulation from Gu Fei’s Dantian became even more violent. In his inner world, it was like rushing into a terrifying ancient behemoth. The world is shaking.

In Gu Fei's inner world, there are many creatures, the Ancestral Dragon Immortal Potion is rooted in it, and the undead army that Gu Fei wants to build is also in it.

There can be no loss in the inner world.

Especially the Ancestral Dragon Immortal Medicine. Although the Immortal Medicine says that it can be immortal, it does not mean that this Immortal Medicine can resist the heavenly catastrophe.

The Half-Holy Heaven's Tribulation is too powerful. Although the Ancestral Dragon Immortal Potion is psychic and knows the bad luck, but in Gu Fei's inner world, where can it hide.


Just after Gu Fei killed the six powerful demons, there was a roar from the depths of this demon realm, and the whole world was shaking with this roar.

A peculiar and powerful demon aura came out from the depths of the demon realm.

"Devil half holy."

Gu Fei sensed this magical aura, his face couldn't help becoming dignified, the Demon Realm among the hundreds of thousands of mountains, there are indeed many powerful people, not long after he came in, he encountered a semi-sage.

In the world of human cultivation, there are many superpowers who know the existence of the Demon Realm in the hundred thousand mountains, but the Demon Race in these hundred thousand mountains has always existed.

No one has ever been able to kill the Demon Realm in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Since ancient times, the Demon Realm in the Hundred Thousand Mountains has been the source of the demon in the Southern Wilderness.

In the hundred thousand mountains, there have been many peerless great demons, and in the several dark turmoil that occurred in the human world, there have been the figures of the demons of the hundred thousand mountains.

The demon semi-sage is peerlessly powerful, but Gu Fei didn't mean to be afraid, even the ancient semi-sage can fight endlessly with him, afraid of this demon semi-sage.

He stepped on the Eight Desolate Void Steps and took one step, and the person disappeared in place. When he appeared the next moment, he was already thousands of miles away.

This speed is faster than teleportation.

"Okay, kind."

There was a demon howl in front of him, the demon half-holy did not rush out, he was waiting for Gu Fei, this human race really knew how to die, and even came to die by himself.

Da Neng is to the upper half holy, even a fool knows how it will end, to the half holy, Da Neng is like an ant, although the demon half holy has not really become holy, but he has already taken a half step.

Existences stained with the word "Holy" are all peerlessly powerful.

Soon, Gu Fei came to the front of a mountain. A big mountain stood above the ground. Around the big mountain, there were seven hills, just like the Big Dipper, guarding the big mountain in the middle.

"this is……"

Gu Fei stopped. He couldn't help being taken aback when he saw this terrain. Such a terrain was extraordinary, and there was a powerful magic power shrouded in it.

The terrain formed by the sky and the earth seems to really echo the Big Dipper in the sky, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

"Kill my disciple, I will suppress you in the Nine Nether Demon Fire for thousands of years, so that you will suffer the pain of refining the soul." A huge voice was heard among the seven hills guarding the mountain.

On the top of that mountain, there was a magic palace, and a magic shadow came out of that magic palace.

The powerful aura of the semi-holy demon race leaped from the demon shadow, shocking one side, a pair of blood-colored pupils, scanning towards Gu Fei.

At this time, on the seven hills around the mountain, many powerful demons also walked out.

"There are many people who want to kill me, but I'm still alive."

Gu Fei stood in the void, extremely calm, even if he was a half-holy demon, it was hard to move him. Although half-holy was powerful, the half-holy demon on the mountain in front was obviously not the half-holy ancient.

The true ancient half-sage has lived countless years and experienced countless things. There is a trace of years on his body, infinite vicissitudes and loneliness.

Living for a long time is sometimes not a good thing, because most of the contemporaries of the ancient semi-saints have died, and their former companions have turned into a pile of loess.

"Bold, dare to talk to the Seven Star Demon Venerable like this, **** it."

On the seven hills, a great demon rushed out with a devilish energy to the sky. In the devilish energy, a demon tiger with wings on its back rushed towards Gu Fei in the sky.


Gu Fei gave a cold snort, and in the next moment, he disappeared in place.


Seeing this scene, the Seven-Star Demon Venerable on the top of the mountain immediately jumped in his heart, and at this moment, a tragic roar sounded, and the body of the demon tiger exploded.

A figure rushed past in the devilish energy, exploding a cloud of blood behind him.


When the powerful demons on the seven hills saw this, they all took a breath. This human race is only a realm of great power, how can it be so strong.

This tiger demon can cultivate on seven hills, which is enough to show that it is strong. In this area of ​​thousands of miles, the tiger demon's cultivation base can definitely rank in the top ten.

You know, this is a powerful demon who is about to take that step.

"Could it be that the Wuzu line was born again."

On the top of the mountain, the demon half-holy voice standing in front of the demon palace sounded, and only the legendary human martial arts could possess such a powerful physique.

"Martial ancestors."

The powerful demon ancestors on the seven hills are all moved. Wuzu, among the demon clan among the hundred thousand mountains, is a taboo. According to legend, the demon ancestor among the hundred thousand mountains died in Wu Zu's hand.

"I will meet you."

On the other hill, a big demon with a height of three feet tall, like a giant, holding a magic wand with a mace, stepped on the ground with his right foot, and his figure rose up into the sky, looking murderous towards Gu Fei.

The whole hill shook under the step of this troll.


The giant demon was full of magical power. He held up the mace with both hands and smashed it directly towards Gu Fei. The mace was like an ancient magic mountain, smashing into the void and directly annihilated.

This giant demon with a height of three feet is actually not a real human race, but an ancient race in the ancient years. It is born with a power type.

This giant monster hit with a stick, and even a real mountain would be crushed to pieces.

However, an unbelievable scene appeared. The human power only stretched out a finger and blocked the full blow of the giant demon.


All the monsters were dumbfounded, Gu Fei just stretched out his right hand, and then put his index finger on the mace, which blocked the blow.

"how is this possible……"

Even the Demon Semi-Holy on the top of the mountain had to be moved at this time. The physique of this human race was so powerful that it was abnormal.

The power of this giant demon is absolutely beyond doubt. You must know that this race of giant demon is born a strong man, and the powerful body is definitely one of the best among the demons.


Seeing that Gu Fei blocked his mace with just one finger, the shock of the giant demon could not be added, and the human race in front of him was very dangerous.

He used the strength of the milk, his mace could hardly sink any more.


At this time, the half-holy demon on the top of the mountain moved, but immediately rushed to the vicinity of Gu Fei. The speed was so fast that Gu Fei was surprised.


At this moment, with a move of Gu Fei's right hand, a powerful martial arts power erupted from his fingers, and the whole wolf-fanged magic wand exploded immediately.

Numerous fragments shot in all directions, and the first to bear the brunt was the giant demon, who was directly pierced into a sieve by the numerous fragments exploded by the wolf-fang magic wand in his hand.

Countless demon blood rushed out of the giant demon, but at this time, he was not dead, and after retreating quickly, a stream of pure and incomparable demon power spread from the Niwan Palace.

Under the nourishment of this magic power, his body is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It is not easy to kill the existence of the great energy level. As long as these existing souls are still there, they can fully recover. To kill the giant monsters, they must destroy their souls.

"go to hell."

The Demon Clan Semi-Holy took a shot, and he stretched out his big hand, and directly shook the countless mace fragments that were shot at him, and then slapped away at Gu Fei.

"I'm afraid you won't come."

A sneer appeared on Gu Fei's face, and then, he directly opened the inner world, and a figure fell out of his inner world.

A powerful force of destruction suddenly appeared between heaven and earth.


The sudden change made Demon Clan Semi-Sage be shocked, but in an instant, the blow he hit at Gu Fei had to be taken back.


Countless lightning flashes suddenly appeared without warning, and swallowed the demon semi-holy demon. There was no trace of these lightnings at all.


Soon, the half-sage of the demons flooded by lightning let out a horrified roar, this is a half-sacred catastrophe, he has experienced it, nine deaths, he finally survived.

However, at this time, the Half-Holy Heavenly Tribulation appeared again, which made this Demon Race Half-Holy sound the most terrifying scene he had ever experienced.

At this time, the power of the tribulation had exploded, and countless lightning shrouded the mountain and seven hills. The moment the countless demons were swept by the lightning, they turned into ashes and disappeared directly.

And when Gu Fei threw the black sky away, he avoided it long ago.

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