Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1719: Slaughter


The heaven and the earth were dim, and the entire sky was suppressed. The terrifying might of the heaven and the earth suddenly came to this area, frightening the demons, and the semi-holy tribulation was extremely powerful, as if the end had arrived.

Lines of lightning, as huge as a mountain, directly appeared in the air, bringing the terrifying power of the horror to destroy everything. This is the will of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Heitian became semi-sacred, and the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth felt that Heaven and Earth had fallen.

Countless demon heads fell under the catastrophe, and were blasted by the terrifying thunder and lightning. Under this catastrophe, even Heitian himself faced a great challenge.

Heitian's figure floats and sinks in the endless robbery thunder, a nearly transparent divine sword flying around him, revealing the cold sword aura, helping Heitian resist the power of the robbery.


Amidst the roaring thunder, there was an angry roar, and the half-holy demon clan was shrouded by hundreds of thousands of thunderbolts. Even if he was a half-holy, he was in danger of falling.

Thunder and lightning traveled within a radius of hundreds of miles like a silver snake, sweeping everything it passed.

This area is the territory of the Seven-Star Demon Venerable. The Seven-Star Demon Venerable is a powerful man who has emerged among the demon races in the hundred thousand mountains, and controls the area of ​​thousands of miles.

The scope of the Shiwanda Mountain is so vast that no one knows what is in the depths of the Shiwanda Mountain. Even the Demon Clan among the ancient Zhou family and Shiwanda Mountain could not get a glimpse of the secrets in the depths of the Shiwanda Mountain.

The place occupied by the Demon Realm in the mountain is just a corner of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Even if it is a corner, it is almost comparable to any of the four realms in the south, east, north and west of the human world.

The area controlled by the Seven Star Demon Venerable is only the outer area of ​​the One Hundred Thousand Mountain Demon Realm.

The real superpower in the Demon Realm is in the depths of the Demon Realm. According to legend, there are ancient demons sleeping in the Demon Realm, and some of the powerful Demon clan in the ancient years have survived to the present.

This kind of existence is extremely powerful, and this is the foundation of the demon realm among the hundred thousand mountains.

At this time, the Seven-Star Demon Venerable was trapped in the Half-Holy Heaven Tribulation, and encountered great danger, as if the terrifying Tribulation Thunder that could destroy the sky and the earth was enough to threaten his life.


A Jie Lei rushed past him, Jie Lei just swept his sleeve, and the sleeve immediately turned into dust and dissipated into the void.


The Seven-Star Demon Venerable was shocked and angry. He opened a shield with his fist strength and enveloped himself in it. However, even so, the thunder and lightning still broke the shield from time to time and hacked in.

This demon clan is half-holy and peerlessly powerful, and even the half-holy calamity can hardly hurt him for a while.

However, other demon races are not so lucky. Above the big mountain and among the seven hills, there are usually many powerful demon races practicing.

In the endless robbery thunder, screams sounded from time to time, and a powerful demon clan fell under the thunder, which made the Seven Star Demon Venerable almost vomit blood.

These powerful demons were their most powerful subordinates, and they fell like this, and the Seven-Star Demon Venerable was furious, roaring again and again, trying to rush out of the thunder.

However, the area covered by the robbery thunder is not small, and the Seven-Star Demon Venerable successively displayed the demon clan's great skills, but it is difficult to get rid of the half-holy robbery.

At this time, Heitian's semi-sacred heavenly calamity finally broke out, and the terrifying force of heavenly calamity turned the region within a radius of nearly a thousand miles into a peerless and fierce land.

Heitian was floating in the thunder, and countless lightnings kept smashing. The invisible divine sword vibrated again and again, blocking the endless thunder for Heitian, giving Hetian a chance to breathe.

Had it not been for the existence of the invisible divine sword, Hei Tian would be really dangerous.

Countless Dao patterns condensed in the void around Heitian's body, and then imprinted in his body, and the yin and yang celestial power circulated rapidly in his body.

A ray of Shengwei began to emerge on him.

After the baptism of Heavenly Tribulation, Heitian's yin and yang immortal body is gradually transforming, transforming into a semi-holy immortal body. In his body, countless Dao patterns are intertwined into array patterns.

An inner world is taking shape. It is the world opened up by the formation method. It is different from the general inner world. The inner world is full of formation patterns. If anyone falls into it, I will never come out again.

Controlling such a world will double Hei Tian's combat power. This is the formation world created for battle.

The benefits Hei Tian has gained are undoubtedly huge. His cultivation has broken through several small realms in a row. As long as he survives this half-life catastrophe, he is half-sage.

Semi-Holy, this is a powerful existence that walks horizontally in the human world, especially Hei Tian, ​​if he becomes a Semi-Holy, he must be much stronger than a normal Semi-Holy.

The movement of the Half-Holy Heaven's Tribulation was so great that the smaller half of the Demon Realm could sense it, alarming countless demons, and even some old antiques jumped out.

"What's the matter? It doesn't seem that the strong of our clan is trying to overcome the catastrophe."

On top of a mountain, a vague demon shadow said such words, this is an old demon, this old demon is exposed on the skin outside the clothes, vaguely covered with a layer of fine scale armor.

"Someone came to my clan's territory to cross the robbery."

Some powerful demons already knew what had happened, and the powerful human race broke into the demon realm and triggered a semi-holy calamity.

This is something that has never happened before in the history of the Demon Realm in the Shiwan Dashan Mountain.

Heitian's crossing of the Tribulation shocked the demons. Soon, some of the demons discovered the existence of Gu Fei. The Human Race and the Demons were the enemies of life and death. Without much words, a great battle broke out.


One side of the magic seal sent out shocking waves, and smashed towards Gu Fei standing in the sky. Some powerful demon clan directly attacked Gu Fei, trying to destroy the guy who broke into the demon domain.


Gu Fei sneered, he didn't evade, and punched directly.


Gu Fei's fist slammed on the magic seal the size of a hill, and flew out the magic seal, leaving a fist mark on it.

With that fist mark as the center, countless small cracks spread on that side of the magic mark, covering the entire square of the magic mark. The powerful demon clan who shot the shot spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot, his expression stopped. .

This side of the Demon Seal was almost smashed by Gu Fei's punch, which made the demon strong who witnessed this scene shook inexplicably. This human race is peerlessly powerful, but he is just a great power.

Gu Fei's combat power stunned all the demons. The demons who shot just now were extremely powerful, and had already stepped into the semi-sacred realm with one foot.

The magic seal on that side is a rare magic weapon, a magic path quasi holy weapon refined by the quasi holy sacrifice.

Such an existence is not an opponent, so if you have to invite a semi-sage, or even a quasi-sage of the demon race, it may be able to kill this human race.

Those powerful demon races did not dare to attack Gu Fei easily, but Gu Fei did not have any scruples. He stepped on the Eight Desolate Void Steps and rushed directly into the Demon Race to kill.

The powerful demon clan was constantly smashed to death by his fists. As long as the demon clan hit by Gu Fei’s fist, they all turned into a cloud of blood, and they were directly destroyed.

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