Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1737: Qianhuanxiezun

The battle in the chaos continues. Even if it is as strong as the ghost emperor of Fengdu, it is difficult to suppress the turmoil for a while, and even if the far north shoots, it seems that it is difficult to suppress the two evil forces. .


Peerless and terrifying evil power emerged from the depths of the chaos, where it became the most terrifying place, and no powerful creatures dared to approach it.

The extinct evil light constantly shot out from the chaos, directly tore the chaos, penetrated the barriers of the big world, and penetrated into the virtual world, making all the cultivators in the virtual world at risk.

Peerless evil threats deter all beings in the world. Even the most powerful existence in the human world has to be moved. There are also powerful auras in some forbidden places in the human world.

The water in the human world is very deep, I don't know how many people lurking in the world, but these existences will definitely not appear easily. Up to now, only the Fengdu Ghost Emperor and the Jibei are in action.


The chaos and the void vibrated, and the yin and yang qi was vigorous, and the two essences were intertwined. Where does a yin and yang Taiji diagram float and sink, revealing supreme fluctuations.

This is a magical weapon comparable to a human emperor's magic weapon, yin and yang blend, metamorphosing into the avenue, this kind of sacred weapon is the carrier of the avenue, and can show the strongest power.

And under this Taoist artifact, there was a crystal coffin fixed there, and the endless evil spirit was leaking from a crack in the crystal coffin.

The yin and yang Taiji chart was horribly fluctuating, and the side was sealed and the crystal coffin was placed below, but the situation was not optimistic.

The evil power emanating from the crystal coffin was constantly improving, and the evil power inside seemed to be endless, as if the most terrifying evil ancestor in the world had awakened.

The **** map was shaking, and the evil force in the crystal coffin was too strong. Even with this Taoist tool, it seemed very difficult to completely suppress this evil coffin.

Ten thousand yin and yang essences hang down from the **** map, and every yin and yang essence is like a big dragon, revealing peerless and powerful fluctuations.

On the crystal coffin, there are blood-colored evil spirit patterns looming, and the inside is chaotic, and it is impossible to enter it. The crystal coffin is only left with a gap, but it is the evil force radiating from this gap. Can already compete with the Yin and Yang God Map.

It is hard to imagine how terrifying this crystal coffin would be if it were fully opened.

In the other direction, Fengdu Ghost Emperor was fighting a evil shadow, and the thrilling drums of war continued to be heard. Vaguely, the sound of thousands of troops and horses rushed out in the chaos.

In the virtual world, many people were shocked to the extreme. When the Demon Ancestor of the Extreme North Demon Land was born, many people witnessed the battle. Back then, the Fengdu Ghost Emperor was thunderous and called the world The heroes in the world battle with the Demon Ancestor.

The drum sound of that year sounded again, but this time, the sound of the war drum did not spread throughout the Three Realms and Six Paths, and Fengdu Ghost Emperor did not call other people of the world to come.

"Unexpectedly, there were still missing fish back then."

Fengdu Ghost Emperor's voice sounded, and he seemed to know this peerless evil demon who was fighting with him endlessly. This demon may have existed in the same era as Fengdu Ghost Emperor.

"Hmph, I didn't think that the little fur boy of the year had grown to this point." A cold voice sounded, and the figure of the evil demon faintly appeared in the void.


A terrifying evil force broke out, and an evil soldier broke through the chaotic void between the two powerful men and slashed towards the Fengdu Ghost Emperor in front.

This is a magic axe, which instantly changes to the size of a mountain, with evil patterns constantly emerging on it, intertwined with ancient and evil patterns.

"Thousand illusion evil respect, today is your death date."

Fengdu Ghost Emperor shattered the chaotic void in front of him and directly opened his own inner world. A ghost domain appeared in the chaos, and countless ghosts screamed, this kind of sound made the scalp numb.

"You little fur boy, you were your invincible elder brother back then, and you dare not say that you can kill me, just rely on you, just like killing me." The evil shadow said coldly.

Fengdu Ghost Emperor has a great background. He is the supreme younger brother, his elder brother, who has fought all over the nine heavens and ten places, is invincible in the three realms and six realms, and is the strongest existence in the world.

As the brother of the supreme, Fengdu Ghost Emperor's cultivation level can indeed sweep the strong below the supreme in that era, but when the big change comes, even the supreme will fall.

Fengdu ghost emperor was also beaten to death and had to create a way of ghost repair.

The great changes that year had spread too far, endless creatures died in that catastrophe, even the prehistoric world was shattered, and countless powerful races disappeared.

Since then, the supreme has disappeared, the saint has disappeared, the world has been reorganized, and the universe has been transformed into a wasteland.

"Those who don't know whether they live or die, you dared to say these words in front of my elder brother." Fengdu Ghost Emperor shot, behind him, there were countless ghosts.


Fengdu Ghost Emperor roared, standing in that ghost domain, he raised his fist and blasted towards the hacking axe. The countless ghosts behind him followed the Ghost Emperor's movements and punched out at the same time.


The endless ghost power was erupting, and under the impact of this power, the magic axe that was chopped down vibrated, the magic energy was dissipating, and the giant axe inside was exposed.


The great axe vibrated, the evil patterns on it flickered, and there was a kind of evil power condensing, and it was this power that was contending with the power of the ghost emperor.

This magic weapon was blocked by Fengdu Ghost Emperor with a punch, which surprised the evil demon. The opponent was stronger than he thought.

This demon lurked in the ancient fierce city, controlling the corpse soldiers in the ancient city, and has been recuperating. Just hundreds of years ago, the Shanhe Ding that he had always wanted was taken away.

This is the treasure of heaven and earth that he has guarded for countless years. If it weren't for his cultivation at a critical juncture and couldn't leave the customs, who could take away the mountains and rivers.

And now, these people broke into the Void Heaven Realm again. This time, these people brought the Human Emperor God Weapon and forced them to take action.

He hates madness, only a few hundred years later, he will be able to return to his peak state, but it is these people who broke his own major events and made his previous efforts useless.

"go to hell."

Qianhuan Xie Zun frantically urged the evil power in the body, and the vast evil power was continuously poured into the magic axe, and with the blessing of this evil power, the magic axe sank down hundreds of feet, and it had already entered Fengdu. The inner world of the ghost emperor is gone.

However, the downward trend of the magic axe was stopped. No matter how the Thousand Illusion Venerables drive the power, the magic axe can no longer sink the slightest.

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