Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 1738: Supreme Evil Corpse

Fengdu Ghost Emperor is fighting against Qianhuan Xie Zun, and that Qianhuan Xie Zun is a contemporary existence with Fengdu Ghost Emperor, peerlessly powerful, and fighting endlessly with Fengdu Ghost Emperor.

"Qianhuan, do you only have this level, then you can wait to die."

Fengdu Ghost Emperor's voice was incomparably plain, without a trace of emotion. In his opinion, these demons would only mess up the world, and they were all damned.


The magic axe vibrated, and there was a wave of sword aura that was as strong as a wave, but the power of Fengdu Ghost Emperor was too strong, and the magic axe could hardly shake the inner world of Fengdu Ghost Emperor.

"Now it's my turn."

As Fengdu Ghost Emperor said, he waved his hand and flew out from the depths of his inner world and landed in front of him.

An infinitely long breath came out from this battle drum.

"this is……"

Seeing this war drum, the thousand phantom evil venerables couldn't help being shocked. The old war drum was covered with traces of time, and dried blood can be seen vaguely on it.

"It's that man's drum."

Qian Huan Xie Zun did not dare to neglect, the magic axe as big as a mountain flew back, and then watched vigilantly at the Fengdu Ghost Emperor in the ghost realm ahead.

Fengdu ghost emperor has great courage. He imitates the imitation of the ancient times and wants to build a real underworld. Over the years, he has contained countless ghosts and ghosts in his inner world.

His inner world is extremely stable, and he is not afraid of attacking by the thousand illusion evil venerables.


The drum sounded, and with the sound, a circle of naked-eye ripples spread from the ancient war drum. Where this transparent ripple passed, everything was annihilated directly, and even the chaos stopped. .

Then, the chaotic energy of the blockbuster also disappeared and turned into the most primitive existence.


Qianhuan Xie Zun was roaring, his faint and unreal figure flew back hundreds of miles away in an instant, and the condensed form almost collapsed.

The ancient war drums had the supreme sound and killing power, and it severely inflicted this mortal demon all at once.


Qian Huan Xie Zun was shocked to the extreme, the power displayed by that battle drum was too great, if it hadn't been for the magic weapon to protect him, he would have fallen.

That magic axe turned into a big bell at this time, covering the thousand phantom evil venerables inside.

This magic weapon of Qian Huan Xie Venerable seems to be able to change into various forms. It is extremely mysterious. On the big bell, the evil pattern is densely covered, which to a certain extent cancels most of the power of sound killing.

"You are an extraordinary magic weapon."

Fengdu Ghost Emperor was a little surprised when he saw that his attack had only severely damaged Qian Huan Xie Zun. He knew the power of this war drum. Back then, even the Demon Ancestor had to worry about this war drum three-pointer.


At this moment, the magic bell rang, and the silent sound wave spread away from the magic bell, shattering the chaotic void.

"It's overwhelming."

Seeing that Qianhuanxiezun compares Pinyin killing technique with himself, Fengdu Ghost Emperor smiled.


The ancient war drum rang again, but it rang for a while, and the killing sound spreading above the magic clock was immediately dissipated, and the sound of the war drum was overwhelming and unstoppable.


The magic bell wailed, the ancient war drum, and the great sound-killing technique that made this magic weapon suffered a great impact, and the Thousand Illusion Evil Venerable and the bell was shaken out of the distance.

This time, that Thousand Illusion Xie Venerable revealed his true body. It was an old man with a slender figure. His clothes were torn and rotten, and in some places even decayed.

This worldly demon was suppressed for endless years in the fierce city of the ages, but this demon was so impressive that it broke the seal and turned a good **** city into a dead city.


Seeing that the situation is not good, the Qianxiexiezun turned around and left.

"Where to escape."

Of course, Fengdu Ghost Emperor wouldn't let this evil demon escape so easily. With a wave of his hand, he put away Inner Heaven and Earth, and then he held a war drum and chased him down.

The two great existences disappeared into the chaos in an instant.


At this moment, a dazzling divine light pierced through the chaos and shot towards the place where the Yin-Yang Taiji **** map was. The human emperor's aura was mighty and spread out from that divine light.

An ancient mirror floats and sinks in the chaos. Below the ancient mirror, there is a figure sitting cross-legged. This person is the great figure of the ancient Zhao family.

This big man from the Zhao family controls the heavenly mirror and wants to suppress the crystal coffin.


The terrifying evil erupted, and the crystal coffin shook, and countless **** evil patterns gushed out of the coffin. The **** evil patterns were like small snakes, walking around the crystal coffin, constantly intertwining.

A cloud of blood emerged, covering the crystal coffin.

The divine light emitted by the heavenly mirror shone on the blood light outside the crystal coffin, and it was difficult to penetrate the blood light, which shocked the powerhouse of the Zhao family.

"how is this possible……"

He never thought that the supreme evil corpse in the crystal coffin was so terrible, and it would have such power before the real one came out of the coffin.


In another chaos, a big seal broke through a certain seal and rushed out. Below the big seal, stood a person standing in the darkness.

A cold breath spread from this person, and the surrounding chaos seemed to be frozen by this cold breath.

This person is the ancient half saint of Jiuyin of the Eastern family. He and the great figure of the ancient Zhao family teamed up to break through the ancient city, but he was conspired by the Qianhuanxie in the ancient city to use the ancient city. The supreme remnant formation in the center drove the two into the chaotic void.

The Supreme Formation is extremely powerful, even if it is the Remnant Formation, its power is amazing. At this time, these two talents have rushed out of the Supreme Remnant Formation with the strength of the Human Sovereign Divine Soldier.

"This supreme evil corpse is really evil."

Jiuyin Ancient Half Saint sensed everything around the crystal coffin, and couldn't help but secretly startled, and even the picture of the **** in the far north couldn't suppress this evil corpse.

If this is the case, then no one in the entire human world can suppress the supreme evil corpse in this crystal coffin.

At this time, the human emperor seal above the head of Jiuyin Ancient Half-Holy radiated hundreds of millions of divine light, blocking all the surrounding chaos.

The Human Emperor Seal is like an ancient sacred mountain, suppressing it towards the crystal coffin.

The crystal coffin kept shaking, even if the three strongest forces joined forces, it was difficult to completely suppress it. This scene made Jiuyin Ancient Half Saint and the others unbelievable.

At this time, Gu Fei's figure also appeared nearby. When he sensed all this, he was also shocked. The Supreme Evil Corpse is too evil.

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